r/Crappydesign | push me pop me anytime baby,... 🤫😈

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50% of the time it gets the Sun in a hundred percent of the time welcome back to MK my name is jack and remember if you got fan out guys submit it to the subreddit we'll try and highlight it on the channel but without further ado let's get on to some crappy designs little ass your big the only other issue is the fact that the synced colors of flex remember everyone their wash lives are your hands in your stay home hand stay safe your hands got to stay home and stay safe okay don't let those hands run about wind tunnel cause leads injuries a wind tunnel will affect around leeds highest building that led to one death has it caused 25 incidents Oh in other news you guys have made me learn about wind tunnel effect in major cities if you don't know what they are google it like I had to ha make yourself learn stuff oh geez anime we get it okay that's the family tree gosh yeah that week we can read it on the screen you that you don't need to do the subs BFFs odor wrench infra walkie they get that F right up to eight how we're helping during coronavirus by making it more difficult to read what we're saying yeah mate I'll get on to listening once they just figure out why you chose this background what are you trying to do when Spyro confuse me cuz you're kind of doing the ladder at the moment oh look we're back onto this displaying Hobbit products if you can't fit the person in the photo take a wider photo then I'm tell me to stay good while you're chopping your phone on the ground like an idiot I appreciate the nice word today one-piece shower squeegee deluxe stainless steel shower squeegee for bathroom shower this is for showers in case you weren't aware what's that you want the specific measurements to you sure yeah I could knock you do that for you man easy no problem I have no idea what the hell is going on on this map here I am assuming it's like some sort of system in place for people to drive through and get their stuff at the store and get out without any you know contact and that kind of stuff why is there a purple circle that says pops what does pop and why do they need so many cars to explain where all the cars are going like cheese oh this is terrible I've never appreciated a good stop menu until now I think the characterize the worst thing for me look at that thing just staring into your soul don't remind me of my old vacuum cleaner don't you dare like why design this if it's not gonna work even better the smiling face or the tongue like I'll accept in having two mouths this is the only time I'll accept something having two mouths I'll be honest the word nut has lost all innocent meaning for me I know this is a kids game but it's it's not East Asian language and culture around schools yeah this is geologically accurate we got Russia there on the coast of China Japan on the northern hemisphere a lot of land to Japan has we got China there obviously a South Korea being south of China that makes sense they even teach you the language for that rather large but underdeveloped country what's it called again England that's it what is this design the ball isn't that terrible of a design but what the hell is with the nozzle valid it's far too low to properly wash your hands with that thing yeah buddy maybe you switch let's light bulbs out hey very soon I love this box just says this is why and I can just imagine this the woman saying it to the guy just like this is why this is why what I don't know but this is why for God's sake woman let me just cut this carrot this is why would you stop screaming at me why no one can ever say I never get carried away with this before protected after protected and cuz it's felt that way your office rejected so want to put the socket right behind these pipes here against the wall and oh let's let's let's put a little tiny spider there as well just a really freaked out that you reckon if ibx madam I've cleaned inside your glass now it's time to clean inside your yeah shower enclosure which is what's next on the list then you're here at advertising galaxy we'd like to show you how terrible we are at our job oh my god jumbling the words does not make it a good design can we start suing people for this is it a hippo or is it a cat I'll leave you to decide this one I am stumped and I think so we're the designers to be honest what's this aiding T you're talking about no the rest of the words don't count because you scribbled them out so I'm not gonna read them is this a female zombie coming after me is there's someone wanting to embrace me for a hug or is this someone just with large yet dislocated boobs they just float around in their own separate existence so ik outlet make view different with a slogan like that I'm not surprised we washed it three times so you don't have to wait so like forever geez what product are you using guys like what holy water no it's not 1208 its nikki 208 that sounds too kinky for me to be okay with that melt that fast pedo diet drink one cup before bed what's your body fat melt like crazy nope that is not how it works time to drop some knowledge water will just satisfy that hunger craving and it make you feel like you're full even though you haven't eaten anything so you're less likely to eat as much you can't spot burn body fat anyone who says that there's a liar trying to tell you something want to lose belly fat then just exercise your whole body not just your abs your entire body workout the builders usin amount of muscle because your muscles are what burns your body fat and moving on oh it's it's innocent but it's just no it's not good because you pet your dogs then your dogs are gonna touch each other then you're gonna pet your dogs again and look at that it cross-contaminated also I'm pretty sure 1.5 meters it's the effective distancing range so which way do you want this door to open right on the fridge are you sure yeah I want to get my smack the wood when someone comes in from the garage this headphone has wide applications ideal for recording monitoring music appreciation video gaming playing DJ yeah all the things that headphones do normally Oh elephant man not you too no you know what I'm gonna say this works here because alpha man is meant to be based on the idea of things being deformed and basically people found em sickening and weird to look at so I think it's actually a good use of the jumbling don't worry Elephant Man you're safe with me Wow look at all that definitely real cash in her fist I've never realized just how stupid stairs can look in a bathroom on until now sitting on that toilet see must be like on Pride Rock this is my domain hey kid come over here why don't you push my paw come on it's jumbo-sized for a second I thought the fuzziness meant this is a TV screen I was gonna genuinely scream how the hell is this considered legit but it's just a photo so yeah it's it's real guys don't worry it's not fake at all let's get a roast on this product for the fact that they try and make you buy more by having it not fully work but they're wasting their product doing this so technically it's a dumb idea for them as well this is giving me some very uncomfortable attack on Titan vibes Oh looks like you missed two other speaker holes there buddy be honest though would you really hear the difference on or off what is it on right now I can't tell where each house begins and ends and I hate it I definitely wouldn't be out to live here and do all the shouting I do with this thing today No so everybody noise complaints we're wild you well wait wait what am I waiting for I'll give props to whoever can figure out how to place a toilet roll on this thing flexible cozy headband noise cancelling microphone soft memory earmuffs soft head cushion avocado imported from Australia oh that's nice of hang on that's the New Zealand flag come on a simple google would fix this yeah by cargo rack it's not even being used here don't smoke and kill your child or Malaysia oh I've just noticed that there's a person there unlike the left side of it with the baby I'll don't kill your child's smoking it killed okay we got there folks we got there distilled water with minerals added for taste but that's then it's not distilled share our post on Facebook and we'll match each share with a non-perishable through donation to Yukon Jack's you can also donate right goods by dropping them in this box or you can share just just saying oh here we go ladies and gentlemen another pie chart here we go 45 plus 24 plus 23 plus 10 equals Oh 102 percent there it is of course typical but this is not a dirty book this is intentional print and as we all know with books you want to make sure the content or even just the title of the book is very hard to see that way no advisor from the book shop and your life's work is for nothing I was going to criticize for the fact that they could have just used two large doors to open this thing but then I realize that it looks like it's split halfway so it does make sense but then I saw that the bottom one was crooked and now I hate it hey yeah so what are we gonna do about this old table and chair backs yeah let's just go Koopa Chi to them Riverside ripstop tote bag for when it looks like Hickory is going all the way through and you didn't have toilet paper around a man why does everything missing or mispronouncing the word have to refer to anal why why is it such a common thing k and k annals and cats again you skip it on one word but not the other can we please be a bit more consistent spend a ton of money trying to move the toilet out of the way a bit now let's just cut a huge curve into the door so that when you go to the toilet now people can see through all I can read is the nothing exists nothing evolves and now I'm worried this box is having a midlife crisis you okay buddy do you need help the psychology of losing weight water temperature temper do you usually use degrees Celsius to refer to the temperature not just Wilbur hooker but coo coo coo no no I'm not reading this you don't deserve to be read you deserve to stay there and be the jumbled mess that you are oh god what is that welcome to uncanny valley let me guess this is from a low-budget KITT show so what's your design plan well I want to make something that gives tech heads a lot of anxiety say no more this is so ugly this is so ugly anyone else thinking the stairs look like a tongue and the house is just constantly screaming in agony make life a little easier for yourself yeah you're doing the opposite mate yes you're hurting my eyes somehow I didn't know that was a thing yeah those cutting mats do not look like they're gonna last more than a week provided they even stay in their packaging for long enough when you don't have money to upgrade the bathroom but you do have money for tiny little wallpapers stainless china that's I I don't think that's a thing your school counselors here follow me on instagram for tips on how to deal with stress anxiety and be a more stable emotionally intelligent happy person tbh Yolo so you should be Gucci and follow us Yates oh it hurts students who are the 125th 150th hundred seventy fifth 200 and 220 fifth to follow us get a prize they're still waiting on their 125th to follow this kind of crap is exactly why a lot of kids find self-help stuff really just demeaning and so cringy Julia's home cooking that's it so rather small home you got there simple forget the other stuff now it's just it's just simple protip super wallpaper you want to make sure your wallpapers don't make it impossible to see you at buddy apps multifunctional smart fitness tracker again proportions people that ain't gonna be a watch that's gonna be some sort of giant belt oh no that's actually printed on the paper - you can't even I was already grinding at the fact it was an actual maths question but this is this is even worse commercial doubles yeah that was me saying all right friends in Russian I don't know why Google that I just wanted to that does another m'kay videos please do subscribe if you haven't already and give this video a thumbs up if you like the content we've got plenty more coming along the way for the channel so do stick around for that click the notification better make it easier for you my name is jack thanks for watching guys we'll see you in the next one you
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Views: 670,998
Rating: 4.9360719 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes
Id: 6ipW_3kzCrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 06 2020
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