These 'Niche Memes' Need to Stop

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Hey guys, what's up, welcome back to my channel if you're new here. What's up? How's it going? And if you're coming back, what's up? How's it going? It's good to see you again You see what happens when you subscribe you get an extra greeting with every video, dude So press subscribe button for an extra greeting. before you say anything in the comments I know the mustache is weird and gross and I look like Michael Cera But I'm not shaving it and that is out of respect for Michael Cera I respect you Michael, I think I look great Should I shave it? No, I'm already committed. I have to keep it. Folks! I'm very excited for today's video I've wanted to make this for a very long time but I wasn't really sure how to do it or if it was even worth the time but But these things kept popping up on my Instagram explorer page So I feel like it was a universe telling me to be like make fun of this make fun of this do it Curtis So thanks universe today We're gonna be talking about niche memes I don't have you ever seen these before but the daily beast Whatever the fuck that is describes them as a secret clipart diary teens post on Instagram and that's kind of accurate. They're like these really aesthetically pleasing pictures with like Clipart like cut out images of stuff like kind of like mood board ish But they're like really Specific like towards someone's day or experience or like mood and I'm just so baffled by them They're not memes, you know memes are supposed to be relatable funny entertaining, you know, stuff like that But these are just collections of pictures of stuff that you did, you know 𝓫𝓲𝓰 𝔀𝓱𝓸𝓸𝓹 so this video is gonna be about niche memes what they're all about what the goal is and I'm gonna see if I can really understand and get to the bottom of this whole niche meme Phenomenon would you say hold on to your hats? Whoa, because these are gonna be some of the most nich- some of the- I can't even say it dude, these are gonna be some of the most niche memes you've ever seen dude BARS Here's a prime example the aesthetic I'm trying to have and just like really trendy stuff, you know headphones and a shoe and a pants You know coca-cola, you know that aesthetic one of the biggest corporations in the world that sells stuff that like could clean tires Bro, that's my aesthetic dude ḑ̶̡̙͍̬̜̹̱̯̩͎͈͚͖̦͓̙͚̈͂̃̑̄ͬ͒̾̇̀ͬͣ͂͊̏̈́̚o̵̶̦̮̯̲̤͕͓̭̪͎̗̫ͥ̔̎̋͋̒̓͊ͭͬ͂̀ͅṅ̯̙͙͍̗̜ͣ̀͑̎ͯͮ̏̇͌̅ͫ̑̚͞͡t̨͎͙̖̮͎̖͔̬̗̘̼͓͂̔̇͋ ̧͎̲͕̬͇̖̟̩̌̌̄̒́͊ͤ̆͂͆̉ͫͤ̒́͜g̡̾͌ͧ̎̃̒ͣ̂̐̇͟͏̴͉̲̹̦͔̜̘̘̰͙͕̹̯̮̜̝i̷̻͉̱̞̮̻̣̻̐͐̊͛̽͌ͬ͘͡ͅv̈́͗̄̍̃ͥ̉̌̽ͬ͐͏̡̛̯̟͍̀͞ë́ͫͥ̆͊̈́́͘҉̯͎̞̜ ̷̢̳̙̤̥̱̰̳̰̘̳͚̦̹̓̎͒͆ͭ̐̍ͨ́̏ͧ̽̃͟͞ͅâ̡̧̠̣̘̟̩͎̲͚̙̣͎̜̣͓̟̍̔ͥͤͧ̍̔̽̈̐ͦͬ͋̒ͪ̀̕ ̷̷̨͙̻̝͙̖͓̣͇͓̫̳̊̽ͯ͊ͧͤ̃̾̄ͧͩ̒̿̄̒̅ͪͩd̅̃̿͗͊̎ͤ̈́ͯ̍ͤͯ͗̅҉̸̛̫̼̥̼̪͔͔̀͟a̼̞͉͚̟̟̘̮̝ͮͤͩͪ̃͜m̶̶̞͍̞͎͕̼͈͉̮̮͖͉̪̌̿̿͋̆͒͒ͧͭ͊̆̀̕n̰̠̳̻͙̝͙̘ͦ̔̆͑̔ͨ̀̇̎̈̓̂ͩ̋́͢͞͝͞ You'll notice that most of the font is Arial bold italics, which you we've all seen that font Maybe you don't know the the exact name of it, but here are some great examples on on tumblr And then there's these other ones that are kind of kind of sad like people will just like post things about what they want to get better at what things are going wrong in their life and they'll just post it to Everyone in the world on Instagram, but it's like aesthetically pleasing. So it's very weird. It's very, um, you know, Juxtapose, is that the right word smart guy alert? Watch out I might do math in front of ya 4+6 is 10 Fuck you Eating healthier being more organized exercising more my self-esteem taking better. Okay Yeah, these are you know, or you could just not do this at all? Because it goes without saying that you need everyone needs to probably do these things I literally can't go a day without food water and sleep. This one's weird So the caption is 'I need more friends and my life is falling apart' and then stuff that just doesn't make sense really I've given up a dressing nicely Okay, that kind of pertains to it because you don't really care as much I'm trying to eat healthier if it's not going well Okay, this all makes sense and then you go it was my birthday last week. Okay I started watching the ACE family and they are the cute. Okay I thought I was gonna see things about you have needing more friends and your life falling apart But now you're watching the ACE family. Who is that? Who is that? Literally though? I'm gonna look up the ACE family really quick What's going on, everybody Okay, fuck that. FUCK that. I'm not ready for that dude. Vlogging with a baby. Okay enough. Here's another type of very niche meme that people make look so specific that no one could relate to it, but you see it and you're like All right types of people in my class a girl in my class that is extremely insecure and constantly talks about masturbation uhm l ke do you know, you got to know someone really well to really know that they're insecure or not? So this is your friend who constantly talks about masturb- like what if your friend what if this person follows you and you posted that and you're like hey, what the fuck man? I'm not insecure. I'm just and I've talked about it Maybe like once why you are you put me on your fucking niche meme page, dude? niche memes. I'm gonna make nephew memes like niche and nephew Okay All right, I'm sorry about that one. That was a very bad joke We're gonna move past it. We're gonna pretend I didn't say it and we're gonna keep going Here's a great one my two moods, you know, you got the nice one, you know you're crying um Flowers and you know, you're nice and white shoes and in the other side Fuckin volume up baby. Fuck off. I got a - fucking spaghetti strap dude, my cigarette, dude My two moods either crying or cigarettes cigarettes isn't really a mood but you know that how you feeling today? cigarettes alright. Trends I liked before they got famous Sushi. Oh, yeah, let me just Google when sushi was invented the year 1799 so you're gonna tell me you liked sushi before that. Yo, we're gonna go get sushi. Do you wanna come? Oh, no, that shit's like so nah I don't order that stuff. I liked it like way before you guys did but it's sushi though. It's just like regular food that every- No but I was eating that shit in 1683, dude. Way before you guys I'm immortal. And coffee and backpacks may be a certain type of backpack, but coffee dude. No coffee was invented The same year sushi was invented It's not true, I don't know if that's true If my dad was a teen in 2018 goes to youth group Legit poor. Hey, man, take it easy on your dad listens to rock dark-hair plays. He's art gets bad grades, dude You just called your dad a poor dumbass. See that's so niche. That's nicha as fuck to roast your daddy like -oh you why did I say daddy? dad like that Okay That was weird, this one's a little more vague this one's like a fun game that they do It'll be a lot of options and based on the last digit of the like that you did That's what you get and it's smart because it gets people to like the picture, you know gets that engagement up, dude That's marketing 101 my guy this one's who will you go trick-or-treating with based on the first digit of you're like Hey, I know I said the first number but I meant the last one. Okay back to the video Kylie or Noah Fuck let's see what I get Noha me and you we're going trick-or-treating bro, let's do it. Nobody says trick-or-treat the same way. Oh man Here's what I think about niche memes. They do look good. They're not like painful to the eyes So these people making them they do have some artistic attributes, but they also have a lot of things that they want to share with the world and they just want to like vent and I have no problem with that You know, that's what the internet is for you can do whatever the hell you want on there But I think they can be better. If you're gonna call them niche memes make them Really niche you got to make them so specific that maybe not even one person can relate to them and that's what I did I made a collection of niche memes for you guys to see they're probably the nichest memes. You'll ever see Holy sheesh, that's niche is what you're gonna say whenever you see these let's take a look at them We got the first one shitting your pants in a Starbucks in New Jersey Maybe that's happened to a few people. Maybe it hasn't. I don't know. You know, you got your pants there your shitty pants Oops, you know what happens, you know, lol totally me This is me when I shit my pants in a Starbucks in New Jersey Everyone was mad that I smelled bad. You know this. This is a top-tier niche meme, my guy This is so niche. Dude. How niche can you get on a scale of 1 to niche? It's nichiest. Next. I took a crack at um, if blank was a teen And I did if Mount Rushmore was a teen. It's like four people condensed into one So it's pretty fucking scary actually Just just as just some food for thought just put into your brain into your four brains When I was browsing through these niche memes I came upon one That was like if Jupiter was a teenager So I decided to make if Pluto was a baby would be blue and stuff probably would eat astronaut food cuz you know They're in space Oh, my god would def wear this because you know, it's a it's got a rocket ship on it and you say googoo gaga But it'd be blue because you know Pluto's blue apparently bluto and You know, this is a little like anecdotal one for people pretty niche a very rare experience for someone to live But I'm sure it happened what it was like growing up with only one toe You got like a regular shoe store and you can never shop there because you know, it just doesn't work You only got one toe, you know, you got picture of the foot it's just one toe. You know, we'd always hang him hang around in groups and be like, hey guys isn't having five toes on each foot truly amazing and then you know You just never think about it. Maybe there's someone next to you who only has one toe I think this meme is a way to like learn from that and you know, just really Implement that. Think about other people's toes more often. Took a crack at the the one that's like that one girl who self who's insecure and talks about masturbation that one kid who sits At the back of math class and hums the breaking bad opening theme song You know, we've all had that kid in our and our math class, you know [humming breaking bad theme song] You know that kid he just does it for the whole class and you know miss teacher She's always mad at him and then the whole class is covering their ears cuz he's so annoying and won't stop, you know Everyone's saying shut up Trent shut up, you know, we've all had that. Oh wait No, we haven't had that cuz it's niche. You know, here's a cute one what I ate on April 3rd 2014 Hello again. I said the third but the picture says the 13th I know I know numbers trust me, back to the video got my favorite foods hot dog water You got Gatorade sandwich a banana hot dog a bread and a can and ketchup cookies. This is aesthetically pleasing Tell me the name of one person Who had this exact me on April 13 2014. can you? no? cuz you know why? It's niche dude, yeah, niche to meet you You're niche, dude that so dumb and then I took another crack at the the like one where the last digit of your like is the result you get and I got who will push you down a flight of stairs and then immediately kiss your dad based on the last digit if you're like and we Got Phil Dunphy the Geico lizard Alec Baldwin wall-e great options You just never know who's gonna push you down a flight of stairs and then smooch your papa. To top it all off I got probably the most niche situation that could ever happen that one time I was held at gunpoint by Brendan Fraser in the Denver Airport I thought I was being pranked but Brendan was serious, the cops showed up. This was me lol. Classic. We've all been there Oh wait. No, we haven't, you why, say it with me? Cuz it's niche. Yeah, before we go any further in this video I wanna I want to say like these I'm not like bashing or hating on you If you make these, you know, if it makes you happy if it makes if it helps going through your everyday life easier That's fine I'm not gonna bash that, you know, we need all the help we can get sometimes, you know Maybe I just have an issue with the name. You know, they should just be called online aesthetically pleasing Shit about stuff that I do, that'd be a that would be a perfect name and it rolls off the tongue I'm the only one out here making niche memes dude. They're so niche, bro And you remember that joke that I made 'niche to meet you'. Very stupid very bad, but a bad joke isn't all that is it's also the name of The Instagram account that I made for my niche memes @nichetomeetya Okay, I'm gonna upload all the ones that you saw in this video I'm gonna try to add more as we go along and I'm gonna get this- fuck- to be honest I want to get this niche meme page to be the top one I want to be number one dude, DM some really niche memes to that page and we'll repost them Okay, we're gonna we're gonna redo niche memes. We're gonna make the nichest memes you've ever fucking seen dude So I am currently uploading them right now as you can see and I'm just gonna hashtag the shit out of it, dude We got our first like from self-care threads Whoa full circle, but there are these threads on Twitter called self-care threads and dude They they fucking suck watch that video now. Okay, nice, dude. I'm a good youtuber that's gonna do it for this video. Thank you So much for watching if you enjoyed the video and my niche memes Press the like button because you know those took a very long time to make like way longer than I'm ready to admit So, please press the like button leave a comment Let me know you thought about this video and don't forget to press the subscribe button So I make a video every week and they're so much fun, dude and you don't want to miss out on an extra greeting next time and you just press subscribe button and there you go you got them you got them forever until you unsubscribe, but why would you ever do that? Obviously? follow @nichetomeetya and Kurtis Connor on Instagram. Those are two very great accounts And yeah Send some of your niche memes To me just the most specific things you can think of I'll Post in the description what apps I use to make them - they're both free and they're very easy to use So this is gonna be really funny. I'm very excited to do this yeah, check the description for all my other stuff my social media my Podcast my weekly podcast very really good. It's so good. So many five star reviews on iTunes, dude It's amazing and I got a patreon for my podcast where you can get early access to episodes and a bonus monthly video episode Dude, so so much so much good stuff. Thanks so much. Niche-ers What the fuck did I just say, thanks for watching. See you later. Hey guys, it's me again If you enjoyed this video, please press on the screen There's some other videos you can watch more of me and if you haven't pressed the subscribe button by now for whatever reason it's right there on screen - so Alright. Thanks. See you next time. Peace out
Channel: undefined
Views: 3,780,772
Rating: 4.9505086 out of 5
Keywords: niche, meme, memes, niche meme, niche memes, niche memer, how to make niche memes, aesthetic, aesthetic memes, kurtis conner, stop, reaction, commentary video, commentary
Id: By4HupJF4oo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 02 2018
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