r/Rareinsults | absolutely destroyed

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i am cute today okay hmm looks like he's cosplaying as both his grandparents at the same time well you are what you eat wait does that not apply here [Music] hey you fabulous flatulence welcome to mk i'm the voice cracking jack and today it's time to feast on some deliciously amazingly well crafted insults here we have miss riley reed with her definitely very well executed rap song yup his glasses have better zoom than the nasa telescopes huh nice tried insulting me but my eyes are that weirdly freakishly big she's ben shapiro sister and she looks like a default sim pick a struggle how do y'all be 27 plus with no kids seeing y'all be 23 with five kids will do that to you wait you're telling me there's more to life than forgetting to wear a condom get out of here he looks like if someone tried drawing tom scott's face from memory okay but this guy looks beautiful is it still kind of a fail if it still looks nice i didn't know that my septic tank could talk dax shepard looks like a benedict cumberbatch evolved on dry land so either dak shepard looks like the primate version of benedict or benedict looks like the fish version of dax david guetta looks like the exchange student who doesn't know english but is still there [Music] take me back to the good old days in high school where we teach all the exchange students swear words and make them yellow mouse in class they've survived for 600 million years without a brain a ray of hope for some of my bbc colleagues boy looks like a cold glass of coke fizzled over i come here champ i just need to top up charlie's eyebrows have more definition than my life boy i think that's just charlie in general that cold-blooded kyani reefs cross jesus christ motherflipper hi ben would you let go for 150 today how about you go find a nice pond to swim in because you're a silly goose if you think i'll take 150 for a 900 computer okay okay fine 160. fifa 21 gameplay features ea never disappoints us when it comes to disappointing us no see that's actually their secret new business strategy make games so disappointing that you play them for how disappointing they can be if tomizoa can make a big success out of it then so can they meanwhile in anime it's like you were only born to add the scent of garlic to fried rice oil which one's saying this i don't know because i've never seen the show i bet you're a lesbian only when i talk to you never forget that eminem just machine gun kelly so hard he switched genres okay honestly i saw the profile picture here first and i thought they were referring to genders let me come on let's be honest no man could do nail polish that well and any man that can needs to teach me please i'm desperate i want to do it i can't make him look nice my wife dreamed i cheated on her now she wants an apology oh for goodness sake your wife is the person who washes their hands after taking a shower okay but have you lived in some share houses hi welcome to my channel i'm comparing a youtube anime video to pikachu pk russell is like a 91 degree angle he's obtuse and never right and super annoying to look at if we all just switched to cursive and stick shift cars we could [ __ ] an entire generation i love how you all talk smack about a generation you raised like it's their fault and not yours white girls get dream catcher tattoos and wonder why their lives are going to smack like i don't know sarah maybe ask the thing inked on your body that attracts bad stuff you unseasoned chicken wing you're giving up hot dog water vibes right now leave me alone ladies please use this one at a bar if you can actually go to them right now or save it for the zoom dates if people are still doing those translate this romantic sentence let's flex my french unpetted and fancy android sun stylo mix q toy a little child would hold his pen better than you yeah well you know what candy instructions envelope capital you never realize how much you've won the dna lottery until you watch tick-tock cringe be careful watching tick tock cringe as a gateway drug into watching tick tock do not make my mistake my productivity has gone down so much just a typical day being a casual worker he's the same guy who would say i got kicked out of the army because i beat the stuff out of the drill instructor for getting in my face but actually he got kicked out because he couldn't wake up early hey that's me hmm so this is what mark zuckerberg did before facebook eminem has always been my inspiration i don't care what anybody says this is a valid reason to refund the game your mother probably wanted to refund you too but even satan didn't want you because your first words were smoked briskets are yummy are they not wait am i in the wrong side of history you are like the heel on a loaf of bread everyone's touched you but no one wants you hey he looks like a dollar store christian bale you're as useless as the word you in the word q name a better trio the bathroom a toilet and pepto that's exactly how i fight off my fruit cravings i just think about what it's going to feel like afterwards though if you are into butt pain i guess it's more of an incentive ethan smith if idiots could fly this place would be an airport [Laughter] bet the school was so reluctant to put this in the yearbook top definition dumbass someone who looks up the word dumbass in addiction [Laughter] wait a minute how did this happen we're smarter than this not according to the dictionary oh of course it has a subreddit chris jericho's band fozzie plays in front of a packed crowd at sturgis no face masks or social distancing despite covet 19. imagine having such bad taste in music that you're willing to get covered and die just so you can listen to chris jericho's pants one of the symptoms of covet is a loss of taste makes sense is it weird that i sold my mum for gems how many gems how much 800 it's weird that they paid that much because that's what heroes do dude from comcast fell asleep during my install and i deadass let him sleep because bro needed it who the frick sleeps like that bro looks like a unity asset oh good i'm glad i'm not the only one who's a bit weirded out by this he's been around technology so much that his sleep pattern is just doo doo doo doo i'm an organ donor but they're all so fricked up it's more of a gesture thing i'm told i basically can't donate organs or blood i have a hereditary blood disorder that makes my insides incompatible with other people that's the best excuse i've ever heard for being a virgin where did that even come from poor guy already has a rare disease but still got burnt to the ground that's kind of true pretty classy john mcafee arrested at airport for wearing lacy thong as a face in fairness it is the most appropriate way to cover a see you guys next tuesday this guy tried to put lsd in the la water supply just look at that photo i bet you did if post malone and weirdo yankovic had a son oh dude that is a really good example not even had a son like literally did the fusion dance paul heyman looks like the rich politics guy boom is always drawing their cartoons oh wow he really does i'm what your grandpa wants to look like this old lady witnessing technology is the equivalent of a dog barking at a vacuum cleaner wait here hold up look at this quality image how is that a video my goodness okay it might not look as good when it's zoomed up and such but jesus on my computer right now it's like a really crisp photo who has a camera that can do this why why do i feel so poor all of a sudden i look like hal from hal's moving castle it's just uncatty because we're both wearing white you see maybe hal's moving hairline don't know what these guys are doing don't know where they are to do it but i am totally feeling it he looks like an american student who went on a field trip and never came back oh yeah man this is my life now just you know playing the banjo what's the name of this place anyway al kikahata sounds cool damn damn danny gonzalez the man with the jaw i i would settle with you know it's not that bad you look like a cult explaining how everything works to the new girl they just kidnapped all right so before we get started we're going to put this danny gonzalez mask on you it's kind of a requirement to be here but don't worry it's not permanent we put the actual face on through surgery next week meanwhile in all slash i am very badass i never been a violent person but if someone laid a hand on you i will drive their skull to my kneecap until i see red yeah that sounds badass yeah i'll put that on my tick tock video dude looks like princess leah on a bad hair day okay i thought they were referring to some other princess but they're referring to actual leia not someone named leah and i gotta say i mean princess leia ain't that bad you know i'm just saying i'm just having him actually can't process this what is that not photoshopped he looks like the ice age baby growing up boys oh we found him he's back oh we gotta get him okay this title totally reminds me of some opening to caillou let's have a quick check in on alex jones to see how he's handling covert 19 restrictions alex is maybe the only person on the planet who gets winded taking a breath dude that's because he's such a powerful beast of a being that he just can't contain it all the time and so he loses energy really quickly it's clear to science posting more because i can willy wonka while the children are dying in his chocolate factory yeah i'd still swipe right adam is so deep in the closet his mailing address is in narnia i just love that analogy that's that is so good condition and forecast let's go down the list stone is wet rain stone is dry not raining shadow on the ground sunny white on top snowing can't see stone foggy swinging stone windy stone jumping up and down earthquake stone gone tornado wait what's the difference though between stone gone and you can't see the stone like technically that's both the same thing unless my god a foggy tornado steals the rock to watch everyone go crazy i hope both sides of your pillow are hot you take that back sir i've seen pornhub ads more trustworthy than you caption waited outside her hotel for 46 hours straight for this opportunity worth it oh oh you can just see the discomfort on her oh my goodness madam i honor and respect you for willing to give your time to these slightly creepy people i mean end of the day i guess they're just fans who appreciate you at least i hope it just ends there i bet his forehead can be scanned at a grocery store yep and i bought special god no that was a really bad joke oh that was a really bad joke i shouldn't have done that one no i acknowledge that there is a problem with saying that god damn it oh yes this is from ramsay's hotel nightmare spin-off thing where restaurants would weren't doing it for him anymore context here is this hotel owner just kept a lot of random stuff he thought was antiques when it was all worth maybe 20 bucks just like how my girlfriend hoards me thinking i'm a value self-burnt the owner looks like he just farted and doesn't know if he shot himself yep okay that was warmer than usual that is that is sticking around oh literally that was something stuck there okay i need to go hard pill to swallow just because you need something to live doesn't make it a human right all the kids who were born on third base and think they hit a triple are saying this guys have read it what is socially seen as sexy but is actually a huge turn off for you the kardashian look oh yes all for you if that's what you want to look like but if you're doing it because you think guys are into that oh no have you ever seen a front view of kim she looks like a crushed water bottle this man looks like an adult charlie brown then why doesn't he sound like a trooper there is inconsistency in this lore this guy permanently looks like a kid about to tell his parents he broke a window the eyebrows it's the eyebrows in the forehead that's doing it damn he could trip somebody in a different state that is mean but somewhat factual ah it's the good samaritan himself jake paul is the kind of guy who would climb a glass wall to see what's on the other side but what if he's blind there we go that's something jacob can make a youtube video out of berlin looked like the big bad wolf when he was trying to be grandma [Laughter] hey what's up you guys want cookies it's not that cold why does it look like he has a mustache even when he doesn't oh is that going to be the next mandela effect gus johnson never had a mustache oh my gosh what is this what the hell is this oh that poor terribly influenced little kid and then there's the toddler in front of him ah listening to this cured my depression i found someone who i hate more than myself opinion france and italy's rising tensions are as high as world war ii should we be worried considering how useless both countries were in world war ii no yeah and i think they definitely have the support of their citizens in this current time to go to war not even sending over guns and tanks and stuff just a bunch of people all sneezing all over the place in each other's territory she's had enough black dna in her she probably has some assassin's creed memories of slavery ah so that's why she thinks she has an n-word pass pokemon gamestop power to the players ugh i love how they put a tiny girl to make it look bigger than it is hope that doesn't hit too close to home geez gamestop be nice women what surprised you the most the first time you saw or played with a peepee the veins my little chicken is more shredded than my arms funny since they're getting the exact same amount of exercise take that virgin let's be honest the person who said this is also a virgin ah great content but uh there's more plastic in your butt cheeks than there is in the comment turtle ooh i slash rare insults ask reddit women have read it what gives you an instantaneous ladyboner a good joke that a man makes up in a course of a conversation an unexpected smart play with words you single my whole life's a joke how important is the smart part sorry ladies i'm taken taken as a joke that is gosh i love it what the first comment and immediately all the guys are replying to it trying to float with her as an attempt to get her approval edgar looks like a depressed 40 year old father who just lost his job oh don't make cute puppies seem sad that's that's sad tell you that she lawyer we gon put her to the test i'm hoping i sung that wrong just so i can be assured the jake ball has some level of originality jake paul is the type of guy to stand outside in the sun to dry his sweat well eventually it would work so cooked pork anyone anybody have some nice deliciously baked pork this is why we need a lifeguard in the gene pool now before we go today's fan art is by emma mayonnaise it is a drawing of them drawing a drawing and oh my gosh i love it it is so pretty unfortunately this is a rare insult video so to keep with the theme i do have to make fun of it um it's bad like uh you suck you suck i can't do rare insults well i'm sorry and remember guys if you'd like to see your fan art on the videos at all in the future be sure to post your work in the mk subreddit now we have reached the end of today's programming thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed today's content be sure to like this video and keep assured that you are in fact subscribing to the channel get that notification bell clicked so you're always updated on the latest of goods but alas that does us for today so i must say farewell my name has been jack you have been a delightfully delicious being to dialect with i don't know anyway i'll see you guys next time bye
Channel: EmKay
Views: 643,593
Rating: 4.9618125 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/rareinsults, r/rareinsults top posts, r/rareinsults best posts, rareinsults emkay, r/rareinsults emkay, emkay rareinsults, rare insults, roast compilation, roast battle, emkay roastme, r/roastme, roastme emkay, r/roastme emkay, jeffree star
Id: MgT1pAN4_bQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 19 2020
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