r/Rareinsults | he will be cracked

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it is the swamp from mario oh my god thank you it's an accurate one holy crap that is the thwomp dude [Music] hey hey hey what's going on welcome back to mk i'm your host robin the one with the worst teeth and today we're going to be taking another look at r rare insults let's see if any of these so-called rare insults are worth anything at all this acting makes riley reed look like joaquin phoenix i've seen better woman opens emergency exit on plane for fresh air huh she's the type of person who looks up and down before crossing the street are we not supposed to do that nitro looks like if brandon yuri went to the gym and became an alcoholic wait what is that is that legal this dude looks like the human form of almond milk it's the oversized frames trust me on that one music by oh no not her using this movie to teach about autism is like using gta to learn how to drive i can believe that completely senorita is so basic that if you drop that song an industrial grade acid it will balance the ph that one's not bad good thing you've got a fire extinguisher so close by good thing somebody taught you how to talk to women there slick oh wait thanks kid did you walk face first through a spider web or did puberty get stalled on you oh wow it's funny it's real funny he looks like my bit life person when they have zero percent looks and get them to a hundred percent with plastic surgery yeah there's something real wrong about the shape of that arm he looks like he's been punched in both eyes but they forgot to bruise oh yeah dude looks like a melted candle yeah that one's rare but it sucks ass remember what i say every time i do this subreddit just because it's rare doesn't mean it's good and that one was pretty freaking kindergarten if you ask me raj is like the kind of person to clap at the end of a funeral okay that one's brand new good on you yeah totally rare hey i'm sorry but when you've got rare insults as the name of your sub i expect rare the way this man stands i feel like he's my doctor leaning over me as i slowly slip into a coma that he put me into on purpose because he fell in love with my wife and wants me out of the picture this is my favorite youtube comment in general you need to watch more videos that comment that went around about covering yourself in vaseline and pretending to be a giant worm was significantly more original than that come on he looks like gordon ramsay if he ran a show called expert cook instead of master chef that i can kinda see yeah and while we're on the subject why do so many chefs look the same i bet you sleep standing up or something creepy like that geez we're going real far back for this one aren't we jesus what year was this am i cute 66 percent of people say no i agree he ugly he looks like yandere dev if he had a default skin okay i'm not cultured enough for some of them to be fair so i can't cast too much judgment jaby looks like he wakes up in the morning and says good morning daddy to himself here what the f does that even mean bro like honestly what does that mean i'm sorry i apologize i'm not the sheriff of memes or what is funny but some of these are very stupid i trust casey anthony running a daycare center more than i trust this okay that one's pretty decent and i totally get what he's saying here that is a death trap i love how he looks like something that shouldn't be brought out in the daytime yeah i'll give you that one okay but i look like something that shouldn't be brought out in the daytime too so i'm not gonna give you full credit i don't know how to explain it but the new miss frizzle is homophobic homegirl looks like one of those tumbler ads for mobile games about getting divorced yeah really not a good art style i'm sorry she looks terrible jesus i'm wide as hell looking fresh though no you look like a drag queen that started crying yeah i'm sorry bud you do jack you do immigrants come to america and have 10 kids we'll pay for their school food rent dental and doctors just come stupid america will pay for it and you don't have to work a freaking tattoo that monster tattoo gives him a plus five attack and damage bonus against drywall this dude looks like he would eat the materials in science class you telling me this guy is gonna eat the dead rat that we're supposed to dissect because i'm getting that vibe for sure the lady looks like she has the snapchat baby filter on permanently oh my god he's the type of guy that will flex their stuff in a video game and lose to a player that has level 2 starter characters okay yeah that one's boring let's move on why all the women in the audience acting like they megan fox half of them look like gargoyles well they're at a steve harvey show i'm gonna give them a pass they're already dumb enough to be there maybe the reason only 1 percent can reach level 3 is because 99 of people would rather look at water evaporating than play these games yeah i don't know what game they're freaking talking about but there are so many that i would rather watch water evaporating than play you people are the reason the gene pool needs a lifeguard on watch there it is there it is that's all i wanted i wanted a good one thank you thank you that one's great this man sounds like a 10 year old going through puberty while getting beaten with a cheese grater haha cheat greg you're funny yeah come on use your brain come up with something that actually makes sense anybody can come up with a rare insult ha ha you look like a rolling pin that went over melted cheese see anybody can do it it doesn't make it funny damn he's johnny silverhand and walter white at the same time how the hell is that an insult british accent sound like doctor's handwriting ooh that one's not too terrible not great but not terrible like so many of them have been if hp went out of business they would lock their software and hardware just to spite the everyday people that dare use their products without giving them money we're talking about the company that disables scanning functionality in their printers that were shipped with it moves that functionality to the hp smart app and causes the same scan to go one at a time without being signed in and 32 at a time while being signed in these guys can seriously go fornicate with a rusty screwdriver and a bent nail they're greedy folks who don't even care about their own products being useful yeah that sounds like any major technology company especially one that likes making printers he's the type of guy to be insulted when you call him homo sapiens because he's not gay i know a few people that are like that and it makes me sad it's your own fault you idiot sandwich speaking of idiots my water temperature right now likely far surpasses your iq yeah i'm not going to argue with you on that one you're most likely right you're like the human version of ketchup juice i swear ouch ow that one really hurts he looks like a horny leprechaun going through a midlife crisis that dude looks like he's 12. what the [ __ ] do you mean midlife crisis he reminds me of the guy who gets his lips sucked to death in monsters inc it does of look like him doesn't it after he gets sucked to death you're about as helpful as a sand lollipop yeah well you're about as useful as a skype gift card based on how my fingers look who do i main the deep fryer god damn oh man it's a cheap shot it really is but it was still funny i'm sorry so far the mars rover has found more intelligent life on mars than that found in a flat earth convention yeah that's just a fact why is she even still with this guy he cheated on her isn't sorry about it and has the personality of a microwaved steak i don't god damn it you have personality of dirty desk chair see i can do it too did it make you laugh i hope not you need higher standards too some of these do genuinely belong and i am very random this guy looks like he's about to show me how he made a million dollars with two easy steps or he's showing you how to bowl prince philip looks like an apple that was eaten in one bite and retained its form when it was crapped out well let's see how good you look at 99 years old huh that's an awful lot of words for i actively refuse to see beyond my own nose and instead treat it as an assault don't you have some ethnic food to make poorly and mispronounce jeez what the hell was this in response to why does the fire festival founder look like a poorly textured 3d model he actually kind of does look like a character straight out of a 2001 video game with a very low budget no i wasn't trying to come up with a funny insult i'm just pointing out the goddamn obvious this community has gone way too far a bunch of mostly teenagers enjoying watching content creators and making friends with each other i've never seen anything quite as disgusting it's incredible how stupid dream is you could play his head like an ocarina [Laughter] i saw the bike you have on craigslist i'd be interested in checking it out if it's still available i see the bike is still listed i'm still interested yes come by 1 to 3 pm what time maple road amherst near ub did you ask because you were bored don't live your life in vain i wish you death from the plague and accident [ __ ] jesus dude don't run in front of my shots dumbass i'm sledge instead of using my gadget a device that destroys barricades in one shot i'm going to shoot the barricade my teammate is walking towards the final thoughts of a smooth brain [ __ ] stain before i mercy killed him and improved the gene pool okay damn google bro you need to talk to real people from the industry you know go outside find a tree and apologize for wasting the valuable oxygen it makes you lopsided asymmetrical starfish okay wait a minute let me see if i can come up with one that's just as good as his give me a second here you perfectly balanced seahorse riding a tomato did i do as good as him cause i feel like i did screw off peter your name doesn't deserve to be capitalized ouch okay that hits him right where it hurts his stupid name and i should know my name's pretty stupid where did they get the idea that it looks good though it's like a stalk of broccoli made out of pube wool pube wool what in the hell is that am i missing out on something honestly screw viruses they're not even alive they're just strands of punk-ass dna that go around screwing up us normal and god-fearing life-forms you don't even have a nucleus you stupid bacteriophage looking horizontally transmitting rna clump look that was harder to say than i made it seem okay why don't more bald men fight like this fun fact when this insane dinosaur name that i'm not going to bother trying to pronounce slammed their bald heads into each other they slowly get intense brain damage millennia later their descendants are equally stupid reposters like you thank you air fried some chicken legs why are your feet seasoned better than the chicken what is all over your carpet clean your god damn house you nasty ass i'm sorry this sub brings out the worst in me it makes me so mad it makes more sense if you've seen pictures of him from before the notebook the pick makes him look like half good looking man and half shoe give me a second i'm trying to find it i'm trying to yeah i could see it a little bit not very much but it's there as the type of guy who'd fall in a shower and grab the water to pull himself up well this is the type of guy who wouldn't lick his fingers he would instead spread his cheeto fingers on a couch five years straight and wonder why he's single sia sia si i don't give a sh what if lady gaga was one of those quirky boomer moms sharing minions memes on facebook yikes who gives a hot wet crap about this anymore freaking update the game charge for it if you must but do something anything i bet your skin is thinner than school toilet paper we're just gonna move on god damn this subreddit is the epitome of i expected nothing and was still let down lol man skipped his 20s and got fat he's had it rough haven't we all had it rough you're the kind of guy that puts your ruler under your pillow to see how long you've slept again is that not how it's done looks like he smells like egg salad i feel like he smells like hot dog water this is almost as exciting as watching a sock under the bed collect dust wait what playing counter strike this fan sounds like he's about to enchant his diamond sword you do know who ozzy is right i think the man's done more drugs than any other freaking rock star combined i'm surprised he's alive this makes me so mad that i want to break into my neighbor's house toast all their bread and put it back into the package and that's some enraging [ __ ] i won't lie i would be very perplexed by that and also very scared him and his brother look like vampires that haven't slept since 1497. so do i this game was so boring and unfun that i'd rather have a vasectomy while fully awake and aware don't they usually do that while you're awake though i mean not without anesthetic that's not what i'm saying but that's not the point i guess i thought i was the only one who thought void looks like the weekend bro i thought the exact same thing a while ago no that's the weak day oh witty sounds like a german choking on him own spit and trying to copy squidward i'm sorry i just what the [ __ ] ever dude he looks like doctor who's harvard grad brother dr y which doctor wilbur is that one kid who would come into school in third grade and brag about his weekly robux allowance and on that lovely note we have come to the end of another video ladies and gents i know it's sad but before we get going we've still got to take a look at today's fan art don't we i made fan art on a nail i hate the red part why do you hate the red part you did a great job you know how hard it is to do anything on a nail always remember if you even somewhat enjoyed this video consider dropping a like down below and if you really enjoyed it well then make sure to get yourself subscribed and click that bell icon and if you're feeling super generous make sure to check out my links in the description below and until next time i'll catch you later
Channel: EmKay
Views: 255,084
Rating: 4.8650513 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, Rareinsults
Id: SZJY7dsxW2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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