r/Blursedimages | FISH BITES BACK

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what do you see doctor i see a wall is it a robin is it a lexie no it's a jack and welcome back to mk today we're going to look at some blurst images are they blessed are they cursed you decide either way you'll be traumatized that was a good one i'm gonna write that one down first things first i've got to give a quick shout out to germo here for their amazing artwork took him three hours and now there's [Music] and here it is whatever your inspiration was i hope you're at least over 18 to have been using it anyway either way love the cool pixely distortion about it all send him some love guys and keep up the good work germa all right enough with the demonic rama nazis let's get on with the photos and the fun things to look at ladies and gentlemen science and physics in general i really wonder how this turned out whenever someone says my booty is fire i always do this it's also a perfect contrast of tom holland in your mind tom holland in reality mr stark the suit's gone haywire do you hear the people sing wendy do you see all the empty chairs and empty tables all this luscious child's hair makes me go something something [Music] color my lips like a plump possum oh yo you're almost there just just wiggle a little more and you'll win you'll all win not even two minutes in and i've already crossed the line of child creepiness boy boy boy the boy oh well done very well done girl [Laughter] this is just hard work of a world-known trapeze artist who didn't have any legs yep it's a chicken with a tie what else do you want from me you sir seem a little bit lost life of pearl i'd see it bloods blows bills like you to the rescue jesus every time i try a russian accent a russian dies like a good russian though a really nice person someone who you genuinely would have liked as a friend don't face swap animated characters oh god what why the more i look at it the more questions i have crash regardless of my name man i'm not painting you like one of my french girls peppa pig vodka yeah i'm cultured i've played enough for minecraft to know that you can smell far more diamonds with that single cole man i don't know why you're leaving there just too if you get into vr like what this guy's playing with wait who's the pasted face i thought it was nicolas cage at first but their noses are different one of you tell me either way it weirds me out the fact that harry looks normal compared to them i don't think that's what she had in mind when she asked you to take photos off her puss so cute blank bang bang you missed someone made a diagram of the planet's crust using fruit as someone who ate a fruit tart today this looks incredibly delicious i'm uncomfortable with this i think this is the right way to turn people vegetarian this is one of those things that would look different but sound exactly the same hey dr pill get it in case you're not cultured his name's actually dr phil so like that's the joke the pill and phil so anyway do you want to go out sometime or is it captain america no it's captain uh targets i'm telling you kitty your porn addiction's going way too far this isn't the premium gas i need but it's the premium gas i deserve getting infected just say no coronavirus cannot legally enter your body without your consent i'll tell you what that coronavirus better keep its hands away from people otherwise it's going to be dealing with me 2 2.0 in another 20 years this is a corn snake did you like corn i hope you don't now because now there's a snake on it and it wants you to die and no one knows what are those ever wondered what these two would look like with swapped bodies well now you do and now i want to know who hurt you who hurt you to make you want this stuff my brain is bounced back and forth between oh this is animated no it's real no oh it's anime no no it's real no it's it's animated no it's real you know if you want to get really philosophical about it they kind of are already gangs here we see some geckos who are quite the tom cruise fans in the next seven to 14 days you're all gonna make my life a nightmare why don't you hire someone to help you with the workload karen i'm a metaphorical symbol for passing into the afterlife besides i can't afford a dental plan wait sorry is this class for cpr in a matter of speaking yeah looks like someone's dad just found photoshop this is actually beautifully well done i love it and possibly someone's mom on the bright side it'll be easy to know where they are now i want ice cream more than ever to eat guys not to fornicate with obviously dory i realized saying it doesn't help not with today's weird fetishes dude i really need to start watching jojo's adventure i am missing out on such good content that i don't fully understand the reference of dj hogan sponsored by mark wahlberg and kim jong-un this is like the cheat method to making yourself feel slimmer just get a get a shirt that's black and have a black background behind you at all times just be careful with the arms though you might look like a stick figure man i've forgotten how big andre the giant was compared to everyone else the dude was a tank rest in peace buddy shlekira shakira not even gonna dare attempt to sing any of her songs with shrek's accent oh baby when you talk like that god no further proof that fashion only works depending on how hot you are but even then it still looks dumb i don't care what kind of company sponsors to have you wear their clothing your clothing still looks dumb wow could you imagine if they actually attempted this say what you want about disney they did make marvel cool again somebody once told me extentation's a zombie though honestly he looks more like shrek cat what are you doing that is not how you sit you are sitting wrong go back to cat school [Laughter] these legs go all the way kenobi i find this funny but i could totally see this being a legitimate attempt to weaponry in the world too yeah that's definitely who they modeled the character after you make italians everywhere shriek in fear and just people in general i think it's fair to say we all love pizza and thus unanimously hate this person for what they are doing to it well what all the girls and family guys look the exact same yeah that's how i get my abs six loaves of buns a day i'm really excited for this 1.17 update for minecraft i'm so keen to see what i can do with beans in minecraft how is it that phineas and ferb is such a good show but still manages to be so uncomfortable to watch that is some damn good prop designing there but uh where the hell can you even store that you'd have to like hire out a shipping container when you're level one but your older sibling gives you a high level sword to play with well whoever made this bender barbecue is an absolute genius and deserves all my money i'm just struggling to comprehend where the hell these images are all sourced from yeah what's up carrot hi i wanted you to be really nervous when pulling your chair out from the table so i made a little hole in the floor you're welcome bye okay look i'd pay to see this if the eyes didn't freak me the hell out you're full that's not a pokeball there's no way you'll catch a magnemite with that thing oh look the duck's rustling its feathers oh hand over the blade is this a knight with a card what oh it's got a yield on never mind i can't tell if i love or hate this scar help me [Music] no a lucky a modern take on that painting that i can't remember the name of except for nope why are you doing that do not do that what are you doing bad u.s citizen is this the controller for that guy who has a really large thumb i feel this is a hindrance over anything else [Laughter] no comment needed this this says enough on its own god damn dude you better not have a normal job because you could easily be making millions starting an evil cult a religion how is that horse even comfortable with this why are you even introducing your turtle to the horse ah the looks uncanny oh my god right there this is far too perfect of a coincidence what is this lizard even doing i think wait are they mating because he's looking like he's just like hey how you doing oh look there's a camera on me remember everyone this is a kids game it's a kids game it it it's a kids game it's a it's a kid's game you call that artistic beauty this is artistic beauty yeah look at all that trash in the water again more jojo's stuff i need to watch the show i'm missing out on such potential humors no that is not what that is for unless you have some lining in that bag that is not what that is for dude this is like a once in a lifetime photo that don't just post it online you should freaking frame this oh wow a corpse for our leisure this is actually really good artwork it's based off some old painting itself i don't know the actual name of that painting but this is really good there are two reasons this guy likely did this when he was high reason number one it's 420 pretty obvious there don't need to explain that number two it's upside down best place to put this would be out near the nightclubs when everyone's walking around late at night and drunk they think this is a nice comfy couch and they just drive into it see even crusaders had body pillow harems it's not weird god damn neziko really got buffed up from getting bitten by a demon didn't she i'll now proceed to pleasure myself with this fish he whispers right grievous we get it you love rave parties jesus so like what do they do in this situation do they just leave him there is it oh my god i'm genuinely concerned for this guy's health did they get to him in time do they call an ambulance for him or do they just all leave oh aquaman buddy i'm sorry but they just taste so damn good oh no this woman's forcefully teaching this cat calculus it's a hostage situation quick call the swatches i can imagine the situation folding out where this guy wanted to get a photo with them both but kanye wasn't having it so the guy taking the photo just slightly tilted a bit to the right so kanye would be in the photo there you go even the egyptians were into the dank stuff what what what is going on why is there so much bread on the floor yeah okay i'm gonna leave it up to someone else to prove this actually being a thing no no no the point is to not smell like fish screwy making the last airbender into a tv show i want to see the story about this guy whoa man please tell me this is a real thing well turns out it isn't but i did find out there's a large head sculpture that's seven stories tall in nice france um you know they'll learn something new every day ah yes i've heard that the untitled goose games getting into the airplane industry all the flight attendants will be geese and they'll all be honking at you and trying to steal your stuff without you looking the entire flight add some whiskey to this thing and you've got yourself a deal total drama island i mean it sort of is isn't it cat armor even back then we were weird about cats so this is how jack was able to seduce that rich woman honestly though considering the monetary value of these kind of things i wouldn't be surprised he's like a secret millionaire call it weird and stupid at least it's effective not gonna lie this actually looks really cool though whoever's computer this is on i imagine your entire house is on fire at this point no way this has to be fake there's no way why are there so many cameras i have to say sharks are like the only creatures where if you pretend their noses are their eyes they actually look adorable and not creepy or weird nope this is not how you minecraft i hate this texture pack why would you do this uninstall minecraft you don't deserve it anymore oh god not this guy he's becoming a meme now too isn't he oh no coincidence or conspiracy theory that the missing puzzle piece is strangely john f kennedy's head oh oh my god oh no no oh no ah much better yes yes i approve yes thank you obama please identify your sexual orientation bisexual gay man gay woman or lesbian chinese heterosexual or straight or even other well after what i did to last night's takeaway food i guess my sexual orientation is in fact gay woman slash lesbian [Laughter] oh that is far too convenient damn elsa you thick meanwhile in a parallel world where linus became eminem for real though do you think the weather person would actually notice this if someone said something like this as a prank well that's the that's the wrong place to do a face swap see pineapple does belong on pizza you're welcome oh for god's sake will this thing end number one before clicking on the hyperlinked text duck number two after clicking duck you get a duck well man screw thor's hammer i want this thing well my salty specimens that does us for today's episode of mk thank you all so much for watching please like the video if you enjoyed today's content always helps us out go ahead and check out some more of our stuff say hi to robert and lexi for me other than that i'm gonna scoot off guys you all have a good one you're all amazing people i'll see you later bye
Channel: EmKay
Views: 827,375
Rating: 4.9367166 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/blursedimages, r/blursedimages emkay, blursedimages, blursedimages emkay, emkay blursedimages, blessedimages, blessed images, r/blessedimages, blessedimages emkay, blessed images emkay, r/blessedimages emkay, emkay blessedimages
Id: 3Tjwvz8ZyUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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