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welcome to our slash choosing beggars we're an entitled woman tries to trick a stranger into buying her groceries I can use these pictures for my map games no these are copyrighted by me and not public domain they're free for personal use but not for publishing so what do I have to do to take them paying if you want to license them for commercial use we can absolutely arrange that I usually charge 100 euro per illustration for that ha ha ha you're joking a hundred euros for this garbage are you a homeless I'll report your account and blocked you our next reddit post is from captain Adam this happened just an hour ago and I'm laughing at the insanity and absurdity of the situation so as everyone is painfully aware there's a little situation going on in the world and we're on lockdown with the exception of going out for essential shopping so some backstory my nan and I are close she's the fifth member of our family mom dad me my brother and my nan and she's elderly disabled and asthmatic so she's high-risk and vulnerable now I'm also severely asthmatic and I probably shouldn't be going out shopping but from my nan I'm willing to risk it so I go out to do her shopping at Morrison's she gives me her shopping listen I get what she needs based on what's available anyway onto the story so like at most stores there's markings to help with social distancing and keep people safe so this choosing beggar started off by ramming me with her trolley while I was waiting to scan my items and pay and was invading my personal space very rude so I begin placing my items on the till and she's just glaring at me for some reason and muttering to herself about me hurrying up I placed a divider and go to start bagging my items I'm sorry I didn't realize I had to rush for you so as I'm bagging my items and about to pay the cashier continue scanning strange items that I know I wasn't buying I asked the cashier what's going on those aren't mine and the cashier is confused saying there's no divider I look up and this choosing beggar has removed the divider and now our items were being scanned and added my bill I tell the cashier and she starts to remove the items and sort the mistake this is when the choosing beggar goes insane excuse me what are you doing I'm confused and tell her that our items were accidentally being scanned and thinking that the divider must have been buried in the shopping and didn't think it was a big deal as the cashier was apologetic and sorted it you need to pay for my shopping I'm just shocked and simply say what she glares at me my items were being scanned on your shopping so you have to pay for them and since you're paying for some now you must buy my whole shopping I give the cashier a look and I'm absolutely gobsmacked what makes you think I'm going to buy your shopping she scoffs and continues on about how a few mistakes means I have to pay I pay for my items and she still stood there expectantly waiting for me to pay for her shopping I began to walk away and she screams for me to come back people are now staring so I turn and say lady I don't know you and I don't have to buy your shopping for any reason she then screams for security and beats them some lie about me having to pay for her shopping the security guy called me over to ask what was happening and I told him she then went on and mitting she removed the divider thinking I wouldn't notice and I'd paper thankfully the security guard just looked at her and told her the same thing I said that I didn't have to as I began walking away she was screaming at the cashier saying she didn't have any cash or cards on her to pay and was demanding the cashier on her some expired coupons I left before anything else so I don't know how it ended so this woman thought she was entitled to her shopping and I had to pay for it since she didn't have any way to pay for it honestly how can you be so stupid to not bring a means of paying for shopping I'm wondering if she tried it before and whether it worked on other people I'm not buying someone else's shopping for no good reason down in the comments pink Chester has this story something similar actually happened to me although not as serious when I was at the checkout some teenage girls thought they would be smart to sneak their shampoo on my end of the device I noticed paid for it and I put in my bags and left they were kind of shocked when they didn't get the shampoo to be honest I'm surprised I didn't chase after you and call you a thief why does it cost money oMG I'm 95% done with your business because I'm an indie developer and need money to pay rent and bills if I work for free I'll starve and die and not be able to make more apps that's kind of understandable but I also need to feed myself and if I waste all my money on apps I'm also going to starve Winky pays I'll buy it for $1 sorry only $5 dang it haha anyway great app Thanks you know you just lost $1 hearts okay $3 this isn't eBay you're right I get the time we spent on this conversation is worth more than $5 anyway back to work sorry it's 6 bucks now did did this lady just say you lost $1 like it's some kind of meaningful threats don't sweat it lady I think Opie will be just fine without your $1 here's a link to my Amazon wishlist I know you're not working but here's a list of things I need WTF is that can't you DJ at my party this Saturday it's the list of things I need for my house huh please it would be so cool abuse and you can invite your DJ friends delete me go F yourself then o P post an update I'm updating this since this post is getting so many updates she's now messaging random people it's a housewarming party and sending the Amazon list no one knows who she is this is wild so let's get this straight this woman messages strangers and says if you buy me this stuff then I'll let you work for me for free lady that's not how any of this works this next post was posted on Facebook I'm just gonna say one thing with the unfortunate closure of Jim's this has brought me a lot of messages from people outside of the guys and girls I train who want to train at home with or without equipment and some who also want diet advice to stop becoming bad over this time uh stop eating so much garbage while it's awesome that people are so into their training or keeping fit what is amazing is the amount of people who think I should do them this service for free I run a business guys just because I don't work out of a gym at the minute doesn't mean I suddenly don't need to make a living I've had people try to barter with me or even write stupid stuff like you're only telling me a few bodyweight exercises to do can you not just tell me for free how does effing no suit you if you think that's all there is to it why are you measuring me and taking me away from spending time with my boy if you can go on youtube and do it yourself teddie buy off you pop and see you later if you do want legit help my fees are very reasonable and I'll bend over backwards to help you much love hashtag don't take the piss I don't know why this person needs to work out routine anyways all you have to do every day is 100 pushups 100 sit-ups 100 squats run 10 kilometres and turrets use the air conditioner posted by Chipotle some wholesome content for national burrito day also we're doing free queso when you add it to your entree and free delivery today how about a free burrito reply from Chipotle beggars can't be choosers wow that was a bit rude beggars can't be choosers if you want my service but I'll go elsewhere uh I'm pretty sure if a store that only sells burrito started handing out burritos for free then they would very quickly go out of business yo bro hi you do paintings of things people once yeah I do commissions dude can you do a painting or is still from one of my Call of Duty games I'm sure I could depending on detail you would be looking at four to six hundred dollars for a sixteen by twenty inch painting haha huh dude I ain't paying that much okay but that's what I charge ain't nobody gonna pay that much this is what I do for a living people do pay this isn't a hobby for me the Taylor Swift painting was a commission that paid that much you ripping people off dude you'd do it for 30 bucks and I hang it in the background of all my streams and people will see it I'll pass WTF dude times are tough those are my prices put everyone watching my streams and YouTube would see it's them seeing it doesn't pay for my time painting or pay the bills come on dude you gotta do it it would be an epic painting I'll do it for four to six hundred with half do upfront f that dude you could have made an epic painting Lowell I make epic paintings every day that's why I'm in galleries and had people paying me for custom work but you could have been seen by many people and gotten more jobs my work is seen by probably millions on album covers I've done and I've also gotten paid for them Lowell can I at least get a discount if I tag you in my streams in YouTube nope have you dude imma let everyone know how greedy you are you suck dick bundle of sticks Lowell how old are you get more creative with your insults next time use something like douche canoe or [ __ ] waffle that ain't makes sense WTF is a [ __ ] well I'm just gonna leave it at that bye as a professional youtuber let me say this if you're big enough for a painting in the background of your stream to actually matter then you're also big enough to afford four hundred bucks for a painting also I just love that this guy owns himself at the end of the comment is this our slash suicide by words on this next post a stranger offered to bring groceries to an old man in quarantine and this is the conversation between them I'm not fond of pictures of pets nor tattoos I can easily on friends you asked for help I didn't ask for judgements just help shopping I wasn't signing up to be a fewer of pictures why are you looking at my pictures I only offer to get groceries sir there are quod zillions of pictures with sound also available on Facebook good luck with your shopping and please unfriend the sky says Facebook has pictures with sound is this guy so out of touch that he doesn't know the word video I love this comment from Richart Oh down in the comments she makes the pictures moving burn the witch with you two stars read what I wrote please I'll give you a five star review if I can get the iPad pro 512 gigabytes Space Gray for free if you could let me know if you're willing to do this or not thank you and for the style I went Wi-Fi and cellular on this next post Oh peace making face mass and selling them at cost to health care workers and he gets this reply can you give me three white masks and three dark blue masks if you can't think could I have all six be white masks if they're in fact purple then I don't want that color if you have black i'd like to substitute a black when instead of the blue ones sincerely mrs. blank can you imagine dying of copán 19 because your face mask didn't match the rest of your outfits hey so I want some voice work hello hello please send the script so I can calculate how much it'll cost huh um haha just send a script when ready and I can send an invoice for how much it'll be here's the script okay give me a few minutes to calculate okay haha sorry for the wait this script would cost around $38.50 for that amount of words where should I send the invoice to no that's too expensive I thought you would be nice and do this for free if you're nice you will thank you get it back to me in two days I think it's clear that we will not be doing business together have a good day goodbye you absolute if you loved your fans you would do this if you I hope you suicide Opie if you're out there I would happily pay you 40 bucks for a script telling that guy to go F himself on this next post Opie was giving away free chairs that he left behind a dumpster is this still available yes here's the address um excuse me in case you wanted them that's where they are bring them man no car no way what can you bring the chairs no why would they they're free dude sorry no I'll pass whoa lazy butt wTF is wrong with you dude I love how this guy says no car no way but his profile picture is literally a car that was our slash using beggars and if you liked this video then hit that subscribe button because I put out new reddit videos every single day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 876,436
Rating: 4.94696 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, choosingbeggars, beggar, r/choosingbeggars, choosing beggar, choosing
Id: hKhbk7Nqsgo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 9sec (849 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 25 2020
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