r/Madlads · I can't stand you

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a customer put draw spongebob on the box while i was at my pizza hut shift you bet your butt i did draw spongebob on the box well hey that's a pretty good drawing and you got to credit yourself at the top right that's pretty good what's going on everyone welcome back to easy peasy my name is david the baker and today we're going to be taking a look at r slash mad lads i mean you've read the title you know what we're doing you came here for the mad lads so without further ado let's go oh this is an easy bet team ninja loses easy ninja don't you have another cat to abuse jeez ninja you didn't have to murder her she just said your team was gonna lose you're like nah i gotta end her right now changing the american flag and national anthem hey i mean a million people have signed it i mean if that's what the people want you gotta give it to the people my thing is like why manny from like diary of a wimpy kid i'm sure it's like a tick tock thing but i don't get it i don't understand it one bit my wife asked me if she had any annoying habits and then got all offended during the powerpoint presentation i mean honey you asked this is on you this is where the great wall of china ends so you can just go around it that seems like a huge oversight reminder that i love my kitten so much and if anything happens to him i will literally commit so many atrocities that they'll move books about hitler to the heartwarming section geez geez calm down nobody's gonna hurt your animal okay just chill i got banned from r funny ask me anything okay why were you banned i tried to prank my math class on kahoot so i posted a picture of the game code to a subreddit it worked perfectly because i was due to go to a blood drive at the school that day five minutes after i posted it i found i got a perma-ban but my classmate said that hundreds of people flooded in and the teacher freaked out i mean on one hand you got permabanned from a subreddit that you'll never be able to you know contribute to on that account but on the other hand every day it was a pretty cool prank five stars really good service love smelling the beer i'm only nine so i can't drink it frowny face oh you just gotta love the moxie on this kid i bet he goes to school and the teacher's like okay timmy what do you want to be when you grow up i want to be an alcoholic what uh timmy timmy no my boss said i had to run an ad here on reddit but i already know how this is gonna end so i'll save you all the work buy a bark box for your dog maybe silence brand all right good job barkbox now go away brand ivanka trump i stand with india usa stands with india this guy replies with i love you ma'am here's my number it's my whatsapp do call me hey dude why are you thirsting for ivanka you know she has a husband right granted her husband is jared and he's about as tough as a piece of bread but still she's taken bro what do you really want call me carson says i'd like three nacho cheese doritos locos taco supremes five crunchy rags supremes two nacho supremes one shredded chicken dude dude okay we get it you're hungry the nypd is reported that antifa has painted convincing looking tunnels on walls to trick new york's finest into running into them at high speed lol is new york a looney tunes cartoon r confessions i have been sleeping with both partners of a married couple neither of them are aware the other is cheating the wife doesn't even know the husband likes men i mean seems like an opportunity for a thruple if you ask me i mean it's crazy that you got yourself in this situation like to begin with but it's also hilarious amazon fresh gave us someone else's order and it was a capri sun and canned chili date night just got a whole lot hotter amazon help we're sorry to hear that you received the wrong order eddie have you had a chance to reach out to us directly about this you're good bro giving me the chili was a wing man move wait what about capri suns and canned chili makes the date night hotter i i don't get it like you go up to your girl you're like hey girl i didn't bring you any roses or like wine or anything but i got capri sun and chili so you already know what's about to go down you feel me thank you so much mr c.i.a they're using something called updog to mobilize what's up dog haha nothing much what's up with you oh i did it they got the cia not even the cia is safe he who does not lick the clip should not get to hit kuchellations coochlations169 ah yes we've got a true gentleman on our hands ladies and gentlemen my thing is where's the fedora when you're on reddit enough and you see posts like this you just kind of expect a fedora to be there dude have you seen that clown at mcdonald's that hides from gay people no of course you haven't hey man screw you ah man you remember when people actually use gay as an insult i mean who really is the clown here my ex works in a pharmacy so whenever i want to spoil her mood i would just go there and buy a condom for no reason sometimes i go three times a day and the devil's like well i just wanna say dude i'm a huge fan my son was so happy when we finally let him hold the controller up but it's not plugged in if you've ever had to play video games near a kid this is just what you gotta do because they they don't know what they're doing and it's so annoying you want to help them but it's just so bad i have 27 pounds as my buddy it's actually 27 pounds like that on god who cares actually it's oh god who cares well in this person's defense you can actually say on god who cares you know like it's it's something that the youth say i don't know if this person's kind of a boomer or if he's never heard people say on god but like it's an actual phrase a vietnam war american sniper volunteered to crawl for three days across 2000 meters of open field containing an enemy's headquarters he took a single shot that killed the nva's general and then crawled back out without being spotted oh man what an actual mad lad and like look at how he's dressed he looks like a badass that reminds me of a couple years ago when my dumb stupid b post was going around and someone was trying to argue with me about how unethical beekeeping for honey was like so i was like aha what i don't bee keep for honey i throw that nasty goop out i eat the bees mmm crunchy and i thought they were going to try and kill me in real life i mean good tip for being on the internet if you ever read a comment that seems like really negative or could offend you just assume it's a troll her what did you feed the kids me cereal captain crunch yes but with red bull instead of milk her me i call it cap and crunk trademark the kids head butting holes into their bedroom doors everyone have a great day why why because i care about my family so this dad's a savage because i care about your family what are you some kind of punk how did you come up with your username politely decline no thanks a girl commented on my post a guy replied she replied again and they were about to fall in love so i deleted the post oh you're evil some people really do just want to watch the world burn today at work i was at the drive-through and the man at the window wanted to pay for the person behind him and he said tell her i think she's hot so she pulls up next and i tell her and she rolls her eyes smiles and says ah that's my husband and if that's not relationship goals i don't know what is who needs drugs seriously i have drugs florida man and no seriously i have drugs t-shirt arrested for possession of drugs hey you gotta respect this man you you gotta respect his honesty you gotta respect his moxie his spirit you know you know what i i free free my man free my man right here i made a p hub account using north korea's email oh you actual mad lad hey wait a second his account's deleted ah no the north korean government got to him at everyone everyone when someone drops a at everyone in discord tech's channel huh that is quite literally very accurate my mother-in-law recently finished reading the exorcist she said to me that was the worst book i ever read and then she goes at the beach and throws the book at the sea in the same day i buy a new one wet it a little and put it on her bedside table that night was the first time she screamed and fainted i'm gonna call fake on this story i mean it just seems all a little far-fetched like the mother-in-law doesn't like the books so she throws it into the beach and then when she sees it on her bedside table she screams and faints it it seems not plausible seems like something a kid would write i don't know just it's fake get off our mad lad video yet fake story mark cuban fined fifteen thousand dollars for f-bomb says effort and gets another fifteen thousand so basically millionaires can just go on television and say all the curse words they want because what a finds not going to hurt them it seems twitter's fact-checking algorithm goes off if frequency and oxygen appear in the same tweet get the facts about coco 19 blurst jaws i went to see one of these and some kid went underwater and was touching people's ankles scared the f out of me oh that kid's a legend whoever goes to a jaw movie and like swims underwater to grab people you're just a certified mad lad at that point i wonder when the comments will realize that first is in my swear filter every video i wait to see who was falling into my trap today ah zombie cleo you can't do that how are people supposed to know who's first just so you know everybody who's watching this easy peasy video i look at who comments first every time you know i i gotta make sure you know i give them credit on this day kids were told to bring a fish all of them brought their pet fishes and this kid brought a dead fish you know what you followed instructions all right i can't actually criticize you i agree with anti-vaxxers ask me anything why so because i work at funerals and anti-vaxxers just keep bringing in the money old man f's entire galaxy full video hd hey man this is too accurate i i can't i got my entire high school's ip address banned from editing wikipedia because i kept trying to make garfield transgender [Laughter] oh i've never heard i've never heard of anybody trying to make garfield transgender before but the idea is it i mean honestly i i could see it i could totally see why that would be something added to his character in the future this guy is operating on a whole nother level all right this is this is some next level thinking right there oh man what a story that is the school can't even edit wikipedia anymore it's like why not it's like well i'm sorry but you guys are the hot spot for uh transgender garfield and we just we're done this guy wrote that he got rick rolled and then when he got so many likes and comments he edited it edit it too i'm gay so now everybody's like yep me too so am i i bet everybody scrolling through the comment section is like wow there's a lot of gay people on this thread ignoring girls that want to talk to me hey can i get your number haha no you can't some girl asked me to play guitar for her so i rick rolled her because i'm not a simp i mean hey man you gotta do what you gotta do you gotta prove to her you're not a simp so i'm glad you rick rolled her this man is named guy standing the only photo of him is of him sitting ah come on guy standing you had one job one job haha 102 upvotes teach me how to get that many upvotes by typing 60 upvotes thanks sensei during an interview with stephen hawkings the camera operator yanked a cable causing an alarm and hawking to slump over worried that they had killed him everyone rushed over to find hawking giggling at his own joke the alarm was from an office computer losing power oh man oh he really got him didn't he sneaking deodorant into people's armpits ah dude you should go to a convention and do this like go to an amazement or something like that you'd be a freaking hero renovating the house decided to put this in the wall before it's boarded up so i can give the next person who renovates the house a heart attack you should put a 1984 hide and seek champion t-shirt on it oh it's so brilliant so diabolical it's it's evil and it's not it just it's so good surgery for my legs because i can't stand you hoes all right internet we gotta band together and help this guy get to his 60 000 goal i truly don't think i have ever seen a heterosexual couple where the guy was objectively hotter than the girl joshua you say something confidence joshua that's what i like to see i mean look at this stud he's rocking it alabama husband saved wife's life by donating kidney after spending a year dieting and exercising to get his blood pressure low enough for surgery what a wholesome mad lad that's what i like to see you are a hard level memer if you see this if you actually shake your phone you can you can pretty much see the picture i see a [ __ ] your screen may be switched off you know oh oh that's me isn't it like if kermit should jump oh geez why does everybody want kermit to jump finally got all the lights on took years i mean i'm happy for you and all but you should probably get your car checked out i'm 20 minutes into listening and i absolutely refuse to stop until i perfect the lyrics edit i'm at 54 minutes and 12 seconds and i'm pretty close to perfecting the lyrics another edit one hour and 19 minutes in i've finally done it i know it by heart now lol i have no life i mean what can i say it's a good song to know imagine going to karaoke and you just know the lyrics by heart you're going to be a king or queen i'm literally making toast with a brick f a machine i got a brick yeah cause who needs all that fancy technology coco parenting tip train your children to loudly ask why isn't that person wearing a mask are we going to get sick when they're in public trust me it can make some people feel really uncomfortable which is kind of the point if i hear the phrase wear a mask one more time can he wear a mask i just pulled the ultimate fu on my friend basically he said he'd seen a 14 second video 1 billion times so i did the math and it came out to 4.4 years why did i do the math because i'm freaking bored i mean hey a lot of us are still you know locked in our houses so being bored is fair at a half marathon in alabama a dog wandered onto the race start after her owner let her out to relieve herself she followed the runners after the starting shot and finished seventh the race organizers gave her a medal as they should of course because come on not only is that adorable but that dog put in the work the nice [ __ ] documentary how i destroyed my school with nice [ __ ] posters a 30 minute documentary that has over a million views i gotta check this out grace stop calling the family members racist on facebook um no how about our family members stop being racist on facebook like for real that seems like the easiest solution i emailed north korea so i found out that north korea has an email and naturally i emailed them i said greetings fleshy ones in binary code they emailed me back today saying better fleshy than brainless like you and dang it would have been nicer to nuke me i don't feel like making an imager but i do have screenshots if you're skeptical edit here's the link edit again i should probably say that i do not recommend emailing them because it was a stupid idea to begin with and i don't need suspicions that i made other people email them what is their email go to their website and find it yes they have a website no no no no don't go to their website and don't email north korea that seems like just a really bad idea without using numbers how tall are you 1 meter and 94 centimeters ah listen here you little scheisse gosh don't freaking oo woo at me okay i peed directly in the middle of the toilet at 3am to assert dominance over everyone else in the house who thinks that it's okay to make as much noise as possible when i'm sleeping hey man you gotta do what you gotta do pewdiepie has been banned from sweden wait wait what but that's his home you can't ban him from his home last night my son asked if i had ever heard of a pillow fight i said i had not so he explained the premise and asked if i wanted to play i awkwardly held a pillow as he gave me pointers through a smile that lit up the room my first swing took him off his feet he never saw it coming you gotta teach your kids who's the real king of pillow fights okay you gotta teach them early r unpopular opinion the stunt the kid pulled off by faking brain cancer on ask me anything was hilarious and it was so funny to see gullible redditors waste their money on useless pixels they call rewards and oh my goodness this guy definitely got awards the legendary pokemon go player from taiwan okay so this is just flat out impressive all right i don't want to take any merits from this guy but first off can he see while he's driving that moped i mean it seems like that would be very difficult second off if he drives past a pokemon how is he supposed to catch it does he just tap his screen like 70 times it seems like this guy is very advanced but he might be taking this thing a little too seriously florida man wears f the police shirt to court and wins his case i mean if he was innocent he's innocent alright that's good the mad lad can wear whatever he wants someone stole my freaking porch i opened the door and fell you can't have crap in detroit oh no come on man come on who steals a porch like that's why why would anybody do this me leaving the quarantine hospital after telling every patient to stay positive whoa whoa we got ourselves a badass over here i've heard it's actually still around but because of modern medicine we can't treat it don't quote me on this don't quote me bot i've heard it's actually still around but because i'm out of medicine we can't treat it don't quote me on this okay thanks a lot don't quote me bot repeat hello a bot i swear hello repeat i'm stupid yeah we know wait a second i ordered some stuff on amazon a few weeks ago and was just getting around to getting rid of the box found this note at the bottom of the box and could not stop laughing to whoever packed my items i salute you and good luck in your new endeavors i just wanted to let you know i put in my resignation last week i'm out of this barch on july 22nd alas this man is free from the grips of amazon which is actually good because i hear they abuse their workers a lot and i'm glad this person can find a better working environment rick astley's never gonna give you up rest in peace buddy wait this is fake edit i just understood i went over to the song to check it and then i got rick rolled dang it you fool i have ascended he's too dangerous to be kept alive short people gang rise up can't rise up if you're too short lmfao hey man you leave short people alone we may not be able to play basketball and like reach things on the top shelf but we're still cool your blog is amazing and i love following but why are you tagging rocks as sexy hey someone noticed i'm doing it because the idea of someone searching up corn and finding a rock instead is kind of funny to me okay that that is kind of funny but you'd be surprised to find some pretty weird people on the internet they'd look up a rock and be like sexy oh yeah that rock is sexy am i really allowed to blank my own daughter ask a ouija says raise someone comments r the other person comments a and this saint of a person comments i thank goodness because we did not need it to go anywhere else you deserve the awards two total strangers have saxophone battle on new york city subway train i refuse to believe that this is random no these guys had to have planned it it was too beautiful did you just remove arnold's comment arnold schwarzenegger i think it's because i used the r and d words to explain this is not political yeah sorry arnold auto mod has been reprimanded you'll never have to apologize about out of control machines to me i mean to be fair he would be the one to know about out of control machines what with him being you know the terminator and all for anyone who attended the discord panel i was the kid who screamed and won a t-shirt i love how this got 540 likes like people are like oh so that was who it was doom eternal original game soundtrack this makes me want to break into someone's house and install a security system hey you better not well actually actually go ahead and do so that's actually really really nice of you i mean seriously this soundtrack makes people want to do some pretty crazy stuff damaris asks david harbour how many retweets for you to take my senior photos with me david harbor responds 25k and i get to wear the school sweatshirt and hold the trombone and what do you know it gets 26 000 retweets and here we go look at these beautiful people what would you do if there was a big fat rat half the size of you in your house with razor sharp teeth and it also had rabies i'd tell my brother to shut up you hear that daniel you're a rat my brother's name is daniel and he actually knows he's a rat so that's good are you sure you want to block team snapchat what dude if you block team snapchat who's gonna send you holiday messages those are like my favorite part of snapchat youtube creators tweets what's the best piece of business advice you've gotten from another creator oh that's easy steal ideas see cause when you steal other people's ideas you don't have to be as creative it's actually pretty genius some useless facts 1. i count 305 steps 2. his average speed is 2 steps a second those are useless facts but i am glad somebody spent the time to do the math latvian police making a guy remove f the police sticker from his car hey man that's disrespectful fine i know i'm getting it off the stupid police always making me do stuff for them what was that uh nothing sir and you're stupid police i met you at the travis scott concert and we talked for a bit but when i asked you for an autograph you called me a light four out of ten boy and made me fortnite dance for the autograph my question is why did you do that cause you deserved it dang that's harsh man you took a fan and you you forced into fortnite dance that's that's borderline evil what are some slang terms a 50 year old dad can say to his daughter to embarrass her one of the teachers in my college asked us for slang terms to use for his daughter without asking for the meaning he ended up calling his daughter dummy thick yeah we got him crap for the next day oh poor daughter she must have been so disgusted and confused like dad what's going on man wearing tv on head caught on camera leaving old tvs on virginia front porches oh it's like one of those adoptions he's like i can't raise you baby monitor please stay here this will be a better life for you and then he runs off into the night why making fun of this guy can get you life in prison lol the distance between his nose and ear is a 20 uber ride you know the more people that joke around about this the more people that are gonna go missing alright so be careful i'm white and i'm proud of it okay okay i've heard enough racist crap from here for the group that i'm in that outs racists it's currently being forwarded to your employers i even noticed some active military which is extremely disappointing as a vet myself those are being forwarded to your commands and you should expect your discharges to be forthcoming i hope you all have fun waiting in the unemployment line and if anybody's here to argue like hey you're taking a position away from somebody who's fighting in the military it's like no we're taking a position away from a racist person fighting for something that they don't even believe in so it's a completely different thing sir can i ask you what you would buy if you won yeah probably a bunch of hookers and cocaine okay well that's not the answer we were looking for but it was the answer the internet was looking for donald j trump in reality they're not after me they're after you nice [ __ ] just nice [ __ ] everyone nice [ __ ] ladies and gentlemen even the ladies all of you have nice [ __ ] welcome to the hashtag uppercase f haha lowercase f oh come on mrs g is gone for the day so i brought my worms into the living room where they're not allowed here's a selfie i took oh this man doesn't care i really do hope his wife doesn't find this facebook post and be like harold i told you no worms in the living room r sea of thighs if you're here you spell thieves wrong please proceed to the official subreddit r slash thieves with the i before the e i was born at a very young age ask me anything what age were you born at the ripe young age of exactly zero i mean hey that's pretty impressive well everybody that's our time i hope you enjoyed this video of r mad lads if you did make sure to leave a like down below and don't forget to press the subscribe button and the notification bell to be notified of all our easy peasy uploads i'm your host david the baker and i will see you in the next video peace out and three thumbs up
Channel: EzPz
Views: 441,828
Rating: 4.9243436 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, r/madlads, r/madlads top posts, r/madlads best posts, mad lads, madlads ezpz, emkay, ezpz, ez pz
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 57sec (1377 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 05 2020
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