r/CrappyOffBrands · Homie... help me

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my mom wanted a baby Yoda so bad that she ordered a bootleg one and well he came in today I don't think this is the way this is not the way how's it gonna want to welcome back to easy-peasy my name is Zack and today we're taking a look at our slash crappy off-brands amazing rope police you play as a hero in a whole city fears you the style of city is similar to Miami or Las Vegas but actually it's old New York why is why are you a hero but people fear you Animal Crossing what animal crossing new horizons that's not legal map map ooh market a poo market well not only is this not legal but this is also a crappy design is aunt dog Japan import that's the dog from Luigi's Mansion avenge obols masters of power we got a My Little Pony Megamind who's yellow a blue freddy fazbear and an inverted Greg Heffley this is the ultimate team-up yeah I remember Batman in Avengers endgame great arm and hatchet baking soda Oh Bart what happened to you I'm terrified battle lands Royale right not a not a fortnight ripoff or a battlegrounds or buff at all no no no no bike King like okay can you imagine like you're starving you're looking around you see that logo you don't even think to read it because you're just like Oh Burger King I'm hungry I'm gonna go get a burger you'll walk in and there's just bikes everywhere bikini town 3d okay without the context of this being a spongebob ripoff you would think that's something a lot different block world I swear to god I've seen that construction guy somewhere but that is not minecraft oh oh no I don't like this image this is an old one I don't like inflatable knuckles welcome to blocksberg beta those screenshots the look just like roblox boba bola and Bibby wait no no no please tell me that's Beth next to it oh my god please Super Mario Brothers Bob's world super run that's what I'm talking about super plumber pocket ball farm simulator running hedgehog block crafter dot man plants versus enemies I mean these look like fun little you know like they're not trying to infringe on copyright but you know they're just I don't know maybe I'm wrong Boober eats lucky devil what a logo Oh Iron Man yet you feelin all right there buddy you don't look too good boy 10 my favorite show growing up on Cartoon Network boy ten breaking taco breakfast lunch and dinner nice I like that cat hero run this looks like Tom the talking cat like his son I I wouldn't be surprised if that's what it was oh my god is this is this a phone no this is like an amp I think this is a Pikachu amp but looks like he's being tortured I hate this why Charlie Charlie what why does he have a horse-faced choco pain I don't think I want to feel pain when I'm eating my chocolate but that's just me mmm cocoa puffs and choco spots choco spots sounds like an illness I got like a sickness yeah went to the doctor the other day to get these spots checked out turns out and I've got the choco spots chop kick panda a lazy panda named Zeebo dreams of becoming a martial arts master but is stuck as a cleaner for a dojo little does he know that an evil tiger has plans to take over the kingdom and only Zeebo can stop him in this fun adventure this totally fun original adventure I want this game right now copy tube snacks and coffee I mean why it's so obviously the YouTube logo come on guys cold x piping hot cold chain technology no thanks collect pocket dogs is this like Pokemon go but it's dogs that's what it looks like go catch Pocket dogs in the real world using your phone's camera I'm all right I'll stick to Pokemon go kook made my soul chanel Paris huh my favorite sodas cool and orange fantastic it's me Captain America Cheetos Mac crunchy cheese that's what I'm talking about cute toy doll these are just they're like a lot wait is that these are like called poppy PO vinyls in the background I see like it looks like a real pop like a Funko pop an official one but nevermind deal tastic me this I can forgive the weird GRU that he's trying to be but the minions are awful I mean they're more awful they're more awful than actual minions Puma diesel odd deeds Pony Nike and convert I think that's just converse some of these wait all of these are on one shoe dis a de Disney fried chicken let's just straight up the Disney logo there they're asking to get sued Disney Plus free didn't say Plus streaming tips and seevis streaming and guide movie streaming plus plus display and streaming Guide movie plus TV new Disney Disney Plus streaming TV series these are just misleading and not good and don't fall down I see it's it's not twister Jesus Christ this person just has a collection of Dr Pepper knockoffs that's amazing I love this why is it always adidas that gets like okay hold on what is this lemon decider is like the D silent cider I guess hey wait a second step there EB Benson alright hold on let me get this straight so that's a USB plug that has two oxygens that go into separate earbuds this is one of the stupidest designs I've ever seen oh god I think these are real I think this is a real Shrek and Fiona they're just a very horrifying flex kids hand soap original cars just use like a cheap ripped like model of freddy fazbear at the bottom and then they have the Super Mario fun okay phony I mean at least they're owning up to it right football boy I don't why would you make a Pokemon ripoff about football oh my god okay hold on I know this is a knockoff of like minecraft or some kind of battle royale all mixed together but I I gotta respect the layout I mean they got the UI pretty good this looks good but can't can't shake the minecraft ripoff feel you've got a friend in me Wow they mixed Toy Story Pokemon and Friends all in one shirt that's impressive ah frozen transformers hero watch according to the packaging frustration fast and furious family fun alright so they are that's okay yeah this is frustrating funny egg delicious enjoyable for girls is that what that says on the right gets chopped off game box what is this like one of those cheap little McDonald's Happy Meal toys like those little LCD screens the ones I go like stupid noises is that Garfield I don't even know what that's supposed to say on the bag it's just it's just a fake Garfield gremlins a Star Wars story that's not what that is the classic building block Zin niche is NH I don't know but I recognize Peter Venkman from gots busta sore hammer superhero wars incredible bulk monster hero man they just tried to cram as many misleading things of that title as possible oh you know what I think the the original sonic movie design looks better than this Sonic oh my god this box looks awful let's take someone who rubbed like grease all over the front happy pig not a fan oh yeah I've heard of this home word yeah that's a knockoff oh oh I don't I don't like this Marge Simpson that's like that's more j-- simpson is this a figure of its the Hulkbuster but it's been painted like hulk it also has a hulk head on top this is awful ill tempered bird's pencil toppers soft and squishy no thanks get away from me I Peretz and slaughtering okay but I really like slaughtering though I mean come on Joop I love JYP's crispity crunchity cat cats bitter no thanks sandy Simba's take away party service pizza kebab house pizza courier Oh another Kit Kat knockoff a cricket have a big break with cricket legs no I legs potato chips no thank you Lexi book this is AB speechless it's like a we knock off but what why do you call it that oh that's just a mini Statue of Liberty I mean it's a it's an attempt at the Statue of Liberty oh god I've seen this image before is this it's a koala but it's Mario why when the dollar store imitation peeps have had a rough trip over from China yeah they look horrified MFC my flavor it chicken lip lickin flavor mountain holler naturally flavored radical citrus soft drink thirst blaster multipole tea craft would you name it that God also that straight-up looks like a screenshot from Minecraft with the resource pack well that's uh that's a fake Iron Man my blocks alright then another Oreo knockoff neo that's it neo you want some Neos Nickelodeon Pizza yep that's that's what they do best pizza oh dear that's uh that's a Star Wars knockoff something episode one I can't even read it oof white that's my favorite shoe yeah you got a roof white sand size twelve oh this one was close vanilla flavored biscuits or you know I mean at least it's somewhat close to the actual name table G Oh like pub G but pop G player and battle Jeong ends this don't even makes sense it even stole the winner winner chicken dinner okay big girl exquisite Pig girl that's what that says and guess what I don't like it PETA Hut oh okay he's like Pizza Hut but purple that's a that's a color you wouldn't like to see related to pizza there's not much purple Plains with brains to planes with brains I want to see planes without brains the whole movies just planes just they take off and then immediately dive bum poker boo micro break I mean I guess that's kind of impressive but that doesn't it still doesn't look that good why why does he have big black eyes with white little dots the Nintendo polystation Digital zero built-in programs also contents you got the console the controller and a gun all right that's um that's that's the little bird from loony tunes on Pikachu I don't like it Power Team I mean I'm sure those two bowls are a Power Team actually no they wouldn't be a team because they're ramming at each other raiga god of the monsters that is awful Oh God I don't like this rat no no thanks goodbye red horse energy cherry ah nothing like a good old red horse to get you going in the mornings rip wut rip flappy bird rip ripped all the knockoffs to God all the bones and feathers everywhere this is morbid how to train you dragon 3 tooth wow they kept the actual name Ball Z also he looks miserable oh man there there there cups with actual 3d dog heads coming out of them oh no oh man we got some knockoff Pokemon here Beauty flower double bomb gasps armor poopa 6 tails turkey warrior caddy dog duck mouth flame super dream and loggia loggia all right I want to know what it says in the back though what what's the name of the what's is it its it can't say Pokemon on the back I really want to know what it says in the back Oh Beauty and the Beast No there's nothing beautiful about this Smurfs but spongebob became a smurf speaking of sponge sponge Hospital why would you make this this is if I was a kid I'd be horrified oh god what's with the SpongeBob's no I don't want to go a ride from his nose no another one are you stalking my Instagram why is Patrick they've swapped colors sponge sponge bob is a girl now and pink and Patrick is yellow okay wrong co-pi starback is I'm sorry those the Guy Fawkes masks in the logo stick man spider rope hero gangster crime that's okay okay sub day but the D is like not as bright as the a and why this looks like they took an actual subway and just replace the W with a D super angry sponge alright so now we have Angry Birds spongebob and Super Mario Brothers all together who would have thought super na rio run that's that's Paper Mario and like the the new Super Mario Brothers graphics but that floor I have no idea what that's from supreme yeah got myself a supreme tailgate yeah it's pretty good to Patris topped actress yeah that that's what that says I actually do like that design for the blocks I look like lamps what in the hell is this is a Resident Evil knockoff except it says The Sims 4 digital deluxe edition and it has all the Adobe programs on the front what the hell oh man this why is it always the Thomas the Tank Engine knockoffs that are just the most horrifying Wow I totally thought this was butter trans warrior more than meets the eye no no that's not amazing strange rope police vice spider Vegas watch out kids it's rated Peggy 18 West game yeah yeah that cowboy game everyone was one a couple years back yeah that's it Wiki Mouse no what did you do the Mickey war pearl huh what is this supposed to be a knockoff of Yahoo egg go to Yahoo egg for for a quick snack yacht Oh like like Yahtzee I see I see Yahtzee and well ladies and gentlemen that brings us to the end of our slash crap off-brands thank you all so much for watching if you enjoyed what you saw be sure that that subscribe button and the bells thing you know to whatever that means appease the uploads and until the next one I'll see you around
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Views: 352,367
Rating: 4.9343543 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, r/crappyoffbrands, r/crappyoffbrands top posts, r/crappyoffbrands best posts, crappy off brands, ezpz crappyoffbrands, emkay, ezpz, ez pz
Id: hH1HDqIdilw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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