r/Me_irl 路 relatable memes

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yeah i'm a simp super into mashed potatoes hey hello everybody welcome back to easy peasy my name is cougar and today we're diving into an especially smooth and sultry r slash me irl now we're gonna do it normally let's get to it throwback to when my kid ate whatever i made for dinner without complaining he only ate your cooking because you force-fed him you're a terrible parent please excuse me while i search for a new psychiatrist okay just confirming the appointment on october 7th at 12 45. got the automated message system all right justin this is not an automated message should we consider this a confirmation for said time and date oh my god i am so sorry yes tomorrow at 12 45 works fine jesus i need to find a new therapist or another therapist for the therapy i need after this you found this in a church basement what are you doing you really think i'm a steal money from a church while the lord is watching because that's exactly what i'm going to do and i'm going to enjoy every second of it kyle i'll do it at 6 605. wow looks like i gotta wait till seven oh well this is exactly what i do whenever i need to record lines china when banning apps from other countries trying to win one of its apps get banned bring back dick doc it was the way we were stealing all the information and making money but not paying our creators bring it back hi has an alarm clock my job is to wake people up sometimes i get sworn at quiet down you terrible thing thrown away and even being hit but seeing my human wake up and get ready every day is worth it for every day's a day closer to his death ah dude words are weird with arbitrary grunts and moans i can implement an idea directly in someone's brain giraffe pimp i refuse to use this power wisely oh sick dude giraffe print his word this majestic mentor half men half another man i hate this i hate this so much and i want everyone to see it because it's both majestic and a freaking scp siren head something crossover thing that haunts my dreams now no matter what you call it one thing that unites us all is the x button happy hashtag national games day at playstation at nintendo america and everyone xbox gamers nintendo gamers playstation gamers mobile gamers pc gamers ha sucks to be you the worst gaming console of all time your phone incorrectly assuming something is a date in cell xl yes restaurants in europe nowadays be like all americans must be accompanied by an adult because you're all children even if you're adults this woman allegedly broke into the home pet the family dog then did the dishes then left hey yo she available for tomorrow i got plenty of dishes for her to do sorry i left you on red i didn't mean to open it this is exactly what i do to people who message me on facebook guy doing an interview on tv with stunk's mask yes stocks are doing very good very good i know exactly what is going on with the economy television yeah stocks yup therapist any suicidal thoughts me has been thinking i wish i was dead every five minutes since middle school no none that i can think of just the ones that constantly come let's do something today no you are tired oh boy an early night then also no this is me every time i get in the booth bob ross draws a bunch of stuff nice bob ross draw a second branch because everyone needs a friend nice i miss you bob ross the world needs you now more than ever don't worry i'll be back one day for i am the second and third coming of the savior me who successfully talked to a girl hey yo oh yeah get the kiss screw all you yes pop and shame pain bottles married people people with girlfriends what an idiot me trying to spread peanut butter on a piece of bread ripping a hole in the bread that is amazing are you not in the army anymore nope i was discharged oh why though something bad use my gun to shoot at worms can i laugh you may laugh but it wasn't a laughing matter they were all terrorists i'm telling you man the worms get in your brain my gf is at the vet and she sent me this your gf is beautiful especially with that pink necklace on maybe if you spent as much time with me as you did staring at memes we'd still be dating wow this is going to make a good meme and then it's going to wind up on reddit and then it's going to wind up on easy peasy and who knows might even end up on mk our older brother channel which you should totally go check out after watching all our videos my parents aren't home oh weird she knows get out guys you gotta make it back home before she catches me sleeping with you places where reality seems altered schools at night leaving the movie theater late at night empty beaches early in the morning traffic lights when there are no cars around late at night especially with the red hue over it it's kind of beautiful and peaceful at the same time 2016 we have unfavorable candidates but we will get through this boys together in arms 20 20. i want to die the world is terrible man up 20 20. oh no you've got the cough coughs nibbles nipple you're done for two i'm going out with dignity doctors will be like go and buy this and the pharmacist will give it to you yup that's how it works here in america just heard my brother shout over his gaming headset and who the he double frick are you to tell me how to play call of duty minecraft this year's iphone might not include a charger in the box the final iphone will just be the blueprints and then you have to buy every part and make it yourself screw you apple that's all i got to say i'm keeping my iphone 6 that's right it's a callback i still have the damn thing the luna moth doesn't have a mouth or a digestive system it will only live for about a week with the singular purpose of mating i'm not here to eat asleep or any of that bullcrap i'm just here to frick and then die and that's it and that's a lifespan i can respect luna moth you have one goal and your job is to achieve it now can you hurry up and do it better because you guys are on the endangered species list british culture according to americas vs accurate british culture according to europeans oh yes pip pip cheerio i am the queen and whatnot hey want a sandwich or juice box or whatever this is an extremely rare picture of albert einstein teaching a classic lincoln university in pennsylvania 1946. damn i keep again this dude wasn't from the 1700s i think we all do my friend cool england fact it sucks i don't think so i enjoyed the one time i went there i want to donate my clothes to people who are starving anyone who fits into your clothes is usually not starving a soul for a soul for the greater purpose f in the chat for the remote my friend lives alone this is his cutlery drawer i appreciate this because i also live by myself except i have one more spoon and that's for grapefruit me waiting for the water to boil come on a lot of people actually sort by new your post was just crap [Music] german soldiers on zimmeth swiss soldiers on lsd the four horsemen of the youtube music comment section they don't make music like this anymore my family member died of cancer i love this song this is going to play at my funeral slash wedding who's still watching in current year actually it's more like five because you know there's always the person like yo this kid finn will blow up 2020 or whatever year it is and then you know they have like 10 000 views on the video craving a hug is worse than craving sex because you can't mess with me but you can't hug yourself and that's some real crap lmao you can hug yourself i'm doing it right now just doesn't feel as good you've heard of contact lenses but have you heard of contactless lenses stunk they're called glasses pal i cleaned my keyboard and lost the key f this is not any f in the chat my dude before you judge people who don't wear masks in public walk a mile in just going their shoes clown job you at funeral me i'm so sorry for your hi hi i i you thought tears how the frick did you just say that with your mouth making a paper shredder that looks like a brain well someone finally done it there is now a physical representation of what my brain does when you tell me your name thank you for calling please hold for a minute this music freaking sucks i'll just say a telemarketer what can i get you ma'am you know you've been on reddit for too long when this looks normal and this looks weird if you choose an answer to this question at random what is the chance that you will be correct i don't know my dude i'm guessing 25. choose one big pp cure for deafness did you take it what did it cost yeah i'm deaf i'm donating this kitty he doesn't get in the way or anything but i don't understand how he could have killed that big rat today was the rat tomorrow it could be me i'm scared you know that kitty cat's like give me your soul this is the road my dad had to walk to get to school beacon mayday how short are you 5'3 i could give you a couple inches oh my god well a couple is two so i know what i said baby only fans or something i don't know i'm only nine huh wait i'm your world bro always has been bro always has been selfie thread let me compliment you you look like a nice guy what the hell kind of response is this pokemane this is call me carson and you i'm not gonna say anything but come on being kissed in your sleep is like the purest form of love unless you're home alone me two minutes after my phone dies judging people for being on their phones all the time 1999 there were millions of websites all hyper linked together 2009. there are four websites each filled with screenshots of the other three i see that this photo has been cropped to hide the fact that it's screenshot of a tweet can't wait to see the screenshot of this on reddit and i can't wait to see the screenshot of this reddit of the screenshot of twitter now on easy peasy and probably mk2 go check out mk did i mention that go watch mk someone sum up american one photo my name is ronald mcdonald and i'm here to rob this bank so i can pay my employees under minimum wage wait the dinner isn't ready it never was it never was british cops want to use ai to spot porn but it keeps mistaking desert picks for nudes send dunes so how's your life good yours same we both lying ain't we yes you are man i'm about to be kicked out of my apartment i drive a 97 honda civic and i haven't worked because the dang cough cough sniffle sniffle all right does this photo represent the place well yes it does neato burrito has burned down just to feel something no or you know what just brush your teeth and drink orange juice that works just as well wait it's flat what the frick no it's not we may be the only lawyers on earth whose clients are all innocent the animal legal defense fund when i first saw this i thought the kittens were the lawyers yes hello charlemagne at kittens kittens and kittens partnership attorney at law how may how meow i help you today europeans after making the 100th meme about america not having free health care look at all our teeth well you know what at least we're free in america yes you may be free but you're also quite in debt and let's be honest you're not really free damn it yeah i'm a simp super into mashed potatoes hey a european waking up early a new problem in the u.s this is accurate no remembrance i really want this doge mask i've been using a hollywood undead on bandana and i just i just want a doge mask united states being dumb as frick and not taking a pandemic seriously other countries starting to have fun again because they understand science yay we're not stupid me explaining where i'm at to my friend who just died without setting his respawn okay i'm here you're all the way right there thank you for visiting little friend i love you i have an update on this little dude apparently he has now been permanently banned from leaving his house because he walked his butt down to the train station got on a train and spent the day hanging out in a cafe a few suburbs over away come on mom i'm just trying to drink some coffee over here hot take people only like summer because it was our only time off for like 12 years and it's ingrained in our minds to like it the actual season is freaking atrocious i have to agree with this i've always preferred october and spring especially now that i'm out of school me in 2077 reading about how cyberpunk 2077 is getting delayed again it's okay do not walk behind me for i may not lead do not walk ahead of me for i may not follow do not walk besides me either just leave me alone all right i can respect that hello now i have your order no it's mine lisa get out of here hey girl you still enjoying me while i'm in your town sure how about dessert at like four i'm here huh we never picked a place yeah you said this i'm so confused i'm in the desert aren't i wtf dessert not desert how'd you even get out there please hurry it's hot girl damn i'm baking out here i need that booty to cool me down how i imagine gay sex at the age of 10. there's a snake in my snake olivia in japanese they don't say i love you they say which translates to our hearts have joined as one and i think that's beautiful oh my god i really love that and i love how you shared that with me loading screen tips be like don't forget to breathe very important daniel son don't forget to breathe cdc an early symptom of covid19 is a lack of taste country music fans well butter my biscuits i'm a dead man nah country music's all right stadium country is what's garbage my human is obsessed with working out he goes to the gym every day doesn't he know his body is perfect it's his face that's the problem me awfully photoshopping myself into a meme people snorting by new snorting because i'm an idiot me getting a c on the blood test without studying the doctor is wondering what the frick is wrong with me my drawing core lines dad for fake internet points i love that movie me an hour before going to the dentist gotta scrub off all the years of plaque and fix my cavities with toothpaste more more more you okay bro yeah man i'm fine okay dope just making sure when i heard the new games will be around 70 dollars hmm are you ready kids time to pirate yo-ho-ho and a bottle of free video games people who treat their birthday as a normal day think they're more mature than everyone we are just miserable leave us alone okay lisa i got to marry my wife and our papa was our flower girl 2.5 years ago this was impossible as it wasn't legal in australia it rained our whole wedding day but was so worth it in the end with our phenomenal photographer hopi this looks absolutely magical i forgot homophobia was a thing and i spent about five seconds wondering why it was ever illegal to have a dog as a flower gale is it i feel like in some states it probably is illegal but only time will tell me after reading about people who got back problems because of bad posture me literally three minutes later oh yeah let me just stretch myself out indian dude blows into a weird pipe snake i am a dancing snake from terrible music if you touch me i'm gonna bite you what if we all just gave up yeah 2020 is getting me there 2020 is getting me there doctor i have a bottle of maple syrup stuck up my butt another hockey accident eh that's a boot right how much will this cost not a goddamn thing not a goddamn thing god bless canada and it's free healthcare earthquake detection kit that is adorable and also terrifying bus drivers when they see each other that's when they see each other we're all gonna die you idiots oh at least i'm dying by francorus hand i miss filthy frank not getting the proper nutritions cause humans feed me bread making a meme to raise awareness about feeding them bread feed them corn lettuce seeds frozen peas oats instead i also made it rhyme would you be a stay-at-home husband if your wife was making 10 million a year yes honey i do sim for you i sin for you all day happy 21st birthday to my beautiful daughter left raelyn thanks for the clarification dad me and a stranger in the bumper cars when we first bumped for the first time when we bumped for the sixth time hey dawg wait they're the meme now always has been always has been wait you didn't throw the stick human i never did popper i never did i'm sorry to let the good boy down hey everybody thanks so much for watching make sure to like comment subscribe and let us know down in the comments what you'd like to see more from us here at easy peasy and remember be good people and have a great day
Channel: EzPz
Views: 253,500
Rating: 4.9107976 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, r/me_irl, r/meirl, me irl, me_irl, reddit me irl, r/me_irl ezpz, emkay, ezpz, ez pz
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 15sec (1095 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 18 2020
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