r/TIHI | Damn Tails, you thicc 😳

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if you like me yo Gladys and get lost in our weight though the what coladas though what shy snowball says I did some fanart of Robin because I loved his voice and he's really funny it's not amazing since I'm still improving but I'm proud and you should be that's fantastic thank you hello everybody welcome back to m'kay my name is Robin and today I figured I'd head on over to thanks I hate it oh I love pain but you knew that already real fact number 790 your big toe only has two bones and the rest have three oh I didn't need to know that whoa tails oh you carrying around some cake my boy we don't have food and we can't go out I have an idea oh dear oh oh come on why you got to play the Teletubbies like that I'm thinking about cosplaying Tom Nook do it don't this isn't just standard tangling this is advanced angling how is this even possible smooth Yoda yep there's God with a shotgun again and I agree with him this time loving my new bath bomb ding its top Hellmann's mayonnaise 'el spray for when you're breathing a little too easy yes it's my favorite hit Disney Pixar movie the Bob's show Bob's you like onions somehow he's even more gross looking than if they did it to any other member of the family from the show Gwen has just been with thick lips oh wow well I mean Ben got them eyebrows though you have been visited by toothpaste man his motives are unknown well I feel like his motives would be to prevent tooth decay me if Frodo fit the ring perfectly into his butt would he disappear or what his poop banished temporarily as it passed through the target cashier when Spotify tries to make me a daily mix yeah I really make it hard on Spotify gee Thank You uncle hurt me and yawn I really appreciate this mug from the underworld my favorite pizza ever was the stuffed crust pizza from Pizza Hut clean them pearly whites while you enjoy some piping hot beef Hut goop holy crap its toothless except the ocean version of him and he looks a little overcooked well I guess that's one way to think about it except that's not at all what's going on what is lucy is saying to Draco wrong answers only it's okay Draco put the glass in your ass we all had to do it for Lord Voldemort he's into some weird crap but it's all part of being a Death Eater sign me right the hell up WTF do you want Gandalf skedaddle skadoodle your staff is now anodal you gross biscotti had to be done it did need to be done and I'm so happy that I'm seeing it now man the local target bathroom got a lot meaner since I was last in their energy replenished so he put his charger in her plug gotcha oh it's nettles chest quick cheese milk now including 25% more cheese it's still quite a bit of sugar artist yes I know what a horse looks like what do I look like an idiot if they made an Obama voice pack mod for tf2 that just replaced all of the spies lines I'd be playing that game every day plants imma wave my genitals in the air humans mmm fragrant bees oh no man with bizarre horse fetish busted twice in 24 hours okay but did the cops catch him I hate that he looks like the farmer from Shaun the Sheep oh man I can't watch that one ever again now who's been eating my watermelon was it you I'm not sure about this but senpai don't worry I'm wearing protection oh that's how you know it's gonna be a good day smile wide my friend dude your phone is blowing up oh that's just stupid come on someone broke into my car last night nothing was stolen but they chewed all my gum and put it back in the container this is a hate crime I'll say it is live why do we have to sexualize everything now I can't enjoy a custard filled donut ever again without thinking of this image thank you if you think life is bad these are Siamese brothers just one of them is gay and they got one bud [Music] Oh record day of mosquito blood feeding 5,000 female mosquitoes fed and 16 milliliters of blood lost oh man how long after that happened did you take this picture because your arm is about to look scary when you try to make a rainbow cake and it ends up looking like a unicorns a whole Romney still looks pretty good night Oh maze looking pretty good Mario and Luigi whoo holy cow they're staring right into my soul this is wrong Oh God why call it blue balls when you could call it a commie ache are you serious what the hell's going on coming June 2020 shark goals of death a new movie from Michael Bay you why would you do that you're supposed to use peanut butter when your doctor tells you that you need to increase your vitamin D intake and your ho instinct kicks in you can just lick sunlight so hey you know what time it is it's time to talk about that i funny watermark Thanks I hate the Earth's real shape whoa be a little more sensitive would ya I think the earth is beautiful no matter its shape Millennials are treating pets like their firstborn child and it's reportedly causing problems for some of the best-known pet food brands younger people are treating their pets like living breathing freaking animals and it's reportedly causing problems for some of the best-known pet food brands that have been selling garbage fillers that barely qualify as nutrition they're fixed your crappy headline when couples do a photo shoot of their baby before it's a month old oh it's my baby picture dentists are just as scared of you as you are of them good that a man a man pelvis pelvis Pressley oh I want to I want to give a shout out to evolution real quick I want to thank evolution for not doing this with any bird what could I say except delete this man Aladdin was all scrotum huh the eggs I laid in your stomach will soon hatch Robert Oh Gary what the hell the Four Horsemen of horsemen and that bottom left one is gorgeous a casual reminder that the reason you all have allergies is treegasm x' i'm pollinating so hard any mods got the balls to explain themselves I second this I mean you can't enjoy deleting this and banning every doesn't it hurt can't at least some of you feel the shrivel of your souls this is the only way I can climax okay actually I'm lying what's your favorite food at me why why does he suppose have to make me hate food you gave your guinea pigs bull cuts across their entire bodies technically speaking Crocs are made from a closed shell resin called cross light this soft comfortable lightweight non-marking and odor resistant foam gives crocs their unique texture although not advertised as edible cross light is non toxic meaning theoretically no harm should come to you if consumed man I want to start munching on some Crocs that is one beefy crab that guy you could probably lift my car that's pretty crafty I'm liking that oh yeah that is that's gonna be a no from me warner home video presents the part in the neverending story where artax dies on loop for three and a half hours coming soon to own on video cassette Diary of a Wimpy Kid there was no candy oh god dangit Lamborghini dreamin a day after five year old Adrian stole his parents SUV to drive to California to buy a Lamborghini he got to take a ride in one dang kid it's a bird it's a plane is it both it's both I hate it I had all this ground meat and I made a meat baby now no one wants to eat it and all the kids who stops casually is about that I had a lot of ground meat so I decided to make a meat baby OMG someone's proposing seriously what could be worse what you know is actually going on or someone being proposed to while they're on the toilet in a public restroom how it feels to chew five gum stimulate your senses oh honey honey please not today can you stop biting my balls it's kind of getting on my nerves I'm just not in the mood what a beautiful transformation Oh yummy salted peanuts and coke pretty common where I grew up especially when working outdoors I've been met with horror when doing it around people who didn't grow up found it I can see why we need to nuke that particular area of the country look you can dislike pineapple on pizza and stuff like that all you want but peanuts in coke that doesn't even make sense hey you know what this actually doesn't look that bad about a week ago I microwaved some baked beans forgot about them and open the microwave door today and found this hey presto a new life-form you need to set that on fire right now I feel like this is what Canadian Geese think they look like so I've come to the conclusion that I'm going to get my nipples pierced and then get nipple piercings that have googly ice on them so it'll look like I have eyes instead of nipples and when I go to do the diddly with a guy when he takes my shirt off he'll be like the hell is that and I can be like The Hills Have Eyes when you download the wrong subtitles for a movie but it still works out what are you doing in my swamp it's my dream microphone the shure sm7b all these young bucks talking about murder hornets and these bad boys have been around for years I had a laminated one you were a psychopath I turned myself into a fleshlight morty i'm fleshlight rick man that's the funniest crap I've ever seen coming soon at Taco Bell the monster locos taco with enough caffeine to kill a horse No look at this cute goofy looking weirdo yeah England sure was one go latinus octopus back in the day oh it's Little Red Riding huh oh my what a big bone you have grandma he began poking you in the stomach Jesus Christ y'all miss me I made ranch gummy bears and you should too no no I shouldn't oh if your house doesn't have a chimney don't worry Santa can deflate his body and squeeze beneath your doorway arriving at the club my girlfriend do you promise you won't turn into an inaccurate 1800s reconstruction of Iguanodon this time me I promise me three drinks later ah you lied you know what scares me most about stuff like this is that someone sat down and thought you know all those weird baby doll parts I have in the basement I could make something even more disgusting with them ha and then they did it Ryan Reynolds is pillsbury the true story of a Doughboy who became a dough man this definitely seems like something Ryan Reynolds himself would have been behind never sleep with your feet uncovered or a monsters gonna eat it huh oh I feel that yes we are out of dog Oh food no I can't buy more because I can't go out dog will be fine I'll give him my vegan food oh why did you have to photoshop a smile on him back to five thousand sixty-seven Japanese honeybees kill Hornets by enclosing them in a ball of bees and then shaking so fast and generating so much heat that they cook the Hornet at 115 degrees Fahrenheit oh my god it's true bad and naughty Hornets get placed in the beasts fear for punishment it's a Minecraft B but in 4k wood buffalo chicken look like this or like this please God be the first one who the heck made this pork rub roast that great on dead animals Oh Big E want to know what mental image just crept into my brain a clown funeral where the pallbearers accidentally dropped the casket in like 15 dead clowns fall out okay that's just a really good joke but that I funny watermark though no I'm never gonna stop doing that joke because I funny sucks Ben & Jerry's Marlboro red okay that's really disgusting monkeys can learn to use money scientists taught capuchins to exchange silver discs for treats a few weeks into the experiment the monkeys began budgeting for foods they liked they started buying food when the price dropped and even started gambling eventually rich monkeys figured out they could pay each other for sex oh cool so the experiment was a success when you accidentally fall asleep right after you nut then you wake up two hours later okay I can't relate but that sounds awful I heard mom got stung by a few bees this morning is she okay hospital she's okay now no hospital she had to take the deep penis uh what I had to inject her with an epic penis Oh for Christ's sake EpiPen Oh dad Miami stripper arrested for squirting vaginal fluids at police officers and self-defense that's one way to defend yourself that's how they're able to do that so well Ernie how do I look with your eyes Bert with your eyes I guess it's time to cut the cord and by court I mean the umbilical cord connecting me to this dead rat psyche I'm never getting rid of this thing Oh Crocs but thigh-high oh how the hell did I never think of something so dastardly and awful hot pocket sandwiches boiling water flavor I'll thank God still got that crispy buttery crust though although personally I prefer the dryer lint flavor the existence of the meatball sub implies there also exists a meatball dum hmm pika pika oh don't mind if I do would you still turn to stone if you looked at this version of Medusa or would you turn to something else discuss in the comments please what in the world these were real please don't tell me these were but don't do this to me don't mess with me I'll believe it horrifying sperm bank Greek yogurt mix-up scandal the FDA has issued a formal statement regarding the issue oops Sonic the Hedgehog aged 29 years Amy Rose Sonic aged 12 years old oh no oh look it's my baby picture again we're expecting to graduate Zeb and Travis class of 2020 now that's how you do it I've been diagnosed what's wrong he's diagnose dude is it just me or do the trees from Pokemon look like Angry Men flexing I can't don't see that either dang it yo you trying to step on our boy low cost cosplay ain't gon work no no silica gel do not eat those silica gel industry big shots can't tell me what to do mm congratulations you've escaped the simulation welcome to the real world mmm this is making me uncomfortable why is it looking at me like that believe it or not you will hit your toe if not today then tomorrow oh don't you put that evil on me what walks on four legs in the morning 2 in the evening in 3 at night piece of cake it's man what No people only have two legs stupid the answer is Stevie over there girl pre-cracked egg no messy hand saves time finally i enjoy human skin gloves made by serial killer Ed Gein oh now I know why NPCs run away when I take damage yeah that would be completely understandable I'd run away look props to the artist and all because he can draw but that is freaking gross looking the Minecraft stock market good you give me 24 emerald for one oak sapling why did we need Harald to be rendered in such high resolution why did we need the detail on his face wasn't the actual man good enough for you every year you're on the naughty list and you get your coal yet you're still naughty no more chances Timmy you've made your choice maybe you made a mistake maybe I'm on the wrong list no I checked it twice how to protect your tablet 101 well I guess that works better than nothing customize your genitals in the new upcoming cyberpunk 2077 no boy I can't wait to have a rainbow ding-dong Oh get out of my house take this with you no I don't want it go away go 100 million year-old spider with a Scorpion's tail found an amber let's keep it in there shall we all right come on this is pretty good fYI if you come across one of these it's not blackberries or animal waste it's a tick nest burn it Oh God oh thank god we've come to the end of the video I was really afraid we were gonna have to keep going past the tick nest always remember folks I've even someone enjoyed this video make sure you drop a like down below and hey if you really liked it make sure you hit subscribe and click the bell icon you know you want up and until next time I'll be seeing you [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,977,457
Rating: 4.9466071 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, tihi, tihi best posts, tihi top posts, thanksihateit, thanksihateit top posts, thanksihateit best posts, tihi emkay, thanksihateit emkay, thanks i hate it, makemesuffer, makemesuffer emkay, cursedcomments, noahgettheboat, r/noahgettheboat, noahgettheboat emkay, ezpz
Id: KiDQhdtup18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 8sec (1028 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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