r/DiWHY | wh-why would you do that...?

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Sabine's did my man make a diet of beans it's actually really funny are these gonna be a lot of me being like admiring the creativity here because that's just kind of the stuff I'm into is just weird kooky stuff I hope something takes me out of my comfort zone what's up guys and welcome back to MA my name is Damien and today we're looking through our slash DIY what are you laying down on the car what is that hold on what did you place on there I mean it look like you got a sunroof or you ain't got nothing on there bro people wouldn't notice too soon as they got in the car that just seems a little counterintuitive so it's back happy car this big car it's a car that's a big that's real funky I like that wait hold on I just zoomed in on the photo it's not like a pig nose that's a face I kind of like that slightly less hey younger me I attempted to replace my broken blinds of the much crappy or alternative yeah but you tried your best and that's all that matters dude you tried your best in that and we appreciate you for trying wait hold on the whole way but the wheel charity is I'm so confused I'm so genuinely confused the wheelchair one cuz the wheelchair it has wheels it's kind of the whole point of it button even gave it a hoverboard just cuz like like a little rest want to stretch it out I don't understand I'm very confused by the purpose oh nice dude sick phone case bro how much you selling that one for I'll buy a davia beard Co made out of plastic forks when all else fails you have to improvise such a sad comb that is the saddest comb I've ever seen in my entire life that comb is synonymous with giving up wait hold on what's going on here when you got there did you put did you make a glass window into your PlayStation but what's the plane like genuinely what's the point of that there's no reason for that now you've just fooling around shiny holder glue some craft jewels on an empty blue roll tube and you've got a blingy pen pause well it came from one pot to another it came from the can new being a can for pens like that cool sweet funky boogie man art like lifetime supply of eyeballs I'm just I'm sorry I'm like taken aback by lifetimes that the phrase lifetime supply of eyeballs is not a phrase you read everyday oh boy honey you'd never believe what I want I want a lifetime supply eyeballs giving my kitchen table a trippy makeover that's not too bad that's cute I think that's cute they're very proud of it let them be proud of this I like that yeah you get 10 from me chief new mirror I made myself made from a TV see this mirror would be super duper dope if you like lit it up or something to like I think this you have pretend to like a really cool thing here but you need to lay the light it up put some like philips LED strips around it or something be creative man you know be creative bug wire oh god it's bug wire I'm not quite sure what I'm looking at here so it's just copper wire that looks like a bug what's wrong about that people do this all the time instead of buying an interior door with a window on it when we build one quick and use great stuff to seal it and some eights my roommate a tried his best it's a booth he's trying to make the booth don't hate on this guy for trying to make a booth when you're bullying in that booth you're gonna regret for making fun of him like my truck be mangled this car this car is a shell of what it once was we're looking at here hold on what's the plate yes it's a plate why why would you put so many bumpy things on a plate there's this like supposed to be a mantelpiece I'm really not too sure what I'm looking at there I'm just confused why it's so rigid and bumpy if it's a plate that's very counterintuitive if it's not a plate then I apologize flex someone it's like someone welded a prop in gmod oh I hate this is these all real bed bugs oh god they are like that deer leg numchucks nice dude numb-chucks well they certainly are numb an hour at the Washingtonville toilet paper slash family cloth no it's not washable you throw you wash no not even now like not even a little I don't agree with this post not one bit they literally just took cloth and said ah this is this is toilet paper ridiculous that's kind of funky actually I think this is really neat I can see why someone would be like you know not into this but at the same time the amount of time it takes to actually like get all of these shells and make everything stick and look like one full piece I think it's really admirable and that is why I'm like so interested in this that is really cool holy cow expectations vs. reality DIY acrylic fluid painting oh dude that's sick let's see what it looks like real looks like flesh you've made flesh painting okay that's cool I think that's genuinely cool why is this why this is DIY I think that's sick that takes time to do I think that's really neat this I don't like that be happy day Eli Eli's just like thanks know what I look like to you whoa another really weird is this from the same person because this is also a really cool seashell one you know the guy shows the mouth to do that's gnarly holy cow that's really cool fabuloso an Airwick who would have done we all would have thought why would you do why would you do that I just don't think that's a good idea at all at all is that a bedazzled Jean bra country girls really do do it different huh bow trophy room animal decor nice nice dude that's sick it's sweet it's funky bro love that no one's gonna go in the hey dude what's that's a weird-looking deer what'd you catch what is that wise little blue and stuff the uh no it's not real oh really you want to never guess that jeez you tricked me Hey oh wow okay Owen I didn't realize that that was sandals or flip-flops whatever you want to call them that actually fooled me for a second then it's gonna get though I ain't gonna lie that's that's a little bit hot that takes some talent to fool me like that good work I'm proud of you last Christmas I didn't get the nice fluffy slippers I hoped for so madaba some sanitary towels cotton and thread plus a bit of imagination I made my own banks my brain Hey believes that chairs a little weird dude but you got some fresh kicks brah some fresh kicks some thick legs too you see that guy in the blue shoes free new Christian art Jesus on the cross a little color in offcuts wood donations welcome I'll take it take your entire stock my friends functional iPhone charger whoa oh Jesus man that's that's intuitive you know he's he's found a way to make it work but at the same time maybe he shouldn't have redneck seats bro that's sick there's gonna burn like hell when you sit down on the husband and that summer heat though I'm gonna be honest with you [ __ ] down with a beer have your back rip off the heat or the rubber skin peels off just whose summer day for me the table I actually really like the I'm not crazy about him of that table I think that was good use the last thing I wanted to see today was Sparkle grout I did not want to see Sparkle grout bro hack 101 turn your empty bag of wine slash twisted seed into a pillow good night the more I look at this the more fear I feel I'm just I'm like I'm staring at this an aw I'm sorry whoever has to edit this I'm sorry I'm so quiet I'm just I'm frozen with fear with this man this is the ultimate office supply mmm nothing quite like homemade peanut M&Ms let's glue so I painted my car like this I have no longer used a horn where'd you get that paint where'd you get that paint bro and why you got three different white cars dude just take a walk up the James staircase all your dreams of country redneck staircase bro I love it when the this is like ultimate white trash Sheree I love it handmade Keys box looking for a cool box to store your cereal or for a cool present and I have it for you check it out to me today a keyboard keys baby also works as a fully functioning RGB keyboard I haven't props that take some time to make everybody gangsta to the plant starts walking to my do to attach a car to his car man's one of the limousine said I'm at law myself and he did were you gonna park that thing my little sister's friend hot glued a phone case to her wallet so she wouldn't lose either of them I mean it's not the worst idea in the world but it's also not the best coz that glue might just wear out one day and what are you gonna do then what I'm gonna do then that's cat cage bro that's actually perfect why would you do why that that's amazing I'd buy that I'd spy that for 15 bucks he'd be he'd be my new best friend my mom had an idea to create fish fins with her cement hands and the end result is a little terrifying oh I missed this one out but it gives you an idea of my idea that's a little horrifying to be honest but it's a good first try let the fish grab you when you miss the beach but you have to work that's very counterintuitive for working I get wanting to be in the sand but at the same time you gotta get that chair out of there dude can't believe you this is Voldemort I don't like this I don't know who that's supposed to be of me hey you got like so I mean Gigi but what is this um not a real Mouse did you do what I think you did okay all right what a hardcore guy this is just bullying in the skateboard seat that's where I'd be it's where you find me baby you're at in the skateboard seat we're an old sock over your shoe go for a nature walk remove sock spritz and water and put in a ziploc bag hanging the bag in a window for two weeks watch what grows very cool so this on Pinterest need to try it now it's just grass it's just grass that's growing because you walked outside with the socks over your shoes what do you think is gonna happen I've seen this guy stuff in Florida a lot where they just used something to cover up their back window but that's also for this this is extra dumb because that removes the ability to see out the rear view when the the rear windshield at all you just handicap your car because you stupid and got the shield broken the windshield broken finally got a 144 Hertz monitor here's my other monitor cuz I you want a non-stop game here we got a thing a toothpaste a cleaver I don't know what that is a banana wrench a shoe what do you call this art piece chief what is this this Jackson Pollock piece super cool fireplace made of the pallets don't don't use it though just me okay that's actually kind of cool though like if you're a car nut I think you would buy this I always think this stuff is super neat honestly wonder how heavy those are hand painted pink bikini palm tree frond art wall decor painting for 15 bucks okay good job I'm like that I won't buy it buy like that bro sick hood ornament sick selling cakes pants poor cake here for a hundred dollars took me some time to make I'm so sorry but I won't be buying that looks like a computer case I'm not in it or like a laptop carrying case I mean you know not like a you know I find it's a cushion I'll be honest it's a cushion you made a cushion Jesus Lord Almighty that is sensory overload just for my eyes it's like walking in that someone like has their room painted multiple colors same idea it's a flower zone it's like you it's like you just went in unity and wrapped a an image in your bathroom Roadtrip and we ain't stop it for crap that's right I got this bad boy plugged in there's chicken parts I don't want to look at that too long I already just get the image I don't want to look at that no look at that no one wants to look at that they're not even smiling they're frowning frowning dead chicken hey bro check it out those are vandals chocolate sauce wings with sprinkles all flats go to hell man I agree base image who puts chocolate sauce and sprinkles sorry I got close to the mic there but I got to express my anger I love wings chicken wings are a very good food I think they're very tasty but you remove the sanctity of the chicken wing when you decide that you and your little rat brain your creature brain that you want to pour chocolate Hershey sauce and sprinkles on your wing that's what he means the right to vote as far as I'm concerned and out of future posts from that one underscore boy first posted on reddit Damian likes my fan art hey you know I've really considered painting my nails I think that's really cool I like that a lot let me know what you think should I paint my nails or I'll post pictures if I do it like this thank you so much and that brings it to the end of our slash DIY if you like the video leave a like down below and subscribe for more content from m'kay and as always [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 4,627,337
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Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/diwhy, r/diwhy top posts, r/diwhy best posts, diwhy, diy, bad diy, r/crappydesign, r/crappydesign best posts, r/crappydesign top posts, crappy design, bad design, shitty design, crappy diy, life hacks, bad life hacks, life hack channels, r/diwhy emkay, r/crappydesign emkay, reddit funny, emkay
Id: c5gLxjArbnU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 25 2019
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