This Early 2000's Dating Show Is Pure Insanity

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- It's Kristmas time and that's Kristmas with a K. An entirely new non-denominational holiday for us to celebrate together. Get in the Kristmas with a K spirit by heading over to to grab the new merch. We've got a long sleeve Kristmas sweater, and a new Kristmas beanie and a bunch of other items are restocked as well. Check it out. (crowd cheering) Hey there welcome back to my channel. If you're new here, what's up. How's it going? And if you're coming back, what's up. How's it going? (upbeat music) It's really good to see you again. I hope you're doing well. You see what happens and you subscribe to my channel and you get an extra greeting at the beginning of every single one of my videos, except for that one time. So press that subscribe button. I know I said last video that I put my plaques on the wall. Sorry. All right, folks. I'll admit it. Okay, I'm a nineties baby rant change. My nineties diaper. I'm a nineties baby. I grew up in the golden age of fashion technology and entertainment. You kids don't know you kids don't know nothing. Well, I was born in 94, so I don't really remember too much of the nineties, but the early two thousands where the best I'd come home from school. I'd have some Dunkaroos. I nudge my crush on MSN. I draw one of those S's I listened to simple plan on my Walkman and I'd watched television just so much television I'd watch a huge TV. TV's were so big and not that way like that way I don't mean to body shame, old TVs but they were double-checked up for no reason. And if you've been subscribed to me for a while you're aware of my obsession with early two thousands television made several videos about shows that were produced at that time. Like he's at the VIP Mansour's man tracker prank patrol. There's a bunch, but there's something about them. That's just so fascinating to me. I don't know why maybe it's nostalgia. Maybe it's just because they're all just so and saying, which brings us to the topic of today's video dating show. They were absolutely huge in the early two thousands. They were bigger than the backs of TVs. You had shows like blind date. Next. I shot at love with Tila tequila, parental control room Raiders, and Many more. And Mandy, and there were all Sorts of these weird like competitions slash games slash dating shows. And they all had some sort of weird gimmick that went along with it. But at the end of the day the shows were just about two people falling in love with each other, even though I don't think any long-term relationship was ever formed on next, you know, wow, your husband is great. How did you know he was the one, you know, it's funny you asked me that we were on the set of next. And I heard him say, curvy girls make my junk Twitch. And I just had to have it's beautiful. But when I mentioned those shows those are like the heavy hitters. You know, those are the big popular ones but of course there were other shows that were trying to be as popular as that one. Right? For example, there was one show that aired for six episodes in 2001. And I only found out about the show recently. It wasn't very popular when I was younger. And that's the show that we're going to be looking at today. And the show was called chains of love. I wanted to make a video about the show because the premise is just bonkers and misery loves company. So I'm bringing you along. So let's see how this show works. - The new series chains of love shattered that calm as one gutsy woman Or man is chained to four members of the opposite sex witness the anger, the honesty, the sex, your main interest in me know your competition and the connections. - Yeah, if you didn't catch that, here's how it works. So there's the main person there known as the picker, okay and their arms and legs are chained to four people of the opposite sex. And they're known as the players, they spend four days chained together. The picker sends home one person every day until they're left with one person. This is like, if jigsaw was hired to write a dating show - Do you want to date a girl? - And Oh yeah. The picker also just has $10,000 to give to the guys when they send them away. I was like a parting gift, I guess. And at the end of the show, they can either take all the money and just leave the last person or split the money with the last person and continue to date them. So realistically, you could just bite the bullet, go through this thing for four days. And you make $10,000. That's $2,500 a day. And you just have to be chained to four dudes from 2001. It's easy money. I do that for free or whatever. Now we know how the game works. Let's meet the picker - This week. Stephanie, a beautiful writer and model will be moving into this glamorous house. - I am also designing. I just have this like innate ability to design clothes. - Come on, I used to get those shirts at like theme parks like the little booth where they airbrush shirts. You know what I'm talking about? You go up to the guy and he's like what do you want the shirt to say? And then you go Bay blade. And then he goes, I hate my life. Maybe that's what she means. Since she's the one telling the airbrush guy at the theme park, what she wants the shirt to say then she's the one designing it. Even though he's doing all the work. I ordered a delicious steak at Applebee's last night. I guess you could say I have an innate ability to cook delicious steak. All right. Now we know what Steph is all about. She's a model. She's you know, she's adventurous. She's fun. She's super good at designing clothes - Innate ability to Design clothes. - So now it's time we meet the fellows alright we got Jason the strong, silent type he's smart, handsome, and charming. And then we got Alan, the nice guy. - I'm not going to treat you like a princess of hear me in a bitch. - Oh, did I say nice guy? Fuck, I meant total asshole. Dammit, Sorry. Cause wow dude. What a crazy thing to not only say, but lead with Holy man. You think the director was just like, Alan what do you? Say one cool thing about yourself. I'm not going to treat someone like a princess if they're being a bitch. Okay. Most people say they like going to the beach or something. No, I said, bitch, not beach. No. I know Allen. You're a bitch. And you're a mean? And I'm a bitch. All right, next fellow. We got Pete he's athletic fun and kind of a goofball. And when I say kind of a goofball I mean borderline functioning, alcoholic, he drinks so much. He's on the piss. As soon as he gets to the house. - Why would I give her the six pack? And last but not least, we got Jack, okay?. And he's advertised as the passionate guy but let's watch this clip. - I Love passionate men - Passions, Oh God. I'm the guy that you want to say. - Spoken like a guy with no passion. A passion. Yeah. I'm the guy you want to see? So yeah. Next question. - I'm the guy that you want to say he didn't answer Jack shit. - Okay, so now that we've met all the boys now it's time for Steph to meet the boys - Nice to meet you. Whoo. Pete. All right. - Going in for the hug right off the bat. I like the confidence probably because he's blackout drunk, but Hey, whatever works. Right? So now that they've all met, now it's time for them to go into this place called the ritual room for them to be chained up for four days. Sorry. If anybody just walked by you while you watched that part of the video. Cause that with no context also probably not a good idea to have all those candles with Pete walking around one more beer and that place is burning to the ground. - Why would I give her the six pack? - You know when the time comes to make that decision. When you meet a locksmith, the locksmith carries $10,000. - So yeah, there's this guy called the locksmith. He just randomly appears throughout the show. And I got to say no exaggeration here. He is my favorite character in any TV show of all time. And you will agree with me by the end of the video. I promise - The next time you meet the locksmith, it will be time for Stephanie to say goodbye to the first man. - That line is so ominous, dude. It sounds like a line from game of Thrones. When the lock Smith arrives one, man must go. So let it be written. Let it be done. All right. So they get all chained up. They leave the ritual room and go to the kitchen to eat breakfast. And this scene is pretty uncomfortable to watch. So apologies in advance. But apparently before the boys showed up to the house they were shown videos of five women. And they were asked to rate them from one to 10. But one of the women, they rated was Steph. One of those women was me. So she's going to read her own ratings in front of everybody. Let's see how that goes. - Jason's readings. You gave me a four for a look - That's out of 10. - And you also said that you usually date more attractive. For me, your tape didn't look like it. - And for having sex with me. You had very little interest. - Oh my God, like what a nightmare for everybody involved? Like why would the producers do that? I put that in the show. That is so mean. Okay, you said here I was. I'm the ugliest person you've ever seen. And you'd rather lick a dog's poopy stinky than ever be in the same room as me. I'm disgusting and should be thrown in a river. No, your tape didn't look like you I'd say all that stuff about someone else, but not you. I'm a good guy. - He gave me an eight for Lux even with my disgustingly, horrifying tape. A nine for intelligence. - Oh my God, man. - Guys, Pete gave her a good rating. She's reading off the rating and everyone's like, Oh - Oh my God, - Like scuffing is so mean, Pete peace. Just drunk. You don't listen to him. - They're all a bunch of children. - So all in all. I think they're off to a good start. - That's the end of this book. Thank you. - So now they all pile into a car and go to a grocery store to get food for dinner. - You guys ready? Come on guys. - I wonder which grocery store chain they went to. Let me out, I'm innocent. Like, is this supposed to be like symbolic of something? Like, is it supposed to represent like, Oh, the old ball and chain, you know, you're like, you know that thing that middle-aged men say when they hit their wives. Yeah. Sorry, fellows. I can't go golfing today. Got to spend time with the old ball and chain. Yeah. Yeah. Next time, see you I love you so much. Right? Oftentimes throughout the show, it cuts to these like talking head segments where they can get like one-on-one time with a camera but the way they do it in this show like all the other people, since they're chained together they just have big headphones on. So you just can't listen to what the person is saying. But like, come on. You know, you're telling me they obeyed that rule. that. that, man. If I was on that show, I'm putting one up. I'm listening. I'm listening. I'm listening. I don't act like you wouldn't do the same. We all looked at people's shoes. When we were playing heads up 700 you would do the exact same and action. Yeah. Stephanie's great. I think she's a great girl, but that Jason Guy. Wow. He's a piece of work. I hate that guy. He's a quivering and a fraud. Okay, mark my words. I'm going to kill Jason tonight. When everyone's sleeping I'm going to put a pillow over his head. Shoot him in the heart. All right perfect, all good? Okay, great. Thanks, hi. Hi, yeah. Sorry, I heard all of that. You guys, you guys gotta call the cops or something. He's going to kill me tonight. You heard that right? I'm sorry, man. My hands are tied. What do you mean your hands are tied. We're filming a spinoff called a ropes of love. Cameraman edition. My hands are literally tied. What am I do? I don't want to get shot. Did somebody say shots? So later that night they're all hanging out there on the hot tub having a good time. But then the guys make a joke. That kinda kind of kills the whole vibe. - Is that a joke. - Cause that's just so like bathroom humor. Why is that so funny to guys? It's not humor Its about you guys feeling good about yourselves by putting people down Holy moly. What did you expect? Steph you before guys in a room. They're going to be laughing about farts. Most of the time. If not all the time, toilet humor is not funny. All right. You're saying you don't fart staff. They were saying stuff. off. You fart all steps. First it me off, man. Farting is music to my ears. It's poetry in motion. Watch you're telling me you didn't laugh at that. Okay? Sure. Your butt makes a noise. That stinks. That is so funny. And whoever doesn't think so you're a Steph. That's the new term. Someone who doesn't laugh at farts. You're a Steph anyways, the first day is over. So they all go to bed. I thought about this the first time I watched this. Like what if they like play the time lapse of like overnight live them sleeping and like really quick. It cuts to like two dudes who were just I can make an out with each other, like super Greg. And they just didn't mention it after it. He them. He so good. If all the guys just fell in love with each other and left Steph all alone, the guys are making out with each other and just farting and making out. And she's in the middle. Just all bombed anyways. So the next day they're brought to this big field to do like a an obstacle course for some reason. But when they get to the end of it, it is this is probably my favorite shot in any show ever. Okay, dude. Oh snap, it's the locksmith. This man is everywhere, dude. Holy shit. How long was he behind that tarp? Poor guy was behind that tarp just all night long in the rain. Freezing cold, just waiting. But like the old scripture says. when the locksmith arrives, one man must go. - This person's reading changed when we started drinking and that person is Yuki. No. All right. Pour one out. Pour one out for Pete and he'll catch it in his mouth. I'm sure. Cause he loves, BU's gone too soon. Rest in Pete. All right. So we're down to three guys now and later that night they take a super awkward car ride. I hate this scene so much, but we're going to watch it. - This one's better. I could do that. Yeah man, I'm sure you can. It's a kiss. I could do that. Oh, this is why I hate shows like this, man. It is so uncomfortable to watch dudes like fight for attention because when it works for one guy and he gets like kiss, like I feel weird watching that. And then when it doesn't work for the other guy and he has to watch the other guy get a kiss I feel even worse watching that. Alternative title for this show, the mighty cucks. I hated it. I hated, I hated. I hate it. Okay. So now they're all at a skating rink because why not? - The ice rink reconstruction stage welcome to the world's first game of strip Hawking. - Let's get it on. Not really good instructions. The instructions say welcome to strip hockey. I'm sure this clip was just edited down for time but those weren't those weren't instructions at all. Imagine if you bought monopoly and you brought it home and you're super excited to play it, you never played it before you opened the box, you take out the instruction? And it says welcome to monopoly. That's bullshit, man. I would burn all those little greenhouses to the ground. - Why would I give her the six pack? But anyways, they play a game of strip hockey. I'll blur it. Cause it gets pretty raunchy. But I will play this one part because it is it's another amazing scene with the locksmith. So let's watch. (banging sound) Amen, just so creepy. (banging sound) Creepiness aside, the locksmith is here so we know what that means. Say it with me. One man must go. - This person Had come between me and somebody else. So I've decided the person I'm going to release. Isn't Jack. - Wow, - That's a good way to personal. Oh no. - I'm going to give you money and I'm going to count out to $1500. I'll take it. I could do that. The ice skating, I think revealed a little bit more about him and his lack of athleticism that I kind of require. - Hold on. Let's not okay. Whoa, Whoa, Whoa. Backtrack. Let's hold on. Okay. Let's bring that back. Steph already. Doesn't like farts. So she's out. She's on my list but was she just said that shit, that that puts her on my diarrhea list. Even worse than a shitless. Lack of athleticism. You mean he was the only guy there who didn't have a rocking bod. That's what you mean, right? Say it with your chest. Steph. Don't look at Jack and be like, yeah you came between me and someone else. And I didn't like that. And then when he leaves you talk to the camera and you're like, yeah, it was bad as shit. He's weird. I was at a shape straight up sent Jack home. Cause he wasn't Jack that's whack gone too soon Rest in Jack. But we're down to the final two and Holy smokes. Just not looking good for Jason at all. He's given his interview thing to the camera and she's holding hands with Allen while he's doing it. I feel like she already made her decision. Right? Yeah. I really like Steph I think she likes me too. We have a lot in common. We have this really strong connection and I think she's going to pick me. You know, I have no, no offense to the other guy but I just don't see, I don't really see them having a future together. You should turn around, turn around. I said, look behind you. I'm Sorry, man. That's brutal. What the heck. I really didn't think he had a shot. Hey It's me Pete. Did somebody say shots. All right, folks. This is the final day. Each guy gets a one-on-one day with Steph chain free so they can finally have some alone time. Just kidding. They just replaced the chain with a longer chain. - The odd man out We'll trail behind on a longer chain - By myself than be with somebody that doesn't fulfill all of my desires and needs on this date changed with them. Well, not my idea of a good time. - They're going to give them like a game boy, like a book, anything. He just has to like stand and watch them go on a date. Everyone has to be like, when you know when you're a kid like at the mall with your mom. And she like runs into a like an old friend and they talk for just so long. And you're like, all right, mom, can we go? I'm gonna go watch boy meets world. Come on. It's like that. But so much worse because instead of your mom it's the girl you want to date. And instead of your mom's old friend it's the guy that she wants to date. But anyways, now it's time for Jason's date. And you know what I'm rooting for him. His hair is sick. He's I feel like he's the, of noxious out of all of them. And I just feel bad for the guy after Alan's death. And this, it really bugs me because the day's gone pretty well but they're like walking on the beach. One part and Alan is like behind them. So close, like chirping them drinking a bottle of wine, right behind them. Just being a jerk man. - Allan has a problem with not getting enough attention. - But I digress we're getting close to the end. Let's see what happens. I think I've done a good job by, you know bringing it to you guys. Somebody say something. Why was that? So awkward. All right. So locksmith. So we all know what that means. Say it with me. One man, must go. - This person who I've decided to let go was unable to really understand me. And this person is you. Jason, I have to release you. - Hold on. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. What? You're gonna pick Alan. Okay. Let's Alan's the one who started the fart joke that you got so pissed about - Joe, his bubble's coming out. - He was drinking a noxious right behind your date with Jason which is precisely the reason you sent Pete home. - Completely biggest turnoff. And Alan gave you a five for looks and three for class and elegance. - Alan you gave me a five - Yes for look and three class and elegance. - It was the dress And you pick that spiky hair. over Jason. Okay. Steph, for someone who hates fart so much you sure are one Tam gone too soon. Rest in Jason. Okay. Well, me. I wish this was the ending, but there's a bit more. Now they share one night together. And the next morning, Steph needs to decide if she wants to keep all the money and just say off to Alan or split the money with Alan and proceed to have a relationship with him. So let's see what this fart does. - Yes I'd like to pursue a relationship with You. - Wow cool. - Must split the remaining money. 6,433 dollars. - So now we see if Alan wants to do the same. Oh, yay. That should be Jason dude. Actually. No, no. Jason deserves way better. Well, regardless of my feelings towards the outcome I'm happy for him. Okay, I'm sure they went on to have a long fruitful relationship with each other. (Upbeat music) Fuck. Well, I mean, I could have told you that because the thing about dating shows it's a silly way to meet someone. And most of the time, they're not even real. So that's chains of law. I feel like I've already said what I wanted to say about this TV show. Dating shows are weird. I don't like them. And I especially don't like this one. I'm just glad TV moved away from one like being really big in the back. And two I'm glad TV moved away from these like dating game shows because now we just have singing game shows and those are so much better. All right. Well, I think it's time to hear a word from today's sponsor audible. - Hey, it's me the locksmith, but I'm standing behind a tarp or standing in a tunnel above it, skating rink. It gets pretty boring. And for me the best way to pass the time because with Ottawa has I'm kidding. It's me. It's Curtis. But I agree. Audible is great. Audible is a leading provider of spoken word entertainment and audio books ranging from best sellers and new releases to celebrity memoirs languages and now podcasts. And if you've never given audible a shot now it was the perfect time. 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If you enjoyed it, please press that like button because believe it or not one like actually equals one beer that I will shift to Pete. I will give him a one, one like it was one beer for Pete and he's thirsty. Let me know if you've seen the show before and I always love reading your guys' comments. You guys are way funnier than I am. I'm excited to see what you guys think about this one. If you guys want me to do another video about this all the episodes are on YouTube. So maybe I'll do another one or maybe I'll do a video about a different dating show. I don't know. Let me just let me know. You can press the subscribe button if you want. Because as soon as you press the subscribe button you become a valued citizen of Curtis town. If you didn't know, a Curtis town is the best place to live in the world and I'm the mayor. So you have to be nice to me. It's the law. If you want to see the other things I do you can check the description. My, my Instagram Twitter, all that bull crap is down there and merch. my new merch. holiday merch. All right, that's it. I got to go. I would stick around, but I have to fart in a hot tub. See ya. (Upbeat music) - Why would I give her the six pack?
Channel: Kurtis Conner
Views: 2,128,911
Rating: 4.9793763 out of 5
Keywords: kurtis conner, kurtis connor, chains of love, dating show, early 2000s, tv, old tv shows, next, commentary
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 6sec (1446 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 19 2020
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