The "I'm Not Like Most Girls" Phenomenon

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The “omg I’m so interesting and quirky for watching murder documentaries” crowd in particular is so annoying. Fetishizing shows about serial murder is creepy, Lauren.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/glittterturtles 📅︎︎ Jun 07 2019 🗫︎ replies
hey guys welcome back to my channel if you're new here what's up how's it going and if you're coming back what's up how's it going it's very good to see you again see what happens and you subscribe to my channel you get an extra greeting at the beginning of every single video so press that subscribe button for an extra greeting folks we've got a great video for you today okay I promise I wasn't planning on making this video but in the comments section of my last video there was a lot of requests to cover this topic and like I've said before Curtis town it's a democracy dude if you ask for something I'm gonna deliver it my guy so here we are super quick just want to mention that today's video is sponsored by expressvpn so keep watching this video if you want to find out how to get three months free all right now let's get into this YouTube content much like all of my other videos we're gonna be looking at some very questionable content today a group of people who make this content they're very cool super unique and dare I say it quirky when they wake up in the morning they don't go get ready for work they get ready for quirk dude quick quick quick quick quick quick today we're going to be looking at the I'm not like most girls phenomenon quick disclaimer before we get into the bulk of this video pretty much the same disclaimer that I made for my country girls of tik-tok video I don't want this video to just be some [ __ ] white guy in his 20s making fun of girls on the internet you know I feel like there's way too much of that [ __ ] already happening on the internet that's not my intention that's not what I want this video to be at all this is just me simply looking at a trend going on online that a lot of people are confused by and you know what we're gonna get to the bottom of it we're gonna take a deeper look at it and see why why these why these people are making these posts alright and hey if I poke fun at them for a few haha' along the way sorry sue me don't don't do that actually please don't so if you're somebody who makes these posts I'm sorry in advance but if you're if you're allowed to post them we're allowed to poke fun at them so if you've never seen these posts before it's basically when a girl will be like they'll post something to set them aside from the average girl and you know you know the average you know blonde hair a pink dress Polly Pocket dolls you know the average girl so it's when a girl will post something to set them aside from that average girl you know they'll be like you oh you guys can go go at the club I'll stay home with my pizza and Netflix and that's a very tame example the ones that we're gonna be looking at today are much more extreme but you you get the point so like I said my disclaimer we're gonna take a look at this we're gonna we're gonna dive deep dude I hope you passed your scuba exam cuz we're going deep did I'll admit it hey and eat I love how like one of the defining things that this girl does is uh is eat cuz if you stay out late and to work on guys you don't eat you got a pick one all right either to work on guys and stay out late or eat they both give you the same thing nutrients eating is so last year dude I'm twerking on dudes that out of context is gonna be very weird confession number two yes I am a girl who plays Skyrim close your gaping mouth please hold on a girl that plays video games can we help you gotta come quick oh my god what what's wrong I can't believe it okay what tell me what there's a girl okay that's fine but gaming what come on yeah gaming skyrim posted on Facebook about it you would way to view some girls are Cinderella's waiting on Prince Charming I'm more like Harley Quinn waiting on my Joker who yet it haha yo some girls are idiots all they do is wait for a nice guy to treat her like a princess [Music] I'm waiting for a clown to put me in an abusive relationship other girls I can't eat in front of guys me eating food okay so this is an incredibly popular theme in this I'm not like most girls phenomenon acting like it's so crazy that you like food you know it's like that one video on Twitter that was like this is goals and it was like a big piece of pizza like a liking food a lot it's not really a personality trait you know I at the same time this is kind of like an issue which is like society as a whole get a load of this society I guess it's so engrained and like girls has that like you should always be like you know prim and proper okay so yeah so I guess if like this whole eating in front of guys one I guess that's more so that like the guys fault in society's fault but you eat a lot of food great what people my age do and then there's me I mean like here's the thing it's totally okay to not enjoy drinking and partying and if you want to stay at home and lay in your bed and watch Netflix that's great to me that sounds like a lot more fun to a lot of people it does you know but to think that that's so crazy and like unique I don't know that's like the weird thing about this is that like these are totally normal things staying in and watching television people been doing that for [ __ ] years you know like you might as well just post what most people's favorite high school musical movie is versus what mine is it's just perfect baby doesn't make it any better or worse it's just like what people are what different people like you know tweet dad's dead alright you all hide messages from your mans I hide fast-food receipts from mine we are not the same okay I mean you're both being untruthful but one is just very bad and the and this one is just very pointless to hide from your evidence from like you're acting like that will also end a relationship Stephanie hey care to explain this really fast food receipts listen hey listen okay it's not what it looks like I'm taking the kids all right well yeah do that it's just it's just a McDonald's or yeah well there's a reason receipt rhymes with dis all right goodbye no comeback oh no coming to theatres this summer proof of purchase god I'm so sick of other females oh that's like a big red flag whenever you hear the word females come from anyone yikes all they do is talk about drama and stupid makeup why aren't there any girls like me who love chicken nuggets and getting dirty sometimes I swear I only hang out with guys these days they're the only ones who really understand me if I could pick one picture to pretty much describe this whole thing it'd be this you're like chicken nuggets dude one-of-a-kind dude how did you know that she was the one we were at Burger King and she ordered the chicken nuggets and I got down on one [ __ ] me at that moment as soon as the word chicken nugget left her mouth I was on one knee dude I liked it and I put a ring on it so yeah this is another common theme in these I'm not like most girls where it starts with making fun or putting down other girls for just being themselves you know dude believe it or not you can like the [ __ ] that you like without making fun other people I know it's crazy but it can be done did I know for a fact that the second after she posted this she was a staring at her phone waiting for the likes to roll in from shitty dudes oh this girl said something misogynistic and I am misogynistic myself so I'm agreeing with this nice finally a misogynistic a woman that's pretty much the biggest issue with this whole thing it's like don't make fun of other girls to make yourself look cool cuz you know what that ain't cool I love how she just names like two things chicken nuggets getting dirty sometimes that's all you need her her resume is just interests chicken nuggets getting dirty sometimes please hire me nice dinners don't impress me going out to breakfast in sweats and having you tell me I'm cute while I shove pancakes in my mouth impresses me imagine you're a dude and your planet you you like this girl a lot you're like so you really like her you see a future with her and you're like I'm gonna play in a really nice dinner at her favorite restaurant I'm gonna pay for everything when I pick her up it's gonna be beautiful it's you know amazing and I'm gonna I'm gonna treat her so well tonight and then the whole time she's just like are you having us stupid this is so stupid how dare you do this how dare you bring me here okay you think this impresses me no all right ice I know you spent $300 on this let's just forget on you cuz I see like you I know you had to book this weeks in advance and you ordered my favorite dessert it did they didn't have it on the menu but you somehow got it on all right you bent over backwards for this but that doesn't impress me all right this isn't even a [ __ ] breakfast where I'm shoving pancakes in my mouth and you're not I mean how do I know that how could I know that you want [ __ ] a tea all right bro how dare you also asking someone out on a date to do that very weird I was thinking like me and you could wake up super early put sweatpants on go to Denny's and I'll watch you eat pancakes and call you cute while you do it you'll get the cops called on you like real quick I admit it I'm lame I don't party I don't go to clubs I don't stay out late but I do stay up late I do like conversations I do smoke weed I do vibe to music and I do think a lot okay how does one vibe I mentioned this before in a previous video I think it was the Twitter threads one how to protect your vibe first of all a [ __ ] pardon but I [ __ ] hate that word anytime I see that word I get very I'm seething dude I'm literally about to explode what what am i up to later probably gonna think a lot you at buffet sushi and a drink me at buffet okay he's a bunch of [ __ ] okay that's so cool that you're eating more even though it's a buffet and that person is probably just acting like a normal person who's getting one plate at a time just Rob I gonna go back cuz that's literally what a buffet is video dude haha you're carrying a bunch of [ __ ] your name Carrie she's carrying a lot of stuff your wife my wife man it's a it's a very specific t-shirt your wife you know she's just the bathroom girl she's the bathroom sign girl is your wife but my wife she's hanging on to a cliff I mean this isn't really like the same cuz this is a husband trying to or a wife I don't know there's someone trying to brag about their partner it's very funny to imagine that this is like this is the way that like the husband is like confessing to like murder basically like your wife is fine and healthy I left my wife hanging off of a [ __ ] cliff he just walks into the police station wearing that shirt and that's his confession boys I would probably be that girl that shows up to her wedding light and I will run in yelling I'm sorry I was getting chicken nuggets this is so me dude dude there's nothing more unique and different than love and chicken nuggets dude dude if you want a hug show me those nuts dude in reality if that's what happened oh my god everyone's gonna be super mad at you everyone just [ __ ] waiting for the wedding to start like she's literally two hours late if she comes I swear to God if she comes in with chicken nuggets I'm late I need a chicken nugget okay goodbye [ __ ] I'm over this I don't know why chicken nuggets are seen as these like super unique food group the chicken nuggets you know you can get them as so many places everyone ate them growing up it's not weird if you really don't want to be like most girls don't say chicken nuggets say something like like dirt all right I'm not like most girls i straight-up eat dirt all right if somebody tweets I'm not like most girls I eat dirt there we go I'm retweeting a dude cuz that's the truth huh most women accessorize with jewelry or a purse this is my accessory hey not the same thing at all [ __ ] [ __ ] walking down like a like a runway with a bazooka not an accessory dude it's a weapon yeah can you just empty out your your bag really quick yeah there's nothing really you know is the success whoa holy Sh what do you listen I don't want any trouble okay big deal it's a gun it's an accessory dude you do are you aware of fashion trends dude I heard about it in this fashion magazine look get it cuz magazine is where you put in a gun I think girls twerk women head bang [ __ ] men do both am I right fellas let's go oh man most girls dream of this then there's me I mean this is very funny but it's even funnier to think that this was legit made by a truck cuz the bottom says and there's me that's me as a picture of me I'm a [ __ ] truck I'm not like most girls I'm a truck I want a gamer boyfriend I'd rather sit in a dark room and comfy clothes gaming with a guy than going to parties and clubs and stuff yeah that sounds like a lot of fun [ __ ] game Wow [ __ ] oh my god this is way better than me it's better than this so much better but me tonight while y'all are out being [ __ ] Jesus Christ Wow just not even subtle how dare you have fun and and have multiple partners that's not allowed dude I'm gonna stay at home and read with my cat even though this is a picture of Kodak black like an own [ __ ] sexual predator dude hell yeah great meme all-around saw with me dude be the girl on the right oh my god what the [ __ ] I guess what they're saying is have fun go crazy this girl looks like she's being [ __ ] possessed dude we go scary that is I'm gonna be the girl on the right get literally possessed by a demon and then go to ballet class my the only girl who melts when a boy says come here like it's so simple and innocent yet so demanding and possessive oh my god I hope they never play a game of mortal combat with scorpion oh my gosh am I the only one that finds murder stories and documentaries about serial killers interesting AF I can watch them all day yes as a matter of fact yes you are the only one the millions of dollars that have been put into those movies the directors the editors you know that the writers everything it's all free I'm gonna end it with my favorite one this was a little different but I I loved it a lot it makes me laugh every time so this is a I'm not like most moms we'd mom like a regular mom only way higher hey hey son yeah yes mom hey what did I do where I say that's that's not my name you'll address me by my name right yeah yes we'd mom can you um okay can you hand me that bowl over there uh yeah yeah I think so all right here you go no not that kind of bowl I [ __ ] hate it here so much okay I think that's enough of looking at those holy [ __ ] there's there's a lot I think it's great if you're celebrating what makes you different from people you know that's great I get it you know you want to feel different you want to set yourself apart from people I totally understand that and I I'm all for people celebrating what makes them different you know everyone's perfect in their own way girl haha perfectly imperfect in all seriousness though you can be stoked that you're not like most girls whatever the [ __ ] that means you know that's great be stoked that you do what you do but you don't have to put other people down while you're doing it you know that's straight up bullying like that's what bullying is making other people feel shitty to make yourself feel better you know and another thing like the people who are like [ __ ] parties I'm at home reading books and [ __ ] okay like can you never go to parties are you just never ever gonna go to one ever in your life like if your friend invites you to their like bachelorette party you just have to be like no sorry I'm not like most girls I'll be at home with a book while I was doing research collecting pictures for this video I found a great mean that honestly sums this whole thing up perfectly better than I ever could I'm not like other girls okay I'm like these basic [ __ ] my entire identity is built on male acceptance and internalized misogyny is this a meme or a hammer because it hit the nail right on the head dude stupid like in today's society like it's I have it [ __ ] so easy I know that okay and I have so much respect for women everywhere and it just makes me sad you know when you see girls putting down other girls like for no reason why why what what is that doing just for like some guy to be like oh cool yeah retweeted the massage he's actually lit but the massaging is actually fired and especially nowadays I feel like there's no like typical girl I mean there never was I'm the wife that nowadays but there's no like average or typical girl like girls are if I can do it everything and that's amazing you know it's not like all girls are just girly girly they don'tthey scare but make up and [ __ ] like that's literally not true at all like there's girls who are [ __ ] starting businesses and becoming successful doctors and scientists and astronauts and like literally everything and it's amazing okay and this is a thing that we should be celebrating right it makes me upset makes me pretty upset in conclusion don't be mean to other people you know be stoked for what they're doing if it's not hurting anybody and then be stoked on what you're doing if it's not hurting anybody it's pretty pretty gosh-darn symbol alright celebrate those things and don't make other people feel shitty in the process because that makes you a bad person alright folks it's that time earlier I mentioned that this video is sponsored by expressvpn so let's talk about it alright I work with expressvpn in the past and I'm very happy to be working with them again on this video because I can honestly say that I use their service every single day suppress bpn ensures that all of your data is safe and you're free to browse the internet without worry dude in a perfect world you'd be able to go online buy your pizza buy your books and your pink dresses in your poly pockets without worrying about hackers but unfortunately that's not the world that we live in I do a bunch of online shopping whether I'm getting a new cowboy hat or some new cowboy boots or I don't know some hey you know I'm online shopping all the time and if I'm not using expressvpn then my credit card information is just wide open to these little stinking hackers did and that's really scary with expressvpn you can easily connect with just one click and you can safely browse the internet on your phone your laptop your tablet any device really expressvpn is less than seven dollars a month and there's also a 30-day money-back guarantee so you got nothing to lose if you're over here thinking that price still isn't good enough well I got some news for you buddy all you have to do is click the link in my description or just go to expressvpn comm slash Curtis town to find out how to get three months free yeah three months free three months more like three months alright alright thanks again to expressvpn bars thank you for sponsoring today's video and for keeping the citizens of Curtis town safe alright if you enjoyed this video please press the like button let me know if you want to part too even though like printer made all the points I wanted to make but if you want see more of this topic let me know in the comments and yeah just let me know if you have thought of the video let me know if you your thoughts on this whole topic in general also don't forget to press the subscribe button because I make a video every single week and there's so much fun and you get an extra greeting at the beginning of every single video so press the subscribe button and join Curtis town today also you can check the description for my social media my Instagram my Twitter you'll find links to my weekly podcast called very really good you can listen to it for free on Spotify and iTunes and there's also a patreon for that podcast where you can hear the episodes a week early and there's also a bonus monthly video episode you can also find a link to my merch Curtis Town merch it's the best dude it's so soft it's it's it's the best so you got to get it other fun stuff like my cameo my P o box are down in the scription so yeah just check it out alright thank you so much for watching up and Curtis Connor I'll see you next week there is currently a wife dangling from a cliff so I'm gonna go save her goodbye hey guys thank you so much for watching this video if you enjoyed it and you want to see more from me you can click right on the screen there watch some other videos of mine and there's also a subscribe button there so don't forget to press that come on what are you still doing here press one of those buttons okay thanks bye bye there's a ginger ale burp oh she stinks
Channel: Kurtis Conner
Views: 8,782,287
Rating: 4.947989 out of 5
Keywords: kurtis conner, kurtis connor, im not like most girls, im not like other girls, most girls, phenomenon, commentary, reaction, quirky, unique, am i the only one, kurtistown, vibe, nicegirls, reddit, cringe
Id: 9HIZAkDbC5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 51sec (1371 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2019
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