r/Choosingbeggars GIVE ME YOUR MONEY!

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welcome to our slash choosing beggars where everyone enjoys the special my kid has cancer discount I'll be in London soon I post a few days ago enquiring about someone hosting me for the week I am leaving tomorrow for London and I need someone to offer me a spare room in their home ASAP home-cooked breakfast and dinner included and you must have a car and be able to drive me around the city I'm able to pay fifty pounds for the week please message me with the details looks like you might be sleeping on the streets bro are you on crack and someone messaged me earlier saying they have a place in Windsor I thought I made this clear central London only and serious replies this guy wants lodging for a week fourteen home-cooked meals and a personal chauffeur 450 pounds dude the only people who are gonna take you up on this is serial killers you'd be paying a serial killer fifty bucks to abduct you ha is the craftsman cutter steel for sale yeah unfortunately someone is coming to look at it in about an hour 700 bucks in it's a deal sorry there's another guy who's coming to look at it before you also the lowest I could go is 1500 bucks it's only got 50 hours on it you don't get it mine broke and I need to replace it I do understand trust me but like I said you're second in line plus your offers too low I need it tonight and my trailer is not big enough 725 and you deliver it deal look man I can't make it any more clear to you if you can double your offer and come get it yourself then maybe if the guy before you doesn't buy it we'll have a deal are you crazy you're stupid if you think that is gonna happen I could buy it new for 1,200 bucks no no you couldn't it's $1,800 at Sears right now why are you being a dick huh f you dick okay look man you seem to know your stuff I'll sell it to you for 680 but you have to come get it boy you're at blank can you be there in 30 minutes zip code blank okay on my way where are you this took me to the hardware store which store Sears where are you go inside Sears Wow where the heck are you and then Oh P post a link to a hand push lawnmower for 680 bucks they sell the 680 dollar mower you agreed to buy what the heck you freak that's not fair you lied you agree with me so now you have to sell it oh I will to a nice guy named James who's gonna be here in an hour a few I'm gonna find you this guy sounds like Billy Bob Neeson you've listen here I have a very specific set of skills I will find you and run over your face with my lawn mower hi I'm interested in your Wrangler okay do you want to come see it yes but my offer is only $1,000 I am poor but I want a Wrangler well you're going to have to look somewhere else this is listed for $5,000 yes but it's not for me it's for my wife oh okay in that case deal really no LMAO 1,050 come on dude your wife doesn't even have cancer and it's not her birthday choosing beggars are getting lazy nowadays I work at a place that sells sandwiches and we deliver today we were extremely busy during the lunch rush and as a result delivery time was a little slow we were making sandwiches as fast as we could but there were too many orders our in shop line customers who come in and order at the counter was literally out the door on top of all that we were understaffed because two of our employees had quit instead of the five-man sandwich-making crew we should have had it was three people and one of them was the new guy who started last week he had to stop and ask what came on every sandwich eventually we just put him on the register so that the other experienced employees and I could focus on making the orders when it finally slowed the last few delivery orders were still on like a 40-minute wait which isn't even that crazy for delivery Domino's often takes twice that when it's busy a lady comes in and while she doesn't have the can I speak to your manager haircut she's making a face anybody in the service industry knows the face total Karen I know it's gonna be some BS right away um I ordered a delivery for three sandwiches and it never showed up we're hungry we've been waiting for an hour perfectly possible it's been a hectic morning and mistakes happen oh I'm so sorry about that can you give me the name and address of your order Karen McVeigh came at five five five five someplace drive I pull up the order and have to really put an effort not to roll my eyes I see that you placed the order 27 minutes ago our driver left with it five minutes ago well he took too long and I had to leave work to come get it you guys weren't answering your phones not true by the way if we'd stopped answering phones the morning wouldn't have been so hectic okay well we can make your order for you now and waive your delivery fees since you came to get it what are you going to give me to make this right I'm thinking I said I would give you the food and the delivery fee what the heck else do you want sorry I'm not authorized to fully company meals she Huff's and then stands there at the counter while we make her food which you're not supposed to do since other people come in to order and we have a designated spot for picking up completed orders but whatever I don't say anything we give her her food and she leaves and I text the driver telling him that he can skip that order and move on to the next one since she already came and got it story should end there right wrong 15 minutes later we get a call asking where the delivery is and I get their name and address I was very surprised to hear that it was Karen McFate name at five five five someplace drive i double-checked twice it was the same name and address now at first I thought that maybe someone else had overheard Karen order and came to make a fake complaint and get free food oh I'm sorry there must be some sort of mix-up I just had a woman come in saying that this was her order so we made her the food and canceled the delivery the Karen screaming that was me you said the delivery driver was on the way where is he let me get this straight you came to pick up the food and I gave you the money for the delivery back and gave you the food but you were still expecting us to deliver it again for free yes to make up for me having to leave work and get it miss you didn't have to come to get your food you chose to it was already on its way if you wanted to deliver it you should have waited for the driver Karen no longer screaming can I speak to your manager oh you absolute fool don't you know I am the manager click guess she didn't want to talk to the manager huh why did my dad think it was a good idea to get a lower paying job and lower our standard of living just because he was stressed and tired isn't it the parents job to make sacrifices for their children to be happy oh what a piece of trash I think the mom should have swallowed this kid I'm so angry I'm pregnant I was trying to shop at Victoria's Secret Jersey Gardens Mall there was a really long line I spoke to the manager so I can skip the line he told me I had to make the line just like everyone else is this your policy pregnant women are the same to you as a person who isn't you should be ashamed what does the law say in the USA I bet this lady's been pregnant for like two weeks also lady come on you've got to at least have the kid before you can start acting like an entitled parents I mean we can't start having pre entitled parents pre entitled parents print print titled parents hello I am chasing this quotation from June I have not heard anything further regarding this job and it is as soon as possible thank you Siva hi Siva my boss is away on personal leave currently my name is Chelsea and I'm the new administrator I've checked the quote number and there was no deposit paid to start the job there was a reminder since shortly after the quote would you like me to forward them to you Chelsea hello Chelsea there was never any mention of a deposit required to start the job you were told it was urgent and now our manufacturing is happed awaiting fabricating of the parts mentioned I would like to speak to your boss please Siva hi again Siva the quote distinctly states that a minimum of 20% is required before any work is commenced I apologize if there was a misunderstanding unfortunately my boss is away and has advised me not to contact him unless it's an emergency he sees heat on every email though Chelsea this is that emergency give me your boss's phone number I am sure he will answer in his holiday if he doesn't want me to invoice him for loss of my manufacturing deposit was not discussed hi Siva he is unbury vement leave not on holiday I can't give you his number unfortunately and I'm not savvy to the technical side of things I only take care of the administration side I also do not recall a discussion with you only request for a quote which had its terms in bold stating a 20% deposit is required before any work starts I apologize for any convenience but you'll need to discuss this with him when he returns Chelsea I do not know what bereavement is and I don't care call your boss now or give me his number as you shouldn't be in your position if you don't know anything technical plenty of other business start work without deposits you're just making excuses for your negligence I will tell him you're unhelpful I am NOT being unhelpful I'm trying the best I can to help you I'm sorry I can't give you his number and I won't call him at this time you will call him now or you will tell me where I can find him or winny is returning why are you in this position of authority when you don't comprehend important things you are both unprofessional I don't know where he is or when he's returning Seva he's in a complicated situation which I can't discuss I've messaged him and it's up to him if he responds I apologize Chelsea what kind of admin doesn't know where their boss is or when he's returning this is sucky business practice you are incompetent and so is your boss I am in a very bad situation now and your boss is paying ha ha text message from Chelsea newbie face ABS help I'm so sorry everything okay chels I've got this Siva guy going nuts I've cc'd you in so sorry I've got you hun shoot him down or do you want me to next time you better be dying though oMG you please I can't do this he won't listen listen you're nice once twice three times if they're still buttholes you say I'm sorry we do not wish to conduct business with you at this time or just effing annihilate them we're too busy for buttholes okay boss I apologize but at this time we are not interested in conducting any business with you it is now past our business hours Thank You Chelsea I don't care for your business hours you will call him now you stupid ignorant we will resolve this today listen here I'm the owner I am on leave and I draw the effing line at anyone abusing my staff you didn't pay a deposit so we didn't do any work that is all if you can't understand that or respect what bereavement means then take your business elsewhere try cuckold BBC I don't have their numbers so you'll need to google them okay I will give them all my business then I will leave an appropriate review for you now I'll make sure to reply accordingly with a link to this transcript I may or may not forget to blink out your business name you can go rub two sticks together for all I care I googled him and only obscene pic just came on Google makes recommendations based on your past searches it appears you've been looking at naughty things yeah I really wouldn't recommend doing a search for that either unless you want to see a video of a girl rubbing two sticks together great opportunity to Squire for a fitness pro briefly speaking I am a hundred and seventy-five pounds of twisted steel and sex appeal with an eight back rock-hard glutes and stellar physique and intellectual features if you make the final review round I will provide you with my weightlifting stats as Squire your responsibilities will include but are not limited to one filming and photographing me before during and immediately after workouts film school background is a plus preferably from a top 20 film school to spotting me during workouts prior lifting experience required 3 defending my workout space for scouting out new talent you know what I mean 5 responding to boy Squire and any other name I see fit pay your pay will not be monetary what you gain from this position is more valuable than money you will be entitled to use the workout you see me perform and ask me for advice once a week other benefits include ability to be seen with local fitness legend girls I'm not interested in and other valuable things money can buy next steps I will be reviewing resumes until a certain date I will contact you if I deem you worthy of a final interview if I do not contact you it means you kinda suck sorry maybe next lifetime to be honest this one is probably satire but it's funny enough to include you listed XO Tara vivarium 445 pounds Liz are midden offer 0 pounds you made a counteroffer 40 pounds Liz are made an offer I have a toy it is about to die 0 pounds Liz are made an offer it has no home zero pounds Liz are accepted your offer I want it for free my son has cancer but lady your son isn't gonna live in the vivarium what we need to know is if the tortoise has cancer the area I live in has no convenient place to donate clothes so I put up an ad for a bag of free clothes to whoever comes and collects it the bag had 40 pieces of clothes a jacket four pairs of shoes and two handbags so a pretty decent haul everything was in good use condition recently washed but had some cat hair on it which was stated in the ad some lady a choosing beggar calls me and wants to come collect it then she realized I lived about an hour from the city center and asked me to meet me there I replied sure but would charge 500 kronor about 50 bucks since that's what I would make doing two hours of work she gets upset I won't deliver this bag of clothes for free and tries to guilt-trip me I don't budge and say either pick up or hang up she wins a bit more but reluctantly agrees to pick them up we pick a date and time and I tell her the clothes we'll be waiting in bags by my driveway and she can just grab them this is because I didn't want to actually deal with her and as a single female living alone I'm reluctant to let strangers into my home she picks up the clothes then calls a couple hours later complaining nothing is new and it has cat hair on it I tell her it was stated in the ad she also starts complaining nothing fits her I tell her the sizes of the clothes were in the ad she gets really angry and starts telling me if I'm going to have clothes away they should be good clothes and it's rude to give away old ones she tells me that she's going to bring the clothes back and she wants better ones I tell her no she starts yelling so I hang up a couple hours later I hear someone pounding ballistically at the door I looked through the peephole and it's choosing beggar she had thrown the clothes all over my yard and was pounding on my door screaming I had to let her in and give her good clothes I open a window and tell her if she doesn't leave now I'm calling the police she ignores me so I call the cops she ends up getting escorted off my property it was more work was worth to press any charges but I asked the police to give her a very stern warning that if she comes back or contacts me I will press charges haven't seen her since how dare you give me free clothes that don't fit me I demand a refund how are you going to make this right I once stored credit at least and put me in contact with your manager that was our / choosing beggars and if you liked my video please hit the subscribe button because I put out new videos every single day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 1,822,517
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, choosingbeggars, beggar, r/choosingbeggars, choosing beggar, choosing
Id: Ow3w8D72TWE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 9sec (1089 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 17 2019
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