r/Nicegirls | I'M DIFFERENT!!!!

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if I don't frickin marry this boy on my life no one else will mm-hmm and she's very angry as as kind of expressed here I reckon she might be angry hello ladies and gentlemen welcome back to m'kay the finest Retta readings south of the Equator and in today's video we're gonna be looking at top posts from our slash nice girls um let's go okay I lied I'm mad again I think I just forgot why I was mad in the first place okay jerk stupid head Butthead meanie what I'm waiting for you to apologize tell me you love me using a pet name and calling me gorgeous is a mentally stable human being nice to see a message all girls should read if a woman cheats on a man it's the man's fault fault I guess is double fault so it's not his fault who knows the woman didn't love you anymore men make relationships toxic if a man cheats the woman should leave him he's a wire what this has to be ironic I broke up my best friend's marriage so that I could have him I pretended to be a supportive wife to his friend anytime they argued so that I could have the information to use against her UCLA what I don't understand what this is but okay nothing really in commentary a boys listen up we've got some hashtag facts here oh when the girl says dot dot dot it means dawn hey good night means something is wrong okay girls never sleep oh okay equals her heart is shattered okay something is wrong slash too lazy to take the full thing okay everything is good kay something is definitely wrong okay full stop were you pissed her the freak off are you okay she cares I'm sorry actually feels bad sorry she isn't cool whatever I don't care it's fine you messed up I love you say it back cause it's true leave me alone don't leave her alone don't text me blow up her phone I'm fine definitely chat fine okay she sends a meme I guess followed by well then i order affection moody's and food and no reply alrighty then haha sorry i forgot to reply to this too late no movies affection and foods for you or good yacht sexual for me anyways my boyfriend is not your best friend my boyfriend is not your brother my boyfriend is not your backbone my boyfriend is not your diary my boyfriend is mine and only mine no one else talk to him please umm stop trying to be a part of his life you're lucky I'm allowing you to follow him on Instagram if it was up to me he'll have only one follower guess who babe where are you going to make a cup of tea and you're not offering me some this is the man I married seriously it's your right babe I'm sorry may I bring you a cup of tea no thanks okay you pissed off the dog woman look what you've done I'm from the college confessions page which i think is what that was earlier so that makes sense now one time my boyfriend told me you'll leave him alone so I slept with two guys and got pregnant I don't know who the father is oh I'm a public service announcement okay heterosexuality is talk Stockholm Syndrome okay all of it okay all women like men just because they feel forced that is 100% true all heterosexual women are hostages and they don't realize it my friend's ex who won't stop texting him I purposely why did you take a picture of the screen and not just screenshot like it mm-hmm this isn't even snapchat they can't see it I purposely get pissed off at you thin no reason so hopefully you'll hang me button and I won't have a choice but to fall out of love with you but in all seriousness I love you way more than I have ever loved Nick ever and I love that man a lot and I don't want to admit to myself I'm in love with you but there it is so that's why I stopped talking to you so much because I get tired of arguing about stupid crap babe she just my friend tell that but you got a friend already I hate this I I hate this a lot okay you've got a tinder profile saying prefer no macho men no conservative and conformity of men and no sheeple well-traveled glamorous hippie vegan wanting sophisticated conversation or what and mental stimulation will I Oh call your body mandatory to be an excellent communicator a man life is enjoy it and make the world a better place musician social justice advocate animal lover please way more than eighty five kilos because I am Amazonian need expert help for a medical social legal startup wining dining fans only please no frugal man oh hey what are you doing today ma'am I'm about to take my makeup off nothing planned to be honest okay I'll take my makeup off since you lack initiative maybe I don't like makeup still no initiative still boring still a non-starter haha what's a non-starter oh hey would you want to talk on snapchat I was enjoying talking here but if it makes you happier I don't give a Frick it just makes me feel a little safer before going over to someone's place want to call me law that's why I like snapchat I can see you I don't like staff chatting but fine I'm only sending one then you shut the Frick up about this fake bull crap here you go I'm sorry I made you upset you should be I've had a really happy day until now because I wanted to feel comfortable no because you're insulting me insinuating that I'm fake and I'm not who I say I am so I have to freaking send you a picture of myself to make you feel better about your insecurities that's just insulting it came not wanting to be murdered but it can't fit I'm sorry that's just what makes me comfortable I like seeing beau a little and then over on snapchat we've gone I just wanted you to see how gorgeous I am and show you how stupid you are for freaking up your chance to meet me honestly judging from all of this I'm so happy that I saw this maniacs eye to you before stepping foot in your home yeah okay freak off you know you'll never find another girl like me all guys are the same all of you are disgusting pigs who never bothered to ask a girl how she's doing stop ignoring me you couldn't pick on no I'm so nice but guys like you are such something girl stop ignoring me the pregame talk to me I just want you a long please I'm desperate that's obvious you know what go freak yourself use something slave you you pick cotton for my family charming I'm so nice but you'll never understand that clearly I'm blocking you I'm sorry I didn't mean to say anything I just love you so much I know I can be as something please just give me a chance you know what freak you for ignoring me I'm pretty sure Adam ate the apple and blamed Eve you know how men like that's probably why men have the Adam's apple stuck in their throat god it's funny like that everyone go on earth put the phrase you want a hole buy one you want a queen and her in her tinder buyer this morning you want to hole by one you want a queen and okay we've got Nick saying why do girls always push nice caring guys aside for a Frick boy that flirts with everyone and then reply to that why do guys always push nice caring goes away for us something that flirts with everyone we've got a double whammy guys we've got a nice guy and a nice girl it's it's perfect when he calls you screaming and crying saying he almost got hit by a car but you already know that because that was you guys good guys murder is so quirky am i right this is what I get for just trying to be pleasant with an ex I love the hair thanks for freeing me and someone together and relationship is five years strong Lamar I don't know how that's relevant I'm talking about your hair but good for you long on his the new boyfriend I think we appreciate you I get to marry Nicole this Christmas do you all normally go into life stories over comments on someone's hair like I said irrelevant but good for y'all well now we have just so appreciative of you I take my hair comment back your made it weird how I apologize to my boyfriend heal from what I said or say mad I'm always right okay and it's kind of quirky okay it's kind of a bomb I go absolutely laughing at the fact my dad gives my mom a hundred pounds every time you go to the pub just so my mum won't move psycho birch is absolutely winning I don't think Carl likes his new top I got him for his birthday where with pride hunt and here we have on the left a a happy man who's happy with his life clearly and the shirt says if you're reading that I see why he doesn't like it it's the wrong you're like two words in brilliant if you're reading this you've been looking at my man for too long and this is how I'd be looking at you if I was here hi I'm Holly his girlfriend are you tired of your man in the way he a can lick a Jolly Ranchers stick it on his car window and when he pulls it off his entire window will crack in number two on a warm day put mayo on some baloney such ham put it anywhere in his car and when he takes it off so will the paint number three slashes tires but only three if you do all insurance pays for it haha this is ruthless and also really unhealthy marry a woman who takes your breath away if they say I'm just hearing steal his asthma pump when he pisses what who are you people well like that's murder the dudes want you to be their cumdumpster n therapist and support system and ATM machine but not the girlfriend the marriage works best when the man loves the woman more than the woman loves the man advice from my wonderful mother-in-law nice girls when they get wronged in any kind of way okay we have this go reading what is down here how do you satanic rituals on toxic mayhem brilliant I think we can all agree the once Tony hex sign is man a dear man don't complain when you get stuck with a crazy birch because you were too busy looking only at her fan photos to observe how she treats other woman how a girl treats other woman shows a lot about her character if rude Birch's is your thing then don't go complaining if I'm a nice woman that doesn't put other woman down to make myself feel better okay on the Left we've got it's Father's Day I'm zooming it a bit closer enhancing the image we've got it's really her day um because there's no other day for that there's no separate thing no definitely not when you do you routine stork and bay hasn't like any slots pictures good boy healthy wait are you a white boy huh I mean yellow the disappointment there's pictures of me all love of my profile one I know but people of colors can sometimes be white passing have a good day can we please get over the hole I deserve to be treated like a queen mentality I'm looking for an equal not a ruler and we've got this person I drew graphic designing poetry musician photography and play basketball what a girl that will treat me like a queen and is loyal never lies and has time for me unless your schlong in Jack you late champagne and you can make me shake like a broken washing machine you are replaceable remember that when you're acting up when he thinks you're crazy now but little does he know he's only seen levels one and two out of a hundred of your psycho scale is being mentally deranged Affleck's now the weird but okay she's in her early 30s with three kids I could be mean as Frick sweet as candy coldest water and evil as help or loyal like a soldier it all depends on you when you go off on your man for no reason and he says something mean forgetting you're a sensitive baby I'm just because I'm the devil when I'm mad and drive you insane does not make it okay for you to say anything back to me except how pretty I am like you know just a sensitive little squishy old lady I can't control what comes out of my mouth you know this love of me okay nothing is my responsibility the confession 1175 okay i know you can't help who you fall for but it is so annoying when short girls are dating tall guys sweetie you're five foot four you could date a 5 foot 8 guy and still be good to go in heels please give this 5 foot 10 girl you're 6 3 plus guys please why would I want to find gap anyways what are you gonna do look at another girl through it I don't think so when all you wanted was a guy to buy you food tell you you're pretty and give you some above average D and now he's talking about feelings and then he wants a relationship oh so maybe I'll just drop the car and my boyfriend who knows oh my god oh my god no he can't hear us he has air pods in underneath there oh no worst day of my life someone tell him you know you're a good parent when you're almost 11 year old daughter watches Greece and says I thought the men were supposed to change for the girl yes yes they are and on that epic note I hope you've enjoyed the video and if you did be sure to LIKE subscribe and all that and if there's anything else you want to see be sure to comment that below I'm always on the lookout for more subreddits and yeah I feel like this be sure to go check out my main channel Suazo it's it's got a bit more personality to it it's not as much about the posts but yeah anyway I hope you've enjoyed and see you next time okay
Channel: EmKay
Views: 2,123,924
Rating: 4.9426918 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, r/entitledparents, r/choosingbeggars, r/choosingbeggars top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, sorrow tv, rslash, giofilms, fresh, funny, emkay, r/nicegirls, reddit nicegirls, r/nicegirls top posts, r/ nice girls
Id: J0DVe5470c8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2019
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