r/Choosingbeggars Thanks MOM!

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welcome to our sloshed using beggars where a woman expects houses to hand out stacks of cash to her kids on Halloween exam three notes I'm sorry when are you gonna sing your notes for exam three hey sorry I don't really have notes for this unit I learned most of this stuff already in my other bio classes I get you already know it but why does that mean we don't get notes that doesn't seem very fair uh because I didn't take any I have the chart from lab filled out that's about it isn't it your job to take notes though not dude I'm not the SI or anything I was just sharing my notes in the GC to help people out can't share what's not there sorry for the miscommunication someone else is the SI okay this isn't fair I'm sorry I just think it's not okay that you let us all think you were the SI and you let us all depend on you I didn't take any notes this unit because I knew you'd send them dude I never said I was the SI it's in the syllabus it's a girl named blank also si shared notes and si sessions not whatsapp group messages I can send you the chart but you're going to need to write your own notes for the lecture I don't have any can't you please just send them to me I'm a freshman I don't have any notes to send you also this is a 3000 level course with two tiers at pre requisites how on earth are you taking this as a freshman it's my second year it's my second year of college do we have different working definition of a freshman can you tell me what's on the exam check canvas blank posted loads of prep material whoa I never check canvas it gives me anxiety you may want to get over that one all I do for notes is copy the slides and print them then add some reason the in-class discussion and his old test questions it takes me maybe two hours of chapter reading the book helps to just know the chapters get screwy between the 11th and 12th edition you posted the chapters for the 12th in canvas just +1 to any other chapter numbers if you had the 11th okay what chapters are on the exam I don't know off the top of my head check canvas can't you check canvas and tell me I'm already having an anxiety attack because I won't have any notes to study from no I think you should exposure therapy is highly effective not to sound like your mom but you should be checking canvas daily how do you turn in the lab homework whoa I don't please I'm freaking out I'm gonna fail this class I'm premed you have no idea how hard this is I'm pre-med too I've been there he drops the lowest of the exams so just make sure you study for the next one and don't wait till the next week before the exam and honestly if you start cramming now you could probably still pull a good grade a lot of this stuff is review from the last unit no I won't I'm going to fail because of you and lose my scholarship which means I lose my meal plan so I'm gonna starve because of you the Welcome Center has free granola bars wow you're such a jerk super unscanned no one likes you how are you gonna get into med school it's all connections that you don't have enjoy failing your MCAT I was gonna help you study and give you my notes but no one likes a snake I really don't need a freshman to help me study for the MCAT I already took it 316 so you're a freshman who's in your second year of college yet took the MCAT who said I was a freshman I'm a senior in college already accepted into Medical School what the f did you smoke before picking up your phone you literally said you were a freshman like 10 minutes ago oh whoa autocorrect fail I'd call it backtracking to cover a stupid lie but cool autocorrect works too this has been hilarious but I'm going to bed have a lovely evening you wonderful human come on dude can you please just send your notes okay just send me the chart hey can you send me the chart is anyone else terrified by the idea that this guy could one day become your doctor I remember when I used to go every now and then to the coffee bean every Christmas season the barista would offer to give me a sticker and I always refused because I wasn't interested in their journals also I didn't go often enough to collect enough stickers anyway and for clarity what opie means here is every time you buy a coffee you get a stickers and if you get enough stickers you can redeem them for something like a free coffee or in this case a journal slash day planner with coffee bean branding so one day this woman behind me at the counter hears me say no and as soon as I've paid and stepped aside to wait for my order she asks the barista if she could have my sticker barista refuses woman insists barista says sorry but they're not allowed to do that now the woman is getting annoyed her voice is getting higher and she hasn't even ordered yet you can tell the barista is feeling the stress the woman says look no one will know her care if he just give me the sticker why can't you just help me out the barista again says it's against store policy the woman says why are you acting like this just let this one little thing slide finally I bust in and tell the barista hi I've changed my mind I want my sticker the woman looks like she's been shot but finally stops talking I take my drink and my sticker and threw the sticker away as soon as I got outside Opie you're a better person than me because I would have been seriously tempted to just rip up that sticker right in front of her hi I saw a drawing of someone done by you on their page can you draw me too no sorry I used to do free portraits for a follow but I don't have any time for that anymore can't you make an exception please well sure it'll be ten bucks though but you did it for free for them yes because I offered it to them but you can't do it for free it'll only take you a few hours no I'd rather use those few hours for the job that actually pays me it's my birthday and if two days it would be like a birthday gift it would make me very happy I don't know you am i obligated to give a gift to a person I don't know God gave you the gift of drawing and you should be using it for making others happy but you're being greedy and asking money for it others would happily do it for free you're talking to an atheist you could just ask those other artists that would happily do it for free good luck living like a ho asking for money yes it's completely normal to ask for money for something like a portrait when he said it's his birthday in a few days you should have just been like awesome it's my birthday today what are you gonna get from me do you still have the piano available yes I'm taking twenty thousand dollars for it is five thousand dollars okay my daughter wants to learn piano and this would mean so much to her this is a Steinway & Sons model k52 that's only 10 years old and in brand-new condition retail price is over thirty five thousand dollars you should buy a cheaper brand like Yamaha if your daughter is just starting to learn piano this is my daughter's dream please I'm a single mother I can't afford it I'm sorry but I can't tell you such an expensive item for a quarter of the price you can find one to two hundred dollar pianos or keyboards online if your child really wants to learn I will report you to Craigslist you're a selfish jerk Effie you I'm gonna report you to Craigslist is one of the weakest threats I've ever heard I don't think I can keep borrowing account access from people who do not have their life together what the person I'm borrowing Disney Plus from apparently wasn't able to pay the verizon bill guess who couldn't log into Disney Plus I know it's not the end of the world but come on it's like come on okay let's get this straight this choosing beggar is too poor to pay for Disney Plus so she's criticizing someone for being too poor to afford Disney Plus so my cousins getting married tomorrow and she and her cousins but lehenga is in jewelry from me and my sister shop and these jerks had the audacity to ask for a family discount while me and my sister aren't even invited to the flippin wedding the best response to this post is from Frenchie frites you should tell them you'll mail them a coupon to the same address they sent your wedding invite to and on this next post Opie sells amphibians why are your axolotl so expensive they aren't I raised them from eggs myself I've seen them for cheaper @x okay then buy them at X but I like yours then buy them at my price well if you sell axolotls you can expect a lottle choosing beggar's ahahahaha OMG I hate my mom I wanted earbuds Pro rolling eyes emoji and I love this response from already taken if I said that mom my mom would give me an spanking Pro is everyone wrapping things up already hardly any house is answering and none so far have given any gift cards out just a bunch of fun size candy things just aren't what they used to be wait this person's expecting gift cards to be handed out on Halloween has this ever been the case I've literally never gotten a gift card from anywhere when I was a kid on Halloween have any of you ever gotten a gift card on Halloween please let me know and let me know like what the store was and how much it was for because this is completely alien to me let me hear from you down in the comments married couple can you draw our baby in the middle that'll be extra the husband you'll charge for the baby also does your baby have a face yeah but he's so small he's small but is he headless or is he an egg don't you have a ready-made baby oh yeah I do have a baby from Lion King I think Opie is missing an opportunity to draw the married couple and between them draw a headless decapitated baby you're so messed up dude are you gonna send me money or what am i messed up blink what's more messed up the fact that you only hit me up when you need something or the last time you hit me up you told me you needed diapers and wipes but bling told me you just needed drinking money you need clothes for an interview I'll mail you clothes that are here or I'll send you 50 bucks let me know which one you choose I mean what you want me to hit you up to see how you're doing since when have I ever done that we ain't 12 I like how the implication is I'm not 12 I'm an adult because we all know responsible adults have to beg strangers for money someone plugged me their Disney Plus account still sad I won't pay you but you'll have a friend for life friend dude I think you misspelled leech my school's looking for a photographer for our Christmas party but the thing is you're going to pay us you'll pay us to photograph people then you can use our party as a market or something am I making sense lmao you're not making any sense at all this person is asking someone to be paid for them to work for free my whole life I thought slavery was the absolute lowest thing that someone could do but there's actually something worse than slavery they're expecting someone pay them to work as a slave so I work in a small independently owned outerwear store the owner of said store is a dog owner and we actually have a store dog anyways one generous saying that we do is always have a jar of dog biscuits to offer any dog lending customers as a little extra treat it's always cute to offer the docs and biscuits and everyone is usually happy then there's Karen she comes in frequently doesn't buy anything and always waits for us to offer her a dog biscuit when she gets the biscuit she leaves a store on busy days she sits at the footwear section and waits until one of us is free enough to get her her dog biscuit I think this is total BS but we play along with her game for the time being that is until a particularly busy day as usual Karen was waiting at the footwear section waiting for her dog biscuit after 10 minutes of waiting she starts tapping her foot huffing and puffing while staring at any employee who walks by her after another 10 minutes of this we were really swamped that day she barks out to my coworker my dog is getting pretty hungry and I'm starting to get pissed my coworker who is normally a very calm guy was not having any of it he barked back yeah well I'm getting pretty pissed because we're busy you always get free dog biscuits and you never buy a single thing here so no more biscuits for you visibly shocked Karen storms out of the store and so far hasn't returned serves our rights yeah no more biscuits I think they got the right idea dog hey I'm blinks coworker I'm looking for someone to cut my hair and I was wondering how much is it for just a basic cut and trim I have long hair hi thank you for reaching out I appreciate it what's your name blink I need a trim how much my haircuts are 50 bucks that includes blow-dry and style and I also do a hydrating conditioner as part of your haircut how much if I don't need all that it's just a small trim I understand the price of a haircut is $50 I don't let clients leave with wet hair I prefer to blow-dry and check the haircut make sure it's laying properly and modify it needed texture thickness hair Lee's differently when it's wet I like to guarantee my work I can't do that if I don't know what it looks like dry besides it's a bit chilly out so like even just a trim is 50 I only need 2 inches I like the way you cut blanks hair and I want it identical to hers but longer how long is your hair like middle of my back ok are you where the blanks hair is shoulder-length yeah that's why I said longer ok so not identical to blanks got it there's no difference in price I can cut two inches or ten that doesn't determine the price of the cuts I can't afford fifty right now I'm a single mom can you make an exception for me I can pay you half and leave with wet hair I don't need the treatments it's just a trim I shouldn't be much I feel like you're overcharging too much I'm sorry to hear that perhaps a different Silas is a better fit for you there are many other options within the price range you need I went to Sam's and they mess up my hair I like blanks hair I can't believe you won't help out a single mom you can change the price for me but you don't want to the client is always right and you don't understand that excuse me so you treat all your clients like this that's unprofessional you're not my clients my clients respect me in my work and would never ask anything like this sounds like you need therapy as well price just shot up to a hundred bucks have a nice day I am going to report you to your salon I just wanted a trim and you won't work with a single mom I have four kids to take care of you could help me out not sure what the amount of children you have has anything to do with hair or why that should matter to me you're a jerk you lost good business today crying while laughing emoji we'll see if you're laughing after I report you more crying whoa laughing emojis talking to your manager right now good luck self-employed lose my number then we have a response from always an adventure down in the comments my friend is a hairdresser and she tells me stories like this all the time she's like I spent thousands of dollars to go to school learn the trade but you want me to give you a free cut just this one time she told me a story about how she felt bad for this one lady gave her a real sob story and she decided she would give her a free package could color blow-dry style about a hundred and fifty dollars worth of work because she wanted to help her out she told me that using beggar would call her a few times and ask for another free session she finally said that she can't do it again and that she did it as a one-timer the lady booked an appointment anyway my friend thought it was done and over with lady comes in acts all nice and friendly and when it's time to pay is shocked when she's charged a hundred and fifty bucks my friend said after that she knew the client had a secret mission she told me she made a huge scene demands to talk to her manager long story short she ended up paying half and my friend got in massive trouble for it the client then calls back a few months later wanting another full session for the same half price but my friend told her flat out she's dropping her as a client told me the lady then called up for weeks complaining to her manager about her I was disgusted by that story that was our slash using beggars and this is the worst our slash puppy bloopers I've ever had I think this is total BS dog all right I think I called you in all fairness I guess I can't be annoyed at you if you come can i that's not fair to go no dog what do you have so Hugo has just discovered how to open up the shoe shelf which has all of our shoes because it's the only safe place it was the only safe place we could keep our shoes they wouldn't chew them up it's also where I kept my sunglasses my very expensive nice pair of sunglasses so he wouldn't chew them up but after being a little jerkface figured out how to open it up my sons were so nice come on man those for me dog inconsiderate yeah you I'm talking to you dog god you're so lucky you're cute or I would actually be really mad right now honestly what do you arguing with me no you did something not happy I'm not happy don't in trouble you owe me money you owe me money dog this animal you go
Channel: rSlash
Views: 1,350,049
Rating: 4.9289269 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, choosingbeggars, beggar, r/choosingbeggars, choosing beggar, choosing
Id: pSE6KhtxC6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 13sec (1213 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 30 2019
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