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her body is a poop gun every time you eat it reloads just how I like it [Music] what's up guys and welcome back to Ma my name is Damien and today we're looking through our slashed banks I hate it and we're starting out nice and strong nice and strong indeed the last thing I wanted to see in my 20 years of living is Mario and Luigi with human noses and no mustaches is the last thing I wanted to see is that is that its actual mouth or is that like a person's lips superimposed onto it I don't like it either way I kind of like this one actually that's cute that's a cute little costume it's reflective over the kids out in the street during Halloween's not gonna get hit by no cars it's cute I like that I don't think that's a things I hated at all Tentacruel seems interested in your mom I don't like where this is going yeah what's the problem tend to crows this instant and your mom what's the problem you huh you scared just give the tentacles gonna be a new dad oh yeah well I hate that those are eyebrows not eyes you [ __ ] and that is not nostrils they'll never be nostrils oh but now I can't stop looking at it like that uh no what were you trying to make I don't know what you know animal you were going where you going for like a porcupine or a hedgehog I mean I admire your attempt I'll still eat your cake but come on fella croc Martens all you bet I'm wearing those make every lady go who's that hot guy wearing the croc Martens it's me I'm the hot guy wearing the croc Martens so we got Sponge Bob magic at Squidward let's combine them how we got Papa but to a bob squid WOB and squid drink i like squid wah split wob and poo bob are my two favorites I just watched a Peppa Pig makeup tutorial and I am never sleeping again I mean you might not want to sleep but this is I admire the creativity here they turn their hand into the phone that's dope I actually really like that I think that's creative I love it I don't like this it's this a Benjamin Button problem why she why she both simultaneously a baby and an old woman at the same time I do not like that hello have you seen my son it's Finding Nemo hey bro can you pass me my glasses you should bro this is why I wear contacts cuz no one in their right minds gonna pass me their contact with their bare finger no they're gonna pass me in the contact case if you hand me my glasses like that I'm gonna kick you into the next time zone you [ __ ] okay we gotta come or are you gonna make the pig look like no way no don't don't do it don't do it man come on this is good Oh God so spider-man and his mask let's just see where his eyes would be sounds about right to me chief we've crunched the numbers Thanks I hate ants whoa that's nutty dude bugs are like monsters are real and they're bugs that is nuts so cool I know I should be like hating this but I am really intrigued a healthy breakfast of yogurt peach at Apple disguises an egg and fries do this to me and I will kill you what's wrong with egg how does an egg unhealthy it was cooked sunny-side up - how is that unhealthy oh I love these videos where it's like big the animations where adverts your expectations these are my favorites I love these these are a wealth of creativity oh it's so neat I love these videos so much I don't love that that's Barbie as a chicken what happened Barbie was there a fire in your dream house come on speak to us that's what I'd be looking like sometimes on a bad day just a lump of meat pressed up against it whoa whoa I gotta see that again that is nuts it's like one of those Russian dolls that's incredible editing that is gnarly I love it a woodpecker's tongue wraps around at 10:00 when a woodpecker pecks these tongue bones are retracted and stabilized the skull providing musculoskeletal support they also protect its brain from over 1,000 G's of force when it's hammering away by absorbing the shot that's really cool animals have the weirdest ways of making sure that they can do their functions like a woodpecker we're in in the design of the universe where does the woodpecker come into play like this animal had to come about for a reason why does it exist I think this stuff is fascinating oh I've seen one of these before far but had a horizontal cut instead of a vertical would clap every time we ran or climbed down stair and I love that thought it still tickles me to this day when two people kiss they create a long tube from butthole to butthole and that's romance trying to find me a cutie who let me connect a long tube from bubble to buckle all right oh I've seen this is the Nokia JIT becomes a monster if you haven't seen this you're in for a treat look at this stuff oh my god that is so gnarly is this III I want to believe that this is like effects this isn't actually what happens and I would love to see you behind the scenes that is so nuts oh my god it's so cool thanks I hate this painting of Clinton that Epstein apparently had this is why he was taken out this is why he's no longer with us this exact painting Oh believe everything you read on the news kids oh wow I hate everything about it Oh Oh God oh I hate everything about this image the color the fleshy tone the teeth especially the teeth was the worst burden what you gonna do you want four legs that is nuts man where'd you get those where'd you get those legs those walkers my dude when Spotify tries to make me a daily mix aid don't worry about it I don't know about you but my daily mixes are always great I get rap funk $0.80 pops best best of all the world's there oh it's slimy swamp ghost I love this guy's art oh man I I'm a huge horror fan and I see this stuff all the time and it is my absolute favorite twitter account right now my daughter just sent me this the lunette reusable menstrual cup if something Willy Wonka would used and you know it's good this uh sonic dot exe the only thing faster than light is death now now lights faster I like big butts and I cannot lie no other brother can deny for a great low rate you get online go to the generals save some time now that's a wrap that's oh that that is a bona fide rap song hey guys I just got dial-up get it see that silly that's that that's a that's a real funny one I like that's a thanks thank thanks for that meme I needed that one today when you die your voice is added to the course of children yelling I aye-aye captain and the spongebob intro how is that something you'd hate I think that's very cute I like that we all go somewhere special when we die right into the spongebob intro [Music] it's dis me look at that look at look at this me responsible for moving spider-man from the MCU egg one of the most popular forms of child to eat yummy yummy I think I've seen this before you he cuts it real real thin and then throws it in the water right there we go yep I've seen this before this is cool as hell I love it you guys hate weird things this subreddits weird a lot of us just stuff that's like not normal or not not your normal thing to do with something but creatively like oh I hate this get over yourself I like it it's cool this however I can understand hating this is not good at all Jorgen the reversed I hate him Elmer's force can tamils well not help you regrow your foreskin the FDA doesn't know what it'll do we don't know either look no one is forcing you to buy with an advertisement like that how could I know how much scarier would a frog be if it ran instead of hopped you just hear plak plak plak plak plak coming towards you you look down and it's a frog going at full speed Kermit's pissed lollipops are so freakin win you flavor your own spit and then drink it wasn't here buddy you come at us with this stuff today I was having a good thing then I read this screw you mean he's right he's good why you bonum he's right sometimes sometimes when I get an eyelash in my eye and when I blink it's gone I worry there's a space in my head behind my eyelashes well you don't have to fear because it's true can't be scared of it if you know it exists right know how it works you have eyelashes in your brain boy look at that the word boy can make a boy but girl that's Jorgen von strangle girls on instagram be like I don't know if I particularly liked Freddy Krueger's face all smooth down it's not something I'm used to seeing like III love him as the the lasagna face monster but when we smooth his face out like when you sand his face down I don't know how I feel about that how to correctly eat Pringles one let stand for two to three hours to rinse off all those nasty spiders three peel away it's dead metallic shell four with your dominant hand activate your secret thumb you'll want to get a real good grip on those bats number five with your pathetic hand dislocate Cronin's law this is the joint that makes your mouth so small useless number six you've reached your full potential I knew you could do it you're so smart and beautiful enjoy a good snack your sh Greenland is farther east west north and south in Iceland Iceland yeah pathetic little island look at you bad hate the look of a helmet but still want to be safe for a limited time you can have your whole head print it on your helmet call now I like that that's gonna make people terrified of me I love it it's a dominance play eat birds with no wings they're searching for the next mate honey is the tastiest of all the insect vomits we've tried so far and trust me we have tried oh ha we started with fly vomit that didn't work out beetle vomit didn't taste too good a little sour for my taste but but be vomit is sweet viscous honey it's my favorite the idea that the ideal beach body just means being thinner buff is so unimaginative surely the ideal beach body would have a powerful lobster claw arm flaps to act as a windbreak and a sand repellent anus who let Joe have a Twitter account press your face up against some glass take a picture printed laminated put it in a large jar put the jar in the fridge did you know there's an outtake for the 2000 Grinch movie where Jim Carrey leans in real close to jeffrey tambor space and the rips off Tamara's prosthetic nose with his teeth god I want him to do this to my Clint there's some things I just never want to read this goes in the top 10 hello I am your number neighbor there are nine spaghetti filled socks hidden around the house master ooh whoo I'll let you put them inside me find all of them Jesus Christ I regret everything if you're a junior your mom has probably moaned your name during sex but I mean logically of course she has aroma Junior I'm not a junior but if I was yeah it makes sense and I would come to terms with a ketchup is a liquid made from a fruit and contains 20% sugar that makes it a soda but we're not ready to have this conversation because some people are the main in it soda requires carbonated water I guess that makes kitchen a sports drink like powering get your electrolytes in how was a day at work Luigi mama don't you want to ask her Mario first it's been three years since of the accident Luigi you have to let him go lost Mario yeah another child star whose life has been destroyed by drugs and alcohol and just take a look she used to be so promising as an actress and then just went down the pipeline huh Holly was a dangerous business kid my cat stuck his tongue out right as I took this picture so it looks like he has horrible little human lips and I'm literally about to cry he's got lipstick on he goes from nice and to meet you sir to use a daughter call Mesa daddy to this Rick did ruin my day Arby's has flipped the vegan meat trend on its head with the meetcha the carrot Manor the turkey that looks and tastes almost exactly like the vegetable yeah but why why the milkman who wants some milk thanks milkman mouth what are we got going on here oh it's a bunch of little bugs trying to sting them you're so cool that is so many - what did you what did you collect and why are they angry it is a horde trying to destroy your hand alright plug that USB in and stretch that face out baby oh yeah thanks I hate the mouth of a loggerhead turtle very much a lot and I don't like it at all I hate it please help well what could be so well whoa whoa whoa that's gnarly holy crap turtles eat plants in their mouth look like this that's crazy do teeth taste like nothing or does your mouth just get used to the taste of your teeth both when you're driving and turn the music down so you can see better give me your eyeballs and your ear balls but that's not what I meant this can't be your girlfriend son it's just plastic it's not real it's real to me dad she's my girlfriend it's Bernie Sanders he's gonna take out the 1% for sin punt hoist up those pants you owl you Apple fiend why is his legs all tight it's going on I'm sure it's for a reason but why so we've traced out the the featherless Owl oh here we go yeah there it is this is what now looks like without feathers look at it it looks like it came from the labyrinth thanks I hate it little Goblin Birds I love them I was not prepared to be feeling this much conflict about owls today but here we are okay I don't have a problem with fashion this is just if you want to dress like this and be weird you know props to them it's a statement that they're making I'd probably wear it I'm not gonna lie to you I'd probably wear something like that it's paradox the playing table chairs oh I don't like it one bit no I don't like that at all when the baby is less than a month old and your parents want to do a photo shoot session so we'd take photos you a little wrinkly crotch Goblin shadow Illuminati she's just crotch Goblin right pretty sure she does the sonic trailer has a part where you see a stack of sneakers that he's ruined which means we might have to watch him take off his shoes and see his almost certainly human shaped feet why would you say that why would you say something like that and put that in my brain no all of us gotta think about that hey it's Peppa oh she's got four eyes Oh God all right what is this a chicken what are you doing you're trying to bounce yourself on this poor guy yeah stop moving your tail feathers like that bro you give me the creeps what is up you trying to you're trying to hump this man is nothing to deserve this what are you doing stop it he's just trying to take a phone call and you're you're defiling him there is still 10 seconds in this video what could possibly happen get it that's right fly away get out of here you're still on top of them geez that bird was ready to go Donkey Kong's mouth is a giant pistachio and you can't unsee it watch me forget about it I'm not even gonna think about it someone probably thinks you're cool and wants to be you and where your skin is a suit and dance in the pool your organs you know that took a really dark turn not gonna lie nyan and that brings us to the end of our slash thanks I hate and if you liked the video leave a like down below and subscribe for more content from MK and as always I'll be seeing you [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 2,108,705
Rating: 4.9527493 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/thanksihateit, r/tihi, r/thanksihateit top posts, r/thanksihateit best posts, thanksihateit, thanks i hate it, thanks i hate it reddit, thanks i hate it meme, r/cursedimages, cursed images, r/cursedimage best posts, r/cursedimages top posts, reddit funny, r/thanksihateit emkay, emkay
Id: ktJ2yScgvnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 1sec (841 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 25 2019
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