r/Mildlyinfuriating | i'm angery

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hey perfectionists this is an 89 degree angle have a good day guys welcome back to mk my name's jack and today we're looking at some mildly infuriating content let's begin this renovation are you kidding me man look at that beautiful architecture geez we've only got on to the first one and already i want to flip some tables this isn't mildly infuriating this is just unfairly frustrating okay but like i can understand that they want to get the fluorescent lighting and stuff in the office space but just install it another way don't ruin the beautiful roof yeah i haven't even started with the rest of these and i'm already hating it my 24 medium well steak from outback oh outback me what have you done that is that is pretty much alive the way my friend marks what page she is on uh is it bad if i used to do this as well i officially apologize to all my book lovers for the eventual photos being leaked of all my old books and how terribly folded every page was when i bookmarked them please uh please do not cancel me elementary school parking lot stencil misspells principle in front of correctly spelled sign ah now see see here they put principle on purpose because it is a it's a matter of principle for the principal to park there yep that's the best i can justify it this grain of sand stuck in my speaker that i can't get out okay okay but to be fair that is extremely unnoticeable unless you are really looking at it if anything the chances of that grain of sand fitting in there so perfectly are extremely minuscule to the point where i think it's more destiny that it's there do not fight destiny jbl owner let the grain of sand stay and travel the world with you just like i did with the rose i found and took it onto a cruise ship with me but then the cruise ship you know crashed and i died all i'm saying is if you go on a holiday and you meet a beautiful girl named sandy yeah you run run away the amount of seeds in my seedless watermelon oh no don't worry they're not seeds they're ticks a couple of years ago my neighbor decided to paint his house bright orange then gave up halfway through [Music] okay well let's be real who else here would have done that themselves i mean give him a break look at the size of that wall you know what though i think this was planned i reckon he's gonna add some blue to the top and now voila you've got a day out at the beach i got my name wrong on a test yeah okay this is when you know your lecturer just outright hates you thieves suck thanks a lot for stealing all four wheels nice of you to leave the lug nuts behind though that would be a nightmare to wake up to in the morning you're about to just head off to work and then well guess i'm taking the bus for the next two weeks or however long it takes to get new tires and then put them on and stuff i don't know i'm not a very good adult all i know about cars is they go broom broom and you you put fuel in them who that's all i want to know is who do you think is gonna clean this up when you put it away like this there are bins everywhere in the shopping precinct but oh no fabulous that you have to carry this around for maybe 30 more seconds to go outside of the store to dump it in the nearby bin people who do this are the kind of people you should never trust in a zombie apocalypse or in a pandemic not that we're in one right now all the cars the right way except for this one yeah see i got the tray in the back to make up for my huge butthole ego i like to just lug that thing around double park it all over the place you know really assert my dominance as being a real piece of [ __ ] left-handed person in a right-handed world and they say there are things like gender equality that we need to deal with what about the left-handed people so ignorant to the real issues we need to face i don't know why but the title of this image just really gives me vibes of the name of some sort of country blue song i'm a left-handed person in a right-handed world and the only values is a letter a no seriously i swear to god they only ever use the letter a in their songs join twitch today your username is red and your password you decided to use the entire alphabetical possibilities i'm sorry but that password is too easy to guess tell me a jerk okay here you go have you ever tried to eat a clock no okay [Music] how is that mildly infuriating that is beautiful it makes no sense and i love it oh that's that's my new favorite joke now [Laughter] if you haven't figured out by now that my sense of humor makes absolutely no sense that i don't know what to tell you no i don't want to be contacted yes or no uh yes i no yes no i don't want to no no i don't want to be contacted yes that is hang on this right here is why people hate english language how would you like your spicy level extra spicy medium mild not spicy or just spicy or would you like it very spicy wait how is this specified at all like what's the difference between medium and just spicy and or like mild and and not spicy hey i think you're cute thanks we should talk more i'd like to get to know you gucci this is for a tick tock nobody likes you bye oh buddy i hope she is the one who ends up hypocritically complaining in the future that she can never find a good guy like well done sweetie you're alienating yourself from anyone who will show you respect animal crossing new horizons crash bandicoot insane trilogy hello neighbor and then mario kart decides to say hey you know what screw you guys i'm gonna be in the center bet you were planning on nicely placing these on your shelf all up against each other where they looked all nice and neat and then no no no nintendo just doesn't like that they don't they don't like things being the same as they ironically rehash mario kart for the 50th time ah a classic architectural mildly infuriating post absolutely breathtaking by which i mean i've lost my breath because i've been screaming too much on your right room 200-240 and on your left rooms 206 to 230 where's 205 to 201 and 231 to 239 we have no idea apparently i'll be honest we had no idea where we were going when we were building this place oh my god is that legit is that actually how you're meant to charge it hey apple you know there's a there's a there's a place that they used to put the cord on a mouse um so it could still be used actually it's oh it's a really innovative idea i'm sure you'll love it when you hear about it um you put it at the front of the mouse you freaking idiots can you see it can you see what makes this suck so much if you can't don't try to be free be free from the pain we are all in no i know you rolled a three see just quickly scratching it out so they don't get to go further in the game burnout paradise one star i've never played the game but it sounds bad yeah you got a thumbs down that was unhelpful give me my goddamn money paypal i should have conducted this transaction in bitcoin hi there thank you for contacting paypal please send us a dm with more information and your registered email address for further assistance just looks pretty normal doesn't it until you notice when that guy made that post as you can see paypal's just on top of it with their swift responses nine years later well yes thank you doggy here's your treat oh dude oh come on oh no oh no you only have cheeseburgers oh uh this skips mildly infuriating and goes into internally depressing territory okay chair family time for a group photo no now come on chair steve don't be a sook no oh my god why would you do that to that beautiful set piece i bet if anything the person who installed this was absolutely heartbroken to do this r for red as you can see it's the color red don't don't worry you're not color blind this is definitely red the company that made these toys is clearly a troll i challenge you to like with your ring figure and comments done letter by letter ninety four point four five one percent failed to do this uh crying in reality it's a percent didn't bother to waste their time with this oh who am i kidding everyone's aunt and grandmother did my car that guy's car not going to say that word i'll call him mr prickle yep got a small little prickle up my rear literally i am a genius and you will love everything i say laugh at my jokes i know some places were trying to save on toilet paper by having less pliers but i think they've failed to realize this just encourages people to use more toilet paper to just fold up and then use as normal toilet paper like this doesn't make it cheaper for you guys you just go through it faster bought in 1994 used very often for 23 years bought in 2017 used very often for three years fast fashion man that's why i make my own ones i i literally kill nearby animals and just i i just grill them up i cook them for meat i yep i'm totally legit turn them into leather and i make my own belts i am i am a manly man i don't get scared at spiders my neighbors blast the same terribly classic rock station through their patio speakers from sun up to sun down literally the first sound i heard upon waking this morning was just a small down girl living in a lonely world i think i need a lawyer okay hang on no that's actually a banger and well firstly damn you for getting this stuck in my head but also secondly no sir you do not get to criticize this song this song is a banger she took them in a train going anywhere i hate you look i do see what is frustrating about this but i'm kind of confused as to what the hell it is you're drinking that is flavored like cheddar what the heck is in that thing why is it in an orange juice carton are you drinking like liquid cheese yes i know liquid cheese is an actual thing but remember i hate cheese so this is disgusting to me what did we just become best friends yup this is by far the friendliest stop sign i've ever seen it's not like stop it's just hey stop thank you ew i know you're trying to be hippie and all but no no stop it you're not an architect dad ah yes perfect everything is exactly in its positions there's nothing out of place whatsoever let it go jack you have better things to do this is incorrect your answer but the correct answer was actually this see you've got to draw a smooth curve that passes through the points found in the previous step as you can see you have not not done that blue violet brown pink white red gray orange black yellow light blue green light green bright yellow light orange hang on see things like this is exactly why whenever i go to a new bakery place i always buy something with a stuffing like this just to test whether or not this bakery isn't just a cheat if i go out into a delicious pastry and it ends up like this then i know to never go there again because they are liars and untrustworthy and they've broken my heart i'm sorry guys i knew i shouldn't have installed heat lamps at the top of the pool table looks like we're not playing for another hour or two meanwhile a school in uttar released their reopening plan well let's look at the list we've got crisis communication close your letter for parents close your information for employees skyler's message exposure letter process talking moist distance learning plan that makes sense template for web item add template for letter for the death of a student or teacher uh well what's it now if you need to prepare a templates letter for student and teacher deaths as part of a reopening plan you should not be reopening oh god i mean i appreciate the organization but that's a bit of a morbid thing it's like why are they not questioning the fact that if they have to set something like this up maybe there is a bigger issue to be focusing on than trying to reopen all the schools now before we go today's fan art is by your local loser hey that's what my friends used to call me at school mk farnhart never been the best with the hands so i made you as a schoolboy i swear everyone who says they've never been the best at art ends up usually being really good at aunt and i hate them for it not really i love you i love your amazing work it's amazing you're great it's cool i love it thank you you look a loser well everybody that does us for another round of mk thank you all so much for watching if you enjoyed the content today then please like this video and if you are new to the channel or if you haven't already after all this time subscribe and click that notification bell so you can always be updated on the latest videos there's plenty more content on our channel for you to check out while you're at it even say hi to robin and lexi and zach and all them for me too there are some equally amazing people to listen to and laugh with so i recommend you check them out but anyway that is all to say my name has been jack you have been a pleasure to talk to today i'll see you all next time bye
Channel: EmKay
Views: 544,797
Rating: 4.9464264 out of 5
Keywords: top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/mildlyinfuriating, r/mildlyinfuriating emkay, mildlyinfuriating emkay, emkay mildlyinfuriating, extremelyinfuriating emkay, emkay extremelyinfuriating, r/extremelyinfuriating, r/extremelyinfuriating emkay, unsatisfying, facepalm emkay, facepalm, r/facepalm
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 02 2020
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