r/Blessedimages | CAT SANDWICH.

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so I have a ride on lawn mower as new for 700 bucks you want to come take it get off the lawn what's up guys and welcome back to ma my name is damien and today we're looking through our slash blessed images but before we get into the video let me tell you guys about Jeezy a new channel that us here at MK & cowbell II have worked on in unison we've combined our powers together we shook hands like the mega powers and created Jeezy and asked reddit channel so did a float from what we do here on em can I think gets really really like it I personally am a huge fan of asper edit content and so if you want to check it out the link will be in the description and after the video animals wanna smartest humans animals enormous lion terrifies photographer what loud roar then smiles Adam that's a cheeky bastard if I've ever seen one my grandpa it might even funny story my grandpa he would scare my mom's potential boyfriends by carving and peeling apples with machetes just being like dad which is the best impression I can muster of my grandfather same idea here just with a different species I love it our local Mexican restaurant used to be a Chinese restaurant instead of painting over a mural they just put some brows on the page oh no way they did too oh that's sick oh that's fantastic that's the best way that could have gone about it no if ands or buts that's the best way they could have done that we have guests go get the fancy cups hey don't don't make any mistakes those are the fanciest cups in the house chief alright if I got fancy guests if the president of the Nintendo fan club alright cuz that's an important guy you got things guy do okay if he comes over to my establishment to my home I'm giving her the best cups we've got and that right there baby are the best cups in house that's like I love that alright why you wearing the punishment necklaces what you do Europe you throw up three times yesterday and what'd you do I look at your face you know you did something wrong you ate it all huh buddy how did you say my comments to the chef afterwards it's my b-day mother pumpers yeah yes it is mother puppers it's his bday happy birthday guy there yeah oh I'm sorry excuse me it's the birthday gal and the birthday girl you eleven look at you get a big old grin on your face take a look whichever one you want as many as you want well I'll buy the entire stock give me a smile like that why wouldn't I do that for you he kept getting in the way while we were building a desk so we gave him something to hold he just wants to be a helper that's all see see oh he's just being calm now cuz he's helping out he's pitching in it's what he wanted to do just trying to find me a girl who'd be the Caesar - Majid Amma's Caesar all I need life is a go be my Cleopatra so I could be by Hidden Valley Caesar love it Tyler Joseph what song is he singing that's what I want to know he's got an audience for fantastic kitty cats what song could he possibly be playing that would beckon such a powerful audience that's what I got to know are you friskin what do you do why you frisking him he didn't do nothing let my man free he didn't do a thing he found the cliff the cliff bar cliff that's a monument if I've ever seen when he lined it up perfect look at that it's like in that it's like in Tenacious D where Jack Black account cast matched their tattoos together they still haven't found me I've gone covert look at you so it was that live portrait looks just like you man if that's not you see this is cute but I have one question why is the Enderman wearing these like you whatever these boot heels are that's not very square of them is that that's some like that's some next-level stuff but it's not very Enderman like of you at all I think NMM you aren't Ikes maybe wearing Nikes I know for a fact they finally freed my dog why was he taken into the police why was he given custody in the first place though like what do you do what did this poor guy did to get taken into custody in the first place good thing about man's out though oh you'll make it out heart I love them both they come in as a unit dude I love them now what does this mean it why is this a blessed image I don't know who these people are what is this like blessed meeting they're having so that's what I got a that's what I got a no that's what I gotta know what's their what's their um what's the meeting about what are the discussing hey don't worry poyo doctor Kirby's here to check in on the injury where'd you get a boo-boo an ouchie now we could bali is on the case is gonna make you feel real good don't you worry about he's a certified doctor dr. poyo I trust him with my life oh my god it's a reenactment set set these sign dog is that him shake that out take a good look that's the cutest thing I've ever seen chief everyone's smiling for the photo even the pooch even the pooch what a good boy all right hey let's talk dog bones what about him what do you want no ask me anything about dog bones Lancer all I'll answer them all doesn't matter in me ah cats dogs reptiles pick your favorite Oh know where that cats looking at why is he so sad he did not want to press the button or he's just overworked I hope it's the first one don't work yourself too hard little guy an exotic looking bright orange bird rescued by a Wildlife Hospital turned out to be a seagull covered in curry and I have seen this before I've seen this once before in the legends and I know all too well about it the poor bird was just drenched in curry huh when you embed no charge at you far away on the floor does he doing hanging down like that anyways that's like a desk what is he doing you could but he looks he's okay he looks like he's doing good the fastest pet of a living animal current world record at point zero six one seconds I dare you to try and beat my time finding out you're a good boy huh finding out you're the best boy oh he took a picture of the guy and he's like hey Neil you see how that turned out do we have to take it again I feel like I was looking funny in that one he's a perfectionist and I respect that are you showing the capybara what a goose looks like I'm sorry that's a swan what is a swan but a refined goose really that capybara is your best friend this for a miracle is adopted this was her reaction to the first toy in her life yo she's like it's mine this is mine that's precious I love it just gaming with the boys well we drop in huh whiskers well we drop in but tell me the goose is healthy and has been released Cheers grandma brings dog to a furniture store to make sure she likes the chair too because that's what's most important like if you like it that's one thing but it's another thing if your dog likes it you got to make sure the doll girl likes it you know like that to me it's gonna be what majority rules is you know what one two three four five six seven eight 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 hats you're not seeing fiction ladies and gentlemen that is 22 hats non-binary pals look closely that's 22 on this madman what a legend why are you like just stuff it's like a floating head there is no body and the dead dog that's like a floating dog head on the scent and ever ever watch it he's kind of Ivan though I'm not gonna lie he wears his heart on his head and there's not a thing wrong with that there's nothing wrong with that in the least okay all right bud you wear his heart in his head all day all i care is that Ricardo and he's going right out into the bay he's gonna save America I love this guy I wish I was Ricardo to me loose I wish I was that guy old woman uses a marionette of herself to feed squirrels in the park it's 200 IQ ma'am you know exactly what's up he's got a little walk or two that's gonna be me when I'm old just shrunken from my original size and hiding in the wall observing all around me ah selfies this is photo shot by a pooch can dream and that's all I care about oh my oh my to judge what a dog dreams about you know is that how he got his coat is that how he got his fur from that ice cream he's looking at it like it's familiar go ahead and tell him the story I got his look this statue of Jesus in Poland provides the Internet to nearby villages the internet was a blessing from the Lord Jesus yeah clearly there it is I like sexuality is a choice you don't get to choose whether you're gay or straight or anything in between JK Rowling decides for all of us we have to respect her decisions text him I love him no you do it I'll show him just text it oh okay I love you max he's just like from my dog to be king of the moon six of sign let's get that bad boy to a hundred so listen NASA I want my dog Eddie Dean to be crowned king of the moon he's really great and that's really all you know all he should you know a prerequisite really as far as I'm concerned I love the face the deer's make it he's just he's vibin met beerus vibin I love them I saw this lesbian penguin couple finally get their own chick after they proved to staff they'll be good parents and I think that is adorable that is so cute he proved it's so good girl asks me what my pad looks like I show them this picture if they're interested I show them the sand bed you will not like it at all it's Patrick Starr's house it's the joke lobster for sale $50 selling my lobster goose I love them dearly however it's time you found a new friend great with kids and pets my dog is a little nervous around him but with proper training I'm sure your dog will love him just as much as I hope you will he gets fussy when he isn't taken for a walk he mainly it's small fish however I have found that he loves a small piece of orange after dinner has dessert he hates any music by Johnny Cash if you play it you'll destroy anything around him he's not a fan of Johnny Cash what Johnny Cash do to you goose manatees are no longer listed as endangered species we did it we did it they're no longer endangered we can go home now boys we've won we've won and that's all that matters the love of your life will appear in front of you unexpectedly hello goose is that a duck I'm there I can never know they're just we had duck and a goose do geese all have a big bump in their nose or is that just some I can't I don't know I just don't know untoasted slightly toasted and crispy the three shades of cute dogs oh my God look at these beste front that's cool - hold on check its color the coloration on this cat that is sick it's like mainly of a white cabinet it's got like a little orange tail my little baby yeah it's cool and now I present to you my favorite kitty cat said God himself what is this little guy doing with all these all these fellas the fellas are out around town and there's dogs like hey I want to join in he's so stubborn he's got the stubby little legs he's so close to the ground the US Navy well hop in my ship I'll take you aboard oh man the the photo and then they're just giggling afterwards oh dude that's adorable that's really cute that's really really cute I love that you cook enough so spaghetti for dinner I'll have it I'll have a whole bowl I might even go for seconds if it's made from you so now you make all your ingredients with love my favorite bird friend dude let him come in let him have a bite of the pizza he doesn't I'll pay for him just give up it's just give him a piece of pizza and he'll leave so he wants Stephen are not daddy just loves planks I could appreciate a man that loves a good plank every now and again no he has his favorite little stuffed Freddy so he's got such a cute grin look at you that's such a cute little grin guy you're the cutest little thing Annie police apprehend penguins who keep sneaking into sushi restaurant they want the fish koloski broke in sort of the other ones remember I remember any of the other names there's member Kowalski I'm sorry what flavor of chip is this what do we what do you call this flavour of chip I'm sorry what's this called what flavor is this huh I don't think I like that does what he sound like Hogan or woody son like DeVito that's the real question here what he sound like Hulk Hogan or what he sound like the a DeVito quadruplets a 1 in 180 million story hey cow has apparently defied great odds and given birth to four calves that have been named eenie meenie miney and Moe wait a minute that's eenie meenie miney and Moe ha ha I was gonna take a sip of my drink and I had to stop when I was greeted by this cute little fella hi ho yeah I these are the guys I have no natural predators right so they greet everyone oh they're so cute you get the buns off that cat's head he is not having it you can see his face he's not happy with his situation look at these two friends Garfield in his shadow for Garfield and shadow Garfield just hanging out are you kidding me sometimes they shrink in the wash that's ok hey mittens you ready for ready for your service report or so look to you mittens do us proud the meat channel Peter Griffin me creation speed run percent in 16 point 32 seconds what a pogchamp moment good job gamer Squidward's birthday is October 9th in 1972 remember that did you wish squirt happy birthday couple weeks ago did you wish it I did did you wish him a happy birthday but you didn't and now the future a post from user doggy - knee underscore senpai just a quick fan art sorry for being lazy on art that is not lazy at all you did fantastic I love that my eye is the eye on fire I mean I have a terrible case of dry eye all the time so that's pretty accurate I'm not even gonna lie thank you so much I love that and that's gonna bring us to the end of our slash blessed images like the video leave a like down below and subscribe for more content from MK and as always I'll be seeing you [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 2,333,099
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Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/blessedimages, r/blessedimages top posts, r/blessedimages best posts, blessed, cursed, blursed, images, r/blursedimages, r/cursedimages, r/blessedimages emkay, r/blursedimages emkay, r/blursedimages top posts, r/blursedimages best posts, reddit funny, reddit blessed, reddit blursed, emkay
Id: 5k0Z7We4m34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 19 2019
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