r/Facepalm · I WON THE ELECTION!

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you don't want to live in a place with socialized medicine nope so where would you go costa rica yes costa rica totally trump is that you under there nope not at all hello everybody welcome back to easy peasy i'm cougar today's narrator and we're gonna be diving into our slash face bomb election version so let's get to the greatest memes ever facts votes fraud i'm just saying so ridiculous gretis must work on her anger management problems then go to a good old-fashioned movie with a friend chill greta chill so ridiculous donald must work on his anger management problem then go to a good old-fashioned movie with a friend jill donald chill greta thurnberg keep slapping back dude the coca-cola company is not happy with me that's okay i'll keep drinking that garbage i thought that was a parody account but apparently it's really you jesus christ in case you missed it the trump campaign called a press conference this morning in a parking lot of the four seasons total landscaping in philadelphia the assumption is that they meant to book the four seasons hotel but made a mistake and just went with it seriously the best part is furries and vr chat are now taking over this it's freaking hilarious mark meadows who left at reporters who asked him to put on a mask while being interviewed has tested positive for kafka's nibble sniffle it is what it is and that man isn't [ __ ] do you think we're stupid do you think we're fools rudy giuliani in philadelphia discussing the pa vote election 2020. you got tricked on borat last week there but you're not the most intelligent person we've seen it shouldn't be this close not after caging children not after selling out our soldiers not after 233 thousand dead not after four years of breaking every law of the books it should not be this close and yet it is news conference at 6 30 p.m come on trumpets abc world news went to live shoot in arizona where ballots counted lady worker was visibly erasing three or four spots on a ballot then realize cameron was on her shouldn't be an eraser in the room you do realize ballots are marked in pen right otherwise they don't count and i'm mob demanding entry to where votes are counted because they personally disagree with the results is the very essence of fascism i'm sorry this one requires a that's me face palming myself you idiot you guys understand that they'll just keep counting until they win right uh you realize biden is currently ahead so if they stop counting he wins uh please don't talk about things you don't know about he's not ahead of where he needs to be ahead of overall to win i see so you're saying they should keep counting got it keep counting boys fascinating to watch the mood from democrats this morning even though they believe that bottom will win they're sour that's odd because supposedly this election was all about getting rid of orange man bad but that's the dirty secret it wasn't it was about power it's an election ben what the frick else is supposed to be about we're choosing who will be put in positions of power the highest position power in the united states if not the world because you know america is america let me just say this is all trumpers and various idiots of all shapes and sizes if we are we're gonna rig this election you can bet you're dumb but we would not have left mitch goddamn mcconnell in the office jesus you people president president spoke person says he can't speak for the president this is the same as the lying on the application for the job meme he couldn't build a wall to keep the mexicans out so instead he built a wall to keep the americans out sounds like a plan i won this election by a lot you're a loser baby except he's not calling someone a loser is just plain disrespectful trump called soldiers loses trump called body and a loser trump has called obama an idiot trump has called several professional sport players morons and idiots as well as losers trump has called lgtbq activists losers trump has called many singers and actors losers many many more might we still have over one million mail ballots to count in pennsylvania i promised pennsylvanians that we would count every vote and that's what we're going to do you're outrageous i'm not gonna lie i lived in pa i didn't like tom wolf's policies but at least they're counting all the votes tom you get a check mark for me when you realize the statue of mona lisa looks like keith urban that's not keith urban that's also not the statue of mona lisa you idiot so evangelicals did you vote for the guy who was headed to church this morning where the guy is headed to the golf course hashtag asking for the mannequins ah thank you brandon burns for asking the important questions how to post to r face bomb insert trump tweet insert smart reply from trump tweet i bet donald trump will spend the next four years spouting conspiracy theories about the hashtag 2020 election just to run again in 2024. if trump lose y'all gonna take them big trump 20 flags off your trucks or y'all gonna keep them up for the next 150 years like you all have with the confederate flags after they lost the civil war both of which only lasted four years four years everybody four years this headline i can't breathe trump complains that mail and votes are being counted i have nothing to say dear cuban voters in florida donald trump is now claiming joe biden is being controlled by fidel castro as you may have heard fidel castro is dead and has been dead for quite some time sure i spent 50 years of my life studying viruses just so i could trick rednecks into wear and paper mask that was my career goal hey it might be that'd be the greatest meme of all time my child is forbidden from eating sugar recently they went to a friend's house and the friend's parent fed my child sugar is this grounds for a lawsuit no you freaking idiot it's amazing how one-sided these mailing ballots are says the candidate that told his constituency not to vote by mail one more time verbal me smacking my face in a face fun philadelphia has got a rotten history on election integrity maybe if you had learned how to spell philadelphia they would have voted for you there buddy whatever happens i will never understand how 67 million people looked at the last four years and went yeah sure more of that please i love being locked inside four more years baby four more years gotta hate my country i'm going back to canada one day if only nature would find a way to cover these oranges so we didn't need to waste so much plastic on them oh yes i'm so glad this is more convenient for me just ignore the planet we're killing tomol nadu sorry if i mispronounce that man kills self as an offering to god for getting a job okay that one got a tear from my a man from again i can't pronounce it in tamil nadu's kanye kimari district committed suicide after he got a job he had earlier promised god that he would kill himself if he would get a job i guess he really wanted a job but didn't want to work i feel that bro funny how the people who think protesting by kneeling during the national anthem is unpatriotic are totally cool with not counting all the votes during a presidential election yeah that's interesting oh my a real president would unequivocally condemn the fact that armed supporters of his tried to run a campaign bus off his opponents in the highway with their trucks trump has just posted a video of the hooligans and says i love texas get on the tram train news conference at 6 30 p.m for years in this corrupt incompetent disgrace still hasn't figured out that there are multiple time zones in the u.s come on buddy how come every time they count mail-in ballot dumps they are so devastating in their percentage and power of destruction because democratic voters use mail-in ballots to avoid having to vote in person and getting sick in the middle of the corona virus pandemic you know just just me a medical doctor's thoughts jesus take the wheel did you vote yes for trump not trying to get my taxes raised you're a hostess at outback you're not getting this thing rice in houston texas a 19 year old boy named rashad died attempting to play russian roulette with a semi-automatic missile instead of a revolver i call this game american roulette you have zero chance to survive yeah how baby today i slapped a man and he slapped me back people this guy legit slapped me back how dare you slap a woman back how dare you yeah man how dare he do exactly what you did to him first the cruelest cud trump lost four of the top five states of boat ownership ca mi mn nwi um i was in the boating industry for a long time working for california's base businesses and florida bar none is the biggest building mark in the us sorry i had to correct you on that as most of our boating stores were in florida i imagine that's the fifth state there wonder if i'll ever meet anyone whose experience of covid was worse than the flu my oxygen saturation level was 58. if my wife hadn't taken me to the a e i would have died within hours i had blood clots in my lungs and bleeds or clots in my brain lost sight in an eye hearing an ear feeling in toes flu uh i haven't met you bro ah yes i always do some good luck at some point this year maybe 2020 isn't so bad brian taylor cohen so trump who demanded 12 hours ago to stop counting all about now wants every ballot recounted in wisconsin got it bud 2016 62 million americans vote for trump 2016 and 2020 lies racism xenophobia misogyny impeachment criminal convictions international embarrassment nepotism corruption voter intimidation scandals failed diplomacy a 230k avoidable deaths record unemployment and a probably dry fricked economy 2020 68 millions of reply harder daddy ruin us president john uh that's it that seals the deal i've been an american citizen for 54 years and in all my time of being one i've never seen an election this bad i've had enough of it until you fix this country i'll be packing my bags to england where they actually know how to run a country so that's going to make you an immigrant yes no because i'm white hey bot is someone who has dual citizenship to canada and the united states i'm the only one who's going to be leaving here you know what running against the worst knight in the history of american politics puts pressure on me trump said could you imagine if i lose my whole life what am i going to do i'm going to say i lost to the worst candidate in the history of politics i'm not going to feel so good maybe i'll have to leave the country i don't know hey there bud i don't think any country is gonna want you except for your loads of money that you may or may not have after this the most embarrassing thing about the us having another civil war is it's not even for a new reason i laughed and then i got sad yeah that's how this year started where are the murder hornets bring back the murder hornets we need some laughs man in arizona the trumpers are outside the processing center chanting count the boats count those votes in georgia the trumpers were chanting stop the count stop the camp you can't make this up they also can't make up their mind homosexual people have the right to be in a family they are the children of god pope francis said in one of his sit-down interviews for the film he's not a true catholic he is literally the pope the highest of all catholics you idiot trump told the supporters not to vote by mail and now he's acting confused because he ain't getting no mail in votes lmfao the only reason biden is winning is because they're counting every vote this is devastating attack on our democracy what do you mean oh my god i hate this year so much what is the most important of this grand experiment the united states not the election of the first president but the election of its second president the peaceful transition of power is what will separate this country from every other country in the world businesses around washington dc board up windows days before election takes place oh god how far we've come good point the constitution clearly says a state's elections can be won if the president's second dumbest son calls dibs we have one pennsylvania everybody i think eric trump is the dumbest of all his kids my three-year-old is not vaccinated and this is currently a measles outbreak in my state any suggestions precautions i can take to protect her would be very much appreciated bring her to the edge of the flat earth the air is cleaner there have you tried thoughts and prayers build a wall around you and make the vaccinated people pay for it sending my thoughts did you try sharing your picture on facebook with the caption one like equals a prayer okay that's the best out of all of them joe biden should not wrongfully claim the offices of the president i could make the claim also legal proceedings are just now beginning you did that there bud you did that you did that there bud how come every time they count melon ballot dumps they are so devastating in their percentages and power of distraction you uh politicalize the pandemic you idiot don't know brian please come back l-o-l-l-l-l you have never freaked a pretty girl ever could be said about any dude who ever freaked you lol why are you so full of hate for people you don't even know wait what you don't you don't know that person either have you ever been to a restaurant that does not give you the change when you pay with cash my bill was forty seven twenty i gave the waitress a hundred dollars and she only gave me back fifty three dollars i called over the manager which was our waitress she said we don't usually carry change i told her to give my hundred back and i'll pay with a credit card 80 cents would not kill me but it's the principal if they do this to everyone that pays cash over a year that could be a lot of money in their pocket i'd redo the math real quick just real quick redo the math there you go there you go and you're a [ __ ] they are fighting biden voters all over the place in pennsylvania wisconsin and michigan so bad for our country it's called counting jackass if you were better at it you wouldn't have one two three four five six bankruptcies oh that sucks what separates the winners from the losers is how a person reacts to each new twist of fate i genuinely feel like i'm losing some brain cells reading these but let's move on oh my george decay says just so we're clear black folks marching to the polls in north carolina including children and the elderly were pepper sprayed for blocking traffic when they knelt down to honor george floyd but these white trump caravans who block bridges a pat on the back and away from the cops oh my god again 2020 hurts me they spread disinformation they reduce polling locations at voting hours they charge citizens to vote they paged voter rules they intimidated people they changed id laws they scared people of death itself they even ran kanye and they still freaking lost my dudes 71 million legal votes the most ever first sitting president georgia has a population of 3.7 million people but somehow has 5 million votes what is our our country you pulled up the country of georgia georgia is not a country it's a state oh my oh my oh my woman reportedly beheaded and two others dead in nice terrorists ugh how can he be nice terrorists if he's going around chopping people's heads off political correctness gone mad in a case we offend him oh and this is a place in france you [ __ ] happy eight year anniversary to this streak the electoral couch is a disaster for democracy what's even funnier is that trump tweeted that because he thought obama had lost the popular vote but won the electoral college when in fact obama had won both unlike somebody else in this picture moving on if barton wins i am leaving the us and going to hawaii vote red booty hoes well hey there bud just a quick little uh thing in dikkarikido hawaii's a part of the united states now you dummy stop the count if we stop the count right now biden will win the presidency again i need to stress how lucky we are that our wannabe authoritarian president trump is a freaking idiot uh david ross child at least you got some points on you no democrat right now is like all right guys get the trucks with the bottom flags ready to grab a gun to intimidate the trump voting yay how baby if badin somehow manages to win this election you won't see me again i'll simply leave the country well bye then bye then bye then see ya thanks to all you trump haters who thought it would be a good idea to vote him out under buttons lockdown i won't be able to go away during christmas time i don't i care about the election but my whole christmas week is now ruined and liberals wonder why nobody likes them uh you realize biden doesn't take office until january right right there bud right there bud extra fencing going up at the white house on the eve of the election day did mexico pay for it is my question did they did they he said he'd pay for it people wearing masks without covering their nose hmm yes yes working perfectly well if you've made it this far i just have to say i have massive hands anyways feel free to like comment subscribe run to a different country if we start burning to the ground in the next month anyways have a good day and remember be good people despite how bad the world is
Channel: EzPz
Views: 324,548
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Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, r/facepalm, r/facepalm top posts, r/facepalm best posts, face palm, r/facepalm ezpz, emkay, ezpz, ez pz
Id: YJtbGbV4y9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 50sec (1070 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2020
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