This Canadian Reality TV Show Is Terrifying

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I would watch this work my grandparents all the time lol

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/chewbecca108 📅︎︎ Aug 24 2019 🗫︎ replies
sup guys welcome back to my channel if you're new here what's up how's it going and if you're coming back what's up how's it going dude it's so good to see you again I hope you're doing well alright see what happens when you subscribe to my channel you get an extra greeting at the beginning of every single one of my videos so press the subscribe button for an extra greeting dude please folks I love the outdoors I love it you know when doors are outside so cool I'm just kidding about both of those things I don't like camping or the outdoors the the last time I went camping I I was four years old and I burnt my finger on a sprinkler hey guys I'm a [ __ ] idiot I meant to say sparkler not sprinkler classic okay bye but there's a lot of people who love the outdoors and that's great you know do you pitch that 10 pitch it [ __ ] throw it out of baseball man homerun there's so many people who enjoy the outdoors that there's whole entire television networks devoted to being outside which kind of doesn't make sense at all if you really loved outdoors you wouldn't be inside watching TV right but I digress and there's so many like survival outdoor shows right we've all seen them you know you got Survivor survivor man naked and afraid' and who can forget Bear Grylls famous show yum-yum-yummy that's some delicious piss so I have a series on my channel where we look back at some old Canadian television shows because a lot of my viewers are American and you didn't grow up with some of the Canadian television shows that I grew up with and they're all very bad and not good so today we're gonna be taking a look at an old Canadian survival show and to be honest I completely forgot about this show I totally erased it from my mind until I saw this post on Instagram anyone else remember that Canadian reality TV show where two contestants with zero experience get left in the wilderness and have to get out while that cowboy tracked them down on his horse and the contestants had to out run and hide and they'd see him galloping over in the distance and they'd just get so scared and start sprinting into the bushes but they would always tumble down a hill or so thing and hurt they are legs and that cowboy would catch up and lasso them this show was called man tracker and they aired the show on OLN which is the outdoor life network I believe they played it later on at night because I remember like falling asleep to this show for some reason like pretty freak frequently before we track some men just want to remind you the tour is coming up very soon that we are two different people tour the tour that I am opening for with Danny Gonzales and drew guttin we're going to a bunch of cities across America so if you want to come grab your tickets some shows are sold out but some tickets for other shows as well so like in the description go check it out and come see us dude it's gonna be a lot of fun let's track some men [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] no your Lana no your crow yes [Music] let's go say hi so it gave you a little hint into what we can expect you know a lot of running around in the forest because that's all the show is really but now we find out from the narrator how the show works cowboy Terry Grant has been at this for years with forensic skill and horsemanship despair Terry Grant has been hunting humans for years oh-hoh put him in jail I'm sure a serial killer pitched this show right hey okay I got it I got a great idea for a show okay hear me out so there's they roulette people free in the woods right and there's a guy and he goes and kills them I don't know about that that seems really illegal no no is fine I do it all the time and it's fine am I in jail no I'm it's fine let's just do it okay I don't I don't know okay yeah fine when you when do you want to start shooting right now okay so how the show works the prey they have to get to the finish line before man tracker tracks them down and catches them I don't know it's pretty vague I don't really know what happened so then when he gets them you might just [ __ ] kill them I don't know so they get a two-kilometer head start and then it's [ __ ] free rein did and if they make it to the finish line before a man tracker they win what do they win you ask nothing they just get to bring it up in conversation to people who don't give a [ __ ] at all and that's the best prize ever I think yes uh don't wonder something cool one time I escaped from a scary cowboy on TV fine your loss is what the producers of man tracker didn't say to me when I won okay so now we meet the prey the people who will be running away from man tracker Jesse Lumsden as a key member of Canada's bobsled team you have to adapt and you have to evolve if you want to survive enter lumsden bobsled teammate Justin Chris yeah the show is Canadian if you couldn't tell and dude this part makes me laugh a lot like they took these weird shots where they're showing the prey like they're videogame characters with like statistics and skills and stuff and like I don't understand like who decides on that right like the video editor I guess like for example this Jesse guy his strength is all the way to the end he's as strong as a human can be he can't get any stronger that's what that means on second thought actually that's pretty funny we should I think every youtuber should have to put that in the beginning of their video as well like their little statistics that's not true why would why would you put that hey stop stop [ __ ] this guy okay so now we meet man trackers sidekick boy tracker that's not his name his name is Phil Lemieux guide sidekick extraordinaire so he knows everything about the land he knows everything because he's been hunting moose nice he's hunted moves through every corner of this bush damn when you think about it humans really just be some smaller Meese okay so now we know everyone we know how the show works the bobsled boys are two kilometres ahead and we're off okay so they keep running and then we find out that the one guy has a hamstring sprain my husband's really hurting it already cramped up fully ouch my string of ham I heard it okay and so dumb here's Oh honestly the thing about the show is that it could be five minutes long because the majority of it is just people [ __ ] walking around in a forest so it's impressive that they got it up to 20 minutes but what's even more impressive is that this show isn't 20 minutes it's 46 minutes long if I wanted to watch people fart around in a forest for a while I'd watch Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 my right Wingardium Leviosa nap I [ __ ] gaudy JK Rowling bro I can't stop okay so they run around the forest for a bit while the man tracker tracks the men down and this is where we get our first close encounter and holy [ __ ] it's [ __ ] terrifying Chuck Norrises Man trackers harder [Music] I found buddy will chasten ramble that sidekick is a beauty dude I love him he's awesome just such a [ __ ] Northern Ontario guy can't wait to catch these guys we can [ __ ] have a Sally down the pub [ __ ] pound back some brews with the boys he's [ __ ] that's what he just said I think so this is like a common thing that happens in the show like they'll be messing around in the woods for a while and then man tracker and boy tracker will like just like spook them then they'll just sprint away and dude it's just really funny to think about the cameramen on this show like wow dude with a shitty job to have right they have to run with huge cameras every time they get chased by man tracker which kind of makes me think the show is fake like in this one scene when the prey is hiding from man tracker like a few feet away he doesn't see the huge [ __ ] camera being held by a man also the whole thing is like man tracker is faster because he's on a horse right but that would also mean the cameraman is on a horse or is as fast as a horse I know I said it like that or is as fast as a horse bro the camera man's legs must be [ __ ] huge man every day is it's only like day for the man tracker camera man honestly dude the more I think about it if this show is real okay if it's a hundred percent real the only logical explanation is that the cameramen are centaurs hi I'm mrs. bean attorney-at-law no relation were you or a loved one once employed as a cameraman for a man tracker between the years 2006 and 2012 well you may be entitled to compensation our legal team has brought justice to many man tracker cameramen just hear this amazing story from one of our clients hello I was a camera horse man on man cracker for two seasons the conditions were brutal I mean I'm sure I could catch up with the prey no problem because of my buff horse legs but they only paid me in carats that my top half is human I don't I don't know why they thought I only liked carrots mrs. bean was able to get me the money that I deserved so let's stand together and say neigh descent or abuse so if your legs are just so [ __ ] huge that you can't even walk down the street or if you're a cent hard not knowing what to do with your life call that number down below hi I'm season three of The OC and I approve this message bye okay so the prey finally escaped from man tracker and so they film like this little like confessional video on their camcorder called the prey cam and I don't like this part of the show okay if you want a real prey cam check this out hi god it's me just want to say hi I love you you're so handsome such a handsome God and I hope you do nice things for me okay bye bye Jesus Christ that was funny yes it was back to the show we realized that it's not about going fast on the trail because you're not gonna be going faster than a horse or a cameraman with huge legs strips plays lead blocker and the prey reorient themselves back to their original bear okay so this next part is maybe another kind of giveaway that it's probably fake or maybe it's just like an editing thing but they're walking through the forest and the one guy's like hey make sure you don't step on any sticks cuz it's really loud and then man tracker will hear us and then kill us and then literally for seconds the guy steps on a [ __ ] stick and man checkers like well there's nothing back there okay huh [Music] [ __ ] s so scary being chased by two Cowboys in the woods uh dude I'm never gonna be able to go on hikes anymore I mean I I never went I never go on hikes but now now I can't ever for sure hey did you step on my stick I heard it I heard you step on my stick that was my son it okay so they escaped man tracker and they keep farting around in the woods it's a role reversal with tracker blazing the trail and the prey in the rear but soaked and sluggish in the bush the olympians revert back to trail travel that is what she said back to this show [Music] [Applause] [ __ ] there's no other way I was tracking news careful [Music] the belly of the plane was laughs what it's getting thick in here boy that's my friends say whenever I walk into the room it's getting thick in here boy really good that we jumped off there because you know there's no way a horse can go through this so yet another escape from a close encounter with man tracker but no man tracker is getting sad in Guam the country if it's not helping us at all and I was getting a little depressed and I was getting a little mad so then the boys cut through an abandoned mine which you know just which is the obvious choice because horses can't go through there you know horses Kate mines we boys flatten probably about four or five hundred meters so we'll come right out the lower shot I got a lower shaft right here for you shaft I got no chance right here for you okay so they uh so they make it through the old shaft and and then they they set up a tent and they have some beef stroganoff cooked up some beef stroganoff and it was awesome it's awesome and then when they wake up there's a lot more shots of them just walking around in the forest and honestly dude I feel like they got like the rough plot like of what things were gonna happen in this show and then they film those and they're like okay yeah let's just get shots of us just like looking around in the forest and like stepping on branches and stuff because literally that's all this show is did Jesse Lumsden are on the run forced by the riders into the impenetrable bush of Northern Ontario I got a penetrable Bush right here yeah okay that's it I don't know if I'm just super immature but dude if you can say impenetrable bush without laughing dude run for president okay you have all you have my vote cuz that's very impressive okay so we're getting close to the end this bar they have to like cross this like river to get to the finish line and this part got me thinking like the man trekker could just gallop all the way to the finish line because he's on a horse and then just wait there for them to show up and he'd win every [ __ ] time dude also here's a hot take dude okay I'm spilling tea Cowboys should be called horse boys I said it when have you have you seen ever seen a cowboy on an actual cow no they're always on horses bro sorry for saying something so controversial okay gonna do the two-step and horse boy buggy something I'm gonna track these men okay shoot so as you saw they have a pretty crazy encounter with the man tracker and this one's a by far the gnarliest did [Music] whoa whoa dude chill we can rumble this is another interesting scene because the cameraman the the wall the the centaur the camera centaur was in this in the perfect spot to catch this jump kid hell he was standing still it wasn't like he was running to catch up with him so I'm suspicious okay [Music] okay so after that crazy chase scene the boys are split up how's the long sprint I'm sure you can handle it things aren't looking too good but since they're split up now we know that there is not one but two cameramen following the bobsled boys now it's even less believable that the man tracker can't see two other guys holding heute four guys and to have huge cameras and you just can't see them when he's feet away okay dude I can track men no problem but see two cameras [ __ ] off no way I've never seen a camera in my life what am I looking at right now nothing okay so we're almost done the episode I promised but this is the part where I kind of realized this blonde bobsled guy he kind of has a catchphrase throughout this episode he'll be like explaining why he's doing what he's doing like walking across like a fallen tree or like climbing something and he'll be like all hoarse can't do this let's see a horse do this because you're not gonna be going faster than a horse really good that we jumped off there because you know there's no way a horse can go through this and I know he's saying that to like explain why he's doing what he's doing and to be like yeah I'm gonna outsmart man tracker by doing this but it's very fun to imagine that he's just went on this show because he has a personal vendetta against horses and their abilities and action all right so we just walked across that thin tree along the river because horses are too big to do that great I think in yoga I think we're gonna think we probably anything you want when I got over the little tree I did my multiplication tables in my head while doing a cartwheel because horses can't do that either can they okay I got the shot you can stop talking man right and would you look at that now I'm Millie rocking because I've never seen a horse do this because they can't do this no they can't just stop okay then why did my girlfriend leave me for a horse then huh what what and my boss fired me and replaced me with a horse okay dude what are you talking about my boss is my girlfriend you're a horse now - oh come on I am I'm sorry why is my ex-girlfriend calling me hello hey I don't we haven't talked in a while but can you put that camera horse on the phone he sounds cute come on okay so there's super close to the finish line and there's one scene where the the blonde horse hater bobsled boy he like charges like head-on at man tracker dude's got a lot of balls he just has a ball pit down there he's so many balls and this bar is pretty [ __ ] crazy [Music] straight up what if he got him right there what if he lassoed him and it like [ __ ] got his neck dude like what if it wrapped her he's dead there's a [ __ ] dead guy he's not on the bobsled team anymore he's on the Bob dead team okay that guy's [ __ ] toast see he kind of makes me think that man tracker like legit killed people before so if I turn up missing in the next few weeks I this man it was man tracker okay he saw this video and he got pissed at me so please save me if I go missing but how do you track the man tracker [ __ ] we need a man tracker tracker if there's a man tracker tracker out there comment below okay so after that attempted murder with lasso the one guy the strongest guy in the world he makes it to the finish line hooray nice good job dude I can't believe it's almost like it's too good to be true but then the blind guy gets stuck in the mud I was stuck in the mud I just got stuck I just kept thinking and then he loses words no just kidding he survives maybe so there's an episode of man tracker a Canadian classic so I was doing a little bit of research on the show and it aired up until like 2012 but they didn't like officially announce that it was cancelled until 2017 and that baffled me because I thought there was only like one season of this show but there's seven seven whole seasons of a horse boy chasing people in the woods and sent our cameramen seven seasons and to be honest okay to be perfectly honest as insane and stupid and probably fake as this show was I had a lot of fun watching it it's just mindless [ __ ] you know and that's pretty fun to watch sometimes I mean you are watching this so you understand and I know I just made jokes about it for like a while but I think I think it's okay actually so Hollywood okay Hollywood if you're watching I need a man tracker the movie okay please please it can be a horror movie that would translate really well it'll be an action rom-com I don't care okay I just need my horse boy Terry grant trying to murder some people in the woods okay that's all I want okay man tracker I love you oh sorry my throat feels a little hoarse it's a nice little boy okay alright now a word from our sponsor hey guys just want to thank expressvpn for sponsoring today's video can you tell I got a new green-screen expressvpn has sponsored a bunch of my videos in the past and I'm always happy when I get to work with them again because know why I use expressvpn literally every single day over the past few weeks I've been doing a lot of traveling and while I was traveling I was also working on videos so I had to use a bunch of public Wi-Fi connections and like cafes hotels airports and stuff and hackers can easily use these public Wi-Fi connections to steal like my credit card info my passwords and that's scary dude scarier than man tracker chasing you and your bobsled teammate through a forest if you don't use a VPN you're putting your personal info in danger and if a hacker steals that info they can open bank accounts in your name steal your passwords access your email your social media all because you didn't have expressvpn protection and I'm not trying to scare you okay I just want y'all to be safe if a skateboard was a hacker expressvpn is a helmet another amazing thing about expressvpn is being able to choose a server from one of 94 countries because up here in Canada we may have amazing television shows about horsemen but we don't have access to regular shows both expressvpn I can access all my favorite shows with just a few clicks dude expressvpn has apps for every device easy to use and it was voted the number one VPN service by TechRadar and by me right now and for less than seven dollars a month and a 30-day money-back guarantee you got no reason not to give it a go ok so take back your internet privacy today and find out how you can get three months free by clicking the link in the description or just go to expressvpn calm slash Kurdistan all right thank you so much expressvpn I've been Kurtis now let's get back to Kurtis bye all right thank you so much for watching today's video guys if you enjoyed it please press the like button because one like equals one impenetrable bush and those are great leave a comment let me know if you want to see more videos about me talking about all Canadian TV shows let me know if you remember watching the show and let's just talk about horse Boyz dude and if you're a man tracker tracker please let me know because I may need your help obviously don't forget to press the subscribe button because I make a video every single week and there's so much fun dude and as soon as you press the subscribe button you become a citizen of Curtis town it's the best place to live in the world and I'm the mayor and you have to be nice to me please other than that check the description for links to my Instagram my Twitter links to my weekly podcast called very really good if you enjoy my videos you'll enjoy my podcast as well and there's there's a bunch episodes you can happen whenever I just talk about random stuff it's a good good old time links to Curtis town merch down there you can grab it and you can show that you're proud to be a citizen of Curtis town and it's very soft and good I'm wearing one right now and it's nice okay also grab tickets to the we are two different people tour is starting up real soon and if you live near one of the cities that we're performing it come see us it's gonna be an awesome show we all worked really hard on what we're doing so it would mean a lot thanks again to expressvpn for sponsoring today's video and thank you for watching means the world I gotta go though I gotta go to the horse boy boogie good bye hey guys this isn't water it's grease and I will only shower if you press that subscribe button okay thank you so much bye I wanna be a horse boy baby
Channel: Kurtis Conner
Views: 2,603,314
Rating: 4.9757533 out of 5
Keywords: mantracker, kurtis conner, kurtis connor, old canadian show, canada, cowboy, reality tv show, cringe, commentary, canadian reality tv show, terrifying, fake tv, canadian, horse, horses, man tracker, reaction, canadian tv show meme
Id: NO73yv22-CQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 53sec (1553 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 23 2019
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