Tik Tok's Most Talented Comedians

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hey there welcome back to my channel if you're new here what's up how's it going and if you're coming back what's up how's it going it's very good to see you again do you see what happens when you subscribe to my channel you get an extra greeting at the beginning of every single video so press the subscribe button for an extra greeting folks really quick i want to give a big thank you to hellofresh for sponsoring today's video before we get into the today's video i want to say really quick thank you to everyone who uh who's given me positive feedback on my new yee tattoo for those of you who don't know i tweeted uh 10 000 retweets and i'll get a yi tattoo didn't think it would happen i got 10 000 in like the first night so i yep that's the thing and now it's on me forever there it is so great so thanks for all the kind words and everything love that thank you so much i'm a real country boy now graduated from yyu buddy speaking of country boys remember the the country boys and country girls of tick tock videos that i made well i'm making another tick tock video how's that for a segway dude am i on a chair or on a segway right now i literally can't tell dude because that segue was so a boss i also just said boss and i hate that i'll tell you what's not boss saying boss so i wanted to do another tick tock video so i reluctantly opened the app and i scrolled through it and what do you know dad i did it i'm back from school awesome buddy how was your day oh it was a war zone uh-oh pizzas were yelling students were yelling and then there was me sitting in the corner chomping on my goldfish oh well good i'm glad you stayed out of trouble actually it turns out the goldfish was the class pet so i am in a lot of trouble still garbage i missed all this cringy content i found the cringe king he wears the cringe crown he lives in cringe castle all the other cringy tick-tockers are the they're the cringe peasants and they're like oh you're mad your majesty what what shall we do you've probably seen his videos before i'm gonna show you his most popular one that people have you know roasted and stuff let's play it i baked you a pie oh boy what flavor pie pie pie dad i'm hungry hi hungry i'm dad why did you name me this way why why why so this guy goes by the name jill jill gilmer jill jill mccros jill crows sheryl crow so this guy jill and his brother i wish his name was jack so jack and jill the tick tock stars so jill and his brother jaden not jack for some [ __ ] reason we're gonna take a look at jill and jaden's content see what they're doing wrong see how we can fix it and i think their content highlights the overall like bigger issue with tick-tock as a whole but we'll get into that later so without further ado let's get into some [ __ ] also i don't want to get claimed by umg like i did in my country videos um because you know i need to eat and stuff so every copyrighted song that plays in these guys tick tocks i will be recording a um a cover so i don't get claimed so all right take that umg ugly man guys that's what it stands for all right let's go [Music] this classic premise dude you know your phone's on one percent and you're like [ __ ] i have to plug it in before it runs out of battery or else i'll have to turn it back on dude how relatable dude [Music] okay [Music] thanks man i don't get it so his phone was about to die so he's like oh [ __ ] my phone's about to die i better run to the outlet and plug it in and he makes it just in time whoosh thank god didn't see that one coming then his brother is like dead i'm guessing but his phone is also dead so jaden does what any good brother would do instead of using his charging phone to call uh his 911 brother's phone because you know so brothers do brotherly love and then as soon as he plugs in his dead brother's dead phone and it comes back to life he comes back to i don't did maybe it's like a commentary on like how like we're like attached to our phones and [ __ ] dude that's deep phone bad book good you know i'm gonna see if i can reference all my other videos in this one video so this highlights their content very well a lot of over-the-top faces really generic premises and not really anything that creative at all you know it's just like my phone died are you saying you like me or not i'm saying i like you well then i'm saying i like you fine then i guess we're boyfriend and girlfriend one condition what i get to be the boyfriend now that's some [ __ ] top-notch comedy dude the [ __ ] drums at the end wow dude i mean i don't know what that's from what is that from so this is from drake and josh apparently and he's just you know lip syncing a little clip from a show with his [ __ ] onion haircut like this is another issue i have like i thought lip syncing was just for music because sometimes musicians do that like you know the ashley simpson thing that happened you know lip syncing is a thing that happens all the time probably lip syncing music that makes sense in a way but dude lip syncing just a [ __ ] like tv show man wow that's so weird super weird it's drake and josh but there's some like talented writers and stuff in the world that are like they [ __ ] they work so hard on making great scripts and then actors you know they they work hard at like delivering these lines and everything and then there's you know directors and editors and so so much work goes into like just one piece of original content and then for some guy just be like i get to be the boyfriend it's such a big [ __ ] you to like anyone who like works in the entertainment industry who like actually gives a [ __ ] at what they do i don't know very strange i don't like it at all jill all right let me go fetch a pail of water with your brother 245 000 likes of the brother in the background like the brother wasn't tagged in the background for one shot of him spinning like a ballerina hey hey little bro i'm doing this really [ __ ] weird tech talk do you want to like be in the background and spin like a ballerina while i do it oh my god i thought you'd never ask here we go was that good okay uh this next video i hate it so much hate it it really highlights one of the main issues i have with this dude he captioned it two side of me like two sides of me is what he meant i guess ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha blah blah [Laughter] i got [ __ ] two sides dude i'm like i'll make faces but i'm also the hottest [ __ ] guy you've ever seen i can make silly faces but i can also squint at the camera who else could do that only the two sides of me can do that did how funny it would be if it was like two sides of me and it was just him like [Music] hi if that was the video oh my god i'd still be laughing forever but that wasn't like i feel like you gotta pick one you can't be like a comedian person like funny wacky dude on the internet but also just a boy or whatever like that's that'd be like if john mulaney was just like hey guys i'm a hot guy now it's just weird right okay hey what the [ __ ] was that man hey jill real quick what the [ __ ] oh weirdest way to start any [ __ ] video dude looks like you're getting a [ __ ] [ __ ] man what the [ __ ] man what are you doing why did he start the video like that like why why these over-exaggerated like movements and facial expressions for a [ __ ] dumb handshake with your little brother that's so weird i hated that so much i love how the little brother acts like oh wait what the oh the camera's on okay yeah yeah let's do the handshake dude that's such a surprising thing you just did it's not like you didn't just tell me we're gonna do this well i'm your little brother my name's jack i got everything about that video i hated if this video was personified and it like came up to me and was like hey curtis i'm that video that you hate a lot nice to meet you i i would just have i just have to like square up with it i'd have no other option i'm not gonna lie this is me if i if that video was a person how is he doing that stop jill i don't know how he did that because the music was so serious and scary it couldn't have just been him rotating his phone that the music's way too serious for that he must have rotated the earth around him to make it look like he was rotating the phone dude jill's out of control watch me [ __ ] get it you'll see hey you'll see playing tennis on the wii the more i watch these the more i think that i'm just a [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] because like is this normal is this fine for people just be like hey hey bro hey little bro you wanna dance in front of a camera do a weird song oh yeah yeah you can wear your fedora that's fine oh i encourage it okay hold on let's just set up the phone here [Music] yeah we're brothers we're two dancing brothers is that normal is it i don't think it is maybe for jack and jill but can't spell brother without broth and you know that was super bad should i delete my channel should i do it should i [ __ ] do it that was the worst joke i've ever [ __ ] made or maybe the best that's what you slipped in that's what was on your shoe and that explains the abrasion on your palm let me run that back for you smoothness okay look i'll give him this that wasn't that bad of a jim carrey impression but the thing about jim carrey is that he is so funny because he his facial expressions and his acting it's at the perfect level like he does it like so well any more of it any more of the like facial expressions any less it'd be not funny it'd be weird and just like jim carrey it would just be a weird guy but jim carrey is like such a a funny [ __ ] guy because he just knows the exact level to do every role that he's in like jill's content is like an alien like came to earth watched like five jim carrey movies and was like okay that's how all humans are okay now i'm gonna go do that alrighty then okay so believe it or not this jail person has 17 million followers on tick tock which is just [ __ ] crazy so obviously they have a youtube channel and um it's not any better so let's take a quick look at it shall we let's look at this video called we stubbed our toes uh 1.8 million views i can't believe you start posting on youtube again jay that's like the best thing ever whose time is getting bigger and bigger dude as soon as you hear that sound effect you know you're in for some just [ __ ] you can become bigger faster and stronger oh no ouch [Music] that happens to me sometimes too dude how [ __ ] disrespectful is that just adding a fart sound for no goddamn reason like if they're just editing it like yeah this this is really good like you just like fell down and then like i fell down like but it needs something more what do we what do we do like what else could we add what about a burp that'd be funny that's not funny enough that doesn't make sense um oh i got it what if he farts now that's the kind of thinking that we need around here fart sound comedy dude so funny he farted but yeah here sure here's a fart there you go i'm gonna start doing that every time i'm whenever i'm on stage and i do a joke at the end of my bit i'm just gonna have a [ __ ] fart sound effect i once met a deer who could write with both hands it was bambi dexter step aside jack and jill curtboy's on the way okay let's see how the video ends okay what the [ __ ] so premise one guy stubs his toe ouch other guy stubs his toe as well ouch but then pizza yum those are three three rules of comedy ouch ouch pizza that's all you need oh what a piece of [ __ ] video that was i don't really know what they're trying to do on their youtube channel they do a lot of like vlogs which aren't really entertaining at all it's just them being like what's up guys and we're going over here and now we're over there what's next you're right we're now we're over there they also made two short films they're like 20 minutes each i don't know why i watched them and i wanted to include them but i honestly i would have to do a whole video about them because it literally just doesn't make any sense at all here's a clip from one of them please give me attention uh yeah it's about him like trying to make a move i don't know it's about him trying to make a movie and he dances a lot it makes no sense again it's like an alien watching a jim carrey movie and it's like alrighty then but my favorite video on their youtube channel their merch announcement imagine making all those like crazy funny wacky videos and then for your to sell your merch you're like [Music] our [ __ ] hats get our hats that's another example of jill being like yo we're we're funny but we're also like [ __ ] super hot you know two sides of me like imagine if i did that for my merch it's just weird right doesn't make sense okay i think that's all i can really take of this guy's content i think you get the gist this video is centered around this jail person but it's real i want it to be like a bigger like commentary about tiktok as an app like in general i just think it's very strange that they're moving away from this like music lip syncing like that was already [ __ ] weird but the fact that they're moving away to like other people's content hey guys i'm editing right now i just realized i said something wrong here i meant to say that um it's weird that they're like moving away from lip syncing music to like lip syncing like tv shows and movies and other stuff like that okay that's it bye i remember there was like a bunch of people using like chris melberger's vine all these people just lip syncing with my voice it's so strange to me what's going on my name is billy i'm 19 years old and i'm a little nervous he was a boy she was a girl like how do you feel normal doing that you know it's so strange it's like if i started my my youtube video like what's up greg basically stealing other people's content making it your own and just making stupid faces and like basically a mockery of it it's not really talent you know original content gets stolen literally every [ __ ] second like i've had so many my fire tweets stolen from just [ __ ] twitter accounts being like ah it's me i wrote it well you [ __ ] tweet it everyone's now and you have companies like [ __ ] jerry like making millions of dollars off of stolen content i mean they've had that stuff in the news recently thank god you know it's finally they're finally crediting the people who make the memes but it took so [ __ ] long for that to happen it's probably still going to happen for a long long time and tick tock is just like feeding into that issue i feel like sure they did a little credit thing at the bottom but it's rarely citing the original thing like that drake and joshua and it wasn't referencing drake and josh it was just like yeah it was from this other one who knows what it's from just [ __ ] lip sync to it and i'm sure there are some exceptions but a lot of these tick tock stars tick-tockers these famous tik-tok people it's they're not getting popular for any real like talent you know if it makes you happy and stuff i mean i guess and if it's like paying your bills all the power to you know that's great [ __ ] good job but the whole idea of like lip syncing other people's original content and like making it yours and like profiting off of that i don't know it's just inherently [ __ ] weird and it should stop i think like imagine jill on [ __ ] america's got talent and i like well then i'm saying i like you fine then i guess we're boyfriend and girlfriend one condition what i get to be the boyfriend like if you're gonna be a comedian you gotta have some like talent right you got to be a you got to be talented in in comedy with most jobs it'd be like being a like going in for work to be a chef and you don't know how to make any food you wouldn't even know what to do in the kitchen you know but with hellofresh cooking is so simple anybody could do it that's right folks it's time to learn about hellofresh hellofresh how you doing cooking at home can be super intimidating you know you gotta go out you gotta find a recipe you gotta go get the ingredients you gotta prep the ingredients you gotta cook it and just [ __ ] hope that you did it correctly you know and sure you may be a natural-born talent like jill or a natural-born chef like guy fieri but you know what most of us we get lost on the way to flavor town that's where hellofresh comes in hellofresh makes cooking at home enjoyable and easy they send you fresh pre-measured ingredients and easy to follow six step pictured recipe cards right to your door each week in a special insulated box and all meals come together in 30 minutes max hear that max only 30 minutes we're all busy folks okay i'm always editing or filming or writing and by the time i want dinner i'm way too lazy to actually cook an entire meal but hellofresh does all the planning shopping and prepping so you can focus on enjoying the new year and a healthier you dude there are three plans to choose from classic veggie and family with the option to switch plans whenever you feel like a change me and my girlfriend are vegetarians and we're also super lazy so we always end up making the same like four or five meals over and over again but hello fresh allows us to start cooking outside of our comfort zone by discovering new delicious recipes now you're probably thinking wow this is way too good to be true this is probably super expensive well you're wrong all right hello fresh is now 6.99 per serving making it america's best value meal kit but if you want to save even more money hellofresh has hooked up the citizens of curtis town with a really awesome deal you can get started with six free meals that's two free meals in each of your first three boxes yeah just head on over to hellofresh.com and enter the code curtistown60 for a full sixty dollars off listen it's 2019 i want all the citizens of curtis town to be happy and healthy so click the link in the description enter the code and get some awesome meals dudes and the best of all you'll be supporting me and my channel so i can continue to make some top-notch content dude all right guys that's gonna do it for this video thank you very much for tuning in i've been curtis connor that was another episode of me making fun of guys on the internet if you enjoyed this video please press the like button one like equals one pail of water fetched by jack and jill if you want to see some more uh tick tock videos let me know in the comments because i have some ideas um and i love to do them so let me know if you want to see them thanks again to hellofresh for sponsoring today's video the link's in the description to get your sweet curtis town deal also while you're down there in the description you can take a look my social media you can follow me on instagram and twitter um there's also a link to my weekly podcast very really good you can check that out listen to it's a lot of fun if you enjoy the videos you'll like the podcast too there's also a patreon for that podcast you can get early access to episodes and a bonus monthly video episode also my super awesome curtis town merch we already saw that earlier in the video but the links down there i'll see you guys next week i'm gonna go do a cool handshake with my little bro bye hey guys thank you so much for watching this video if you enjoyed it there's some more videos on the screen you can click and watch and don't forget to press that subscribe button for an extra greeting all right well come on what are you waiting for click on something okay bye
Channel: undefined
Views: 4,069,630
Rating: 4.973175 out of 5
Keywords: kurtis conner, tik tok, kurtis conner tik tok, tiktok, kurtis conner tiktok, kurtis connor, tik tok cringe, cringe, i baked you a pie tik tok, i baked you a pie, comedians, comedian, tik tok comedian, talented, commentary, reaction, gil croes, croesbros, croes bros, jayden croes, gilmher croes, weird faces, faces, funny faces tik tok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 24sec (1404 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 23 2019
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