The Strange World of YouTube Subliminals

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Its good that he doesn't believe we don't need people like him in this community

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/Flameslimit23 📅︎︎ May 26 2020 🗫︎ replies

I actually dont care. And I think it is better for them to not to believe in subs because if everyone believed in them we would have more toxic people and literally everyone and everyhing would be perfect. Which is not as good as it sounds.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/HiAliensIAmAHuman 📅︎︎ May 26 2020 🗫︎ replies

You cant blame them everyone was skeptical qyhen they first Heard this its just we stuck out more

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

I don't care, nobody will believe us. They are missing out, not us

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/abanterbus123 📅︎︎ May 26 2020 🗫︎ replies

I saw the video when it first came out. Criticism is criticism. If he doesn't want to associate with us, ok.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/GeekestFoxYT 📅︎︎ May 26 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Rantifer 📅︎︎ May 25 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey guys welcome back to my channel if you're new here what's up how's it going and if you're coming back what's up how's it going very good to see you again real quick i want to say uh thank you for 1 million subscribers that's honestly very nuts i uh i never thought that this would ever happen and um i'm very very lucky and appreciative of all of you so thank you for everything i mean i don't think it's because of the the content or anything or me really i owe it all to the extra greeting i think so thank you for appreciating it every time i i give one so it really it really means a lot so seriously thank you so much curtis town we're like a curtis country now dude that's never happening all right curtis town forever with the eternal town another quick announcement you may notice a little v squared which equals yi yi uh you know mathematically so new merge dude what's up we got the the yi squared and in pink and green also if you want to show some pride for where you graduated we got some yyu crewnecks yigi university and gray and black those are really sick i think those are my favorites we got a certified hard boy hoodie if you want to let everyone know that you're not a soft boy because they're the worst and we also got the curtis town extra greeting shirts so sick check them out grab them wear them folks holy [ __ ] today's video is going to be [ __ ] it's going to be [ __ ] the other day i didn't really know what to film i had a lot of ideas but i didn't know what to pick so i went to my instagram story and asked you guys for some suggestions about what to make a video about and i got a few about this specific topic that we're going to talk about today a lot of you guys asked me to talk about subliminal messaging youtube channels and when i first saw that i'm like oh i know what subliminal messages are that's not oh that's last year's news that's so 2010 dude you know it's the mcdonald's flashing up on a screen really quick it's the the money sign in that kfc sandwich but holy [ __ ] was i wrong oh my god i was wrong there's a whole other type of subliminal messaging going on on youtube right now there's an entire community around it it's very strange it's even weirder than disney putting sex in the stars or whatever so we're going to be taking a deep dive into the strange world of youtube subliminals but before we do that i want to talk about something that is not subliminal at all this is right in your face alright today's video is sponsored by hellofresh so stay tuned to find out how you can get started with eight free meals that's 80 books off of your first month with hellofresh yeah dude but more on that later so we all know what subliminal messages are pictures words themes that are not initially perceived consciously only your subconscious will receive them and put them somewhere in your noggin for example what i just said i subliminally wanted you to think that i knew what i was talking about but i don't i googled it usually subliminal messaging is like used or apparently used to like sell [ __ ] you know not [ __ ] you know they're not hiding little turds everywhere to be like you know what i should buy some feces you know they're selling just stuff they're selling their mcdonald's they're selling their their kfc you know it's it's for marketing but there's a whole community on youtube that is using subliminal messaging to improve your life well ain't that swell all you have to do is watch these videos called subliminals and they they solve all your problems sounds crazy i know but i'm gonna go in with an open mind and uh we'll see we'll see how much better my life can get after these subliminals so fill up your oxygen tanks cause we're going deep let's go okay so we got this first channel called subliminal affirmations booster get results now which is just a great name for a youtube channel really rolls off the tongue i gotta add that to my name curtis connor get results now okay so we got ones like attract positive energy in 10 minutes who knows if that works maybe it does attract money and wealth in 10 minutes a little more far-fetched but you never know i don't know how money works maybe that that maybe that's a secret dude but then we get into ones that just straight up make no goddamn sense at all like grow golden blonde hair in 10 minutes subliminal affirmations booster real results daily so they're saying with positive affirmations you can watch a video and then no matter what kind of hair you have you'll start growing blonde hair on your head oh holy [ __ ] yo you still going to the [ __ ] hairdresser dude y'all still using hair dye [ __ ] hair dye dude all i need is vibes before we watch this video i'm going to say something that everybody's thinking what the [ __ ] there's no goddamn way that works holy [ __ ] there's no way like i'm no scientist believe it or not but i don't think a youtube video will change your physical attributes you know that is one foolproof way to get views though at the end of all my videos i'm just gonna put watching this will make you taller and then everyone will be like oh [ __ ] yeah well i could use a few inches then it'll be t-series versus old curt boy you know okay let's uh let's just watch this blonde hair one and see if it works shall we nothing's happening so far i can see myself in the viewfinder hair's still brown oh you got to be [ __ ] kidding me man dude the whole video is 10 minutes of the same close-up picture of blonde hair with some calming music in the background holy [ __ ] dude there's no oh my god man let's let's check out the description subliminal affirmations booster is the new frontier that will be providing amazingly fast results as we are utilizing new untapped state-of-the-art technology backed by vibrational and energetic programming to ensure that we tap directly into the subconscious mind to provide super fast results to our listener dude is this a youtube description or a synopsis of the matrix what are you [ __ ] saying dude we're actually utilizing an untapped state of vibrating and visualizing uh technology that will boost your [ __ ] blonde hair count by 30 miles blue pillow the red pill the powerful hidden suggestions easily bypass your conscious resistance and tap into the only level that allows you to create a tremendous change your subconscious mind okay so i guess they're putting in like secret messages somehow in this video we purposely embed very low subliminal affirmations so that the listener cannot hear them this way the subliminals can go directly to your subconscious mind without any judging or disbelief from your conscious mind well this could never work for me i [ __ ] judged it right off the bat okay so i guess they record after positive affirmations and make them just super quiet so you can't really hear them your subconscious hears them and they're like okay yeah you're right our hair is [ __ ] blonde isn't it let's read some of the affirmations that they included i love my beautiful golden blonde hair i am growing beautiful golden blonde hair now oh dude no one's ever said that hey blondie's out there you ever just sit in an empty room on just on just a chair and just grow your hair and you say that i'm growing beautiful blonde hair right now my golden blonde hair is regrowing they are growing as i breathe all results from me subliminal affirmations are permanent okay so it didn't work when i just like skimmed over it so i'll watch the full thing and then maybe by the end of it my hair will be blonde let's let's take a look [Music] [Music] okay now i'm going to look in the viewfinder see what happens see the see the results that i work so hard on all right [ __ ] didn't work there's one called get super human strength in 10 minutes uh yes please the pinned comment is and wow this is affecting my muscles i feel throbbing and tingling hey go to the doctor maybe oh my muscles are like throbbing and tingling right now this is crazy dude dude i must i think i'm getting super strength no you're no this i don't know doc i was watching this video to get super strength and then i felt my muscles like throbbing and tingling so i think i have super strength dude like whatever though yeah we just got the test results back you straight up have arthritis it's like a very bad case of arthritis oh um oh we're gonna have to start you on something oh yeah oh so it's like really bad arthritis yeah yeah it's really bad so so like super arthritis sure yeah sick looking through this youtube channel if you watched all of these you'd be a [ __ ] superhero you could change your hair color at will your eye color your height literally everything about you move over superman make way for positive affirmations man it is me positive affirmations man my blonde hair is growing as i breathe okay so the the changing hair color and the eye color those ones are super weird but it gets even weirder believe it or not uh this one is called look like ariana grande subliminal warning very strong yeah well [ __ ] so am i after getting super strength all right i am already seeing the results [Music] dang it it worked perfectly that was [ __ ] weird man at least the other ones were like just kind of soothing music and you couldn't really hear the affirmations but this one you can legit hear it clear as day dude i am good i am nice i am going to look like ariana i'm going to look like her my eyebrows are like hers okay so i'm looking at the comments right now and holy [ __ ] apparently it worked day one nothing obviously day two somehow i look uglier day three my eyes look a little more like her shape and my eyelashes are darker day four okay so this is so weird my friend was doing my hair and she noticed a part of my hair was brown my hair is black and she said it looked like naturally brown hair but now it does look weird seeing some of my hair is brown and the other is black day five nothing week three a big jump i look like ariana grande like my head shape change to hers my eyes are just like hers my nose has gotten thinner my jawline is sharper this works so well i will continue using it more updates it's very weird to watch this video over and over again to hope that you would look like your favorite celebrity and to lie in the youtube comments to be like yeah it worked i look like her i look exactly like her guys you want a picture sorry like i wish i could wish i could but this is youtube comments and i can't do that and so sorry okay imagine if this actually [ __ ] worked what if you kept doing it after you did it so much that you look like ariana grande like you watched it so much that you looked exactly like ariana grande but then you kept watching it then what would happen you turn into like super ariana grande like ariana venti like it's so weird to think that like there's just kids out there that are just staring at these creepy videos and just like hoping that they'll change their physical attributes that's so strange dude good i am nice i'm going to look like ariana i'm going to look like her my eyebrows are like knock knock hey honey oh i'm going to look like ariana but uh um i am good i am nice i am going to look like what are you going to look like over there eyebrows i'm so [ __ ] grateful for my positive affirmations going to look like all right if this is real this would be a crazy [ __ ] torture tactic you know like just strap someone to a chair and tape their eyes open and then play a [ __ ] get dimples in 10 minutes video oh dude i don't want dimples dude like the only realistic one would be like turn your eyes red subliminal because you're staring at a screen for so [ __ ] long that your eyes are gonna start to dry out and [ __ ] go red so that would be only one that made sense dude like there's so many of them for so many different things okay here's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna i'm gonna play all of them at the same time on different tabs and i'm gonna let them all play at the same time and it's gonna just [ __ ] me up i'm gonna have blue eyes green eyes blonde hair brown hair i'm gonna get taller shorter i'm gonna get stronger weaker everything i'm gonna get so [ __ ] up dude i'm gonna look like one of [ __ ] floop spookies from spy kids that's gonna be me just a bunch of [ __ ] thrown together okay i'm not a very spiritual person as you can probably see and i obviously don't want to make fun of anyone for believing in this type of stuff you know it's a free free country dude you can believe in what you want but yeah i just think this whole thing is a little gross you know it's kind of it just seems a little off like the people who own these channels are literally profiting off of people's insecurities and hardships you know super weird oh everything is wrong in your life you don't have your the right hair color you don't look like ariana grande your your boyfriend left you well come watch my videos they'll solve everything dude and of course they're all over 10 minutes so i can put mid rolls in there whoa what a clinky dink no that's that's like the right amount of time it's just crazy how it lined up with youtube's mid-roll [ __ ] rules you know it's crazy dude like we all want to change things about ourselves you know that's i get it okay we all have our insecurities like me sometimes i wish i was just less funny dude it's honestly too much sometimes seriously though we all get sad about ourselves we wish things were better about ourselves but like i think having a positive outlook on life you know loving the good vibes i think that's great i think that will bring a lot of um positivity and great things in your life i believe that to an extent you know but there's no goddamn way that watching a video with a picture of blonde hair and quiet voices saying that you're gonna have blonde hair is gonna give you blonde hair dude that's so [ __ ] so weird dude no goddamn way you don't believe me you think these work well all right to prove to you that these actually don't work i put subliminals throughout this whole video yeah you didn't hear them but your subconscious did i'll i'll raise the audio of them right now in in editing you are turning into a bottlenose dolphin you're straight up becoming a dolphin you're a dolphin you are becoming a dolphin that was playing for the entire video so if you legit turned into a bottlenose dolphin a fin there's proof there's proof that it works dude so i'd love to hear feedback let me know in the comments if uh if you actually turned into a bottlenose dolphin in conclusion i just wanted to talk about this topic because it was very interesting to me and just so [ __ ] mind-boggling dude so weird you know just a big yikes and if you want to change how you look physically you know i don't see a problem with that you know [ __ ] get a nose job get a boob job who cares you know dye your hair [ __ ] it you know do it in a way that actually does something and is safe and stuff i don't know like i said i don't know anything but maybe i need to watch positive affirmations on how to you know be smarter these subliminals won't make your life better i think we've come to that conclusion but you want to know something that will make your life better it's a little something called hellofresh yep it's that time alright i've worked with hellofresh in the past before and i'm very excited to be working with them again because straight up i eat hello fresh every single week food's amazing and it's a lot of fun cooking it if you've never heard of them before hellofresh sends you seasonal simple recipes and pre-measured ingredients right to your door every week so you can spend less time meal planning and grocery shopping so you can get that time back to do more of what you love even if that is watching videos to turn yourself into a bottlenose dolphin dude there are three plans to choose from classic veggie and family with the option to switch plans whenever your tastes change and i've got some very cool news hellofresh is now from 6.99 per serving and you can get started with 8 free meals that's 80 bucks off your first month with hellofresh all you have to do is head over to and enter promo code curtistown80 or just click the link in my description so get out of that recipe rut and start cooking outside your comfort zone with america's number one meal kit hellofresh all right folks that's gonna do it for today's video thank you very much for watching if you enjoyed it please press the like button one like equals one ariana grande lookalike and those are the best dude we all love them leave a comment let me know what you thought of this whole thing let me know if you use these and obviously if the whole bottlenose dolphin thing worked for you let me know even though dolphins don't have fingers and they can't really type but you use text-to-speech or whatever also don't forget to press the subscribe button because i make a video every single week and they're so much fun dude again thank you so much for a million subscribers very happy stoked super crazy you guys are awesome um thank you very much check out the description for links to my social media my instagram my twitter also down there you can find links to my weekly podcast called very really good you can listen to it for free on spotify and itunes and there's also a patreon for that podcast where you can hear the episodes a week early and there's also a bonus monthly video episode and like i mentioned earlier in the video i got brand new merch perfect for the springtime a lot of fun bright colors amazing stuff dude so uh yeah go check it out if you want to grab some curtis town merch and show people that you're proud of where you're from dude alright that's gonna do it for this video thank you so much for watching i've been curtis connor i'll see you next week i gotta go get dimples really quick bye-bye hey guys thank you so much for watching this video if you want to see more from me you can click right here on the screen and watch some other videos from me and don't forget to press that subscribe button alright i will see you next week bye bye bye
Channel: Kurtis Conner
Views: 2,831,583
Rating: 4.9280992 out of 5
Keywords: kurtis conner, subliminal messaging, subliminals, subliminal messages, positive affirmation, youtube subliminal, strange, world, commentary, kurtis connor, ariana grande
Id: dCMaaaUdohM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 34sec (1174 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2019
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