r/Cursedcomments | why this banana crunchy?

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I beat anorexia anorexia is his wife like on a joke scale 5 minute then 5 minutes Eminem votes a 5 out of 10 [Music] what's up guys and welcome back to NK my name is Damian and today we're looking through our slash cursed comments but before we get into the video let me tell you guys about GZ the new ask reddit channel between cow belly studios and us here at MK the channel has just made super recently and we're trying to upload every single day and it would mean a lot to us if you get to support the channel if you're interested in one check it out the link is in the description and now back to the video tiny turtle found dead with one tiny turtle found dead with 104 pieces of plastic in its intestines okay so how many baby trolls we need to clean the ocean the beat drop harder than my grandma down the stairs thanks grandma thanks for being something to be compared to go to sleep alone wake up with the cat on the bed you don't have a you don't have a cat now you do have a cat oh yeah I always enjoyed breakfast in bed even visited by the good sleep trebuchet up but within the next four seconds and you will be blessed with cozy and wrestle sleeps please good sleep trebuchet launch me into bed off of the force of your load hitting my [Music] please good sleep trebuchet wants me into bed over the force of your lone hitting my wagon I'm ready pastor makes woman suck its Wiener in church says his sperm is holy milk this is why I'm a deist this is why I'm not aerials all like heaven looks like my sister when I finish on her back real funny dude funny incest joke I got a nice V me donate blood get message week later your blood has been put to use track down the guy on Facebook message him really cool guy actually weeks later meet his new gf I'm gonna get the third base tonight brah that's my blood in your wiener I'm the one getting a third base not him technically screwed his girl see you later virgins while your blood is in his body it will never touch the girl this means all your blood didn't make another man hard which makes you gay no it can't be oh yeah criminals often return to the scene of the crime this little girl slaughtered millions don't know why she did it but only now she loves to play hopscotch on the chalk outlines I pick you up with this girl in my class right now god I love being homeschooled wait what it's peanut butter jelly time nut butter anal prolapse clock was I right did I get it did I get it happy 29th anniversary of the Garfield ship or John drinks dog semen absolutely positively not a coffee mug there's no handle he looked into it in the first panel he knew my neighbor played this at his wife's funerals I was there it witnessed him laughing at the corpse and dancing to the song I've never been this scared in my life of what he's gonna do next words ending in ier so cute like cutie sweetie cookie die creep I hey whoa hey whoa hold on a minute button bad kids must be immortal because whenever you hear that the kids died they're always described as having been wonderful I mean if a kid got absolutely Rossa at their own funeral they'd be pretty whack well the cult cremation if every studio starts using white blood for censorship like seven deadly sins season three everyone would start bleeding come doctor stuns grainy removes her wrinkles with this tip watch she's peeling off a layer a nut Google's users reveal about your noble plant I could count on one hand the amount of times I've been here it's 14 guys what's the craziest thing that's happened in the boys locker room that most girls wouldn't understand a guy in a high school took one of those wind-up disposable cameras remove the flash attached to two spikes to the electrical ports and started stabbing and tasing people in the locker room you know I didn't know you could do that with Tasers at all I kind of want to try it I kinda want to try and I'm not even gonna lie to you depression screws me hard why do nothing about it plot twist his dog's name is depression no I called you in here because I accidentally sent you a wiener pic boss stops pouring two glasses of wine accidentally yeah made me wall 7up vote I've literally seen this a thousand times winner picks from employees uh uh several per day me pointing a penis what's this for God many things me stirring coffee god no did he use creamer creamiest I watched my friend die today this post is honestly so good it cured my cancer before he died he gave me a Zepa pen I think it's an honor he wanted me to have it Wow he told me to stick it in him died admitting his homosexuality at least when you find out there's people who hold hands before marriage disgusting she's trying to hold the spiders in umpires and referees of rennet what do you do if he had to take a dump during a game my rough kid League football I usually take a dump in my pants and shake it out a pant leg near a player I throw flag and freak out pointing at a kid blaming him it gets the attention off me and ruins the rest of his childhood that's 200 IQ chief filled deGrasse Tyson looks like he's enjoying it next up is filled the air Tyson if you give this to your plants then why do you give this to your children maybe fertilize your plants with cow dung why don't you rub crap on your freakin kids no no they didn't like it how do hospitals dispose of you remove tumors cysts and unborn fetuses and etc well this hospital food is made cursed horsey that's not curse that's adorable it's posed dead animals when grandma dies we're gonna stuff for a pose are doing the dab watch your whip and nae nae in our I'm fella everyone is in a hole in their own way dating is about finding a hole you can put up with or fighting and a hole to put it up in hmm you might just be on to something RNA which do you peel first fries first a Big Mac first my foreskin actually how I eat I inject it through there like you know how like a straw sucks in I that tube with my wiener I just appeal that foreskin right back just well on my way to a good meal AI expectation and reality police robot told woman to go where to try to report crime then sang a song I do both boyfriend-girlfriend best friend family Ellie is I love you family is true love that's my sister again back when the incest jokes everyone incest funny remember that remember remember that funny meme remember that silly I get for the hole that's the joke this one's clever I get it this one's more clever than the last one but need to be funnier they're not as funny as they used to be they don't have the same punch imagine screwing a girl and then she just starts freaking jumping yeah they usually just stay in the coffin wait what eat me babe of course what the hell are you doing salt pepper olive oil amazing so Gordon likes to eat don't worry about it he's this professional chef my best friend passed away recently grieving before his grave I said well I really missed you my wife's been pregnant for eight months now how about your being carnie as my child one month later my wife gave birth to a big boy my child grew older each day I realized he looks a lot like my best friend he's put himself in your life and in your wife my mom my lunchbox six year old me ham shaped like a teddy bear for a footlong shaped like a wiener but that's just me mother shows what seven months of heroin and meth addiction can do lose half your body weight in future in seven months doctors hate no homo doe on sibs wiener unzips what unzips wiener you heard me blessed family lesbian penguin couple finally getting their own shake after they proved a staff will be good parents what how does that work would it just be the same I would assume the sacrifice would go to the same regardless of the sexes of the parents the old ones are not particular Hoss appears on your data book and Hauser she has Kirsten lose her virginity to a horse what do you do to prevent this doer myself no horse is gonna ruin my daughter anyone's gonna do it it's gonna be hey look it's our /mk return a Florida man man on meth fights off 15.com swamp Jack it off the crowd cheers let him throw let him throw Simon stands up and looks at him and presses the golden button the man doesn't even notice because he's jacking off and even when the confetti touches his meat he keeps it going I mean look at his face he seems like the kind of guy to just not stop for anything he's not gonna stop until he reaches the finish line of ecstasy if you could choose one hashtag roblox game to be turned into a real-life game what would it be Oh jailbreak my dad's been playing it for 13 he Harry's just found out my girlfriend's cheating on me huh Jesus that sucks duh well at least it wasn't a different kind of sucking it could have been though why wasn't it Wikipedia deleted articles with freaky titles list of dads who make other dads eat bugs the article itself was completely blank but the talk page just read my dad I remember waking up at night and going to get a glass of water in the kitchen you could hear my dad whispering to someone I feed him to the kitchen to find my father spoon feeding roaches to my tied-up neighbor he kept saying here comes the choo-choo in my neighborhood so quietly with a mouth stuffed full of Roach grow big and strong don't you remember considering LASIK eye surgery when this race war pops off I don't want to be the one yelling jinkies my glasses I always thought about this in terms of the zombie apocalypse my blind but would walk right into someone's mouth if I didn't have my glasses on yeah my GF is so blind she sucked someone else's wiener if you snort someone's ashes you gained their intelligence like guy wouldn't snort a huge line of makes dead people for a crap ton of information I mean that's 200 IQ literally isn't it the acting was so poor that I actually reabsorbed a load I had previously blown they excuse me what the hell you mean you ate it I've found dinner bone and frog hmm but where is that horse's peepee yeah do you have something to say what should you do if your girlfriend starts smoking slow down and possibly used lubricant unclip the nipple leads from the car back in Spencer 24 not interested in dating we're a married couple looking to see if anyone wants to come to church with us we think if you're on tinder you might need a little extra Jesus in your life this is a real offer come with us does the threesome happen after church it's a foursome Jesus is always there what did people like us do in here that didn't exist jagoff swish out on the water look like a tit before discovering the internet I used to spend my days inside the local library reading anything I could find about the do great Wars now I am asked me to animate personifications of tanks the internet changed me for better or worse is up to the interpretation now to feature a post from user Jay poisonous on Twitter send this banner and a couple of days ago and I really loved the style of it like I don't know why but it reminds I like how them it gives this whole like I guess seem to it and I don't know why I love that so much it's almost I'm not psychedelic but I don't know how to describe it I just like it a lot it makes me feel good that way it makes you feel warm inside like Christmas thank you so much I love it and that's gonna bring us to the end of our slash curse comments if you liked the video leave a like down below and subscribe for more content from MK and as always I'll be seeing you [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 2,284,231
Rating: 4.9467773 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/cursedcomments, r/cursedcomments top posts, r/cursedcomments best posts, cursed comments, r/cursedimages, r/cursedimages top posts, r/cursedimages best posts, cursed images, r/blursedimages, blursed images, r/blursedimages top posts, r/blursedimages best posts, r/cursedcomments emkay, reddit funny, emkay
Id: 2WDpV9uQa2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 20 2019
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