r/Me_irl · memes that take you back

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wanted man sends police selfie to replace mugshot he said made him look terrible dude does look a lot more handsome now i'd date that criminal hello everybody and welcome back to easy peasy my name's cooga aka the walmart brand damien over here anyways today we're going to be perusing on through our slash me irl let's get to it shall we stop complaining about your life there are literally people living in america you know i'm i'm american and canadian canadian i have dual citizenship and yeah let me tell you i love my country but we're kind of messed up right now do y'all ever get pre-annoyed like you already know someone is about to piss you off yeah yeah i do especially when i talk to my brother no one kickballs that have been stuck in the middle school gym sailing since 2011. i know you kicked me up here cougar how dare you the rest of the justice league batman amen this could be six nine in any normal rapper too hi if we die we're taking you with us because you need us a lot more than we need you i am once again asking you to wear a mask very good meme bernard thank you ah seth everman most liked comment of all time on youtube on a billy eilish video you know what we need to do we need to get the freak out of here that's what we need to do yeah yeah agree i have this weird character trait where i hate myself but still think i'm better than everyone else dude you reading my mind except i don't think i'm better than anyone else i'm garbage breaking the collision of two airplanes over missouri has killed an estimated 850 people actually there were no airplanes that was yesterday's us coronavirus death toll without the airplanes does it become no big deal yeah kind of does it's just par for the course now sadly and that's the way it's going here in america at what size does a stick become a log it's less about the size and has more about the vibes it gives off you think about it big stick energy if you will tired of being a bird yeah yes i am i wanna be a dog german versus japanese history books viva bad but now we're good we've learned from the mistakes and we tried to be good people we were good only good yes it kind of be that way to prove that people will argue over anything here is a stick that's a branch sir the hotel buffet breakfast being a thing of the past sucks am i really gonna have to look a person dead in the eye and say i'll have a cup of coffee two fried eggs four sausages two pudding four sausages three hash browns five glasses of orange juice i'm sorry this is me at any hotel cause i'm like i'm paying eighty dollars for the room come here bacon bisexual being single for so long that you don't even remember what it's like to have romantic sexual feelings i've never had a girlfriend and i'm in my late teens i guess i'm never sexual you're a loser cougar i know dude it's so cool how they made an instrument to check if the rich are made of cake oh you are given the car with free gas and maintenance for life would you drive it dude hell yeah i drive it even if i didn't get free gas or freaking maintenance that thing's awesome when you want to choose career options based on your skills and experience welp looks like i'm stuck reading memes on the internet and doing commercials going the all-new redesigned buick enclave with redesigned leather seats and safety features yup because that that's the path of life i chose based on my skills because i don't have any all right moving on this teacher helped save her students life by donating a kidney damn my teacher marks me absent when i'm in the class dude say my teacher refused to call me by my name cougar because they were like no your middle name's your first name i'm like no no my parents just named me cougar for some reason describe the us of a in four words coca-cola sometimes war british people when they hear kilometers per hour instead of cups of tea per call the noise nation ew grape flavored confusion oh i need to go consult with my cookies i sure am happy with the quantity and accuracy of the facts i know about corn hey wait a minute conspiracy why everything you know about corn is wrong no my precious corn facts are worthless now as someone who my friends call me the encyclopedia of useless knowledge this is my greatest fear when will the over-sexualization of women's costumes end oh baby oh baby i'm gonna be sleeping with the fishes tonight i'm a credit card because i'm always being used in the night that's a good one mike i'm always being used and i'm always denied moving on man i hate this cursive how to summon a demon oh it's a little lemon boy unacceptable you can rewrite dna on the fly and you're using it to turn people into dinosaurs but with tech like that you could cure cancer but i don't want to cure cancer i want to turn people into dinosaurs [Laughter] not only are you are you insane but you're stupid too imagine the money you can make and for my next trick i will disappear freak you pear you taste like crap look at the smile on the dude's face hey guys i was in a coma since january why is everyone wearing masks we are all qualified doctors now oh oh i guess i'm a doctor then and not a struggling voice actor i let my brother take my son i think ghani for a walk and he came back with this mfka who is this because this is not my son dude it looks so much happy with all the air off i love him look at the cute little curse boy i can't stop looking at the dog and you really shouldn't it's the best damn cosplay there slash costume when the only thing you explore is the refrigerator dora the explorer doesn't do no exploring cause i got diabetes now drug called grey death can kill with just one dose oh is this a warning or an advertisement well i'm glad you asked how about a free sample so glad i grew up with this the superior meme but damn this is good too though yes memes give them to me white guys be like that's fair what do you want me to say nothing that's fair dude why are you calling me out that's fair or eh that's fair it's like my catchphrase longer larger fart yes everyone has accidents i would literally die if a boy did this to me mito mito it's so sexy predators catching a flu be like thanks for the cold kind stranger bro i posted this like two hours yeah yeah right at doobie like that when you forget to take your pants off before you crap i'm sitting man you know what friday is fine friday is fine yeah yeah that's about par for the course i got no friends either but i'm not 21 yet computer games don't affect kids i mean if pac-man affected us as kids we'd be all running around in darkened rooms munching magic pills and listening to repetitive music my god rap music nowadays is basically repetitive music that goes on end and we're all running around in dark holes being our home because coronavirus oh dear god oh god and we're eating endless snacks not working out my god we've become pac-man um actually it's official term is puckman but they change it because people kept scratching out the pee two gary's locked in an eternal struggle pursuing each other across the globe dark gray light gray why is there tear gas and laughing gas but not gases for other emotions they should have a full set like emojis i want hatred gas man oh wait that's how 28 days later happened what role do you play at family gatherings too young for adults too old to be chilling with the kids i just sit me i'm the one everyone yells at and absorbs all the negative energy because i'm overly happy on the outside he grew up and he's still a cute little walking boy you must battle everyone you've had sex with all at once how screwed are you nearly everyone on this subreddit me versus master hand universe will i ever be considered a great artist yes oh my god when you learn to draw hands oh god september 9th 2018 versus september 9 2019 i like how he's happy in both damn that kind of hit home because i was very heavy set and now i'm in shape but i'm i'm not smiling in either of those photos i need to reconsider my goals in life anyways moving on history class in france in china in egypt in u.s oh captain america you say okay now hold it there champ you've been thinking about healthcare in the u.s haven't you that'll be twenty thousand dollars for mentally visiting a hospital i had basic nose surgery and they charge my insurance forty six thousand dollars so yeah this is true my left leg above the sheets join us it's much cooler over here my right leg under the sheets no this is the only way to truly do it right leg will reign supreme i miss when everyone had ligma instead of coronavirus me too kid me too when microsoft word puts a red squiggly line under your last name the day i lost my identity today i woke up and opened reddit then i opened twitter and then i forgot i had just looked at reddit so i opened read it again then i watched youtube and then i opened read it but realized i had seen it all so i close read it then open read it again and now the day is over except you gotta check out easy peasy on youtube i didn't put monsters under your bed to scare you i put them there because i know you get lonely at night thanks satan thanks a lot bud melon plus broccoli equals melancholy the saddest vegetable in existence oh man wait this is not an option what never was in memory of roger buxleby who hated this park and everyone in it legend want free netflix subscription for six months call 8866-288662 and get username and password this is absolutely fake if you want free netflix please use someone else's account like the rest of us like all my friends do to me my brain whenever i meet a new person freak you overshare run away i want to freak you i choose x and y options come here baby some say charmander is best char char charmander some say it's squirtle squirtle squirt squirtle but deep down we all know that you'll never be more than just a friend to her bulbasaur is best because he's number one just saying my brain trying to think of response to oof or k my brain's on fire i don't vaccinate my kids because i don't want them blank exclamation point goodbye both these work when the stranger that started talking to you finally leaves finally inner peace so i meant to say oh crap i left my phone in my car but what i almost said was oh no i left my cone in my far and damn wouldn't that have been embarrassing but i caught myself and what i actually said was ha my fart code pickup truck behind me me going 10 over the speed limit i'm not going any faster there bud do you ever see a pick of yourself and you almost can't believe how freaking ugly you actually are yeah that's why i took all the mias out of my house pinocchio could tell us so much about the universe he could randomly claim things like the big bang happened and his nose would confirm or deny our theories pinocchio's not omniscent you stupid freaking predators his nose grows when he intentionally being dishonest things heating up in the pinocchio fandom jesus this one goes to daryl for pocket dialing a customer while having sex well yeah but can i say a player's got to play actually that was the sound of me eating spaghetti boys pockets be like lift oh yeah right crap how i feel whenever i post anything to my six followers oh man nope it's five now i am not an early board or night out i am some form of permanently exhausted pigeon yep that's me oh i've noticed you say something sad and then laugh my therapist i did this earlier in the episode i need a therapist my body when i'm by myself i'm pretty comfy i feel good you know what i'm a good person my body when i'm in public like holy crap bro nuts itchy holy ah your [ __ ] is in a bad position bro fix that now ah yeah yeah that's how it goes you gotta just do the pocket shuffle if you know what i mean you stick your hand in there and i'm moving around 12 year old me searching for naked girls crippling addiction just wait until you turn 15. how much do you think margaret thatcher's funeral is going to cost a 3 million for 3 million they could get everyone in scotland a shovel and we would dig a hole so deep that we could hand her over to satan personally what part of i need to save money do i not freaking understand the global internet is being attacked by sharks google confirmed no headline will ever bring me as much joy as this wi-fi goes out those freaking sharks again i swear freaking sjws sharks they jam wi-fi look at him he's like cartoon network in nickelodeon had better cartoons than disney changed my mind for a while cartoon network did but maybe not anymore friends why are you still signal me white shy guy my kid was having a pool party and the grim reaper showed up and took the whole plate of grilled salmon rude i just want the salmon it's it's time don't lie to us death you just want to eat it okay that's the truth skills s s yes when you randomly smell a specific scent you remember as a kid and then the nostalgia memories come flooding in oh yeah baby asked my uber driver how long he's been uber driving and he said i never started and then left and then he did it laugh and then we wrote it silent for ten minutes and then i sneezed and he said what was that sound you just made and i said a sneeze and he said okay five stars five stars because it's clearly his first day on it who's a character you want in smash solely because of the music they bring with them liquid snake i want some twin snake music for a second i thought seth everman replied to my tweet you meanie sorry about that it's fine wait a freaking second a man in whole foods asked how i was doing and i said okay how are you and he said it's beautiful in my soul today and that's why i never go to whole foods english speakers on a roller coaster spanish speaker is on a roller coaster i can't pronounce that i'm not gonna get roasted in the comments moving on the bond's name james name please to what bonds names the james are you all right boom news of nehemiah calabrianians china may be using c to hide its submarines fools i'm an extroverted introvert that means i'll either talk your ear off like i've done four lines of coke taken 30 mg of adderall and drank seven cups of coffee or i'll be a buddhist monk val of silence mute there is no in between americans dumps 50 boxes of tea into the boston harbor crab at the bottom why hello this is a new flavor of sea oh the cnn said the world is 217 trillion dollars in debt who the freak we owe thanos i hope not when threatened a red panda will try to escape by running up a rock or three if cornwall will stand on its hind legs and extend its claws to appear larger and threatening larger and threatening you'll say yes i'm large and threatening please don't hurt me we're the strongest people in the world we can handle anything owie the mess makes my ears hurt nobody ice cream guy in turkey oh oh you [ __ ] oh no oh no no no oh no no no the couple had three sets of twins and a little girl later in life if her boyfriend cheat he'd go and catch one confusing booty kicking when you're both tapping so you erase your message to let them speak first but they do the same oh no what have i done if i walk into a girl's house and she got like 50 plants i know she's a keeper because she already takes care of a bunch of useless fricks what's one more i see politicians hate them old man discovers one weird trick to stopping coronavirus putting on a mask maybe if 2020 was an alcoholic drink what would it be vote in the water bottle when you're expecting water yes the whole squad walking away while you tie your shoes that one bro wait for you dog thanks dude you're welcome bro you're welcome when someone is crying and you don't know what to do you want some water how about some water there bud fireman water man tesla solar panels are 149 flash what how much are they for everyone else i don't know man i do not know i wonder if he's thinking about me it is wednesday my dudes hello it is wednesdays if you can read this what no problem because you're just that smart you're you're you're frick zodiac sign which cards you pick i picked none of them i went for the crappy car on the street because that's all i deserve 97 honda civic for the win baby anyways if you made it this far it's time for another fun fact about cougar i couldn't remember the official name for non-perel's those big snow caps candies so i call them joe cablos and i still call them that to this day anyways thank you so much for watching feel free to let us know we'd like to see more from us here at easy peasy down in the comments below have a good day be good people and remember stay safe
Channel: EzPz
Views: 257,128
Rating: 4.9378018 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, r/me_irl, r/meirl, me irl, me_irl, reddit me irl, r/me_irl ezpz, emkay, ezpz, ez pz
Id: 0qhJQivMH_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 31sec (1111 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 10 2020
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