r/Cursedcomments | UH OH

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what would you do if she unplugged your router in the middle of your game and smiled like this no no don't ask this on the internet I'll use the time to form a strong romantic relationship with her that'll eventually lead to marriage when we eventually grow old together and we find ourselves in the hospital and life support I'll bring up the time she unplugged my router then I'll unplug her life support and smile like that the long game I like it hi guys welcome to NK I'm that weird acapella intro and today we're gonna be looking at some cursed comments yes turns out people on the internet do say things that you think about in public but never say out loud that was a thing I hate him I hate hers but they do it for me they both looking at her but though it is lips asked a groomer to shave a heart on my dog's butt what I expected versus what I got oh I wonder what the groomers reaction was when they heard that and that's what they merely thought to do damn owners get some weird kinks these dates click them together like Lego Oh a gamer for president 2020 haha meanwhile in an alternate universe breaking news gamer president tweets lull get rekt noob after nuking - somebody got a 25 kill streak yeah I think it you're more than 25 kills cut damn could you imagine if that's how they actually managed to set off nukes like they just sacrificed 25 people so they can get the kill streak to unlock the button to press it it doesn't have a case good safe spot e.g Pete if only you'd caught Quinn that quickly or someone read others would like the tip of the head of the phone slightly bent back what I owe game to people in 1920 play Paul died oh stop liking this people Windows XP shut down sound piano tutorial Stephen Hawking's last words no goodbye my love guys I cut my ding-a-ling off what holy crap it worked place a male kill it cuz I can tell it's a male man beautiful commitment to the role there man excellent job hey I just met you and this is crazy but give me the kid I won't need the baby damn it only a few minutes into this video we've already talked about eating kids twice just a reminder school is the second equivalent of hell yeah but there are a lot less shootings in heaven thank you for your words of wisdom you're welcome enjoy my girlfriend's only palace he's right to be honest masturbation is just single-player kinky times nice good level of like city he deserves it how to break someone's neck help we all like the foxy comics stop give a heart to this cutest prick burb o neg keep scrolling always so cute like a piggy piece of cabbage document 450 degree vegetable oil No hey bro your girl cheating Jasmin Oh Maria Maria Maria hey CH Oh Maria hey Maria see the one with or without glasses with with or without braces without damn professionals have standards oh those most of the message the one wiggle without a dull team no it's not weird she just has a genetic disorder where her team's didn't fully grow into adults Eve she hasn't lost her teeth yet okay she's still a teen bought my son a trampoline for his birthday all he does is scream about wanting back in his couch well toss him in the lake maybe he won't swim hello child protection services yes when feeding grapes to a child cut them in half lengthwise and widthwise Oh No but what do we do with the grapes I knew that was coming no I don't like this you should never dismember your children unsupervised without a professional around okay phrases like crank up the window or hang up the phone don't make sense to kids these days what things are said now that won't make sense in 30 years plenty of fish in the sea because I'm lonely and undesirable what if we kissed it on my teeth fell out into your mouth mmm tic tacs I'm tired of mastering my debating I want to be loved me too kid get it dog I'm not sure which of those two problems will solve but it's worth the shot Morgan ploy he pretends to be dead by April Fool's gets cremated what how would they find out if he faked it yeah we can ask that but we can also question how the hell they would have got through all the safety precautions they put through to make sure that doesn't happen Oh turns out they have another way to check the yeehaw was to warm up date my crushes parents found out she was investing with possible predators on tick tock and they forced her to delete it tough blow buddy I'm sure you definitely had a chance possibly being on the other side of the country good thing you didn't get caught I mean I don't get it tick tock so super-safe place with no creeps on there whatsoever who are you talking about would you sleep with a fan to fulfill their fantasy asking for wealth all of us Jessi Road says actually yes in fact people can enter my freaking fan contest by my private snapchat damn that's a good way to set up brand loyalty but would you sign up to my 4k fan contest instead I picked a fan once blades chopped up off my D hey good on this woman living our life to the fullest when her booty tat wet she leaves a snail prick man you made me laugh and now I feel bad I'm in the same boat meanwhile in Noah get the boat Noah we are begging you Florida man successfully receives PP transplant from horse why upgrades people upgrade yeah pretty certain that would kill someone if they received it it's not an upgrade that's a detriment to your abilities seriously if the guy got to arouse he'd end up passing out from all the blood having to be pumped man accused of Amy lating in his boss's coffee every day for four years glad to see this finally blow up in his face in ejaculate a1 that booty no coming damn can you also put sperm in my hot chocolate thank you how would the world be different if our butt cracks were horizontal instead vertical when you go down a slide in to go put my ideas when I'm awake Wow my ideas when I'm almost asleep my ideas what I'm taking a dump oh you take a dump while sleeping to noise oh look master speed bumps Anakin those are children now this biologist screws up mutant killer virus physicists screws up deadly black hole geologists screws up rock on table is now rock on floor artists screws up world war two and they say art isn't a meaningful career I love Hitler as a positive reference for how well the blood benders from a baton slash Corps could theoretically controllers can be maybe you can blood been so much blood into the pp that it pumps like a water balloon warranting cut you down neighborhood scream Friday at 5 p.m. who can scream the loudest you should have a but I'm in they'll never hear the people in my basement oh you had to ruin it Brecon know what if this is being set up by someone who's a kidnapper and they're trying to smuggle some people to another place they have everyone in neighborhood screaming to try mop up the sounds of the genuine people who are being kidnapped look at me turning it even Tonica like Gayheart how and why are they showing this to kids they've always shown kissing in cartoons that's a man and woman no there's a rat hot Japan has created the ultimate gaming bed so you never have to rejoin society again and it occurs me off our do I have to do that on my own you are a car you are not even capable of using this bed go away also the guys at his own house why does he need to wear a mask the mask and hood make me feel more edgy when I'm playing with strangers online 100 year old tortoise Kinki times God retires after making 800 species saving babies yeah that's definitely worthy of a solution he's like the Genghis Khan of tortoises except actually a decent guy if only I could frigate turtle I'd help a buddy out Netflix are you still watching that's incredibly sexist that could be someone's son true true or someone's dad and once again the mother is left out from all of the family fun this isn't what I meant when I looked up Ben Shapiro destroyed by BBC don't care there's only one way to steal a swarm let me smash your mouth while you sing Smash Mouth found this helmet in my attic it belongs my grandpa apparently he was an electrician or something sure actually he was a gas worker Oh elephants are the only mammals that cannot jump I pushed a kid out of his wheelchair but faking it after reading this well I'm pretty sure he wasn't faking it now but a lesson was learned and that's the most valuable thing guys that does it for the video today thank you all so much for watching please like the video if you enjoy today's content if you managed to survive being absolutely offended by everything in this video today subscribe as well we have a lot of different content on this channel for everyone's taste my name's Jack I love your face and now I'm gonna Rhea
Channel: EmKay
Views: 750,901
Rating: 4.9548936 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/blessedimages, r/blessedimages emkay, blessedimages emkay, emkay blessedimages, emkay blessed images, cute animals, cute dogs, cute cats, animal compilation, blessed, wholesomememes, wholesomememes emkay, r/wholesomememes, r/wholesomememes emkay
Id: oR691g0r12s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2020
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