r/Choosingbeggars "DRAW ME FOR FREE!" lol ok

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welcome to r slash choosing beggars where someone complains about getting 300 for free i lost my credit card in a bar once and i didn't realize it for more than an hour we go back and discover that some quote good samaritan had turned it into the bartenders we get to the car and i immediately get on the phone with the credit card company my wife was driving what are you doing she asks cancelling this card but you got it back she says no i don't think so i get hold of an associate and explain what happened and we start the process of cancelling this card and ordering me a new one he tells me he doesn't see anything major but there's a one dollar charge during the time it was out of my possession like someone was testing it to see if it worked we carry on a bit and then all of a sudden the credit card associate starts laughing what's up i ask between laughs he says somebody just tried to make a charge for more than 600 dollars from that same bar holy cow what the hell he must have just bought drinks for the whole bar but the car is already cancelled so it didn't go through why is that so funny i ask obliviously he's on the hook to this bar for more than 600 dollars oh my god i have never felt such a powerful feeling of revenge over a thieving butthole dear santa all i want for christmas is more stories like this one two dollars is not a tip five dollars is not a tip anything i give you outside of the mother effing bill is the tip then we have a couple of similar stories from people down in the comments once i had a pizza delivery driver make a comment about how much i tipped him the bill was 22 bucks and i gave him a six dollar tip and he said that's it and then scoffed i laughed and just said it could have been a zero dollar tip go f yourself and have a good night ramen noodles makes another reply one time i got a massage and tip 20 after the receptionist looked at the receipt she pointed at a laminated sign showing that the recommended tip was 35 to which i said okay and then change the tip to 15 i know it's kind of petty but that sense of entitlement was disgusting a post from an instagram influencer i'm looking for someone to travel with me for two to three months and work with me and accompany me on my projects qualifications be nice have a sense of humor like me be able to work professionally with the camera like traveling be open for new cultures have time 24 7. preferably photographer cameraman please only message me if you can take photos professionally cons need professional equipment at hand need to pay for traveling expenses yourself pros you earn a lot of experience exposure to 300 000 followers so she wants someone who's experienced with cameraman but she points out you get paid in experience what's the point selling playstation vita with game for 90 bucks i don't want it black i want it white so ten dollars how about i just don't sell it to you at all you deckhead lmao so this guy's holding a receipt with a subtotal of 407 and the tip is 300. for a grand total of 707 bucks with a handwritten note on the bottom of the receipt thank you for serving us tonight god bless you then this guy posts the comment woulda rather had cash so i don't have to claim tax this guy's complaining about a 300 tip and that he can't commit tax evasion on social media what an idiot so this is about my ex-roommate's entitled boyfriend i have a lot of stories about them but this was a glimpse of him back when i was trying to be nice i bought a six pack of beer to share with him he picked out the beer i tried one and hated it and i let him have the rest except for one i like the bottle and the beer inside was a pretty color i took one bottle to my room and left him with three extra let me be clear i paid for this beer with my own money that i earned with my job he might have quit his job by now well he ran through those beers in a matter of hours and he somehow figured out that i had a bottle and he wanted it when i refused to give it he literally started whining like a five-year-old why can't i have it it's not fair that you get to keep one i could drink it and give you back the bottle stop being selfish the longer he whined the more i was determined to never let him have it when he realized i wasn't going to give in he ran to my ex-roommate and whined to her about it she tried to get me to give it to him he never forgave me for not giving him the beer and the stupidest thing was that it was a six dollar beer then we have similar stories from other users down in the comments this one from nicodemus i have a slightly similar story my neighbor was throwing a large party at his house he had a band that mostly did blues rock and jazz covers i brought over some food and a 24 pack of moderately priced beer another neighbor brought over his new pill-hit girlfriend she asked if she could have a beer i said sure help yourself well as the crowd starts to leave i walk into the kitchen to discover her trying to take all of what's left of the beer which was probably about 12 bottles i asked her what she thought she was doing she stated that she didn't think i would mind i tell her that i'm going home and i'm going to drink those later she gets in a big huff when i take the remainder from her hands and her boyfriend just looks at me with this embarrassed expression that says sorry man then another story from send me your jokes one of my ex-friends used to do this all the time me trying to be the friendly boyfriend would always bring beer to parties and say hey guys if you want any feel free to help yourself well that meant to her oh i get to drink all of your beer then i can start drinking mine anytime i would ask her for one of hers she would give this face and say well it's only a six pack and i don't have many left it was expensive um okay i literally had to start hiding my beer at parties and only told specific people the ones that also shared theirs i forgot a half of a hundred dollar bottle of alcohol at one of her parties then the next day when i asked to come grab it she goes haha no you left it here it's mine now can i please try this for free i promise i'd for sure post it for y'all i get like 70 to 100 likes on average sourdough is my favorite bread choice take yourself and your 100 likes to mcdonald's so as a youtuber i'm uniquely positioned to give perspective on how much of a douchebag this guy is i have at the time of recording something like 1.3 million subscribers and i have never ever tried to use my subscriber count to get free stuff so this guy with his 70 to 100 likes is a flippin joke come on man hello can you make me a logo for free of course what's your company's name i don't have a company [ __ ] it's for my youtube channel oh i'm sorry what's your youtube channel name gc fortnite gaming then opie replies with a terrible hand-drawn picture of gc fortnite gaming spelled incorrectly on graph paper done i hope you like it are you effing kidding me is this a joke you're a scammer i'm reporting you reporting me for what being a ducking scammer i'm not a scammer or a duck i meant to say effing u r word okay report me i will and i'll hack you oh no please don't hack me i will and then incredibly this kid comes back for seconds you ever you posted this online f you i hacked you hey you're back you're welcome for that shout out by the way you're still not using that logo though you're a scammer and we'll see who's laughing when i hack everything you own that's spelled y-o-u apostrophe r-e f-u i'm going to tell my mom and you'll go to jail forever you made me delete my channel you effing f you could have kept your channel up you are getting views subscribers and dislikes like crazy you were famous you're so gay reverse uno card you are a stupid effing blink and i hope you die you blank wow i was planning on making an actual logo for you as an apology but never mind have a good day so that first post went so viral on reddit that people actually looked up this guy's youtube channel and disliked his videos into oblivion i tried to track down this guy's channel and it's actually been deleted so it looks like i better be careful otherwise this guy's gonna hack my channel and delete our slash for the context on this next one op and his girlfriend started making furniture to pay for college and then he gets this text from his sister hey how much would one of those coffee tables be you guys did a really good job and it turned out rad i kinda want one for the new apartment we're trying to sell them for 150 bucks okay i can't afford that but if i hear anyone looking for like wooden furniture i'll let you know okay i really appreciate it you should make me one for christmas and then just not buy me a gift lol i already got you gifts lol oh how much do the tables cost to make like 50 to 80 bucks how come would you be willing to make me when if i pay the cost it takes like a week to make and we need to make money when we make them okay i just thought because i'm your sister not just a person it would be fine but whatever it's not like i was asking for it for free um that's exactly what you were doing asking for it for free not only that but also asking me to spend a week of work doing that instead of on something that i could sell especially when i have one month off of school and need to get as much sold as possible as my sister and not just a person you should understand why i won't man if my brother were making furniture and i wanted some of his furniture i would pay him full price plus a tip why you gotta do your own family dirty like that i'm getting married in the summer next year i have four bridesmaids and they're all really different in shape and size i was going to pay for everything for the girls as i know it can get expensive but my fh and myself are prepared to do it i've paid for their dresses which were between 190 to 230 pounds size dependent and their hair and makeup and trials which is coming to 125 pounds i've also organized an airbnb for the night of for the bridesmaids and my parents however i really struggled to get them shoes as every single pair i chose about 15 at least one of them had an issue with i was either looking at the same color as their dresses or silver and i had shown them a mix of flats and small heels nothing worked i suggested that they should each buy themselves a pair of silver shoes in whatever style they felt comfortable with to make things simpler three of my bridesmaids were happy with this one even has a pair that she already had that she'll wear which is brilliant but the other one she told me that i was being dramatic and that she couldn't really afford to buy her own stuff because i said i would get everything which is fair but i'm not asking too much i ended up offering for her to find her own shoes and i would go with her and pay for them she sends me a link to the shoes she chose and they're 190 pounds all the shoes i was looking at for them were around 30 to 60 pounds so i simply said they were too much but she could buy them for herself or find a cheaper pair to which she said it was them or nothing here's a solution op just buy a can of silver spray paint and give that to her my husband's job was being transferred to another state we were having to downsize from a 4 000 square foot home to a 1500 square foot home in another state we were about to have a huge yard sale to get rid of some items furnitures clothes gym equipment houseware we couldn't take with us a friend i've known since kindergarten lost her home due to a fire just before we were ready to advertise our sale my heart was broken for her and her family i can't imagine how devastated i'd feel if i lost everything i have i invited her and her family to come over and get anything we had for the sale they might need all they had to do was choose what they wanted and haul it away i even offered them a place to hold any furniture they might want until they could find a more permanent storage solution i really wanted to give as much as i could to help them start over i should have known something was off when she complained about our conflicting schedules i worked office hours my husband is second shift my friend worked graveyard shift and her hubby worked second shift we ended up taking a day off to accommodate their schedule when they came to our house i told her she could have anything that was marked with a post-it note we'd price what was for sale that way she scoffed at the price tags for marking several times at how high the prices were i told her she could have for free any item with a tag she went around the house seemingly displeased at what i had to offer she seemed offended that my nicer items the one i was taking with me weren't things that i would give to her like no i'm taking my flat screen tv and antique bedroom set with me she even scoffed at the clothing selection we'd marked for sale because they weren't her style in the end she only took the treadmill elliptical and the piano saying they would do for now seriously so the three items she took were all non-essentials and items that you very often see sold on like craigslist i'm pretty sure she's just reselling those for cold hard cash selling breckwell p23i pellet stove for 400 bucks is this available 200 i need one have no money not for 200 bucks sorry all i have kids will just have to freeze again too bad these choosing beggars have upgraded from you've ruined christmas for my kids 2. my children will literally freeze to death this christmas and it's all your fault you child murderer for this next thread this was written on a post about giving away free stuff to people in need for christmas i need a playstation 4 for my two young boys who love to play games with mommy but can't living in sarnia i'm not intending to sound rude although this may come across that way this is supposed to be for people in need kids need clothes and bids and love not the newest ps4 i mean even if you asked if anyone had a game system but specifically a ps4 well yes specifically my eldest is almost 12 and wants one of his own to play online games with me while i'm on mine a way for him and myself to have a bit of quality time because kids these days have no real interest in things we grew up doing so hey why not stay with the times right so what this woman is saying is that she wants a ps4 so her kids could play ps4 even though she already has a ps4 and she won't let her kids play it because she wants to play it instead and yeah some stranger should buy her a ps4 instead of buying poor kids clothes and food my god the entitlement that was our slash choosing beggars and if you like this video hit that like button because it really helps my channel grow
Channel: rSlash
Views: 1,835,781
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, choosingbeggars, beggar, r/choosingbeggars, choosing beggar, choosing
Id: Ox8o1_gdI_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 28 2019
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