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French furries be like oh but these this notice is libel jululu sorry boy here we go what's the Robin I'm Robin and welcome back to MA today I figured I would peruse through thanks I hate it because I hate myself more than I'm gonna hate all of these posts kids these days we'll never know the hardships of each week having to overcook a fresh hard-boiled egg yolk for the computer mouse oh yeah I forgot that's where those came from how do you eat strawberries peeled or not I eat strawberries like a normal person you future serial killer hey whoa whoa wait a minute here Steven I know what we're gonna do today oh boy it is Goomba that's it that's the tweet whoo I really don't like that there's something about a Yoda that's not 900 years old that ixnay bro are you David Blaine don't lie to me now come on tell the truth you know I've seen this mask quite a few times now it doesn't really scare me like it used to I just want to see a full cosplay done with this thing now man with bizarre horse fetish busted twice in 24 hours ok but did the cops catch shirts are crazy your body goes in one hole and out 3 excuse me excuse me is the right reaction here crafting oh what the heck is going on here I am NOT a fan what would you do if I water bend in my pee straight holy cow you might want to get that looked at a game of I got your nose gone horribly wrong I'd like to know the thought process that brought him to this point in life how did you get here man and where are you going is the kool-aid man the jar or the liquid all right here's my theory he's the pitcher himself that's his body it's not a jar by the way and his brain is the liquid think cup head I would absolutely love to see this guy travel to some conventions like pax or some Comic Cons or something and just sit right in the middle of the show floor for like an hour like that guru teen has the hungies for politicians it's everybody's favorite dictator wladim hey um wow this is the most disgusting thing I've ever seen I'm not kidding holy Lord this is making me so uncomfortable I'm gonna cringe into my skull when she got the Rona but you got a boner yeah get in there boy do you know why I always wear big gloves and socks oh no no stupid sexy sonic female engineers earrings I feel like it's a bad idea putting a screw through your ear oh no no put it back put it back on right now me bursting into the room ducts have teeth girlfriend what me pushing furniture in front of the door freakin ducts have got teeth oh he's got one nice smile look at them pearly whites boy yikes oh yes here we see the wilds ostrich in its natural habitat the mommy maker lifelike baby costume for dogs mother I must feed mother why do you cry 75% real baby hair comes in five sizes from chihuahua to mastiff imagine a mastiff sized version of this running at you full speed in the dark letting out a series of modulated baby wails good old-fashioned matter well in digging everybody I never thought I'd say this but milk and coffee with insects actually bags y'all should give it a try ah hey no no Ring Pop but for meatball the fun will be over too quickly if it's a meatball come on you know after seeing this I'm very glad they've got really really long necks because I don't like this emergency what happened which one is Billy I lips delete my number tick tock reportedly waited nearly three hours to call police in Brazil after a teens death was live-streamed on the platform but the company notified its own PR team almost immediately yep sounds like a giant company to me they got to spin it some way that works in their favor right you telling me Julius Caesar who has been dead for well over 70 years made this salad technically you aren't wrong with that number but I just hate it it's how to hide your knife it's ooh that's a sneaky take on it you're off you got them pumped up kicks' you better get to running in memory of Roger buckles B who hated this Park in everyone in its press f to salute the man got to give him some respect little foot little foot oh yeah man the outside of a sock the inside of a sock hey everybody I'd like to take a minute on this post to just stop take a breath and ask y'all how you're doing because I'm not doing well you know what I mean after seeing this I'm just truly not doing okay anymore you know oh no not again oh my god this poor thing stop doing this to him stop letting him be this way God looks like me you're a wizard Harry Oh oh boy there we go find the black dot uh this is really messing with me stop it my brain is gonna blow up brother no oh all right you got my attention here what price are we talking about come on be reasonable we call this one the Z no horse taking baby's temperature do don't oh my god did they really have to tell people this oh wow it's wet it hmm I'm never going back again now what if Edvard Munch was really trying to paint a dog with long ears but he wasn't a good painter and people got all excited about his painting so he just kind of went along with it well now I can't unsee that Oh Ben and Jerry's thermal paste with RGB chunks Oh now you're speaking my language tinder I swear to God if you actually put these up Wow oh man just just wow fried banana and bubblegum pizza and people are mad about pineapples y'all need to grow up how I seem to work in Naruto uh-oh never seen it so I don't get it nice try feminists we can do everything that men can do men observe oh my god it's him it's the chosen one did you all know there's a concept art of teenage Shrek I didn't know I needed this but hey it brightened my day a little bit wonder what his parents look like okay I'm following so far Oh my lord what the hell why are you doing this to me imagine this you screw a magician he comes in you and you freak out but he leans in and whispers psych check your ear experts can't explain why this fruit increases penis size by 67% oh don't eat Bob please don't do that oh god I just realized something hold on just give me a freaking second oh boy there it is you're not allowed to say this and you know it oh god it really is true the longer I look at it the more sense it makes I once took a crap in this stall so thick and so firm it stood tall it balanced on end that crap did not Bend but fell over and scraped my left ball oh that was always my favorite shel silverstein poem therapist that just repeats everything you say back to you in a whiny voice that might actually be more helpful than you think holy Lord the following is the skull of the owl monkey actually this is the skull of an anime girl ah finally the product for me now I can finally share my Mountain Dew Baja blast with Zach in a proper way stop racism it's okay to be Asian black Arab normal American our Father who art in heaven let me guess you'd like to have sex without being eaten yes please just once know the difference hot dog okay hot dog Oh God Wow that better not awaken anything in me also let's talk about that I funny watermark okay all right makes sense to me Oh Lord yeah this is all awful hate it okay come on that's pretty cute I'll take that little guy please we love allergies now I can't go outside without my eyes dying Oh No let me suck those pollen right out of your eyes lmao sorry no no no no no no no no no no no you can't do this okay you can't just do this I have no words for this I'm sorry but now everything's ruined for me I can't even have Pikachu no great tell me everything you know tradition is just peer pressure from dead people yeah that's pretty much true ah yes I see wait no I don't there are egg yolks in my freakin way little-known fact this is what your average line cook at IHOP looks like I still really want to get one of these I don't understand how people can think they're better than others for the way they look we're literally flesh bags controlled by this yes we really are disgusting creatures aren't we he is four pterodactyl the worst alphabet book ever you mean the best ms.fer mnemonic W is for Ren is this a sneak peek of the new upcoming Syriac video I feel like it is a nineteenth-century automaton of a terrifying monkey pastry chef serving the head of an equally creepy cat what's wrong with people back then oh wait 19th century wasn't that when coca-cola had cocaine in it Oh earth pretty thick though being with my boyfriend is never enough for me I want to live in his balls and be a sperm aid bring forth the Holy Hand Grenade and count to three the number of the counting shall be three not two not one but three then please for the love of God cast it at this freaky woman casting her from the wild forever man 77 deemed too old to be a threat kills again after prison release again look guys you can totally have a beard and properly wear a face mask oh that is a look what if we kissed and all my teeth fell out into your mouth I'm gonna have nightmares about that one tonight good god what in the heck where can I get that sandwich now I don't care about Simon Cowell I want the sandwich I think it won - I wish ice-cream shat it can we not use that as a past tense prefix okay I wish I had screen [ __ ] it stop artists yes of course I've seen a horse yes that's very clear Oh clever girl if a man wore pants what he wears them like this or like this hmm I'm have to think on that one for a while dang he thick though I feel constipated it hurts close your mouth you know I understand that we're all bored during this trying time but if people could not do things like this it would make everything a lot easier I just don't get it I'll never understand the appeal of doing things like this to your nails how do you how do you do anything how do you white welcome to animal crossing oh I don't like where this one's going a mega mine kind of looking pretty cute though I'm not gonna lie there it is it's the good old reddit switcheroo she is bready for her first day of high school ants when they look up to see my pee stream raining down on their stupid little anthill who hurts you man I uh I don't understand what's happening here they're all so terrifying can they hear me our new Shrek play area is ready for the children including friends like Kat and shoes biscuit man and mr. mule I took speed lightning Macbeth Curt you why why do you people do this why do you like to watch the world suffer who's your daddy well Mickey I believe it's you you own us all you're our daddy we're your stupid little gimpy boys all praise Mickey oh this makes a lot more sense now that I think about it those ghosts must have been terrified now this barn ain't cursed you're just being ignorant stop being ignorant uh yes vegan burritos hey don't knock it till you try it they are very filling what's the beef with me professor argues eating meat promotes toxic masculinity no OFA is math racist what I don't know I guess I'll have to get back to you on that one premiering this July the CG animated prequel series of 13 episodes follows ten-year-old Sponge Bob during his summer at sleepaway camp oh boy I'm not liking the look of any of that at all brightly colored bird thought to be exotic was just a seagull covered in curry dang girl imma make you wet know the village y'all remember that time mrs. Frizzle took the kids to get nutted on hold up just a minute but did this happen the new Airbus concept is called maverick it looks like Jar Jar Binks all right that's it time to start over new design why are there so many fire hydrants just sitting there on the road why they have to rip them up the fire hydrants weren't doing anything wrong right they were just minding their own business like normal okay come on that's fantastic I'll buy it how much do you want for it gimme why are all his fingers the same length well he got finger braces of course sometimes you want to get him straightened out yo pass me the thick taxman I need to freshen up my breath oh oh wowzers oh man I really didn't need to see all this the little kitten gets traumatized by your aggressive masturbation oh whatever he doesn't know what's going on deep dark beers when I wear flip-flops and I skid to a stop the strap between my toes will slice my foot in half ooh that's a fear I didn't know I had I know about it now oh I'm sorry snowflake did I offend you do you want a band-aid do you want a hug a kiss I will kiss you I will do it right on the mouth come here snowflake that's it your lips are so soft snowflake mmm Oh snowflake say can anybody read Japanese because I'd like to know what this says because regardless of what it says let's be honest any explanation will do Sailor Mothra oh boy I can already feel the awakening and thousands of weird people everywhere when she beat the devil out of your happy little fella and your happy little accidents go everywhere oh come on don't do that to Bob Ross you're better than that you know I always had a feeling Mike Tyson was able to keep his skills and youth by sucking away the souls of the youthful kind of like a modern-day witch if you will nice I mean makes me really uncomfortable because he looks like he's like seven years old but looking flyer than I ever did you guys eat your pizza with or without the bones hey uh what was that you want to run that by me again known as the wraparound spider this spider can flatten and wrap its body around tree limbs as camouflage get God on the phone yes please get him here now Kellogg's redesigns the Froot Loops mascot toucan sam and people are not happy I can see why they're not happy that's one heck of a downgrade no offense to the artist but it really is what you see what's your dentist sees what are they doing while I'm under I have no words your dog is now a cute anime girl have at it y'all eat your hot dogs with or without the foreskin did you call it the foreskin you freak also look at the way the skins look over there friggin hot dog flavored fruit roll-ups you just realized that all Ducks are actually wearing dog masks oh wow that ruined my day is this what cannibals see when they look at other people like for real my fren and you need to keep eye contact with her during the conversation me okay I will me talking to my crush you like beans so one of the students at my school tried to build the Taj Mahal out of clay and well he definitely got close ramen is just anime spaghetti get out of here and woe is me ladies and gentlemen we've come to the end of another video always remember if you like this one smash the like button down below and hey if you really like this one make sure you're subscribed and you've clicked that Bell icon and until next we meet I'll be seeing ya you
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Views: 1,723,933
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Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, tihi, tihi best posts, tihi top posts, thanksihateit, thanksihateit top posts, thanksihateit best posts, tihi emkay, thanksihateit emkay, thanks i hate it, makemesuffer, makemesuffer emkay, cursedcomments, noahgettheboat, r/noahgettheboat, noahgettheboat emkay, ezpz
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 23 2020
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