r/Nicegirls | im qwerky hehe

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I seriously want to know why a lot of dudes glorify these clubbing bedbugs or a city girl but won't give a good girl the time of day because we're boring and uptight it's okay girls our time will come stay classy what's up guys and welcome back to NK my name is Danny and today we're looking through our slash nice girls cuz I'm feeling like I need some nice girls in my life alright too many too many Mean Girls just one one couple of nice ones if you love too hard just stay single because people in this generation don't appreciate that crap anymore oh okay she's a stay-at-home mom and her baby daddy fiance works overtime so he can support both her and their one child while still giving her tons of extra money to spend on whatever she wants reposted because I'm dumb and forgot crop as a thing if I go to jail for beating my baby daddy just now he fully deserves it seriously though he stresses me the Frick out girl I'm sorry um what uh uh nah getting ready for my shift and wake up to this crap she freaking keyed my boots because I don't have a frickin car WTF is life right now she keyed my lambo feeties my frickin Scheffer legs I wish I could date me I'm really everything I want in a person now maybe that's just for you but I think you're personally very scary and boring no female could be better than me I don't care if she's prettier than me and got a longer hit got longer hair than me got a bigger butt of boobs than me there will always be something about me that she will never find in another girl and I mean that in the most humble way yeah she won't post things like this hopefully some girls are once-in-a-lifetime type girls after her there is no upgrade so you better cherish her because if you don't someone else will sorry that will have good reactions for this but I just get so like unhappy reading these like genuinely I'm like come on a person who seems jealous or clingy is actually someone who cares the most jealousy and cleanness is fine until it gets to a certain point though stranger I think you're forgetting that people ask me why are you single you're attractive intelligent caring and creative I reply I'm overqualified shut up I don't mean I don't want to sound like I'm rude but I genuinely don't know where these people get off with these posts it's like my one genuine pet peeve is post like this do you ever just want to yell on a guy's face you're not cute enough to act like this hello well yeah all the time we're look in the mirror me it's just Instagram who cares if he likes another girls pic wall enter me so you're just gonna let him cyber screw her no no I won't looking for someone to go on a date with me I'm a good girl not a ho faithful and loyal but guys only want to have sex with me so they reject me because I'm not a ho you rather have a ho than a good girl guys are so stupid to reject a good girl make a shot every time she says good girl I'm three drinks in ariana is my cousin not an Alabama why are you so concerned about every friend and relative that I have that you've never met lol because you might be cheating on me bro what we aren't dating you don't know this oh it's true he might not he might not know girl dictionary goodnight something is wrong oh okay her heart is just broken okay something is definitely wrong ai ai ai you pissed her to f off are you okay she cares I'm sorry she means it cool she doesn't care it's fine you messed up I love you say it back because she means it leave me alone don't leave her alone don't text me blow her phone up just be straightforward it's like please just a little straightforward this will go a long way I thought she was a good friend but she did the same thing to me i flirt with guys when I'm bored and then they catch feelings I know I'm not the only female who does this Hey oh no that's gross don't do that don't do that hey big boy titty pic like what you see um wrong person her bf know me Oh Angie oops well I was toting accident well now you have a pic of my boobs Thanks you can unsend the picture you know oh but what if I don't wanna so can I come over no why not I'm really not looking to screw anyone right now plus you have a boyfriend so he don't have to know not interested why I have nice boobs don't or if he don't want it we can just be friends and play that fortnight crap no thanks you're such a I have you a chance to screw me and you literally refuse you are such a bruh i ducking hate you you butthole I will ruin your life I have friend and I swear on my frickin life that I will spread rumors about you I hate you so much okay you freaking a-hole you're just jealous of Brice because he has me and I'm with Lee the prettiest girl in our school have fun with your pathetic life you bruh bye baby wow thanks you sweet angel yeah bruh I'm probably the only girl that actually likes your pathetic but hey sorry I was really mad I don't know what got over me just now I'm actually a really nice and sweet girl I just have my moments it's okay we we all do can I come over still no please I could be really nice but I just get mad still no I literally showed you my boobs please I'll leave Bryce for you no stop messaging me you cannot come over I'm not interested in you or having sex with you if you keep texting me I will block you f you enjoy being stuck with that [ __ ] bruh my GF when you could have had a nice and caring girl dirtbag bye she was never complicated you were just too lazy to make an effort it'd be like that sometimes I guess some people will post pictures so that X will be like she's so hot I missed out but you know my ex already knows I'm hot he just hates my personality which is really weird because I'm hilarious and super sweet if you buy me things but only if you buy me things I'm a straight-up brand otherwise you have to censor up braaap sorry just like put in a bra or something like that dating me is so freaking easy just text me back talk a little crap show me lots of love screw me and don't be a ho hmm he opened my snapchat four minutes ago was active on Facebook 11 months ago in oh look he's no replied to my text can you break up with someone who's not your boyfriend I think you're looking into a duty what do boys find attractive about boobs the air literally balls of fat on my chest if you can love me for the fat on my chest why can't you let me for the fat on my stomach you piece of crap they're just fun they're the fun a [Laughter] menses also they're so annoying I have a girlfriend so cool I have a boyfriend and he's okay with you calling other guys cute I'm with him right now we're just pranking guys right now lmao a good prank bud yeah I know dude you know why it's so good because in reality you're ugly as heck lmao oh yeah this is after she told me she couldn't get to know anyone else because she was leading other people on lol so I guess this is CB 2 I just want to get dressed up real fine and go on a real date with a real man have a real conversation but clearly that's asking for too much these days hashtag forever alone hey I saw your status you broke up right you're kind of attractive are there any chances I see you online please reply hello didn't see you message hi there you should pay more attention had some things going on so are you interested you are online still hello I appreciate it but not looking for anything at the moment why though can we even meet up at least not really sorry I get it Wow can't even reply on time no wonder why you single f boy looking but why why would you if he's just if someone's not interested just be take the Ellen leave dude just be alright cool I get it ease man a guy was talking about how his last girlfriend used to post pics of him and had his name in her bio and how he hasn't been able to find anyone like that again this was a random girls response they don't freaking find us because they go to find button big nice face 200 kilograms and makeup girls and lots of plastic in them that's what they want and yeah nudes random person not important me nice girls I mean yeah dude I agree Doge will throw away a good girl who would give them the world for a girl who will give them a disease because the disease will get me off this planet away from the nice girls am I the only one who genuinely has the utmost respect for Amy from the movie gone girl she faked her death framed her husband ruined his life and then manipulated her way into making sure he stayed with her after she played the whole thing off as a kidnapping fricking iconic no not at all hey hi I haven't seen you in a while want to hang out yeah I know I'll check and see if I'm available anytime next week ok hello where did you go you were active 20 seconds 20 seconds ago great you're ignoring me you know what eff you you actually think I wanted to hang out with you I felt bad but I don't anymore since you're a huge bruh no wonder your boyfriend cheated on you I feel bad for your parents for raising such a ramp I just got back from checking my calendar you're so funny so when are you available I'd rather stay at home [ __ ] how to lose a man just be a good woman we hate that crap me waking up in the morning knowing I'm prettier than everyone who hates me nah I might look innocent but you don't want to screw with me I wear heels bigger than your wiener one swift kick to your heels and you're down for the count ma'am I'm just saying as a man who's terrified of heels that's dangerous playing a dangerous game yeah eyebrows on point though I'll give you a point for that we matched she sent hey I responded with pea and then this happened Wow mine was a hey not sure if you meant to swipe on me but just in case being brave reaching out just to make sure yours is a hey I'm about as exciting as a box of hair what make zero effort to partake in this exchange good luck lol hi you got a girl now ignoring his childish fu when Bay ain't responding so you assume the worst and start playing on how you gonna kill his butt well why why would that be your first assumption dude ladies be his headache he's got enough hoes trying to be his peace standout sis all the comments weren't deep so dang true and I've never talked to a male I am NOT a hot girl I will probably never turn you on or take your breath away or impress your friends the way I look but I can make you laugh and make you feel wanted and sometimes I can be really freaking cute I really wish that could be enough just once girl I met on tinder was talking to her for about two months before she became really clingy and one of my attention 24/7 despite my wishes to take it slow I've been struggling with some stuff that she knows about in detail tell me to get over it basically and go into a relationship with her I think you're right you want something I can't give you which is something solid I'm too caught up in my own stresses and I'm struggling to deal with them and at the moment maybe it's for the best fine it's a cop-out but whatever I mean I'll stop messaging but seriously you don't even know what I freakin want because believe it it wasn't a lot but maybe I should start wanting more because what I settled for was crap I'm such a nice girl who deserves nice things not insecured boneheads with way too much time to think just let the guy deal with his gripes the original nice girl break up with your boyfriend I'm bored by ariana grande this is my ex couldn't sleep without written authorization please f off if you think that it's okay to only talk to me when it's convenient for you oh well it's convenient for both of us maybe please dating a Latinas like why haven't you come over just get out of the hospital Yeah right probably out with your other bras you stabbed me well you ain't got to be a little rough out it you know I'll play around stabbing is playing around hey honey I got this [ __ ] stabbed up sorry it was just a prank time to go to the ER go I'm down for that at all like how to freak with you with other people before me it was always supposed to be me and you should have knew that and waited so you basically cheated cuz you knew you were gonna find me and still kept dealing with other bros build a time machine and delete them or just get the Infinity Gauntlet plus I thought you had a perfect girl I did but she cheated on me not so perfect apparently not so perfect then huh lmao what's funny is you get hurt by girls time after time you you keep hurting the one girl who you should be with because I don't cheat I don't lie and I care but I guess you're just blind I'm so sorry I really don't want a long-distance relationship because they almost never work out but that's because brother are loyal but I'm loyal but he doesn't want a long-distance relationship just accept that just accept the fact she's complaining about a girl wearing makeup in a video where the girl was in costume makeup she's so pretty if only you could find true beauty like that in real life with no makeup I do why are you coming at me sorry I wasn't trying to be rude or anything I was just trying to say how there's some cake faces so it's hard to find someone that is just naturally beautiful with no makeup I'm sorry for coming at you like that I didn't mean to so many accounts like these all typically thirty-plus you use the n-word once I found out makeup sex better than regular sex I stayed starting crap rules for boyfriends this summer 2k 19 no grace sweatpants you are not allowed to go to any carnival without me you make eye contact with a girl it's over if you pay more attention to your boys than we over you were not allowed to be nice to any girls except your family can't follow we not gonna happen it's okay I don't want it to happen even your bitmoji looks mean court records Iowa teacher berated fourteen-year-old boy after he declined to have sex with her whoa how dare you you look miserable McKenzie Jesus this may shock some of you but there are women who are kick butt drivers love sex hate talking through movies don't want your money and say exactly what they mean and you're not one of them this girl always complains about dudes and can never keep one I'm so sick of guys liking a girlfriend it looks at their body type like can't you like someone for their personality I mean why who looks matter what she does she doesn't text you first what you should react text her first she's waiting for you she gets upset and walks away run after her stop her she becomes silent ask her what happened show her that you care she pushes you away pull her close she says I don't want to hear any explanation keep explaining she wants to know how important she is to you she says get out of here stick and give her a hug now see cuz then you going into the you know the space and if they're asking for space you should give them space cuz as a gentleman when I want my space I want my space I guess skinny bras really do win in the end I hate how us girls had to change for society you choose someone solo over me and had the nerve to put her above me yeah yeah I did cuz you were gonna make a post like that when you loved her you go out of your way for her I did this before then we argued the same night for hours cuz I like the girls pic on Instagram well you should have never did that you was the problem here if you did all this how'd you even have the time to be on social media right ain't no need to be on social media unless you show me off period no I do what I want can cute boys stop being gay younger than me 15 years older than me 12345678 you females get excited over drugs and parties I get excited over good grades and opportunities trust me when I say we are not the same the guy you can't stop thinking about is currently texting at least four different girls you're welcome hey you should follow back it's not nice to leave a nice girl waiting how tall are you what who you be no like really though do I know you not that I know of no I'm just following a lot of people QT I used to have over nine K but I got deleted hey I have $20 lol oh well cool I guess sorry but the business has been closed thanks to tax fraud for the $20 what about free then tall ones like you get all no thank you I have a girlfriend that I love very much that's a gf Colome oh what a joke you're missing out honestly I swear guys don't think straight her ID me right lmao no you're just a narcissist in just one attention plus I'm not missing much of other people are like you narcissistic I'm not I'm just saying I'm prettier and so is half the planet I'm confident I'm just saying she's not good and you're tall a bonus and you're kind of cute so you can do better imo okay LMAO a guy who don't defend his girl don't really love her okay blocked good SIA worth reading it takes a real man to love a broken woman that's where I'll stop reading that one I am an actual yandere what the [ __ ] is a Yonder I'm sorry I'm sorry what what is it you I am an actual yandere is this the right place for me to be my first question is what's a Yonder right hey Siri what is a yandere Oh what Urban Dictionary what is a Yonder right somebody who is sweet and kind at first glance but when it comes to their love they will act obsessive and violent Oh yikes hi my name is blank not arel of course I am what everyone would consider to be a yandere although I'm not proud of it I am one my past relationship I was obsessed with him he was mine when he cheated on me I couldn't take it I knew where he lived I knew his parents addresses his parents history even why he divorced I was so devoted to him because I believed I loved him when he went to start track-and-field I was upset how dare he joined something like that he just wanted to be around that fricking [ __ ] I wanted him and her gone so he called the cops anyways I feel nothing when I think of him anymore I have a new love he is mine and only mine I want to marry him I will marry him he has a lot of female friends but I always have eyes on him I know where he lives his mom likes me I can go over whenever I want my love my dearest love I can feel when he's down I know when something is wrong I have some photos of him I turned him to have too many if you wrote to me I'd have a mural I wouldn't want to get caught with all the photos again I write about him a lot and draw things that remind me of them he's always on my mind he's so handsome I love his smell sorry sorry I'm rambling too much enough about my husband I am really friendly he doesn't have a reddit account and doesn't know this one so there's no reason why I'd be upset at any of you feel free to ask me questions yeah number one why anyway that brings me to the end of our slash nice girls and please just take this as a warning don't be like any of the fellas females rather listed in this subreddit but if you liked the video you can like it and you can also subscribe and as always I'll be seeing you [Music] you
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Views: 2,748,702
Rating: 4.9383988 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, sorrow tv, rslash, giofilms, r/nicegirls, r/nicegirls top posts, r/nicegirls best posts, nice girls, reddit funny, reddit nicegirls, r/nicegirls emkay, emkay
Id: Z3J6ezFQu7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 23sec (1103 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 30 2019
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