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boys necks so long as food is expired for it gets to a stomach what's up guys and welcome back to MA my name is Damian and today we're looking through our slash rare insults Eminem makes temper tantrum music for dudes who don't let the weights but want to join the Marines have you heard kill shot though it's a pretty good one critical looks like if John wick gave up after they killed his dog and started a keto diet fair enough I can't I don't want to add on to that that's pretty good he looks like Billy eyelashes in the microwave too long this girl looks like a Walmart version of Mia Khalifa not at all none the slightest and trust me I would know ah look at you you ain't aged a bit since Honey I Shrunk the Kids why she lookin like an air pod don't don't do that to her don't don't do that to the poor girl she has it she had enough you know BuzzFeed helped me lose a lot of weight every time I felt hungry after eating and go to their Channel I lost my appetite BuzzFeed is good for at least one thing I'll give you that thanks Frank yeah you could do a lot of stuff with Android like get viruses and malware right from the Play Store the fact you think the iOS is immune to viruses makes me question your parents decision to screw each other hey all of the ecosystem but I know the ain't immune that's just a dumb man right i destroyed some kid on fifa and he just sent me this i bet your dad's so disappointed who wants to raise a man who plays with madrid that's the best gonna get enemy i don't know the name i'm sorry do you always take the lazy way do you work at targeting go to the local community college I bet he asks you how that degrees come in like three times a month it's always the same dough isn't it that tinge of shame that a small outburst I'm working on a dad and my apps gonna take off but there's no app is there there's no hope just loneliness is that a rare insult that just sounds like you cut deep Jesus your back right tyre needs air yeah and your rear end needs squats screw off ben shapiro is that douche Pokemon NPC that keeps challenging you see trainer Joey I'll kick his teeth in to the blonde bro who almost hit me today while at an intersection I truly hope that you go to pour yourself a bowl of cereal and find out you have no milk and I hope that you get nice and comfortable in your bed before realizing you have to pee my boss just said if he had leather for brains he'd have enough to saddle a cockroach I'm dying something tells me that sarcasm hell am i oh I wish my boss has said funny stuff like that the only say Michael you're in total part of this job we can't afford to lose you and then they walk away and laugh at their group of bosses damn your brain cells are too far apart so they don't interact you know sometimes they need to socialize but they don't get none of that do they huh if you all the sudden walked into an anatomically correct vagina and grew to the size of the Burj Kalifa I'm still not sure if you'd be more of a massive Kahn than you already are now and why would you Wow Wow sir do you that is a slobberknocker of an insult ten into ten ten tens from me when he fills his car up he stands like a teapot hey nothing wrong with that teapots pour liquid and he's pouring liquid right into his car it's a efficient car DB makes music for girls that skip the shower Febreze their panties and that's a gross thought that's that's disgusting imagery I am a bulb a love story multiple houses on fire her husband looks like a chihuahua a wig I didn't even notice her husband until someone said something I'm going to be completely honest with you the guy who scored for all G area is called Islam Slimani I don't understand why parents had to push their religion under the children like that yeah you're absolutely right Christian why did you capitalize my name like that oh my god you still gonna pour water out of a boot with the instructions on the heel wouldn't you I must say this once cilantro and onions don't go on tacos hey how about you shut your lettuce tomato sour cream and shredded cheese self up huh I for one love onions on tacos I'ma be real with you give me a little bit of lime juice on that bad boy girl what I just texted my number neighbor and oh it's the fake Chris Evans one oh and she she did one of those and that's a very cool tweet so I'm a writer for a company called BuzzFeed and I was wondering if it'd be okay to feature this tweet in an article and doing about fictitional events that people have fabricated in order to gain some internet clout can I use this tweet his mustache makes him look like a cop from the Midwest that storts coat from the evidence Locker and there's nothing wrong with that it's got that Tom Selleck look people say dolphins are smart but they're not smart enough to not be stupid gray rubber tubes flapping about in the goddamn ocean it's there congratulations you are the piss lord of crap Mountain thank you for hefting turds down the mountainside so that we the proles may feast on you bounteous craps that's a really nice word bout Aeneas or bounteous rather it's a really big word I love that actually evolution never happened creation is the only real beginning of the universe in scientists created evolution to see what people would believe you are in a vault ape sitting at a computer or on a phone denying the very thing that made you exist you mold Ebola primordial soup time to throw you out trash oh hey it's a classic rare insult Oh dare you say that to my face well I'd say it to you back but my car's only got half a thang again and then the laugh track kicks in today's day I still think it's the ugliest car ever made it looks like some sort of disabled dolphin submarine and that's just how I like my vehicles chief the straight pride flag looks gay AF in my time here on earth I found the more someone tries appearing straight the deeper in the closet they are these dudes are finding lost Christmas gifts of 1994 that's so deep in there you could see the tension emanating from them there is something going on Doctor Who fans are just weeaboos for England Tiye booze if you will what kind of drink at natural light IV assisters coochie in the backseat of a gremlin behind the trailer park dumpster bullcrap is this day she's muffler a man with a history of disturbing people on a port key anemy California Beach kicked a stranger's dog 15 feet in the air according to police man he's so shady even his eyes don't trust each other but he had quite a kick on him for 15 feet you're a scumbag but he got a hell of a kick I ain't go for the best post ever vibe I'm going for the it's 4:00 a.m. and this is literally the only post that's popped up on my feet in 30 minutes so I made as well you block it vibe and you failed it both Oh buddy I'm gonna liquidate all my assets and use the money to hire a hitman to slap you daily for the rest of your life that's a good point and a nice thing to say you slash fart on my kuchi Thanks gotta get a squirrel fact sure similar to your mom a squirrels front teeth never stopped growing God freakin damn he didn't have to kill the man I know I actually thought it was uncalled for and quite rude but similar to your mom and a bullet I couldn't resist at it damn I did it again dude its first day of standing lessons but why does Donald Trump always stand like he was cut in half and his torso slowly sliding off the frontal horror-movie style or Kill Bill style some sort of cool quitting Tarantino scene yeah love Quentin shut up Quentin Tarantino found in the replies of a mom posting her ten-year-old son's stop-motion video oh I saw this this duties of all my god I have never seen someone so uptight in my life the frame rate should be higher it's so choppy that it's hard to parse a selfie was unnecessary completely took me out of the scene the camera panned around too much this exacerbated the low framerate issue still a nice attempt oh dude you're about as entertaining as gonorrhea wow-whee sir did you straighten slinkys as a kid he may as well have but that's implying his parents bought him anything bro you look like you go full force in plastic lightsaber fights and you know what there's not a problem with daddies I think I drew this girl when I was four we both did bro you and me both man I hate it when old women judge you for no apparent reason like shut the hell up bro you're so old not even carbon will date you you know what I hope both sides of your pillow are always warm that's just a cruel and sadistic thing to say name a more iconic trio I'll wait Red Foreman his foot in your butt millennial dad's have pathetic DIY skills compared to baby boomers maybe but at least I have the emotional capacity to tell my daughter I love her and that's all we can ask you are not just a clown you are the entire circus but they're not just pricks there the entire cactus that's a new one that's funky and fresh my dude I've seen Irish famines with more potatoes then you have brain cells hey Lindsey we thought you might like the are slash kill myself community going go ahead a review for Kingdom Come deliverance on Steam Ron's like Stephen Hawking did no one find that helpful I think that's a great review hey yo when you kiss girls do they put their tongue in your tooth gap Andy shut Sam dharna looks like a lego fireman stop commenting on my videos saying you've got a bad webcam like a Minecraft painting I feel bad from he's just trying to make content he's a young kid he'll find his style eventually see what I did there just shut the hell up sums up a friendship in a nutshell I'm on a roll tonight dude I'm gonna kill myself and it's gonna be your fault dudes a new Netflix show called one reason wine it's literally just a documentary about you she looks 22 yeah 22 minutes away from dying and she really does is she okay she does not look happy or healthy yeah all right ma'am I have no idea who's that supposed to be Judge Judy laying the smack it down if you were the trophy at the end of my race I would walk backwards and mmm yummy that's a Judy roast oh you could marry your cousin in Kentucky but you can't adopt if you're gay makes sense sure [ __ ] hey buddy that hit a little too close to home is a family tree more of a stump damn prove the entire Welsh language looks like someone's keyboard had a seizure now I could read that that says would allow kandi ëthis all I'm at a guild you're welcome what it means it's self help dear Wall Street journalists take two plastic straws and place them up each nostril Oh then slam your head as hard as you can onto a table until the straws impale your prefrontal cortex destroying your motor functions Thanks damn epic snipers for 20 so really it's a harsh comment man oh now you see me too remember that scene in the dark night when the Joker says how about a magic trick then slams the dudes face down on the pencil watching this movie is like being that dude that's a pretty solid review I like it tells me exactly what to expect you know an old lady at my church knew I was moving and she said she bought a coffee table for him because I looked like somebody doesn't own the coffee table and the war's put about that is that I don't own a coffee table she's looking out for you man it's out of love no no no not recommended I stubbed my toe on the way to install this game and that was the most enjoyable part of the experience I smell penis pennies okay okay the person who programmed autocorrect I hope your minecraft dog dies Jesus Christ man you know I get we asked for rare insults but you don't have to cut deep and that's all I gotta say damn Ellen's looking rough these days bro Pete Davidson's got some mad dark circles looks like you just got done Warren to Batman costume at all times Jesus you okay buddy you getting sleep you know Pete looks like a human version of Melman the giraffe of Madagascar if you say Beetlejuice three times Pete Davidson shows up and smokes all your weed oh no my parents left me home alone all the time and now I have three PhDs in mechanical engineering your account is an hour old and already I wish I had even one PhD in knowing how to get you to screw off listen my dear friend you have the emotional intellectual in empathetic depth of an 8.5 by 11 inch sheet of printer paper yeah how do you mean it I'm looking for a serious relationship if you're interested just visit my profile and watch my video then contact me to start a conversation with me I would rather guide my dad and my mom he looked like a pug nut into a flask Oh with ground up Brian Brad stop what are you but DC Finn not both a crap you know I feel like you're the type of person that eats popcorn with a spoon you messed with an hour / memes fan what are you gonna do about a white woman blocked a black man from entering the apartment building where he lives you know she's the type of person to lick her finger before turning the page on a kindle what an apt way to describe a human being love that for her some girls walking around with their heads so far up there's stuff boxes it's a joke you got 700 likes on instant buy you ain't got a filter in real life you a box head frogeye jerk who hurts you Elliot JoJo's bizarre hairline because she looks like the way a headache feels oh poor girl she's only like what 15 and everyone hates yet without ugly in this world there would be nothing beautiful thank you for your sacrifice she looks like someone tried to draw Nicki Minaj from memory I'll never forgive the kid who told me I had my stuff lined up like the Pizza Hut logo in front of everyone screw you Marcus go to hell da hood the app keeps freezing and crashing cos snapchat is the McDonald's ice cream machine of social media and that's a very apt description Jesus I wouldn't even thought of that all right also I'm sorry for the insults but I figured hurting his feelings would make up stop but good god he's so bad Bob Ross would call him a mistake you wouldn't do that Bob Ross is a sweet man he's got infinite patience stupid as hell literally why serves no real purpose not the place to start your autobiography champ I got to give you props for that and that brings us the end of our slash rare insults and if you liked the video leave a like down below and you know what between you and me subscribe for more content from MK we post all the time I'm talking daily until next time I'll be seeing you [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,678,348
Rating: 4.9486408 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/rareinsults, r/rareinsults top posts, r/rareinsults best posts, rare insults, reddit rare insults, roast me, r/roastme, reddit roast me, roast me best posts, roast me top posts, murdered by words, reddit murdered by words, billie eilish, r/rareinsults emkay, rare insults emkay, reddit funny, emkay
Id: Jq_SlBkBWRo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 12 2019
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