r/Choosingbeggars "I WIll Buy Your New Mac Book Pro for $0"

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welcome to our sloshed choosing burgers we're free is way too expensive hi when I went to pick up the kids today I saw you had some empty canvas I'm looking to gift my wife a family portrait I've seen your style and I like it I'm wondering if you'll be down for it you could gift it to us as a Christmas present I'd love to paint you guys but I'm saving those canvases for when I have something on my mind or have a paid commission their gallery style and are quite expensive for me at the moment I could probably paint them a portrait for a fairly cheap if you can provide for the canvas yourself you're my wife's best friend you should do it for free I'm spending close to $5,000 in gifts having kids is not cheap and is very stressing so help me out I'll even consider paying you for the few days you watch the kids for us you can even buy the canvas from that money wait what I talked to blank and she said she'd pay me for babysitting I'm lost am I supposed to give you an art piece for you to give your wife and you can pass it as your gift hmm kind of just giving a friend a hand in time of need you already have some clean canvas I don't know what the big deal is you already bought them and by the time you get inspired to paint them you probably won't even be alive I'm joking lo seriously you can even use us as an example and you can post it online I bet you you'll get sales and we help each other that way are you going to pay me for babysitting your four kids this week I'm not seeing this as a very fair deal and feel you're trying to take advantage of me your wife knows my current situation and I'm sure she'd understand I can't spend over 30 hours and using materials I can't currently replace for free I am sorry I hope this is a joke whoa you're not thinking straight all artists need exposure and come on you won't take that long you should feel privileged I want to have one of your paintings on my wall this is for my wife I thought she was like your sister can't you just make her Christmas I can't do it I'm sorry I'm not feeling well so good nights you know the universe is punishing you because of how greedy you are I'm not even asking you to spend money because you already have unused material available no wonder your life sucks you have a bad vibe I won't be bringing my kids anymore don't want your bad energy to attach to them good luck hi I'm sorry I didn't think about what I was saying yesterday can you take care of the kids today please I told my wife I'll take them to you our regular babysitter can't take them today can you take them right now I know it's last-minute and pretty early but I have business I need to do I'll be back by 10 I only need help with a twin anyway and they're asleep so it shouldn't be a big deal Oh choosing beggar did she not reply do you not have a babysitter because it sounds like the universe is punishing you for being greedy and having a bad vibe hello is the laptop still available yes so how much for it about 899 with tax can I get it for a hundred no it's my own laptop I got it for 1,400 but I reduced it to 899 did you even see the ad no negotiating the price okay Fu okay and bye stop messaging me okay stop jerk hi I saw in your post that you're building a Christmas village for someone Hey you read my message hey sorry it's just kind of late and I figured I would get back to you in the morning but yes I'm building a Christmas village displayed for two people at the moment Wow way to run a business well I would really like one please I'm sorry it's 2:00 in the morning and I'm just up with my six-month-old but alright how big were you thinking how big is the one you're building this one will be six feet tall and it has six shelves oh that's perfect when could I get it by I could get it done by the end of the next week I do require the cost of materials before I start to build for a six foot one it'll be a hundred and ten and I'll need fifty up front I can send you my PayPal link or we can meet up sometime this week hold up you're charging for these hello low low low what's why who can afford that um of course I charge I'm not going to buy the wood and whatever else and spend my time building something for free I thought that was a pretty fair price to be honest and two other people can afford that so far so did you want one or not whoa you're literally stapling wood together and charging people what is life I have to buy the wood to build it and I'm not stapling it if I was I would also need to purchase the staples to do it my dad can literally build this like tomorrow I'm not gonna pay for that can you just hook it up this once I really want one well then I'm not sure why we're having this conversation since you'll have one tomorrow after your dad builds it sorry I can't just hook it up wow that's a sucky thing to say come on I have all the village stuff to put in and already I've already wasted plenty of money on getting those things hello are you effing serious I'm gonna leave an effing brutal review on what my personal page I don't have a business and I'm doing this in my free time for extra income thanks for your interest but no thanks Wow Wow hello hello Wow your effing route and have been since the first message leaving review now you put hello I'd pay 40 Jesus F Fe you hello and then one month later Opie gets another message from this guy so my dude it's after Christmas why don't we work out a deal and you do me one of those villages for 30 bucks let me think about it and I'll get back to you oh okay awesome I think I'd want it stained a blue color because that usually might theme for Christmas thought about it gonna have to go with an F no but hey thanks for your interest winky face oMG are you effing serious how effing rude can you be it's after Christmas 30 bucks is a generous offer for something you're not gonna be able to sell for a year just wow Fu and your stupid effing village you do realize that that's not the only thing I produce and sell right someone literally ordered one this year and by word of mouth I had orders flood in then I have your peasant self coming at me offering me not even enough to pay for the wood wow man where the flip do I leave a review for you I looked all over and I most definitely want to leave one by law you have to tell me by law the flip are you even talking about yes you [ __ ] you are a seller and I am a buyer who has rights to be able to warn others of you [ __ ] in the words of you hold up you cannot be serious Lowell you're the one who is literally harassing me to build you stuff for free f off loser I'll find it myself I know your family and you're effed so aft so effing rude you think you're funny gah f F F you you are over hello WTF WTF dude WTF open up this is the police you're under arrest for not telling people where to leave a review for your business you're looking at 10 years of hard time you sicko for this next post Opie is a tattoo artist what's your rate two hundred and twenty bucks an hour but I pretty much charge by the piece what do you have in mind I wouldn't get something on my leg covered up but that's out of my price range okay well ink money big city and idle hands are local shops with great artists if you want to shop around I'm out of the states at the moment anyway so there'd be a wait can't you cut me a deal I am a single mom low I don't give a flip if you run an orphanage to be honest Wow f you dude however I let everyone know you're a jack well considering he posted this on reddit to show everyone how much of a choosing beggar you are I have a sneaking suspicion he wouldn't really mind looking for free laptop for work price zero pounds I am looking for a laptop that I can use for my work and home it's size can be anywhere from 11 inches to 15.6 I will need it delivered to my address will be given if I accept your offer brands I would accept Microsoft HP Acer Asus Lenovo Apple etc I need an air pod Pro because I never had a chance to get one and I can't never listen to my music while I'm at the gym working out and my old headphone broke and I don't have enough money to buy air pods brownie phase why don't you just buy Amazon's wireless earbuds no thumbs-down I run a company where we hire out wedding and event service providers with our main focus being photography and videography other services include DJ's drone pilots hair and makeup artists etc not relevant at all so a few months back I get an instant chat from a bride by our website she informs me that they're coming down to South Africa in December and they need a wedding photographer and videographer I send our packages to her and she says her fiance wants to call me I say that's fine and give her my number a few hours pass and I'd almost forgotten about them but my phone finally rings the fiance speaking in a very heavy German accent starts sweet-talking me mentioning how people rave about our fantastic work and service I am calling BS on every word he says but I am also infamous for my inability to say no he ends up offering us about a third of what the package is charged offering to make the hours less removing any physical copies etc he also adds it he'll give us a $500 tip on the night I ask him why he can't just add that as part of the quote to which he replies gentlemen's agreement anyway is somehow I accept his insane offer if I was a drinker I'd be saying that I really should stop drinking at work I gotta emphasize that they will get no overtime if my people stay one minute longer than agreed-upon I'm gonna charge him he said it was fine so what they required us for was two hours for their Friday and three hours for the Saturday but it did require me redoing the entire shift list for that weekend as to free to qualified people to go cover their events the Friday event I did the photos myself and took one of the videographers with me and I will add they were insanely nice especially the groom the time did drag a bit because there really wasn't much to shoot just a group of people sitting around a table but whatever after an hour and a half the groom told us we could leave awesome I wasn't able to do the second evening myself I had made them aware of this from the start but since a different photographer one much more talented than me if I'm being honest and the same videographer from the night before they were booked from 6:15 to 9:15 I told them to stay until 9:45 to make up the 30 minutes we'd skipped the night before so how we work is that none of my people own their own gear and everything belongs to me therefore after each ship the shooters have to return the gear to me the weddings they were shooting was about a 25 minute drive from my place and the one I was shooting was an hour drive I was also booking until 10:00 p.m. I got home after 11:00 p.m. and saw that they hadn't returned yet all my other team started arriving shortly after me and returned their gear but no sign of those two this had me worried as they were working the closest and were supposed to finish before anyone else I tried calling but no answer from either of them just before midnight I got in my car and went out to look for them I driven for about 10 minutes when I saw them passing me from the opposite direction I turned my car around and drove home I asked them what had happened they explained that they have stayed until 10:45 as ordered but as they were about to start packing up the bride had sent her maid of honor to request another hour they had explicitly said that they'll talk to me about it afterwards and I can just add it to their invoice they were also making my videographer do things that were only reserved for our biggest package more importantly though apparently the couple had gone full entitled people at the second event yelling at my photographer and just being completely rude I have a very low tolerance for rude people the next afternoon Sunday I see I have a missed call from the groom and then a voice note thanking me for my team and then adding that they're leaving the country in seven days so they would appreciate it if I could have their wedding photos and videos done before then they also want all the raw materials on a hard drive he made no mention of the overtime I stared at this message kind of dumbstruck as our contract clearly stipulates at the waiting period for photos is four weeks and eight weeks for video his quotation also clearly said no physical copies I texted him back the next morning saying that there was no way I was going to have everything done before January I did offer to give them the Raw's before they leave but a hard drive would have to be added to the invoice along with the overtime bill to this he replied that he would like to call me to discuss our situation I knew exactly what was coming and I was dreading that phone call the phone call happened later that afternoon this story has already gone on way too long so I'm gonna skip most of it and just cut to the parts that made my blood boil so you say you cannot have it done before we leave unfortunately not oh that disappoints me because all our guests are asking how much longer the photos are gonna take but we understand great I'm glad you understand I can give you the Rose if you wish to but you'll have to pay for an external I have some in stock I don't want to pay for a hard drive you can just we transfer me all the Raw's no I can't oh why because it's over 100 gigs of materials and this is South Africa with our internet speed it'll take about two years oh do you think we need the raw materials no I don't okay long awkward pause I don't understand why there's an overtime bill because you asked my people to stay an extra hour no they only stayed ten minutes longer and you owed us 30 minutes from the night before I took the thirty minutes into account and they still stayed an hour after that no that's not true I had the time stamps on the photos when the first and last ones were taken you want me to send that to you no I don't awesome but we hired you and got someone else you hired the company not me and on Friday you even said that I must enjoy my wedding on Saturday you always knew you weren't getting me but we were not happy with who you sent really why is that I just don't think we should be charged extra for them unfortunately that's what we agreed upon but you offer me a better price on the overtime I am offering you a better price on overtime oh but this is the best you can do if you take into account the tip we never got then this is actually almost nothing what tip the gentlemen's agreement we made I don't know what you mean that's the surprise of the century so when do we get the photos in January but you need to pay the rest of your invoice first including the overtime yes you send us everything and then we pay no the contract you signed stipulates that you will receive nothing until all invoices have been settled that's our policy yes but then we don't know you ever send photos I thought you'd heard so many people tell you about how great our service is yeah but I'm not happy with this you send us everything and we decide if we want to pay yeah that's not happening but you can't ask me to trust you like this you're right we can't trust each other I think this simplest solution is that IRA fund your deposit delete your wedding and we can be done with each other because I've heard enough I feel I have offended you you haven't but you're wasting my time and I'm done doing favors for you the only difference between you and our other clients is that they paid full price okay great I'll wait for the money to show up in my account and then I'll start the editing process and you cannot offer me a better price on the overtime have a good Christmas and I hung up the phone the next morning the bride sent me a text that they just paid the outstanding balance and now want their photos because January is a long time to wait January was eight days away it's now been three days and the money has yet to show in my account if I were that photographer I'd only have one word to say to them deleted that was our sliced using beggars and if you want to support my channel and this content then hit that like button because it really helps my channel grow in the YouTube algorithm
Channel: rSlash
Views: 1,598,935
Rating: 4.9291506 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, choosingbeggars, beggar, r/choosingbeggars, choosing beggar, choosing
Id: av5uo0T9De0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 2sec (1082 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 12 2020
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