This Low-Budget Prank Show Is Terrifying

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hey guys what's up welcome back to my channel if you're new here what's up how's it going and if you're coming back what's up how's it going it's very good to see you again you see what happens when you subscribe to my channel he get an extra greeting at the beginning of every single video ok so press the subscribe button for an extra greeting please and thank you folks if you can't tell I'm sick but don't worry I've got a sick video for you today shut the [ __ ] up today's video is very special though ok for a few reasons one this video is sponsored by hellofresh that's great we love them too we get to talk about old weird low-budget Canadian television and I love doing that and three I have a very exciting announcement here is the announcement I'm sure you've all heard of double d's right you know danny and drew the youtubers you've heard of them right well they are going on tour this year and that's it that's my announcement I'm just very proud of them ok I'm kidding that's not my yeah that's not the actual announcement that is true but here's the real announcement ok buckle in buckle up I guess strap in buckle up whatever you want to do Danny and drew are going on tour and drumroll please I'm going with them I'm not just a hangout with them I'm gonna be performing I'm gonna be the opening act for the tour gonna be doing some stand-up comedy it's gonna be awesome dude VIP tickets are available right now so if you want to click the link in the description you can do that and grab your VIP tickets and the general admission tickets will be going on sale on Monday so keep an eye out for that and please come because the shows won't be fun if there is no one there so please come now before we get into the video I just have one more quick announcement okay I think global warming is actually pretty awesome I'm kidding guys he's come on you should have seen your stupid face I'm obviously joking climate change is real and I'm scared that was just a little prank for me to you okay there's a little gift speaking of pranks dude am I on a Segway right now I'm humans hell perfect today we're gonna be looking at an old Canadian television show that was all about pranks and pranking dude pranks used to be so you know before YouTube I feel like pranks were so fun they were harmless they were wholesome and then people started doing the fucking's stepping on Jordans in the hood prank and [ __ ] killing best friend prank and kissing my sister prank those are all real things that have happened on YouTube dude they've ruined it they've ruined pranks so I thought today we'd take a trip down memory lane back to a simpler time where pranks we're good okay the show that we're gonna be looking at today is called prank Patrol let me just tell you I [ __ ] loved this show when I was a kid I watched the absolute [ __ ] out of it like the TV network used to call me every day and be like dude like you gotta stop watching this show you're watching it too much and then I would hang up every time I saw the show that is what I'm saying [Music] right off the bat the logo is [ __ ] peepee didn't even have to make a joke about that that's the funniest thing ever pee pee [Music] hate that I remember that song but Dan is a great theme song dude so Andy the host he'll uh he'll help a kid pull off the the prank of their dreams you know cuz we all have that and like the best part of his show is that they would play it off as like it's just some random thing and it's not planned beforehand at all like watching this now obviously you can tell like this this was planned months in advance there was like a casting like they they planned this thing obviously cuz we're all very smart right but to when I was a kid oh my god dude I I fell for it hook line and stinker alright like when I was a kid man like whenever I was anywhere I was just [ __ ] I was ready dude I was ready for Andy hey Curtis what do you think about these notebooks for your school what are you doing why do you keep doing that why are you looking around mom stop okay I'm looking for Andy so we can come and take me and put me in his peepee should I call the cops okay so I picked this episode in particular because the person getting pranked actually has like a genuine reaction to the prank but most of the episodes the kids just like don't even react at all like they'll just laugh it off and just kind of like not believe anything for a second but they would still air the episodes the target of irises prank is her friend Sabrina Sabrina chooses iris constantly about a boy she likes and what's even called her up pretending to be him okay Wow bad friend Wow oh my god you deserve every prank ever did the prank idea was to take your nightmare and make it reality and yet hooked up to some sort of machine that projects your dreams onto a screen right nicely but how do we do that um I was thinking that maybe we can like shoot a video of my nightmare and like show it's her yes yes yes I know exactly what you're going forward now iris word on the street has it that you have a recurring nightmare very subtle way to bring that up word on the street is you have a recurring nightmare who's talking about that as a weird gossip - did you Pyrus know what's going on man you're not gonna believe this well what is it she's having recurring nightmares oh man I have to tell everybody it's a nightmare that well basically my teacher she chasing me across the field and I'm running for my life and she's like right behind me she's like grabbing for me and the sky becomes red and it's so scary oh man it's so funny to think about like back in the day being scared of your teachers man I remember that I remember being so scared of them and just not liking them at all you have no reason to be scared of your teachers right ah stop making minimum wage to insure my developing brain grows in a healthy way you're scaring me with all your time and effort you love and for Sabrina to really believe that this machine works she'd have to get hooked up to it too and see images of her subconscious but how do we do that maybe we could go to Sabrina's house and take a few shots of things that she would recognize yeah yeah exactly that would be kind of her subconscious thoughts right okay so the prank is pretty good idea right it's not like too scary but it's like just weird enough to like kind of believe it maybe if this was a show today this is how that [ __ ] conversation would go okay so we're gonna [ __ ] go to your friend's house rob all their [ __ ] and sell all their valuables in the black market it's gonna be [ __ ] awesome it's gonna be such a good prank dude but like we're not actually gonna do it right that's just like nah dude we're gonna be rich all right and then I'm gonna go make it with my sister because that's a prank okay that's gross okay now it's the point of the show where we meet the ninjas who are like Andy's sidekicks I guess I don't I don't really know their job is to drive the pee-pee van and just set up pranks I guess why ninjas you ask I I don't [ __ ] know ever that doesn't make any sense at all okay so next to go to this special-effects place to get all the stuff ready for the prank and the guy who's helping them is wearing the most early 2000s hat you will ever see oh man I forgot about those hats oh [ __ ] oh this beanie is pretty cool but I feel like it needs a tiny little brim Oh oh boy I'm brimming with excitement just thinking about a beanie with a brim on it so the idea is to get some shots of me dressed up like irises crazy teacher acting like a monster man imagine it like the teacher like the actual her actual teacher was watching the show oh man that's so sad my one of my students was on this fun little prank show hey let's turn it on and watch must be the wrong show or something no that's that's this is the show that's me I'm gonna trace her when I see her next okay so now they're going to the the victims house to get some footage for them to use in the prank and homeboy is editing it on what seems to be a TV remote that's [ __ ] super funny I didn't even realize that till right now you didn't think I noticed that would you maybe you did maybe that's a prank oh man okay so now they got all the stuff ready for the big prank but unfortunately it's time for another commercial but before the commercial the ninjas are back oh yes and they're doing their own little prank of their own [Music] whoa scary I love this can we go back to this this is great content alright this is [ __ ] there's nothing wrong with this dude yeah I sound like a [ __ ] old man dude back in my day pranks were pretty nice now they're all mean okay so now it's the day the big prank day BPD and they need to set everything up so who else do they call but the ninjas because that's what they're good for ninjas are good for fighting and setting up pranks that's true read a book these [ __ ] sound effects you know wow dude hey we get it it's a kids show got it I'd like to think that like those weren't sound effects these are just the noises that they make like imagine one of these ninjas just reading a book this in a sense is a dreaming machine let me see we'll put on your helmet here here we go she's about to see the images we saw at her house earlier it's a dog that is like yours or it is your dog no it is my dog she's buying it that's my mom it's a woman that is like your mother or your mother yeah that's my room I'm scared that moment when you're in line at the grocery store with your mom and and she's supposed to pay but she forgot something and she goes to get it and then you're next and then you have to in you're next to pay this prank would be pretty freaky though right like I wouldn't like that at all but another thing they could have done with the prank though which would have been really funny is if they just projected like really [ __ ] weird things on the projector like after the dog and the mom think if they projected like furry tic TOCs it's weird is broken okay so now they're like pretending to hypnotize her so she falls asleep so she can have the reoccurring nightmare you know like we've heard on the street do to recognize anyways dr. Warner I'm sorry dr. Cameron's on the phone it sounds urgent okay I'm sorry I really have to take this can just watch the screen if you see anything just remember so you can tell it's good oh she's alone great she's buying it time to turn this dream into a nightmare [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you've just been taken by the prank control oh my god oh my god man that's a [ __ ] traumatizing man that's so scary if that was if I was like hit I'm dead I'd have a [ __ ] heart attack dude I got you I got you so good it was just a prank dude oh man and that's for pretending to be the guy I like that one time on the phone loser oh are you okay oh my god she's dead Dan rested P piece [Applause] so there's prank Patrol there's an episode of prank Patrol so when I was scripting this video I watched a lot of episodes of this show and I don't know if it's nostalgia or anything it probably is but like I genuinely enjoyed watching these like the episodes are a little cringy but it's a prank show for kids so what do you expect right and this is weird because like usually when I make a video it's about something that is like bad so I usually end with saying like why it's bad and how it and why it should stop and that's kind of the intention I went into when I was scripting the video but when I started watching it I was like I stopped looking for things to make fun of and I just started like genuinely enjoying the episodes like obviously I poked fun at it obviously because that's fun and I like to do that but it's a good show it's like a really fun show to watch I just think it's like really innocent and it's fun and I remember loving it so much when I was a kid and you know what I also liked watching it as an adult okay and it's reminding me of the Golden Age of pranks okay what I'm trying to say okay what I'm really trying to say is I love peepee yum-yum give me that peepee that yummy yummy peepee well that was fun right that was a fun video and you know what else is fun making yummy food and then eating yummy food that's right baby it's time to hear about a sponsor hellofresh take it away add Curtis thanks rad Curtis hi I'm add Curtis let's talk about hellofresh now I've worked with hellofresh a few times in the past and I'm very excited to be working with them again what's hellofresh you ask well that's a very good question hello fresh makes conquering the kitchen a reality with deliciously simple recipes hellofresh sends you fresh pre-measured ingredients and easy-to-follow six step picture recipe cards every week right to your door in a special insulated box so you can spend less time meal planning and grocery shopping and get that time back to do more of what you love even if that is pranking your best friend all meals come together in 30 minutes max call for less than two pots and pans and require minimal cleanup there are three plans to choose from classic veggie and family with the option to switch plans whenever you want I'm like a pretty lazy guy and I used to waste so much money on like delivery takeout stuff like that but ever since I started eating hella fresh like I don't feel like I'm wasting money anymore and it's a really good feeling and folks what I'm about to tell you isn't a prank okay it's very real hello fresh is now from $6.99 per serving yeah dude and if you thought that was awesome buckle in for this you can get started with eight free meals that's $80 off your first month of hellofresh all you have to do is go to hello fresh calm and use promo code Curtis town 80 to experience America's number-one meal kit for yourself and you'll be supporting me and my channel so yeah click the link in the description thanks so much take it away rad Curtis thanks add Curtis that looks delicious by the way alright guys thank you so much for watching if you enjoy the video please press the like button 1 like equals one tiny beanie brim and we all love those don't we they're so fun leave a comment let me know what you thought let me know if you want to see more videos of me talking about all Canadian television shows because I have the most fun doing it I hope you guys enjoyed it as well if you haven't seen my other ones I've done two more of these in the past I'll leave them in the description or you can I'll leave cards I'm on the [ __ ] video however that works I'm good at YouTube yeah if you want to follow me on social media description my Instagram atwitter you can also find the links to my podcast my weekly podcast very really good it's so much fun there's like 60 episodes but you can hop in anywhere I just talked about random [ __ ] it's a good time it's available on Spotify and iTunes and you get listed for free dude it's the best also in description you can find links to curtis town merch this is the newest one that came out it's the one Millie merch it's pretty [ __ ] rad dude and again the links two tickets for the Danny and drew tour will be there so yeah check that out as well okay thank you so much for watching I'm gonna go surgically attached a whoopee cushion to my butt bye bye hey don't click on anything on the screen right now a prank to you you should do that please
Channel: Kurtis Conner
Views: 2,128,963
Rating: 4.983223 out of 5
Keywords: kurtis conner, kurtis connor, prank patrol, pranks, cringe, commentary, old canadian show, old tv show, canadian, canadam, terrifying, pranked, ninjas, scary, tv cringe, television, weird tv, nostalgia, low budget
Id: uwTOWSWD63o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 53sec (1073 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2019
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