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do you see him there friends how does one get them easier rope ativan that's not how you obtain friends I'm gonna be straight with you chief what's up guys and welcome back to ma my name is Damien and today we're looking through our slash first comments got a little baby guinea pig and look it's got marshmallows on him it's a defense mechanism but then you set it on fire and he ruined it he ruined it it was cute and then he ruined it why do I barely get serviced in my house but gosh dang Taliban can upload videos from a cave in Afghanistan Oh easy so got that bomb why fight over four hundred pokemons died for this well they had to get the ingredients somehow and that's what they won't tell you about sword and shield the sword was used to cut up the Pokemon the shield is used to scrape in the Pokemon into the bowl my friends seventh grader goes to a school where kids organized for free tampons in the bathroom the male principal said no because they would abuse the privilege the kids decide to stage a cookie protest behold that stamp on cookies maybe the girl should demonstrate that they're not taking advantage of free tampons they're returning them to the principal and they're finished with them maybe they'll show the principal what floor huh huh I'd do it Carl and Shaggy stuck doing the Macarena nine hours they loosen that's why that's what I do and I get a free dead rat my happy meal I open up I go oh boy oh boy rat time and I stood throwing the Macarena for nine hours that's her McDonald's promise in Peru the toilet paper rolls have bonus toilet paper in their holes hashtag don't waste a whole hashtag value wow this has inspired me to try anal for the first time thanks Michael don't waste a whole [Laughter] and that blue one looks like a Disney princess trapped in a Pumas body look at her eyes oh maybe that's why he's banging it hey now why don't you say that man Andrew and you come on fella finish with human face spotted in China that's cool as hell [Laughter] another tip your DNA from the fish and track down the best of the jerked off in this pond damn perverts sir please at the altar leans in for a kiss the bride no no I'm into this go ahead kiss my new husband do it why not this is the greatest thing my virgin eyes have ever seen what the hell is virgin eyes whoo Stig Dee and eye sockets how do you think people go blind you know this guy's about it about it cuz he's got that shrek profile picture the new sonic design looks incredible here you've got to see it oops now I have Bogner oh no what's the most epic science fair project under $70 bridge testing that's what I did some other ones are maglev get some magnets and crap it boom easy aim or you can go for a homemade bomb the Fred did that and the judges were blown away yeah congrats to your friend dude nah for some reason when Minecraft dog dies I don't mourn about it but god forbid you kill him my cat and a baby villager I adopted breed them to get an anime cast chill yeah go ahead craft feature hey a dog rug I had our dog turned into a rug when he died treasured family pet has to be sold as new dog keeps trying to hump it looking for a hundred-pound oh no it's very cozy and unusual piece oh it's gonna be a nice I don't like having to say that when I start seeing Christmas decorations in early November I feel that I don't like it we gloss over leave Thanksgiving Black Friday my birthday gets ignored because I'm the butt end in November feels bad man great now you can hang your eyeballs a decoration oh wait ozzie company creates virus that can kill every type of cancer wait is that real hold up hold up it's on lad Bible how I'll be can write on that I don't see this going on anything daily mail and then how like oh no I don't know if I believe it chief did we just win I believe it's called cyanide calm down sleeping is cool because it's like being dead without hurting my family no not us because being dead is cool because it's like being asleep but without having to wake up and see my family you live it you know different folks I guess it for me y'all that dirt nap sounds real good right about now I'm just getting all these blessed images and I love them joy your favorite into the character in this and nothing else Kirby in it I want to see waluigi in this when this giant wiener out just ready to tear up my booty I've used the galaxy fold for a month yeah this is the future is it though I don't know I don't know about the whole fold folding phones thing why are we like like going backwards again I feel like if I make one of them make animate it eases background and sandwich my wiener with this oh I can't wait I'll make sure the phone gets real hot too if magic was real what spill would you try to learn first abracadabra hocus pocus head of a dog and feather of a chick and I think this live sir may I suck my own well you know what an illogical dildo actually make your butthole expand I mean I am curious no but you can execute criminals with it there you go putting something new thanks furry gal her hands tramps for nice so I fact this morning and came into a paper towel and excellent lifted on the nightstand yes I'm gross - keep breathing flash-forward to a few hours - when the girlfriend came home only for her to discover a bunch of ants on my nightstand apparently ends love nuts so to test my theory I left part of a fruit by the foot by to use nut racket and see what people fer I'm sick get over it and keep reading alright Angie flashboards an hour and they didn't even touch the fruit by the foot so weird fact and sour tramps for nut is it bullcrap your body won't let you kill yourself by holding your breath good question I'll test it out and report back hey buddy it's been almost an hour you feelin okay thank you oh man what a foresight just fertilized on the line for us dude if you say 666 out loud Satan appears in front of you instead is to talk with you for an hour about anything you want finally a friend some sort of a new kids TV show why is this a curse comet this is cute Satan an I mean best friends of Satan ol nerd Amelia or mirror hand syndrome is a rare congenital anomaly of the upper limb characterized by absence of radius duplication of ulna and symmetric epaulet actually seven or eight fingers and lack of thumb less than 100 cases have been reported in the literature till today to imagine the handjobs oh dude imagine the fisting I would love to see what a fist looks like close with that condition whoa I just realized it was like a zoom didn't to read the text didn't even know that fur guy was like actually closed there you know I hate to say it that first guy's really got a point I hate to say it buddy do media gamers were evil gamers gamers meet in real life at bedside of terminally ill friend oh but they're just waiting for him to drop his inventory that's all you spend your life collecting guests to spring your own funeral your family is your starter pack your family is your free randomized loot box in that case I want a refund so you can't refund something that's free just make a new character easy goose' saves a shivering puppy from freezing weather by warming him under its wings oh maybe I don't want to be the bad guy anymore juice 20 minutes later finally someone freakin food so that was waiting for I dressed up as emo Peter Parker for my Halloween and did the dance at my school nice do you see enough friends how does one get them but easier rope ativan that's about how you obtain friends I'm gonna be straight with you chief that's not how you do it Liam Fisher just pokes it and sounds like gamers are gonna rise up but okay wake up dad's heartwarming warning after gaming addict son dies at computer weakness disgusts me worm off the string I'm free what sins will he commit probably genocide and I'm just thinking because that worm is no longer a tenth of that string so he can do whatever he pleases bud redditors with penises have you ever tried the popcorn trick the what Oh No oh well on a movie date what happened I see what they're talking about please don't do that uh uh yeah the old popcorn trick yeah my friends and I used to do it all the time one of us would buy a packet hunt pop popcorn the other would sneak in a microwave in a backpack then we'd sit in the bank of the theater where the plugs are plugging the microwave in and make our own popcorn sadly we got caught and banned from the theater we got distracted because we were furiously masturbating each other underneath all the popcorn good old memories you're married to the love of your life but they're cursed every time you have sex their life is shortened by one day but you can never tell them how do you make the relationship work easy have sex as much as possible and take out a huge life insurance policy on get to bang my dream girl for a bit to be rich after I was reaching down to pull my underwear so I can Metin it to avoid the mess that was too slow and shot my load directly in my face and it got my hands and I hurt like a mother effort Oh friendly fire me too bud me too buzz toward takes pans down iconic Joker stares because that's what heroes do you see Joker stare so close next we'll be able to even see Batman's parents just found out sex is more than just hand-holding and that makes these sick but since this is just a still image we can't be sure if it's going in or out of them Oh gross things I hate incredible porn honey your top half back in here and I'll show you something really incredible just think she could shred sure I think there's any way I could like get around saying that word what's the UM there's no replacement for that you know we'll call the devils doorbell dude just think as you stretch your Devil's door bone to the size of a wiener and then screw mr. incredible who gives me the hots your body can stand almost anything it's your mind that you have to convince see that's what had begun if Kennedy didn't manage the master the mental strength to withstand a bullet to the head or a guy when you get sick you can look into the past to see who or what got you sick and that's the defensive power so it's like a kill cam for Annie vax sex in the dictionary is a good way to get thrown out of the library but that's not unless you screw the library lady she could use a couple of pipings every now and again give her some of that friction in the nonfiction section know what I'm talking about what is something perfectly legal that feels illegal walking through nothing to declare at the airport and having a nagging concern that maybe just maybe you managed to pack five kilos of cocaine a handgun several tons of pests infected fruit and 2000 cigarettes over the tobacco limit that's always a gamble but I've been lucky so far nice dude got some storage in that bubble don't you Judah sees photographer napping under a tree and decides to join in Dora ball go ahead little cheetah head on the photographer's arm me try not to die from cuteness honestly this just try and keep the meal warm that's what's happening you ruined it why do you always ruin the cute things you're just moan when you poop no actually but uh only when I put it back in so I can hey dude it's morn huh but if you like mourn hub you'll love mourn hub live honestly he'll crow Mufasa dies you have no heart Hakuna Matata it means no father for the rest of your days is that how the song goes no Ryan Smith but you get you get points for trying woman brings animal shelters kill rate from 100% down to 0% that's because I killed all the animals so there's nothing left to kill that's what she said not me I didn't say it psycho duck said that not me I'm just reading it from crappy superpowers at high noon on any Wednesday you can read your dog's mind for 90 seconds me looks over at my dog reading his mind my dog thinking oh you better not put peanut butter on your balls again here's a post from honey badger 4 2 6 9 hi m'kay hi here's the ferret I can only draw animals so if you like it let's see gnarly dude it is gnarly dude wait you little gnarly fella what do you do you what do you upload things name you uh Charlotte yeah you're chilling Charlotte I like I like them and that's good do it for our slash cursed comments if you liked the video leave a like down below and subscribe for more content from MK if you want to catch more of me you can watch me live at twitch.tv ford slash Damion Lee live and as always I'll be seeing [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,662,341
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, cursedcomments, cursed comments, r/cursedcomments, cursedcomments emkay, cursed comments emkay, r/cursedcomments emkay, cursed, cursedimages, thanks i hate it, rare insults, rareinsults, blursed, thanksihateit, tihi, r/thanksihateit, awful everything, r/awfuleverything
Id: xqj604lpBKM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 27sec (807 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 19 2019
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