"Episode" Is The Weirdest Mobile Game Of All Time

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hey guys I literally just got back from tour but I got some more shows coming up I'm going to the Midwest so right there all those all those cities and there's some more on my website so Kurtis counter comm grab your tickets come see me meet me all that stuff alright enjoy the video see ya hey guys welcome back to my channel if you're new here what's up how's it going and if you're coming back what's up how's it going it's so good to see you again dude I hope you're doing well you see what happens when you subscribe to my channel you get an extra greeting at the beginning of every single one of my videos so just press the subscribe button for an extra greeting Oh folks I know my room looks a little different today I actually remodeled it to look like a hotel room in Vancouver British Columbia so you see that a TV right right there how do I raise it right there how do you figure work a debt TV it's actually my to youtube flex I kind of smoosh it together I'm kidding obviously I'm in a hotel room right now I'm on tour I'm in a hotel I got a pillow that looks like a piece of poo so I'm having a pretty good night but yeah this video is gonna be a little different usually I want to make videos there's a lot of research involved you know a lot of scripting but you know I'm on tour and I'm I have a show pretty much every night so I don't really have the time to do all that scripting planning researching and everything but I still wanted to film something man so today we're gonna be playing the game the mobile game episode I have a little bit of experience with this game okay so the the first ipod touch that I ever got okay it was in like 2010 so like 10 years ago now holy shit and the first game I ever got on it was episode Believe It or Not best this game has been on there for a fucking long time it's been doing its thing for a while okay when I first that was like the first game I ever got because I was like okay it's like it's on like number one in the App Store I'll give it a go and I played it'll like quite a bit please don't make fun of me but I thought we'd do an episode we'd see what it's all about and please don't look at the bags under my eyes okay the one that I picked will be the story that I chose to do it's called the baby project your world is turned upside down when you're paired with a mysterious new student for Riverside High's baby project they say it only takes one spark to light a fire if I known how big the blaze would get what I like to match again okay so this is where so this is where I guess we pick our name I'm a girl I guess in this so I guess I could you Kurt tisks Curtis some a little snake and I'm interested in another preference fuck it dude who cares okay am i the quirky romantic the brilliant misfit or the snarky rebel you know what let's do snarky rebel okay Jughead you're a rebel dude Spencer why does this look like me that's blond me dude okay Hey ladies suck Curtis Oh Spencer hi uh miss Gabe's I presume welcome to Riverside High Hey he's so scared of each other dude if you're a teacher and you got that haircut you gotta you gotta go home you got it you got you're fired I'm sorry if you're a teacher and you have one of those like fucking shave size top bun things you are out of a job welcome to life skills today we begin Riverside High's infamous baby project here we go dude the name of the episode name is rage we're really doing a baby project I thought dude his name might as well to say Cody Simpson right there why put Spencer you know that's Cody Simpson dude how funny would be if it were never cut - Spencer it wasn't even a cartoon it was just a real life cut out of fucking Cody Simpson others a glutton so I can't go around licking a sack of flour I'm like I'll like literally die if you're not we won't be unloading sacks of flour on to you poor souls we've upgraded to state-of-the-art baby simulations is he taking a shit you don't worry guys we won't be using sacks of flour this year we'll be using big pieces of shit my shit you like my little bun up here up here it's shaved on the side but it's a bun up here oh it's frying now sorry it's okay tastes like shit I don't know why I did that and this year drum roll please you'll be choosing your partners now who you pick tomorrow could mean the difference between graduating and repeating senior year so think carefully about this decision because you're going to be getting very intimate with each other okay weird weird thing to say if you're a teacher okay who are you gonna ask her it is what do I do Cody Simpson or the new girl okay let's all do Spencer sure go back for the new kid who's gonna want to pair up with her after that entrance what entrance she just walked into the classroom that was cringe how she kind of just walked into the room sat down like a normal person who something seems up everyone's avoiding Leah I'll introduce myself fuck it you know I'm I'm polite Curtis isn't Curtis is polite she's a Curtis is a very polite woman hey Leah she can't hear me she has air pods in Leah oh okay was it it was juice I thought that was blood I thought someone just got fucking stabbed I knew this shirt from my interview oh shit I was trying to play it cool I can fix it I've got a stain stick in my locker don't bother you dude hey dude what hey you got a little stain on your shirt there I do oh fuck all right okay thank you for that I feel better okay well that doesn't seem necessary I feel like you could have just you know change shirts or well it's ruined this shirts ruined I had to throw it away I had a little bit of dust on my pants they're ruined I can't get rid of them okay would you look at that looks like I peed my underwear too got it got to get these off okay well I'm for sure calling the cops now a good idea they got some pants promise it was totally my fault I was gonna introduce myself and then I know who you are Curtis and we shouldn't be talking that's the attention miss Gibbs 305 sure how does she know me if I don't know her I mean hey just say it but I think it has anything to do with the two-week home and that wiped your memory Oh suck my fucking balls dude how fucking lazy do you have to be to use the fucking eye dude forgot memories don't know what happened episode time fuck man fuck you dude fuck episode imagine this video was sponsored by them fuck you I have a plan how you're going to solve your mystery two plans actually do you want a nice plan of the naughty one come on Jeannie you know me the naughty plan I'm all about naughty playing yeah I was hoping you'd say that stay with me we're gonna sneak you into detention we're all can miss Leah to be my partner for the baby project no I want it Spencer don't hey you're changing my shit I want Spencer it's the only way I'll get the truth to pull it off I need to look I feel like I need to look badass where'd you get those clothes did you have a three separate bags with like three different outfit choices that's pretty smart actually everyday you bring like four different like bags with you full of different styled like different themed outfits for how you want to present yourself that day today I'm feeling pretty swimmy it's just a bathing suit I'm impressed what kind of psycho breaks into detention leaves impressed by how badass you are yes dude by fucking idiot man what do you think are doing here miss Taylor's last I checked you weren't the new student disrupting my school by starting fights in the cafeteria no but neither was Lea this isn't fair to her if I stand up for her she'll remember it I should totally show what I'm made of okay so hold on if I want to if I want to stand up for Lea I have to give ten diamonds and I have four diamonds right now this isn't our real life is right as a house shit that's not shit works when you want to do something some guys are just like you gotta give me diamonds first you want to buy the bananas you want to put the bananas in your grocery cart I need seven diamonds easy transaction you give me diamonds you get bananas that's not how life works episode okay like I said my screen recording fucked up so I'm gonna let you guys know what happened really quick and in that in that time so I spent money on the diamonds I bought the diamonds I'm not proud of it and then I spent them to stand up for Leah and I did and she was really happy and in the next part I spent some more diamonds to eavesdrop on a in between the principal and Lea so we're in the principal's office right now eavesdropping okay what happened between me and Curtis was all my fault I take full responsibility I don't want to mess up her life again again is there more to this story than you're telling me well sir Curtis and I have met but I don't think she'd remember I think it's better if she doesn't I appreciate your candor and I'm aware that today is the first bit day of the baby project who you pick could be more important than you realize trust your gut miss Gibbs usually is true feelings Wow [Laughter] [Music] okay so now we're two now I'm choosing my partner for the baby project tell us who do you choose who's the one person you want to be intimate with share everything with weirdest teacher in the world holy shit go deeper than you've ever gone before oh god this teacher needs to be in jail I choose no I'll play one more episode of this all right I choose come on say Curtis say Curtis Randy just picked a white guy with dreads dude you're up mr. Smith Curtis well big surprise thanks Cody Simpson fuck your first assignment is to write your origin as a couple there are more romance the better yeah this teachers a fucking creep dude the more romance the better the juicier the details are the better it is because I'm gonna read all of them later in my bathtub or just at my desk I mean diner hey mom hey sweetheart how was school same old I became a mother that sounds wonderful honey I'm glad you're getting back out there remember you said that when a robot baby is keeping us awake at night Curtis had always loved that deep fried diner scent it smelled like home after all the diner was where she'd grown up where she learned to read where she had her first kiss it was a place where where she first got close to a dashing young man the co-star she found intriguing talent in a very handsome Cody Simpson there's not sand castles what is your ideal first date Watson makin out I work at the movie Plex I can take you up to the projection room it's normally off-limits but I've got the keys I love it up there it's dark quiet romance Cody chill I'd love to spend the rest of the evening 20 diamonds dude by the end of this story they're gonna be like hey you gotta give me your get hand over your car keys you want to go to the fucking you you want to pass your baby projects you got to give me your fucking two car keys and your social security number access to your bank accounts and all your shoes another fucking two bucks man okay if I kiss you okay he asked so yeah I'll give him a little smooch Wow Wow let's just get back to this assignment right there's some research we're in the middle of wasn't there another kiss jeez if the teacher knew about this he'd be fucking creaming his jeans right now dude you guys kissed oh hey Plus dad hey sweetheart did you have a nice time with Spencer your mother and I love that you're getting back out there it's healthy for a young woman - dad I think if I discuss my love life - see you need to help the dinner rush that's nice of you hon we've been so understaffed lately actually just okay fucking Oh Leah Gibbs is getting a job Oh Leah didn't get the job because I've ruined her shirts oh what a twist dude guess she's outside trying to start her junk junk heap car your mystery woman she's still here didn't look like she was going anywhere for a while hold that thought there's something I need to do yeah I totally ruined Leah's life when I got her detention that's not how you get a car started right what the fuck why isn't my car starting hey Curtis wake up I'm sleeping on Leah's shoulder uh-oh sleepy we got the tension again oops why is that any time we talk I end up in detention I realized your constant bickering presents a unique opportunity after all the baby project teaches communication and responsibility so so you two will now be partners what I just I fucking kiss Cody Simpson man my fucking made out with Cody Simpson in a movie theater and for what and I know if someone's gonna take that clip out of context I didn't actually met it was for a game he's in the game I didn't actually make out with Cody Simpson we're now we can't all be that lucky you better work out all the kinks now okay yeah I don't like that he said kinks because tomorrow you're exchanging vows get ready for married life to be continued Wow holy shit fuck I fucking hated that game dude I miss when games like when free games were actually just free instead of like hey you want to do the thing that'll make this thing more enjoyable and the thing you actually want to do you got to give you money yeah I wanted to try something different on the channel it's a new year I want to start doing different types of videos on my channel and stuff so yeah I thought I'd give it thought I'd give this a go if you enjoyed it press the like button because one like equals one hotel poop pillow yeah I'll leave a comment let me know you thought let me know if you liked it or if I should keep doing these if I could continue this story press subscribe button so I make a video every single week you know check the description for the stuff I do Instagram Twitter my podcast my stand-up shows that I got coming up I gotta go it's very light I'm tired so yeah see you later [Music] [Music]
Channel: Kurtis Conner
Views: 1,899,041
Rating: 4.9840374 out of 5
Id: weWzw6DM5_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 16 2020
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