r/TIHI | he will inhale you.

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well i won't lie this isn't at all what i was expecting to see but i wouldn't mind seeing more i'm just kidding i hate it do you remember the subreddit i do we're gonna hate everything here [Music] how's it going ladies and gentlemen welcome back to mk i'm your host robin and today they're forcing me to look at thanks i hate it yet again they really do love to torture me i'll give them that all right without much further ado let's look at some disgusting crap shall we and i see we're starting off very very strong i'm sorry but there's really nothing you can do about that keyboard really it's done for you should probably just toss it and get something completely different i mean for real that thing has more hair than me and it's a keyboard caffeine taurine potatoes monster mash energy potatoes made with 14 real potatoes certified grown in florida 100 idaho potatoes oh god i'm a little curious imagine biting into that and tasting monster energy my new favorite genre is people in medieval manuscripts who've been stabbed but simply do not care like that guy in the bottom left he looks a little happy about it actually well i mean i guess a humanitar a human tar i what can't stop thinking about what happens to salmon when they get horny alright i'll bite what happens when they get horny they literally transform into a new unbelievably screwed up creature right we have a salmon and then we have a demon from hell good god i'm glad that doesn't happen to us when we get hornier we'd be transforming every five seconds this is what a snail looks like when infected with a flat worm that affects its eyes and mind controls it like a zombie you know what 2020 is bad enough i'm good okay beautiful reworked topshop jeans that i made into chaps 15 pounds you know what fine give me two pair yeah that's right make another one go ditto ditto do you know what a fleshlight is oh no oh ditto you need to run kovid screens for kids when they go back to school some kids are going to be thinking they're visiting dad there's a burn the likes of which we haven't seen since 2019. i really hope this is some kind of skin you can get for steve and smash bros now me cheap led flashlights google did you mean most powerful flashlight in the world youtube recommended video how to make a laser cannon from old dvd burners facebook did you say a t-shirt for bearded dads that love flashlights and were born in february wish hey check out this freaking crack pipe wish does have their own niche market huh don't call yourself a gamer if you haven't played this game oh i've played it plenty it's not nearly as good as you might think why call it blue balls when you could call it a [ __ ] ache hey plant gay i'ma need you off of twitter alright santa clause's age 1749 years old mrs claus's age 226 years old i don't know about all that guys he just needs to sniff your hand yeah i'm out i'm sorry man i can't do it it's not my fault you bought a hellhound oh my god it says here the baby was due in 1993. i'm really sorry i'm very lazy what now oh no hey my eyes are down here sometimes i feel like i'm nothing hey nothing really matters nothing really matters to me i don't like that bottom left panel at all that's a tattoo that's incredibly impressive bravo to the artist if it's not a tattoo please go to the hospital sex equals sex equals giving head to shrek oh god i'm never gonna unsee that one thanks a lot you jerk [Music] guys i don't i don't think so i'm sorry it's gonna be a hard no freaking thank you for me so i have a theory about the flintstones and the jetsons they're both set in an alternate future where world war iii happened the earth was nuked into oblivion and everything we know today was destroyed the flintstones are the poor people still living on earth they've had to use stone age materials to rebuild all that they once knew the dinosaurs are actually just mutated animals the jetsons are the rich or middle class they got to live in space safe from the nukes safe from the wasteland that is earth that or i just need more sleep i don't know if you think about it imagine how easy it was for elastigirl to give birth she could even threaten them to put them back in no no shut up that's a goofy looking car yep that's exactly what i was thinking thank you uh did you just accidentally turn a deer into a freaking predator the girl he tells you not to worry about versus you it seems about right just so you know ghosts don't watch you shower except for steve they think i'm a towel you are a towel you are a towel steve oh sorry for the unsolicited deck pick that was for someone else that is a very sexy deck 10 out of 10 would sit on it trim the bushes so it looks bigger he's not wrong that is a very sexy deck no nope hate it i don't like what's happening here one bit i don't know why you guys decided to do this i don't know how you got so many volunteers to hide behind the curtain and cover you up with their bare hands but limited edition hostess potted meat twinkies oh god damn it when i get stressed out in life i always remember the 50 lane highway in china which merges into four and not being there brings me some comfort and peace i genuinely don't understand why this exists 50 lanes excuse me and why would you make it go down to four that's just torture oh no please stop i despise it please what what that baby's just as confused as every single person that looks at this picture joe why legit thought this was batman twerking you know what out of my peripheral vision i can definitely understand why you thought that after sealing each of his friends in a different dimensional rift ernie gives a visual demonstration of how he and bert plan to destroy the twin towers you know what whatever i'm used to it by now let's move on there's a face swap i'm gonna remember till the day i freaking die you see guys it's all about perspective you know what i mean yeah now you do i'm not 100 sure what operation you had to have there but you do look a little bit like an extraterrestrial on the right photo or at least a tired one alphabetical order of numbers numbers from 0 to 100 alphabetically sorted i would i would go through each one of these but instead i'm not going to do that ever because i don't really truly want to torture myself i know it might be fun but it hurts okay the great ice ball earth theory regular flat earth model possible that our planet is just another one of many pawns on the great ice ball sun melts a pond in the ice ball traditional flat earth surrounded by an ice wall just when you thought the flat earth theory couldn't get any more ridiculous they had to go and put it on a sphere the flatter theorists we have members all around the globe beyond sausage i haven't had them yet and the way they look is the reason why i mean look at them don't get me wrong beyond meat is incredible and it's completely replaced regular beef burgers for me but i don't know about those huh no not again why why does this one always come up oh look at the lovely cup oh what's going on with this guy oh no no no no no all right bird looking at its own reflection.jpg oh my god covenantplasmarifle.jpg i require those clues steven please i swear i've given you all that i have stephen you're running out of time shower thoughts huh all right i'm ready for this shower thought pregnant women are really slow meat 3d printers sometimes shower thoughts should shut up if you die in the same hospital that you were born in then your average velocity would be zero whoa or as keanu reeves would put it whoa did you know brushing your teeth is the only time you clean your skeleton wow you really made me think there for a second you're right gross hey spike have you seen a bag of white powder spike no not at all why white powder you know i'm gonna say it the skull picture looks significantly less horrifying than the actual picture oh look at that oh that son of a [ __ ] is back he's back and he's eating the crops again let's get him boys the crops are all gone are we gonna starve i don't know boy i don't know all you guys have to do is touch him like twice and his spine will snap as he disappears into the ether it's not that hard future hooters girl make him drool early guys i gotta say this is some of the most [ __ ] up if this is real i'm incredibly mad therapist buff jabba the hutt isn't real he can't hurt you buff jabba the hutt much better than the version we got for real huh i'm gonna need you to take a god damn step back look at your life really analyze the decisions you made that got you to where you are now and then shrivel away into non-existence please you may not rest now there are monsters nearby what the [ __ ] is that nobody australia it wouldn't surprise me if we ever saw one of those for real okay wouldn't surprise me at all you know good for you man good for you for getting out there and finally taking a look around at someone who matches you on a personal level a horse's ass ogres are like tomatoes we both have layers what i genuinely wonder if battery acid is bad for the heart in any way or really just bad for the body in any way it can't be too horrible right i see you're a man of culture as well i'm a girl but thanks how far can you squirt good it's real this is real wow it never ceases to amaze me just how fast the topic of conversation will flip the moment someone says i'm a girl that's all they have to say and then your creepy uncle one comes out of the woodwork look at least he's living up to his name i guess but deterrence of homeless seeking shelter from rain under bridges yeah i really love how much money we spend on deterring the homeless rather than helping them it's quite lovely to see now wait just a minute what's going on here what are they oh wait did you know that when you swim in the ocean you're actually swimming in the remains of the dead whether you take into account the missing or you simply choose to count the buried understand that the ocean is brimming with dead bodies oh and it's also the most popular place for people to get rid of bodies aka murder victims astoundingly the ocean contains more human remains than all of the graveyards on earth together we're just feeding the fish now this is easily the best way to get a crowd of violent men away from you you just have to have your deer nearby this is you yeah looks like me this is where all your thoughts are kept every other part of your body is used to protect and sustain this yeah at our base level we're just a bowl of jell-o being piloted around by a bone robot looks like a character straight out of munch's odyssey before after before after before what is going on is this real holy god many people have been using quarantine as a time to perfect their bread or coffee making skills but i personally have taken this as an opportunity to make increasingly unsettling eggs and you are doing an amazing job i gotta say the most horrifying bottom left that yolk is scaring the crap out of me mars doesn't want to meet your stupid ass i wouldn't either hey you're that guy who was on that island i said no talking put this on oh man what was he doing out there so my keyboard broke i can't type r without copy pasting it now i'm using dwedfel language to replace the broken key oh my god oh i see plastic surgery yep that's exactly what i was expecting if only it were this easy though oh oh no no no honey no see that's wrong that is so wrong i'm not a hundred percent sure how to help you in this situation but you might want to find different shoes yeah just different shoes might help a lot i can't believe it they're the first person in the world to crap their socks blow my mind if a toy dies in toy story the other toys have to watch the kid play with a corpse for years and years and years and years looks like they pissed off at least one city planner i don't know what the hell i'm looking at here disturbing adjective causing anxiety or worrying disturbing unemployment figures for example or a bull with cow titties all right then see this is what we need in department stores you know we need the mannequins to be having a rocking good time they look so well statuesque and i know i know that's kind of the god damn point but i would like them to look at least a little more human-ish and that ladies and gentlemen is how a chad is born yeah you have to make sure the way jar is the right distance away otherwise well it's gonna turn into a larry not a chad tic-tac freshman you're telling me that each one of those ants is fewer than two calories sign me right up my mom sprinted to my room and woke me up to show me this perfectly round egg she found that's a very important discovery i would let anybody wake me up if they found something so beautiful love is strong but the engine is stronger man they went in clean there ain't no blood anywhere omg girl you look hot this was brook's first attempt at the provocative new selfie pose human face we aren't falling forward again gary we know your ding-dong is in the fruit oh come on you know you want to do it anyway though right okay mrs salad fingers you're looking quite well this works a little bit better than it should homer should start rocking a big bushy mustache yeah that's exactly what the game is well here comes the stork delivering some kittens mmm he was tasty look i love cats but there's some scary bastards so me and my girlfriend had a maternity shoot and you're rocking it this is the most infuriating one of all because i dealt with it every day throughout school i think skittles has legitimately lost their freaking mind you know what that's it that is a perfect spot to end today's video ladies and gentlemen always remember if you even somewhat enjoyed this dumpster fire consider dropping a like down below and if you really enjoyed it well then make sure you get yourself subscribed and click the bell icon and until next time i'll catch you later if i survive
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,054,953
Rating: 4.9528265 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, thanksihateit, r/thanksihateit, reddit r/tihi, tihi, r/tihi
Id: 9AsCva5-q7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 10 2020
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