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my school has to Kermit the Frog plushie in the science room so when we decide to frogs he watches his siblings get cut open Oh what's up guys and welcome back to Ma my name is Damien and today we're looking through our slash cursed comments when you take a monster crap but it leaves no trace in the toilet I am the brown ninja I wish I could do that I've got a lick it off stand frozen in places you see a gigantic clump of grapes your up your eyes frantically as you cannot believe what has paid out before you it begins to turn around my mouth acharya discovered an elderly man with a bank being consumed by the grapes he managed the words go tiny grapes and runs at you in a life-or-death moment you jump up and begin to run as fast as the wind towards the college campus knowing that if you stop you too will be consumed by the grapes therapist it's called a Rorschach test look at leading Watson tell me what you see a butterfly and this a butterfly and this a butterfly so you want to screw butterflies you know I usually like to dress as a butterfly with huge boobs and just flop around my butt cheeks clapping in the air while I terrorize the whole town go to the hospital or nursing room releases all the babies into the wild go my children be free ah to be a good hon this year yeah that's also happens with shows the Phantom's are crap like Steven universe Rick and Morty the Bible etc one time I had a dream that Adam saying let's took over the world enslaved everyone and I had to jerk off his nose like a winner and sticky stuff came out I woke up when I noted the bed petition to make pornhub rewind well it's still all Watts mojo vids top 10 stretchy Siri threads hey you know putting mushrooms in the seats bonus free Maps has never looked so cute as for the maps in Nagasaki and Hiroshima look like Oh girls feet face hair body boys towels child might nut town was old my bath towel is fluffy your username is the name of fruits your fast-food restaurant what meals do they serve or actually going out of business that's guess we open up across the street what have your favorite food named you me mom can't you in the bed sure sweetie but don't get too messy I won't that's a super long winning marshmallow and knowing that every marshmallows once part of a flash of marshmallow tuber abomination is hurting my insides hey one moment made you go huh maybe you have dealt too far into the porn rabbit hole video of a man putting his head in a vagina mama service members of Reddit what is your worst a military wife story got back from an 8th month deployment buddy's wife was 6 months pregnant FedEx is amazing really that's sad christmas is coming so if you want this but can't handle this and they're gonna do this and you should buy this instead just by Burger if you're hungry so close to being dead don't text and drive dude he's alive but he's not really looking good hey dude how many fingers am i holding up shakes bag of fingers in front of drivers face come on don't be shy if the traffic gets the answers wrong gets us fingers but sounds like a TV premise when your mom has the same name as your crush you accidentally send your crush a wiener pic there are no mistakes Master Oogway me hating wake you up in the morning me changing my alarm to a song I like I start to hate the song I use the purge siren as an alarm and motivates to get up because I think I get to kill someone roust me ha did the only thing this guy could engineers the device that keeps the goat from sliding off his wiener the last airbender had a blue arrow on all of his extremities so he probably had one of the tip of his wiener - that's where he wanted bends from you no waterbenders could probably blood bend their own wieners to make themselves rock hard kind of like viagra neat theory when the Warlock tries to bring the group together Christian hot Jewish heart Muslim hot I'm not trying to make a point of showing off my collection meme aside why isn't that person wearing gloves do you always wear gloves when you eat ridiculous he's probably thinking about other girls how to blind who-who no one just wiping their butt easy taste test for slaves I don't want to see the shopping and I don't want to use code morgues at checkout the muscle in the tendon you know I cracked my brother's neck and I'm wondering why he's still sleeping let me bust on it dies I'm an amputee let me bust on them stumps yo you got some sexy locate stumps fact you eat 28 spiders in your lifetime always 28 if you're about to dine you've elite in 325 spiders arriving you have ante periods at a certain time in a month your body will feel much better and healthier than normal and you'll have all your emotions under control and blood rushes into your vagina you know I can't think of a more disturbing toast is set I was Groot hey this is my morning wood getting squirrel stuck in his rectum pathetic I once had a dog in my but I was gonna croc eat me out you guys are weak my wife crashed my Mustang oh no is she hurt huh not yet she locked yourself in the bathroom hey come on now I did it to urinal but I don't trust it how did I happily sit inside one of those and chop off anything that peeks in return to d-day man I feel bad for me I must miss his friends he'll be joining them soon that can be taken as a positive like a little like Nike be turned into like something that's cute down no I screwed or a one-leg should he use my wiener my daughter found snow and my socks yep snow not as dried nut crumbles put it on your salad your tasks to blow a job interview in the first 30 seconds what do you do okay so how should be the sexual harassment policy before the first 30 seconds before we begin I'm required by law to inform you that I'm a sexual predator active or retired no in training oh when you're doing 100 in a school zone and the speed bumps start screaming but yeah I'm so popular I have five girls chasing me right now should probably give them their money back take them internal organs - next time that should have put the chasing problem laughs in Chinese prisoners 1950s I bet in the future we'll have flying cars 2019 I've been microwaving my underwear to warm them up for nearly three years and now I think I have testicular cancer well he shut a get him off first after my mom passed away we told my little sister if she sees a butterfly it's my mom we went on our first family vacation since my mom passed and today I heard my sister talking to butterfly and saying I'm so happy you could have made it mama I knew you wouldn't miss it my heart mad she saw that butterfly get eaten that's sad her with the fraud paying tribute under Jim Henson's death in 1991 now someone else's hands in your butt Kermit so sorry best airplane marriage proposal engine failure will you marry me no I was the nearest mountain burrito look at it it puts a smile on his face it honestly it's my favorite meat Jewish tuna burrito to every female porn star is a cannibal considering the swallow sperm if so are gay men and anyone who eats in my restaurant no last one blur snooze six-year-old of one arm takes on PGA Tour Pros and loses well on the other hand oh wait he doesn't have an other hand a woman in Florida claimed her current fiance was abusing her here's the recording which shows she beats herself and hysterically screams you know I'm not much of a tantrum shouldn't even run to the closet shook to her underwear and try to shove her mud up a bum people don't even try anymore name a good movie that was ruined by a bad date and yes fully expecting to hear all the details I'll swatch it into the spider-verse and it wasn't a drive-in and I couldn't hear the movie because she once asked me to let her out of the trunk can watch it the same anymore San Francisco has an app where people can geotag locations of human feces for cleanup bro imagine taking an emergency pooping in big red text on your phone says you've been spotted every time you are the funeral yaryna grows an inch imagine being a priest well endowed by the power of God no matter what you used to wipe your bum it feels soft it always gets the job done in one pass imagine being so good that every time you wipe your butt you automatically know without even jerk it off it loser jerks off the enemy girls hmm what are you looking at me I'm not doing it at least not right now overwatch - can't wait for the mission where he had to suppress protesters in Hong Kong you should hold her shoulders so er sold shoulders shoulders shoulders shoulder knots you should have sold her hey you know many first-day horror stories talk to me well you know I met this do it at this house to be taken to the date and a whole that happened in front of us and one of the shooters ran by us and we knew him and he said all y'all dating that's cute and kept shooting people now eating goiter pills to make their poop Sparkle it Thomas had never seen shiny crap before build imaginary and on you take your wiener out and it's covered in colored sparkles so that's pretty I like that al writes win KFC is now announced that they will serve their chickens alive just till I like them they able to fight back unzips classic call me old-fashioned by belief dances the only true language well call me ancient but I believe ritual sacrifice is the only true means of self-expression oh is that is that Chewbacca it looks like Chewbacca screwed the Grinch at they're terrified of a cursed swing oh I just lost no not November semi Tesla has to cut down for us to build Giga factory for we'll plant three times as many trees everyone like that that's what kings did killed every single person related to the prior rule and I'm pregnant at 700 slaves and yet they're regarded as evil whatever what does it mean if one's ejaculate is roughly the consistency of cottage cheese I mean she might have to chill you're welcome that's gross oh I'm I'm getting my hands dirty girlfriend I can't him on my period my wiener this way hey what's the point in having a sword if you don't want to get in bloody huh just ask Annabel is 25 me Netflix and shell you sure later that night so you don't have Netflix me pulls out 20 condoms I don't have chill either plot twist she has 20 wieners I mean hey she has no chill woman got a new magnetic nose because of autoimmune disease what that's so weird bro that's cool wow that's crazy got your no oh my god okay all right no we'll just we'll just put that back God the man who hasn't bathed in 65 years man I really hope he's circumcised cuz imagine all that cheese oh just all that cheese this is a cat he looks down on the tweet below him it is stupid not gonna lie witty baby Yoda I mean hey that is a stupid shriek baby or does a Jim Felix a gem how dare you hey baby Yoda implies the existence of Yoda sex okay maybe you having second thoughts about baby Yoda I don't know how I thought about this a be more specifically baby Yoda implies the existence of adult you it is raw dog I hope this helps to tell you feeling about it nah doesn't actually it doesn't help at all when you're browsing the dark web define an assassination livestream of yourself interesting and that's a whole new meaning extreme sniping gamers am i right it's 2:30 a.m. he's 2/3 a ham for me and I'm in the men's bathroom and someone was in another stole and I started blaring the Thomas the Tank Engine theme and I literally heard them stop peeing out of fear how do you know it was fear not arousal I can see their legs shake and that's gonna do it for our slash curse 2 comments if you guys liked the video leave a like down below and subscribe for more content from MK if you want to catch more adamian link you can find me at twitch.tv ford slash Damion Lee live and as always I'll be seeing ya [Music] you
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Views: 1,729,877
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Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/cursedcomments, r/cursedcomments emkay, cursedcomments, cursedcomments emkay, emkay cursedcomments, cursed images, cursedimages, cursedimages emkay, noahgettheboat, noahgettheboat emkay, r/noahgettheboat emkay, r/noah gettheboat
Id: syD1Pu1s4b4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 25 2020
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