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welcome to our slash choosing beggars and I am almost over my cold so hopefully this weekend my voice will be back to normal after school nanny needed seeking an after-school nanny from 3:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Monday Wednesday and Thursday will pick up from school and take to 4 p.m. martial arts class while the six-year-old is in the class you can take the others to the park from 5 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. you will care in my home or if in the bin white / door 35 area I will consider allowing them at your home eight-year-old girl 6 year old boy 5 year old girl 3 year old twin boys requirements preference female pass background check clean driving record speak English and Spanish prepare meals and help with some work you must provide the food must have references pay $5 per hour lady when you're offering one dollar per child per hour and you're not reimbursing food or gas then the only people responding to this type of ad are exactly the type of people that you don't want around your kids you'll give me all five of your kids and you'll pay me for it when can I start review one star extremely rude and overprized response from the owner I suspect customers can see through Mike's review but just in case I'll officially respond since I can't get Google to remove his defaming comment yes this means Google enables its users to commit crime Mike couldn't afford my minimum charge let alone the estimate for repair and ask for a discount to which I said no to which he said - okay go F yourself then to which I said okay you too bye bye in other words Mike isn't a customer and comes across as your cliches self entitled person furthermore my hourly rate is below the average in my industry in my area based on my market research back in 2015 I don't know when I read a review that says extremely rude and it's spelled ro od I automatically assume that that person wasn't rude at all and probably was polite because I just can't trust someone this stupid hello you said you had no appointments this week hello yes that's right sorry I'm fully booked I could try to fit you in next week if that would be any good but I just seen you at Tesco uh okay I don't see you I know you didn't you could have done my nails no I'm fully booked like I said sorry but you got time to go to Tesco you work six days long hours yes that's right I work Monday through Saturday I do need to eat and so do my three children which are five and under it's 9:00 p.m. I've worked all day and not seen my children due to work so I apologize I was out doing a food shop and not doing your nails I just wouldn't expect to see someone shopping when they said they had zero appointments I found someone else anyway he works actual late nights and will work around your clients fanned Abby dozy then babycakes now swerve your arse right out of my jeans and go suck a big fat hairy toe you bone idle idiots then we have this contribution from babes Sorella down in the comments my dad was on call once and got a call at about 2:00 a.m. he was speaking quietly to avoid waking my mom this was in the days before smartphones and it wasn't a cordless so he couldn't move the patient was getting angry he couldn't hear my dad and demanded he speak louder my dad said I'm trying not to wake my wife why is your wife sleeping at your office it's 2:00 a.m. I'm at home the patient then went on to yell at him about how unprofessional he was for being home asleep at 2:00 a.m. dad kicked him from the practice the next day on this next reddit post the choosing beggar hired Opie to make a track for him hey can you please send me whatever you have so far once you get the first 10 to 20 seconds done huh hi I have 14 orders ahead of yours if you needed it faster there was to day option I'll have the first seconds done in about three days can you read fun so I get it fast e faster okay now can you send me the first new second in about an hour uh-huh hello no I have 14 orders ahead of you well ten now okay can you please send me what you have so far if you can't that means you're not taking time on my order which means a bad rating from me I will cancel good Lord you just ordered this is what my queue looks like it's like a line at a store I have all these people in front of you okay fine can you send me progress huh hello I am almost at yours okay how many in front of me one okay ready for mine now here's the first fifteen seconds that's an abrupt start I'll send you something of what the beginning should sound like never mind just make it sound more smooth the beginning progress huh hello here's more can you take away where it's sassy Blanc place it me the project link so far for Ableton not until the end why I want the project file I need the first half of the song with project file now please I paid you a lot if not I will refund hello I want refund I just really want the project file right now and the full one later huh huh okay buddy we're going to have to cancel you don't understand how this works and I have never had such an impatient person before Opie chose to cancel this order cancellation request denied choosing beggar has denied your cancellation request fine won't be impatient continue I do not wish to work on this project anymore you can get your refund Opie chose to cancel this order choosing beggar has denied the cancellation request no please I am sorry no please I am sorry I really need you Opie has filed an order dispute you are a very bad producer will never work with you again order canceled by mutual agreement see I can't even sleep without you being impatient incredible so all of this took place within a 48-hour period but somehow they still didn't choose to buy the two-day option Opie added this down in the comments he cancelled an order before this one because it wasn't fast enough I should have blocked him then oh well bonus this is on his profile education md in quantum physics from Harvard University oh wait Indy as in medical degree this guy's a medical doctor of quantum physics this guy has an advanced big brain is the dirtbike still available yes it's for sale will you take a trade Arno yes what for a TV no I'm looking for more like a two-stroke bike or a golf card would you like to trade for an iPhone no Fe you I got your location and I will steal it whatever man and I will bang your woman whatever you say I am watching you oh and this guy says I am watching you I think this dude's about to get robbed by Mike Tyson so I live in the middle of nowhere my mom called and said the church down the street was having a yard sale and we should check it out turns out it wasn't a yard sale everything was free I asked if they were at least requiring a donation and they said since the town is really low income they just want to give stuff away and help out need they had beautiful dishes tea sets toys books lots of clothes etc this was its second day so a lot of stuff was already gone I got two cookbooks a brand new curling iron some toys my daughter picked out a shirt and a cardigan I told them I would be back soon with some cash I go to the gas station pull out some cash and go back to the church there is this chick reaming at the two old ladies holding the giveaway where is your good stuff I don't Fe need used clothes the old women were trying to say they were just trying to give back to the community by giving away donations they'd received you're just trying to push used junk on me I know you had stuff in the back I really had to say something and asked if there was a problem did I really have to call the cops because someone was harassing the church because they're free stuff wasn't to their standards she left in a huff and I felt really bad for the two women who knows what kind of people they dealt with the past couple of days ps4 is still available I got your number from blank and I was interested is it fine if I negotiate yes ps4 is selling for 250 bucks with Grand Theft Auto 5 The Last Guardian and Spider Man 50 bucks take it or leave it I'm sorry that's way too low I could do 200 but 50 is less than GTA 5 itself GTA 5 is so overrated just give me the ps4 or I can buy it at Blockbuster this is beyond me he wants to buy it at Blockbuster what year is this 2005 review three stars we live only a block away from this bakery but we are not regulars today while biking around my two-year-old son wanted to have some ice cream but I didn't have any cards with me only the Apple pay so we went inside and I asked if they accept Apple pay they said no so I told my son we should go back home get some cash or a card to buy some ice cream he didn't want to leave we waited outside maybe for 10 minutes until I convinced him here is the tricky part nobody offered him a scoop of ice cream or told us that we could pay later not that I need some kind of charity but believe me this is courtesy and they would acquire a new customer a kid scoop is only two and a half dollars but customer in the same neighborhood means that they will earn a a lot more in the long run yeah I'm sure they're very eager to get a customer who comes in expecting free ice cream hi everyone I'm looking for a natural sperm donor meeting these requirements age 16 to 23 never use any prescription or illicit drugs never drink except for communion 'i'm blonde or light brown hair not overweight and comes from a 75 percent plus american backgrounds agrees to forfeit all parental rights at time of birth no payment will be collected during any natural breeding sessions however regular child support payments in the amount of 20% of your income will be expected within the first month of birth you will remain completely anonymous throughout the child's 18 years of life and you would be expected to maintain that same level of anonymity with anyone around you please reach out to me through messenger for more information thank you I'm not sure what's the bigger red flag here that this lady is trying to hook guys for 20 percent of their income or that the minimum age is 16 hey everyone as you know my parents have given me until the end of the month to find enslavement or a new place to live I have applied to all six places within walking distance of my house that would be a good fit for me and have heard nothing back so I decided to go the second route everyone is included in this offer but if you're tagged here it's because I think your house slash apartment is a perfect fit or I think your wealth is well lived and should be shared needs from the area large bedroom with attached bathroom access to Wi-Fi with at least 250 minutes with indoor - and postmates delivery area at least to animal shelters within walking distance as this is one of the few jobs I'd be okay with soundproofing our area with no noise restrictions needs from you gracious on rent if required if you need rent from me after the first two to six months I will need a guarantee you can drive me to and from work if I'm not able to find a place I can walk to willing to share weeds give me money for it as you really don't want me deprived of my meds haha access to your Hulu / Netflix / Amazon Prime meals cooked three to seven days a week allow me to exist in this space as I please this includes nudity and clutter also again if you absolutely need rent from me after the graze period it needs to be less than $400 a month the only exception is those of you living in the downtown area I'm willing to do four or fifty but it's not my fault your two-bedroom apartment cost twenty five hundred a month what I can offer instead of employment education this is a big one as you all know I am well-versed in many subjects and would be willing to put myself through the emotional labor in order to answer any questions you may have about the lgbtq+ community racism microaggressions fat shaming and more advice / emotional support you'll get access to z Starfire my adorable emotional support cat and as you already know I'm very good at giving advice for any situation please inbox me if you'd like to help you can send money to me at PayPal dot me slash blank I would literally kill another human being to see the comment section under this Facebook post also if you're wondering how old this person is she's 30 this woman is 30 years old and honestly believes that preachy live-in friend is a full-time job selling Honda motorcycle 600 bucks I had my fortune read it said I shall not pay more than what has been known to me as three hundred and sixty dollars it shall be delivered to Minnesota if possible and someone asked o P how close he is to Minnesota he replies I'm over 1200 miles from Minnesota uh yeah signs point to no that was our slashed using beggars and please that like button to help me get better
Channel: rSlash
Views: 953,903
Rating: 4.9306583 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, choosingbeggars, beggar, r/choosingbeggars, choosing beggar, choosing
Id: gHI7h913Mb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 26 2019
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