r/Facepalm | HOW

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ah Forks they're not but okay what's up guys and welcome back to Ma my name is Damian and today we're looking through our slash facepalm girls want to talk about period pains how do you ever rolled your ankle over like this yeah so glad girls don't have ankles we just walk with awkward like like figurines about they don't have opposable joints I just spent 15 minutes tell my mom this isn't a jewel pod it is a logitech wireless USB receiver she refused to believe me I told her listen this does not have any flavored nicotine in it ma hashtag where the mask video game were a threat so special signs in New York linked to bomb threat I mean it's just a for a video game is just for persona I've never played persona but I know that's Joker and I'm not talking about Arthur Fleck he's not in Smash what is the name of your favorite color red there sorry the answers duplicated or has less than four characters as far as we're concerned red is not a color you can say our oh ho and be close but otherwise nah let me know how bad I butchered that pronunciation in the comments thanks Charlie Chaplin while directing his movie city lights maid actress Virginia Cheryl redo a scene where she says flower sir 342 times the movie was a silent film that's hourly a face on why did the feel as authentic as possible I like that if it doesn't feel right with the director it doesn't feel right Stanley Kubrick was a perfectionist as well granted his movies had sound and color but perfectionism is perfectionism police accidentally get everyone high after burning three tons of marijuana sure accidentally well by that story for now what the hell is with these Muslim anti-christian holidays we during their heads this time of year accidentally bought this tile thinking it was Christmas themed I don't know what I'm godly heart ayo J represents but we are returning this it's speaking with the store owner hey a chief turned the towel around it sends joy you idiot give me your vibe license it's revoked what country is mine sorry did you mean what country how much is my car worth you know what I wants to the answer yeah I didn't mean that I want my man to wear glasses I feel like that's a little gay hey fellas there's a gator see ya because then you see another men and that's gay bro no that's not a facepalm CVS and Target in the same area this is in a target what's the facepalm you oh ok never mind I'm an idiot I see what's happening here my Mike my girl here she just grabbed the entire like docking station for the basket it's just dragging that behind her probably scratching up the tile I see what happened wow I'm dumb but shows so is she where's she secretly a genius I'm in history class talking about the Great Depression here's the conversation between me and my classmate her why don't they point out more money if they don't have any me that's not how it works her if that's not how it works how do we have money then she's 17 well you could rest easy my friend because I can assure you that she's had things paid for by mommy and daddy she doesn't know how money works because she doesn't need to at least not for now that's gonna be character developing in the future for her and I'm excited I've been in seven car accidents this year y'all can't tell me God doesn't have a plan for me grow it sound like you're trying to kill you I mean that is a plan how does this happen how in God's name do you imagine get a car into the room was there a ramp behind it is this some sort of dukes of hazzard 'he's garbage how did you do this did the car climb the ladder and fall in please tell me there's a backstory to this cuz this can't just make I can't just look at this without context this disturbs my brain yes I remember I covered a post in one of my main challenge someone said the joke here was since this was for the iPhone 11 it was opposed to be a triple bazooka no the joke here is that I cut out part of Arnold's face I don't remember who wrote that in my comment section but you're wrong and I'll say it again here you're wrong but their main problem was buying this from wish just got told of the vaccine that the doctor gave my son has aids in it I knew better than to trust his corrupt health system what you don't even have a child you've been single all your life and you like teens what the hell you talking about you just wanted to fit in there's actually a 50% chance of winning the lotto it's either you or not you those are two possibilities they're not equal yeah getting the memo from all these other replies superfood to the rescue get the nutrients you're missing helps digestion just makes you feel plain awesome helps with bloating reduces cravings gives you energy hello SOS Matt a headache sore throat toothache can't stay at in a bathroom well that's what you that's that's what you get when you get a superfood shake oh no not the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse what are you talking about there is no apocalypse yeah cuz they haven't found it yet once they do of zoo-wee mama you better count your blessings $1 in blood oh but it's not the actual size oh I wanted the Omega bun and now I can't have it how do pronounce the longest name in Canada well let's see we have we have a lawn fair poo goon gunga lunga bradshaw schooi runnin draw well auntie siglo go go go coach I want to watch this video hold on I gotta watch this video I've just looked at the video let's see so first of all that's in the UK second of all wow that is a incredibly terrifying town name I just sort of pronounce it wow that's something that's plumb wire loop wing Nick go get a rich cheap wind rowboat shanty sleeo go go go Sh something like that so Welsh name interesting weird but interesting cure self isn't a suicide encouragement hey chief I don't think you understand how words work because it is actually so I work at my son's merch store and I kid you not so it came out to me today and asked if we had a certain sweatshirt an extra medium you mean large that's extra medium no extra medium no that's a large Molitor aqua brush marker set always say 0% oh that's gonna be flying off the shelves poor guy just replaced the faucet on your sink man that's all you got to do no this is not live aid this is a trump rally in downtown Philly yesterday why is it the media showing this because it's for live aid it says it on there okay alabaster 1996 but sorry this password state why would you tell us who the passwords taken by I've never seen that before that's incredible okay yeah just attempted to set my ex's house on fire but the big [ __ ] is fryer don't leak out firing it up running away like a coward eventful night so you tried to commit arson I mean it's not a crime since the fire didn't spread though but you went in with the intention of his whole house going up in flames that's a crime and you still run part of the property of a bush caught fire the police will get involved in yeah really [ __ ] opposed with us on Facebook imagine trying to set your ex's house on fire how jilted do you got a B Mercury Venus flat earth you know the planets they're both pretty oh sorry it's there no it's there idiot I'm gonna tell you a secret kid is in America well so Mexicans are also Americans and everyone in South America too interesting all right liberal for different space agencies for completely different worlds you're delusional opinion is not worthy to me okay chief yo where the hell did my legendaries and relics go all the way legendary relics just went gone I haven't played in like a week and they're all gone did I get a hat too what they sold almost 25,000 crunked or worth of skins off of me and do you have the same password as username yeah but does that mean anything buddy yeah it means a lot when were the roads invented in 4000 BC the first indications of constructed roads date about 4000 BC and consist of stone paved Street at Europe and modern-day Iraq and Tim Rhodes preserved on swamp and Glastonbury England interesting people of 4001 BC flying actually that'd be three thousand 999 BC chief to all of them flambee about it get bent hey what time is your interview today huh my dad see in the hall okay and I said what time today time today is the time of my interview I give up you're an idiot not gonna get the interview not gonna get the job oh nice cups that look like they're just gonna fall out when they yank on them huh sick I see you pull it it says health eliminate waste okay chief useful hacks you can make it home such as hot gluing a key to your Oreo cookie because that's what we hot glue keys to why Hungarian fanatic pastor says doing yoga is way to summon demons I mean yeah and they're doing yoga with me they're making sure my arch is right the arch to hell the gates of Hades between the arch of my back official NASA photograph of Mars versus the original stay woke four stars not even know with the seller that's why I gave four stars my problems with Apple how do they charge you for using their own gift card I'll see it's the gift card California mother 28 plows recurring to Barbara and special to the windows of shop because she was upset with her son's haircut so let me get this right in your infinite wisdom you're meant that your little boy got a bad haircut so you just said hey I just drive my 2001 Honda Civic right into the front of the barbershop that'll teach him and now you're in jail but those a real smart plan huh idiot Jesus hey look at this and just try that tell me that all three of these women don't look exactly the same try and tell me that Disney isn't lazy when it comes to creating women Wow two sisters and their mom you're right why on earth would they look the same bro man sir an Environmental Protection mark in afraid of wet I know I am modern art auction Barnett painting sold for forty three point eight million dollars it's just a bunch of blue with white down the middle and that sold for forty three point eight mil all right $1.99 a pound for name I'll take it country from Costa Rica I farted in the bath earlier and the bubbles went up and clear defiance of your magic gravity how do you assign tist explain that it's a gas chief how does this video have 28 million views and there's only seven million people on the earth Meghan Trainor's buying her views and it's repulsive there's about seven billion people on the planet your ignorance is repulsive you are freakin retarted the earth would collapse if I had to hold seven billion people think about it dumb dumb before you speak all I'm sorry police investigating threats against other area schools huh I think it's initiative coincidence that as soon as we get a Democratic governor now if you have school threats less shootings rising hmm cars stolen from Jackson gas station collides with another stolen car on University Boulevard and that's two vigilantes stopping each other love that you have at your command the wisdom of the ages sorry ignore the previous cookie does anyone remember what the bow from that film Titanic is called please I just know jack was on it and so is rose but what was it called Trump's salt and pepper shakers tower over everyone else's Obama Bush and Clinton use the same size shakers as their guests listen at dinners sometimes you gotta put you gotta put your foot down and Trump you know just hit it do it keep your needles away from my kids anti-vaxxers want people to stop calling them aunt Eve answers even though it's what they are water one mile water one kilometer Americans crawling towards that mile water but the Americans are right a miles less than a kilometer one mile is 1.6 kilometers well damn GF texts of this pig asking if they're HDMI cables I don't get it are they seriously do you not see the giant letters on the cord feel like I'm taking crazy pills here it says it's it's engraved on it HDMI Reed woman read it I saw a girl posters Spotify top artists on on Instagram story with the caption so accurate like yeah it's accurate it's literally beta idiot holy hell that the Muslim mayor choose this sorry excuse for a tree shame on London get this scrag and changed surely you know that our Christmas tree has gifted to us every year by Norway as a thank you for our efforts during World War two thankfully the Mayor of London Sadiq Khan has more grace than you won't be sued as to ask for it to be changed know your history hashtag love London sorry Katie Hopkins you're an idiot man is ordered to carry out 75 hours of unpaid worked after he deliberately farted that police during a strip search and asked them I like that another future pose from star to hyena here's the fan are for Damien I hope you like it love your vids by the way hey thanks why ok so I would I mean I like the royalty aspect who are all these uh fellows bowing to me I wouldn't make them bow and make them dance dance at my feet in the our funny suits to probably clown outfits for my amusement this is exactly how it go down thank you so much for this is a peek into the future and now I'll do it for our slash facepalm if you liked the video leave a like down below and subscribe for more content from MK if you want to catch more of me you can find me at twitch.tv slash Damien Li live and as always I'll be seeing ya you
Channel: EmKay
Views: 2,019,608
Rating: 4.9304147 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/facepalm, r/facepalm top posts, r/facepalm best posts, facepalm, r/facepalm emkay, emkay facepalm, facepalm emkay, therewasanattempt, r/therewasanattempt, r/therewasanattempt emkay, therewasanattempt emkay, fails, reddit fails, epic fail, fail compilation
Id: qFWQ0mCF3Yg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 30 2019
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