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you look like if post malone went to college oh dude he kind of does and lost a little weight and didn't have cornrows or whatever they're called but yeah how's it going everybody welcome back to ezpz man that was weird to say it that way anyways i'm cougar and today we're diving into our slash rare insults real quick i want to see what type of insults you guys can come up with me and my cracky voice down in the comments below rate my professor is really something awful i never wore a seatbelt while driving to school because i wanted to die before making it to his class i mean hey man i got that feeling in high school classes can't imagine what college is going to be like oh god crazy old lady at subway thinks i'm hacking eh at this point this isn't a karen this is betty hey don't you insult anyone like that because betty white is a national treasure damn it this karen who works at 7-eleven after an at-risk customer complained that she nor other customers will wear a mask screw you in your medical condition yeah she looks like the type of woman to bite you your wee-wee while sucking it yeah she kind of does it also looks like maybe she's got dentures i don't know she's working at 7-eleven and she's that old probably not a lot going on in life she looks like that girl from bob's burgers oh tina yeah she does that's not an insult though tina's one of my favorite characters whenever i'm mad at you i go on good reads and read one star reviews of your books my daughter it's cold man it's effing brutal lordy i'm so proud of her if i ever get famous for something i really want my kids to do this exactly to me because it's the best burn ever adam is the kind of guy to drop off his wife to his boyfriend's house okay honey i'll pick you up after you're done being banged by your hunky boyfriend he seems to be using his brain as just a filler to keep his skull from collapsing hey man that's what a lot of people do and sadly that's the state of the world these dice what's wrong with humans there's literally just giant garbage island just floating in the ocean oops wrong pick what what is that a pick of oh oh dear god why do bronies get so upset about being friend-zoned i thought friendship was magic no friendship is witchcraft my dude no one's gonna get that reference jay seems like the kid in high school who'd call everyone a frick but also volunteered to mc the anti-bullying assembly dude he straight up does kind of like logan and jake paul he's just got that vibe doesn't he do i need to revise caesar so you can practice using a freaking knife and why is it raw smart idea to be honest next time i go to the beach i'm gonna honestly call the police on every girl that looks better than me lol and you're gonna be calling all day don't ruin your afternoon just enjoy the beach sweetheart plus you're gross on the inside after saying that so uh yeah you're definitely gonna be calling after every woman on the beach two guys hosting this vid have the likability and charisma of cancer they look like they do and look at the one guy even knows it he's just thinking in his brain like how am i still employed here college students do not have to go in debt to get a degree they can work their way through like many of us did before the day of student loans ma'am you were classmates with moses when college classes cost only a few shekels so uh suck my d baby your dick is smaller than the x on literally every mobile game ad you freaking sinners hey man still bigger than mine i can reset my wifi router those are the type of insults i want to see about me in the comments come on everybody i'm not sure what to say other than that i'm intrigued by your aspiration to become a dilf tell me a joke your best one want to hear a joke about paper it's probably going to be terrible you're just too good i'm witty and relatable quote of the day what did the zero say to the eight i'm not sure what to say other than i'm intrigued by your aspiration to become a doof burn dude hey what is the way to the biggest crap anyone is dumped not in return ask your mom how much you weighed at birth oh got him i'm surprised he didn't get flushed down the toilet bro that's plus 30 light armor and not really that probably be like plus three in and d i'm a nerd so i'd know that i'm literally autistic and every day i feel increasingly not disabled compared to people like this pizza woman ah you got him why is he wearing one of those cheesy joke shop disguises we can tell it's you behind the comedy moustache glasses and nose my god and why are you using a blue yeti pro dude get something better besides your background looking like that get a better microphone before after www.dreadlockssuckland.co.nz salklin i don't know bro went from lesbian to egyptian plus those i'm pretty sure are not dreadlocks aren't those uh like cornrows or something i'm just asking this man's eye placement allows him to see picasso paintings as regular portraits i guess it does i really guess it does it's not nice to make fun of the way he looks but you know it might be a fact i wish for the ability to switch between normal sight and sight that makes me see all the people that want to have sex with me granted you now have the ability to close your eyes deleted destruction 100 kaboom ah you might as well just go blind if you got stuck with the sex vision man how you doing we man are you a weird-looking straight guy or a really weird looking gay guy i'd come on your face just to cover it up hey man the guy kind of looks like he's about to cry no girl has actually seen a picture of a man holding a fish and thought he has a lot of talent and skill and seems really adventurous and fun i would like to have sex with him so maybe let's stop doing that no man has ever seen a selfie of a girl with star freckles and butterflies around her face while wearing a halo in 16 different color gradients around them and thought boy is she pretty poor alyssa you got roasted by a fisherman it took billions of years to create this universe countless generations upon generation of technological development and advancement society we are truly the most advanced civilization in the known universe and the only known place in trillions of light years of empty space we were blessed with the knowledge of learning and becoming self-aware but apparently none of this mattered when someone decided to create fortnite board wait wait hold on my one friend's a professional makeup artist and he works for the company uh wood rocket that does all these he says they make more money off the youtube ads than the actual porn so that's why they make them jake paul i won't stop partying youtuber continues to throw crowded bashes as us death toll passes 154k jesus christ he looks like the percent of germs lysol didn't kill that implies he's the strongest of them oh god no the chemicals thought he was so stupid he would just kill himself before causing any harm and don't worry this guy leaves loaded guns around the house one day he's going to be tired trip fall over gun and life is over men always think i take my glasses off during sex so they don't get damaged but really i just don't want to see a dick in high definition you might need your glasses on to see mine at all ooh self burn those are rare like i said i can restart my wifi router with mine so like i have the ultimate self burn i love bill's hair it looks like he's standing in front of his own haircut that's freaking great his hair starts where her stops oh jesus it really does why don't you code yourself a hand line on the z-axis instead of only x and y how about you learn how to spell instead there tank hey yo people who read it what is a question you have for the opposite sex that you wouldn't say irl guys when you sit down to poo in the toilet what do you do with your dangly bits do you let it touch the water do you put it on the seat do you put it on your leg i regret to inform you that [ __ ] do not hang as low as her self-esteem especially for cook blaming on the boogie annie are you okay her pronouns he slash him try to be down where's some little kids okay that was a bad joke but like he did some bad stuff brought to you by the science foundation sun okay neutron star okay black hole okay girls on tinder who say must be over six feet heaviest objects in the universe eh boys should have then reply do you have bigger tits than a football i mean they do but they're more like school-owned footballs that have been kicked around by kids for a decade or two before getting popped on the edge of a fan so uh they're like fried eggs on nail 411 huh try again not the icebreaker you want to go with do better keep being a little snitch and i'm going to come over and hide all your stuff on the top of your refrigerator good luck reaching it shorty ben shapiro the type of guy to remind the teacher to check last night's homework and also has to remind his wife to check is it in yet sweetheart ian is dressed like he trafficks illegal iguanas on the side to pay for his french rifle addiction hey man if that's what you do i get it joe rogan is the embodiment of dude like what if the colors you see like aren't the colors i see whoa dude john mulaney looks like a kennedy family offspring it sounds like a 14 year old boy impersonating a 1970s sportscaster oh jeez what are we going to do out here i don't know that's terrible i just took what he said on my way to uh something's house y'all black girls ain't got nothing on us whack oh dear god put an h on there and kobe could have lived damn i dj'd this festival and can confirm that the teenager kicking this guard is over the age of 18 and will be prosecuted and sent to jail oh cool you got paid to press play your name spelled backwards is hard anal the fact that he figured that out is awesome and djing's not just pressing the buttons he's pressing a lot of buttons and flipping snobs i used to be a dj this lord butt looking mother freaker this man better show me my vault of ring gods green goats i don't remember jk rowling just can you fix the story to have this because that'd be funny it's ng's dick multiple colors yes every shade of your mom's lipstick this guy's eating mcdonald's so often his hairline is shaped like their loco it's got the arches baby adele looks like she's been on a greek island singing abba songs for the last year don't dis adele dude do not dis adele hello from the other side and i will kick your butt if you try and do that she's a national treasure king of the douchebags lmao he looks like an inexperienced manager at a small-time hotel that's in way over his head and doesn't know what to do with this crazy crowd that shows up on his first night shift so he just starts talking crap hoping that's good enough it also looks like john mullaney from the earlier post go look seriously it does medusa can't be a medusa at least medusa makes me hard when i look at her this is the first thing on reddit i have actually ultimately laughed at an hour the farmers would try to melt you please find a shirt hey guys not only is this correct but uh this dude is clearly on steroids you can tell because you see how his like nipple is lower than his pec and it's kind of like rounded like there's still fat there you usually get that from taking steroids i'm not judging hey man if you want to look that way that's fine but that's probably why his uh chest looks like that imagine looking like this and thinking you're the superior race dude looks like a super-sized minion in my town across from the park that honors our local afb literally 10 minutes ago the dude looks like a minion all right and look his his fat is tucked in his shirt is tucked into his fat roll that's amazing why does your mustache look like the mountains preschoolers draw in their drawing classes sea dog va here that really hurt my feelings now sea dog's a really cool guy you guys should go check him out he's really nice in person too i apologize to my fbi agent who had to watch this with me i prefer her gooba remix that uh she paid someone to sing for and then claimed she sung until someone called around on it but bel delphine is kind of the king of trolls so go belle delphine the avatar isn't real the avatar now listen here you oblon frick cake i will extend your neck above the average human height limit palpatine looks like evil colin it's your friend palpatine and your friend patsy i genuinely enjoy interacting with 98 of you all two percent of you however suck so much butt that your mouth has physically turned into a butthole vacuum nay you have become an entire butthole bukkaki just a vile grape pit of crap flowing freely forever much love to the 98 though i don't know who this uh is is he famous i don't know but like good comeback he doesn't look a day over rico mortis this is like the evil ruler of the galaxy come to me anakin skywalker do you like bubblegum nsfw cause i have something else pink that's gonna go in your mouth hot and dry and come out soft wet and sticky oh yeah this is a good pickup line if you're 12 you're free to use it when you're picking up 12 year olds freaking hell dude i've just been murdered nice thank god i'll let the children know it's safe to play outside again thank you deadpool y'all in class kids are working talking and whatnot i hear this you're like a plunger always bringing up old crap that's that's fantastic quackity is that kind of guy who can be 13 20 or 35 years old he really can be perhaps for asking for fighting against the stereotype that all asians are smart dude people roast ricegum and he deserves it so now we've gone from sexism to racism notice how every female employee at buzzfeed wears a nose ring because no one willing to put one on their finger if we evolved from apes why are there still apes tim allen said remember when tim allen tweeted this i asked my college professor the same question and in an hour evolution was discredited adaptation is science if dogs evolved from wolves why are there still wolves prove me wrong why are there still single-sided organisms and how do they get on twitter oh tim allen remember when you were respected middle of the night sex the kind where you wake up and tangled in each other and no words are spoken caress turn into kisses and kisses turn into passion i'd just be happy if she stopped freaking snoring she's like an asthmatic yak drowning in custard i hope that's your wife okay i like the male designs but this show's female character designs kind of suck every moment she's on screen looks like a crap post i mean yeah her chin is kind of not there her eyes are massive noses tiny mouth it's not it's there's just something wrong six nine is the kind of guy who cancels his doctor's appointment because he was sick yeah yes niche nine is but he can make a banger still i think that the employee are just having too much fun employees singular r plural subject verb agreement you singular oh burn f in the chat oh look there's one right there look at that f baby here's a picture of my ugly face because apparently it doesn't matter what you post in this sub i played you in skyrim and he was a hero until he took an arrow to the knee he looks like a [ __ ] that outgrew his midgetness he kind of does i mean he's got nice arms but he kind of does someday i hope my brain is as smooth as ops like freshly waxed bowling land watching thoughts slide into the gutter and miss all the pins god bless op's heart mom thanks for putting up with such a [ __ ] of a son like my brother oh don't worry little buddy what is wrong with that kid's eye look the like left pupil is just shooting straight up in the air as a straight white male how would you feel about your child having a homosexual schoolteacher who they're around for eight hours of the day if a gay teacher teaches my child the difference between there there and there i'm good yeah yeah me too why would you even care buddy lmao judge judy don't even care y'all if you were the trophy at the end of my race i would walk backwards good one judge judy that's weird you really look up dog in the second picture huh up dog you got the up dog look on your face wtf you got the i got no kitty and let my dog lick peanut butter off my balls look on your face snitch not much how about you breaking news the cough cough sniffle sniffle has halted the release of new cardi b music huh every image i see cardi b in she always looks like someone just taught her how water works wait what how does it work oh my god what's a phase your esso went through that drove you up the wall my wife went through this really weird phase where she dress up like herself and act like a huge freaking snitch all the time and that's why i divorced her she just got too much into that snitch cosplay well if you made it this far please insult me in the comments i'm begging you i'm a glutton for punishment anyways feel free to like comment subscribe let us know what you'd like to see more of down in the comments below after insulting me of course and remember have a good day and be good people
Channel: EzPz
Views: 199,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, r/rareinsults, r/rareinsults top posts, r/rareinsults best posts, rare insults, insults reddit, reddit insults, emkay, ezpz r/rareinsults, ezpz, ez pz
Id: NoHomlGvJmw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 21sec (1041 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 28 2020
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