r/TIHI | we need to delete AI

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remember kids if you don't brush your teeth i will [Music] glitchy bit boy says drew some fan art i hope this looks good looks good it looks great fantastic job how's it going ladies and gentlemen welcome back to mk i'm your host robin and today we're going to be taking a look at r slash thanks i hate it without much further ado let's get in there shall we oh boy here we go omg guys thanks so much for 10 million in five months it really puts a tear in your eye huh or a bunch in your lungs no one shooter games when i walk over ammo does this image imply that not only do our controllers have heartbeats but they have to go pee and go poop as well where are they doing it i've never seen any what's going on disney princess starts singing every animal within a five mile radius well they gotta join in too she's magical come on you just gotta learn to immerse yourself hey uh i do not enjoy this one bit this is the definition of thanks i hate it in my opinion me i am having such a good day anxiety oh good lord why why would you do this even to take the photo when you only drink artisanal milk from local areolas [Laughter] ah a dandelion must be the last one the season me excited for puberty to give me facial hair ass hair yep you just gotta take it in stride folks baby trying to stand up in the womb oh oh my god i really feel like that shouldn't be happening at all i think the baby's trying to like alien style rip out of you ah yes i see we were the bananas all along me killing a big mouse with a baseball bat everyone else at disneyland oh no don't let the mouse hear you make jokes about him he'll make you disappear battery falling down a hole i get it screw you nothing else 100 beef i'm single let's beef friends what company is this who did this no i want to know i i need to know just tell me i'm not going to be mad this photo of me on christmas eve i removed it as people laughed and were rude i don't care now me a proud big baby i love winnie the pooh but i hate you hot pockets all new boiling water flavor with crispy buttery seasoned crust extra fun features don't burn yourself try lean pockets too oh well looks like thomas has finally had enough of the world's shenanigans thank you karen i don't wear a mask for the same reason i don't wear underwear things gotta breathe you thought you were being funny really you were just being gross and making absolutely no point at all everyone's favorite action star bruce i have so much butt hair my diarrhea comes out as filtered drinking water you didn't have to say that it would have cost you absolutely nothing to not say that okay but here you are oh what hat's he gonna put on my god why why see now this guy right here is a true chef i mean look at this the exquisite peanut butter cups on top of nice melted cheese cinnabron that's it that's the photo cinebron i feel like there are far more people on earth that can pull this off than there should be you know you're dealing with the final boss when someone walks in wearing these bad boys every day we stray further from god a pair of croc martens let's go hiking these two women have coveted 19 linked to one cup not properly being washed at a newly reopened restaurant don't believe me google two girls one cup for the article oh yeah there it is there it is two faces detected low light conditions um uh what's the face it's detecting back there i can't quite see it guys little help here in a parallel universe kids time for dinner oh my god just wonderful oh no what how did you think i washed the dishes like a normal person spongebob like a normal person i mean come on the logic is insane in their world they can have campfires at the bottom of the ocean but it's weird that he washes the dishes with his own body well would you look at that some disney princess hot dogs yeah i'm gonna go eat some taco bell instead though elon's baby eats mars rock i felt a great disturbance in the internet as if hundreds of zippers were suddenly opened your sensations are true that's a yikes and a half from me you guys my dog just put his whole ass butthole on my drink he's never riding with me again hey what's this you know what scratch that don't answer don't need to know don't want to know just get it the hell away from me how about that huh thanks i hate ai re-sharpening of a pixelated emoji i mean it kept it pretty darn accurate you gotta give it that much get your filthy hands on me lime hand soap that's it rip open my small card box oh you're so strong and dominating aren't you have you been working out lately go on take me take me take me to the nearest sink and rub me between your disgusting paws god i love it when you use me like this yes i'm your soch see i've been telling myself i need to get a new pair of flip-flops because i don't have any anymore and then i see these awesome my search is over flawless teeth whitening pen removes all unwanted stains and makes your teeth crystal white without causing any discomfort it's suitable even for sensitive teeth is the side effect that it grows a lot more like attack on titan style my baby treats me so good until it's the full moon oh god gorillas don't know any bodybuilding techniques so we've probably never seen one at full strength it's more terrifying to think that a gorilla could rip your arms off and use them to forcibly penetrate you through both ends and have your disembodied hands high five in your upper intestine at a fraction of its full strength man i hate mondays they sure do suck male animals versus female animals in children's animated movies well you hit that nail right on the damn head wow the amazing world of gumball sure has changed a little bit since i last watched it an x-ray image of a gymnast performing an exercise what exercise might that be because i feel like they should stop it forever for real i think i just developed back problems looking at this image we didn't have to do hagrid like this we could just let him be we could just let hagrid be hagrid but no we had to turn him into this sexy icon what did this hammer do what did it do and what is it asking for a hedgehog's penis is like a belly button and near the center of the abdomen that means this is oh you had to huh jesus oh my god i am so glad i don't have trypophobia because i think this would have actually floored me kind of messed up honk honk why do clowns honk their noses to bump our blood we don't have hearts honk honk please do not waste toner uh you first man what's uh what's going on here what happened to jake now that is the perfect viewing experience for a movie like jaws even better if you hire some guy in scuba gear to go down below and grab people's legs judas you betray me with a kiss what donald trump as a woman thanks i hate it honestly this look is a little bit better for him let's all be honest when all of the kids you swallowed help your knees stay strong oh no she got some soul sand in them kneecaps i meet someone we talk i explain that lego people live in houses made of their own flesh they leave and you just stay within this circle of madness do you i about had a heart attack thought there was a damn condom in my food so don't cut a lemon that way son oh god it does look like that man all of the trash in the ocean is finally starting to appear on our plates i just don't understand how this happened but here's a picture of a lemon from my backyard what the ever living hell when life gives you lemons make sacrifices three seconds after locking the door did i lock the door my brain it's me but with my car imagine forgetting whether or not you locked your door three seconds later but your door has a horn oh thanks i really needed a better visual cue that the piranha plants were absolutely terrifying well that's one way to do it thanks a lot [ __ ] trivia monday blank milk is four times as nutritious as a cow's milk the answer is cockroach milk where do i buy cockroach milk whole foods this minion has a crotch zipper which implies minions have [ __ ] you're a piece of garbage and i hate you yo bro what are you up to did you know that -4 degrees looks like a dude taking a crap well i do know that now jesus thanks gold's gym for the free workout happy mother's day oh my god dude if you accept the concept of muppet babies you also must accept that muppets have sex i don't accept the concept of either ninja sex party why would you say that although all of the muppets are really into fisting as it turns out onichon no it's going inside oh oh is that going to make her autistic a brain for you scarecrow and for you tin man a heart and to you lion i give the gift of courage how come i don't get a new organ check again oh hell yeah i've just discovered that baby owls sleep face down like this because their heads are too heavy also i don't think i've ever seen owl's legs before the four horsemen of passing back items oh why oh you bastards first you wet the dries then you dry the wets then you re-wet your dried wets and last you dust the wets ah i love american cuisine i knew it i knew those things were pez dispensers it was all a conspiracy man they didn't want us to find out what they really were when you come in the piss pool this is where society's headed let's be real come on this is exactly where we're going do you want to live in a world like this because i do hey uh what the [ __ ] he's single he pringle he ready to mingle and the least they could have done was given him more clothes than a bow tie i mean come on someone get him back in there the human anus can stretch up to seven inches before taking damage a raccoon can squeeze into holes as tight as four inches meaning you can almost take two full raccoons up your ass ferb i know what we're gonna do today same i know exactly what i'm doing today happy birthday but i don't want to get older well how about a reverse birthday happy on birthday 29 years later hold still mother isn't this the sea creature that sailors used to mistake for big tittied fish ladies seriously sailors you went that crazy you mistook that for a woman many modern things have their origins in the middle ages the ice cream sandwich [Laughter] mom why don't you add mushrooms to the pizza sure the whole family after dinner oh i get it because they were the type of mushrooms that make you high artist so how should i draw you me sideways but straight i got you whoa that is a trippy image note to self do not look at the floor trying to look cute when you have silver eye shadow on no no no note to self always do that that's a fantastic photo ah yes i'm just going to solder the cmos battery really quick while singing my damn fingers nobody me ever think about this no but now that i am thinking about it i love it you can make fun all you want that dude's a multi-billionaire and doesn't have to worry about your bullcrap criticism anymore lack of sleep can cause the brain to eat itself i'm almost 100 sure by this point that's exactly what my brain looks like by now i don't really sleep oh that's some rough luck there partner maybe it's time to get on your knees and pray to whatever deity you choose and see if that improves your luck a little bit personally i'd do joseph smith he has ice breath coveted 19 floating through the holes in your mask yeah i get it but wow looking at an image like that is absolutely horrifying god smell you later what does that even mean later oh delightful holy crap that bit plugged up my sinuses so bad i can barely hear myself make me mad in five words or less snickers have a dick vein he said make him mad not horny hey why would you do that seriously why i think i'm gonna kill you now you haven't answered me why sushi fusion restaurant births sushi cereal eaten with milk i got nothing guys i've really got nothing i know i say that a lot but in this particular instance i genuinely have nothing i'm sorry you like heaven don't you mommy march 10 1973 through march 14 2019 wow got some monster teeth cooking huh making an elixir nah just teeth what for teeth soup teeth soup crunch oh link why mom look it fell out you should put it under your pillow for the tooth fairy hello billy i've come for your teeth you mean tooth open wide is that thanos is that a church window what huh that's enough internet for today i'll frickin say jesus why do we always gotta come back to making thomas something scary just let him be please hey a toddler skull why look another trypophobic horror get this weak ass crap out of my face i mean really this just looks like a photograph of me looking into the fridge at 4 am trying to find that cottage cheese oh my god that's disgusting where i don't want to know where that's just freaking gross dearest humans you think a face mask is inconvenient wait till you try a ventilator much love covet 19. yeah just imagine them needing to pry your jaw open to get that plastic tube down your windpipe put on your mask i uh what is this i want an answer this can't be yoda right like there's no way and boom just like that we've come to the end of another video i know i know it's sad but we'll be back tomorrow at the same scheduled slot okay not scheduled slot we're not on tv you know what i digress i apologize i'm going off the rails here always remember if you even somewhat enjoyed this video which i know you did make sure you drop a like down below and if you really liked the video then make sure to hit the subscribe button and that little bell icon that way you'll get notified every time we upload and until next time we'll catch you later folks
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,251,276
Rating: 4.9466667 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, tihi, tihi best posts, tihi top posts, thanksihateit, thanksihateit top posts, thanksihateit best posts, tihi emkay, thanksihateit emkay, thanks i hate it, makemesuffer, makemesuffer emkay, cursedcomments, noahgettheboat, r/noahgettheboat, noahgettheboat emkay, ezpz
Id: yiv0q2hnflY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 6sec (1026 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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