The E-Boy Invasion 2

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hey there welcome to my channel if you're new here what's up how's it going and if you're coming back what's up how's it going it's so good to see you again dude I hope you're well you see what happens when you subscribe to my channel you get an extra greeting at the beginning of every single one of my videos so press that subscribe button down there for an extra greeting it'll change your life folks we've got a doozy for you today all right a big doozy the biggest doozy you'll ever see I spent so long on my first a boy video and I thought it was good I thought it was really great okay and I thought it would be enough to put an end to these boys all right but I was wrong dude it's got it's only gotten worse like way worse if you haven't watched the first video I made about a boys if you don't really know what an e boy is I'll put the link up there so you can click it and watch it but if you don't feel like it that's fine I understand my videos aren't very good they're great to catch you up and to fill you in on what an e boy is they're you know they're boys who they wear long sleeves striped shirts they part their hair down the middle and they just do weird [ __ ] on camera for attention as weird as E boys are they're getting much weirder and it's a scary time so I thought I needed to make another video to stop them will it work probably not on all the comments gonna be like Curtis you're basically an e boy you're just making fun of your filth yeah probably but I'm gonna go forward with it anyway this video is gonna be split into two parts essentially part one we'll call it checking in and the e is capitalized check dinging so in the first part we'll we'll take a look at Evo's and what they've been up to since the first video and we'll also take a closer look at a certain a boy who's very bad he's a baddie boy batty boy and in part two we'll be taking a close look at what some are calling the second coming of magcon and we'll call that part Yee angry all right without further ado this is the boy invasion too [ __ ] quick bars for you right there okay so after I made the first video there were several tic TOCs made by some of the e boys about me and they were pretty much like all like positive basically and if they weren't they were like they were joking or like kind of poking fun back at me and I like that okay I respect that I think that's very funny okay and I'm sure most of them have a little bit of a sense of humor about themselves so I'm just gonna do a light roast and it's fine and they understand it okay just a light roast coffee Cheers coffee boy the [ __ ] am I saying dude okay first tick-tock we're gonna look at is one that was sent to me so many times I believe it was filmed at VidCon because I saw these people there and let's just watch it listen I'm Tommy kill him I said let me come out death no I don't know hard Waffen it blow out sound fart boy what are you wearing dude whoa when you got a meet-and-greet at two and a drug raid at three he looks like he's on a [ __ ] like SWAT team dude except the SWAT would stand for like singing without any Talent cuz that's what lip-syncing is right I'm just thinking of like a whole SWAT team of like of just a Boise dude I don't know what to do man there yeah there's a [ __ ] SWAT team dude there was a break down the [ __ ] door dude I'm gonna go to jail is your fault dude what do I do alright okay just chill all right just just don't shoot please just chill what do you do it please stop stop this stop it is weird okay take me to jail dude I can't image if it means you'll stop okay buddy take me away okay put me in handcuffs I don't care but you don't use handcuffs we use chains can't we do a little warning before we watch this one so if you want to go grab like a barf bag really quick or like a plastic bag will work all right like your mom's purse any bag is a barf bag if you want it to be you got your barf bag or any bag okay let's let's [ __ ] watch it so good see so good if I could quit my job I [ __ ] you all a [ __ ] I would yeah hey guys what the [ __ ] like shouldn't they be like participating in like a spelling bee you look [ __ ] they look like they're ten dude shouldn't be doing that whatever that was I don't know what it was but I know it's wrong dude it honestly looks like they're him like a [ __ ] airport dude if I was at the airport waiting for my flight and I saw two dudes doing this I would tell on them I'm sorry I would have to go tell a TSA agent I think that's my duty as that's my duty as a citizen okay I'm honestly [ __ ] scared of what people are gonna be posting like five ten years from now if people are posting this [ __ ] right now we're [ __ ] sorry hey this just in we're [ __ ] it's gonna be people live streaming their [ __ ] colonoscopy or something what's up guys today we're going to be taking a look inside my [ __ ] super lit I got my cool ass doctor heal to help me out sorry not cool last I haven't seen his ass he's gonna see mine though like it subscribe for my [ __ ] butt cheeks okay so far we know that you boys have a questionable wardrobe and they're still doing super weird gross [ __ ] in front of a camera well what else have they been up to I'm curious well there was a video going around on Twitter of you boys doing a certain thing I don't dance move I don't even know what it would [ __ ] be it's just a thing that they did and I tweeted about it and I kind of gave a visceral response to when I watched it and it's like my most like tweet now so this is my [ __ ] branded if you haven't seen the video here it is I don't get it I don't get what the [ __ ] is that what is that what are you doing it honestly looks like a [ __ ] bad Criss Angel impression that's I feel like that's what he does like when he's doing his magic tricks so stup [ __ ] you I know my last video my final conclusion was boys are robots but I think I might go back on that okay I have to change that I think I think you boys are actually aliens one percent they have to be this is the scene that I like to call tui boys communicating with each other [Music] you've all heard of ET we'll get ready for a boy [Music] again these videos are very bad and weird and cringy but I'm gonna give them the benefit of the doubt okay I'm I'm sure they're they're nice fellas hey guys I'm editing right now I just wanted to drop in and say that since filming this video I learned a lot of new information about these boys and oh my god a lot of them are bad news okay so if you ever hear me say anything like giving them the benefit of the doubt just know that I filmed this before knowing all of these things okay I'll get more into the details a little later on but yeah back to the video I guess see in a bit what I don't agree with is when people make bad videos and are also bad people like this one oh boy who goes by the name Kyler loves Jesus this guy was all over the internet for a bit because he said some really just super dumb [ __ ] during a live stream that he did I'll show you that right now if you haven't seen it that's not an abortion yeah you're right it's called murder it's an it's legal you're right it's not abortion it's called murder and it's legal in four states the only crime worse than murder murder so obviously this guy [ __ ] sucks right all this posts are either him like skating in an empty skate park because he knows if he made those tick-tocks during the day he'd get [ __ ] clowned on by like everyone else there and he also does like these weird [ __ ] things in his mirror when he zooms in on his face and [ __ ] and after all that [ __ ] happened on the livestream like people still gas them up all the time in the [ __ ] comments right it's so weird yeah I know he doesn't think women have the right to do what they want with their bodies I know that but like have you seen him do that thing on the skateboard so cool I played a lot of Tony Hawk's Pro Skater when I was a kid and I'm sure this Cuyler fella did as well but I guess he was playing like some bootleg version of it I guess like Tony Hawk's pro life also Cuyler hey man either be Kyle or be Tyler don't be both no [ __ ] a guy named Cuyler has the worst opinion ever dude no [ __ ] can this guy get any worse yeah I love gay people I'd be best friends with the gay person do I support it no Wow is he like trying to say the dumbest [ __ ] you possibly could because if that's what he's trying he's succeeding he's killing it okay hello again so I found out some new shitty things about this Cuyler guy and I feel like I needed to share them on this video so when I was editing I went to his profile to get some screenshots and everything and I looked at his most recent posts and I saw that he's like joking about his abortion comments that he made and he's also like trying to meme himself and like make a meme out of the things he said which is just oh my god so weird don't do that maybe or ever yeah absolutely don't do that so we already know that he's pro-life homophobic and guess what also transphobic while big shocker huge surprise here's some videos of him being super transphobic and purposely misgendering Sid another tick-tock er who was very funny and very cool so this makes it extra shitty that he did this I misgendered him awesome um I I stand in the Word of God God created a male got creative female biologically if you were born female you're a female biologically if you are born a male you're a male and I stand on that tell Sid if she wants my life to get ended did he say [ __ ] yeah I did so there's that I just purposely misgendering Sid because of the Bible I guess and then when people call him out for it he just doubles down and continues to do it because I guess he thinks he's funny or edgy or some [ __ ] I don't know this dude is like the [ __ ] fan oohs of discrimination dude just going around the galaxy collecting [ __ ] bigotry stones I swear dude every time I sit down to edit this video I learned a new shitty thing about this Kyler guy so who knows what he's gonna do by the time I upload this [ __ ] video okay back to the video I guess see you later all jokes aside for a second Kyler you don't have any right saying what a woman can and can't do with her body and I'm guessing your audience is mostly young girls and for you to go on your livestream and save that ignorant [ __ ] man that's not only irresponsible but it's disgusting okay you can't [ __ ] caption your posts for the girls when you're trying to literally tell them what they can and can't do with their bodies Kyler more like Pilar goodbye okay consensus you boys are aliens and we know at least one of them is bad okay let's move on okay we all remember magcon right how could you forget it I miss it so much in all seriousness though I think when we look back in the magcon era I think we all remember it as a hellish disturbing whirlwind of stinky poopoo garbage but unfortunately it looks like it is happening again it has come to my attention that a group of these boys these tick tockia boys are going on tour a tour called the lights out tour and I know that sounds a good travelling haunted house attraction but it's not I wish it was so I guess you got a ticket to one of these lights out things and you can and you can meet some of your favorite tick-tock or slash lip-sync or slash Hot Topic employees it's very cool and before we really get into this I don't want to bash like meet and greet conventions as a whole okay I know these people who go to these conventions they look up and they really admire these people who are there meeting and it makes them very happy that they're meeting them the we get into the details of this tour and things that happened there it's it's very odd I like this video for example [Music] and I've seen a few memes and like parodies of this tick-tock which are really funny and for good reason right this is a weird video man it's really weird I think this video just further proves the point that II boys are aliens right this looks like an alien's impression of a hug so this dude goes by the name of Lil hoodie I think he's like the leader of this tick-tock tour he's like the the Red Power Ranger of this lights out tour and no joke dude I thought his name at first was little huggy and like his thing was just like hugs like he just hugs people and and and his hugs all the time I thought that was his name and it would have made more sense if it was but I could be a cool horror movie dude [Music] [Music] so I thought a little Heidi was all good you know I thought he was in the clear but I know a few days ago my friend showed me a tweet from this dude it's now deleted but I have the screenshot so yeah here's here's that tweet yo if any y'all have a crush on me you better tell me now you never know when I'm gonna kill myself you better tell me how much you like me or else I'm gonna [ __ ] in my life Wow dude hey stick to hugging people man do not tweet hey is that all the e boys good question of course it's not there's also another one named Jaden who tweeted and said some pretty weird [ __ ] I think this is the same guy who unbuttoned his shirt a lot honestly I can't tell they all look the [ __ ] same so if I'm wrong I apologize so he tweeted some pretty questionable things about like a year year and a half ago he quote tweeted a tweet about the lgbtq+ community and he said let's get this straight we aren't accepting what they do because it still goes against God's will please don't be confused to true Christians should not accept the LGBT community we are supposed to love them and be there what does that mean you can't love someone without accepting who they are and what they do and who they love right that's literally not a thing you can do hey I love my mom okay don't get me wrong I love my mom but I don't accept her all right or motherhood but I love her okay but I hate her but I love her and it's okay I said that because of God and stuff he also did a tweet about abortion retweeted Donald Trump a bunch of times and then made a pretty racist tweet about Barack Obama honestly dude I didn't want this video to turn into like a [ __ ] tea spill or any of that [ __ ] because I think that kind of annoys me but if I'm making a video about these e boys and stuff and I want to do my research and I feel like I should have I need to put this in okay so I know those guys have apologized and everything but still it's kind of recent and I feel like they want to put out this aura of like love and acceptance and everything but when they say stuff like that it's like what is that true I don't know [ __ ] holy moly back to the video it's got to end there right it's just a meet and greet tour what else could possibly go on well apparently it's not just a meet and greet tour they also have a live performance and I know what you're thinking you're thinking hey Curtis how could there be a live performance segment of the tour you need a talent to do something on a stage right all these guys do is dance and lip-synching and then do weird I roll things there's no way they would do that live on a stage in front of real human people right well that's exactly what they do dude dude dude so let's watch one of their riveting performances that I'm sure we'll all see on Broadway one day [Music] oh man that's crazy Wow two guys hit the whoa and scurry off backstage dude wow you know what [ __ ] it I'm gonna do that I'm gonna start doing that alright and that's when I said no her I hardly know her you gotta come catch me so lip-syncing on stage and doing weird little dance moves it's very strange I don't like it but it gets a lot worse unfortunately gets way way [ __ ] worse when I first saw this video I wanted to sprint full speed into the ocean since I'm going so fast I started running across the water and I'm running across the ocean so fast because I need to get far away from that [ __ ] video okay that's what I wanted to do and that's what you'll all want to do when you watch this I can't I can't do this man the worst thing about all this is that this has happened before man back when magcon was a thing you had like nash grier on stage being like yo you got to shave your arms shave them [ __ ] shave your arms in front of me right now Shea and then you had [ __ ] Jacob Sartorius like rapping the alphabet the only person who like did live real music on and like on magcon was [ __ ] oh my god how am I forgetting his name [ __ ] it he's like one of the most popular singers in the world uh-oh you [ __ ] Taylor connect it just pains me that we have to see it happen again this is just like emo magcon right like I said before I don't think there's anything wrong with meet-and-greets you know like I did a [ __ ] meet-and-greet at VidCon date and it was really nice okay everyone was super cool it everyone was happy you know because some of the aspects of this tour is just so odd to me right Lou this is one video of this girl like holding her phone and this onee boy goes up behind her and starts lip-synching the song and then she starts like crying and freaking out I don't want to shame that person okay I understand that feeling dude if I [ __ ] ran into Brendan Fraser dude I do the same [ __ ] thing yeah but to have that reaction for someone who just lip syncs and doesn't know how to do up their buttons on their shirt I don't know it's weird it's just weird to me honestly I think they just have to remove the live segments the live performance right but if that live performance stays in the in the tour honey you've got a big storm coming so here I mean Annie boy just be careful okay because they are aliens and I don't know what they're doing here I don't know what they want but just be careful okay and if one is named Kyler or little huddy or Jaden or any name really back off all right you you sprint okay you sprint into the ocean all right let's not abortion yeah you're right it's called murder all right now on a lighter note let's talk about today's sponsor rake on rake on is a good friend to the channel they sponsor one of my videos before and I'm very happy they decided to sponsor another one if you've never heard of Raycom before you're missing out okay ray khan makes high-quality wireless earbuds and unlike some of your other wireless options ray con earbuds are both stylish and discreet with no dangling wires or stems which is great okay I'm not a plant get those stems away from me ray Khan offers their wireless earphones in a range of fun colors and patterns and I know Ray Khan has half of my last name in their name but I didn't found it it was actually co-founded by Ray J and celebrities like Snoop Dogg and JR Smith are already obsessed with these little guys another amazing thing about Ray Cohn is that their ear buds start at about half the price of any other premium wireless earbuds on the market so you can break it down without breaking the bank as you can see ray cons 850 wireless earbuds look stylish feel comfortable and most importantly sound amazing so if this interests you which it should and you want 15% off your order all you got to do is click the link in the description and there you go thank you so much - ray Khan for sponsoring today's video I gotta go hang out with some aliens they're gonna take me to an amusement park called area 50 fun good bye all right guys thank you so much for watching my video if you enjoyed it please press that like button because one like equals one leave a comment let me know what you thought of the video tell me if you've ever experienced a knee boy you've ever if you're a fan of these e boys let me know let's just talk about it did also don't forget to press the subscribe button because I make a video every single week and there's so much fun and as soon as you press the subscribe button you become a citizen of Curtis town it's the best place to live in the world and I'm the mayor and you have to be nice to me please and I know I just roasted people for doing stupid [ __ ] on stage but you can come see me Danny Gonzalez and drew Gooden oh man we are two different people tour I will be opening for their show I'll be doing some stand-up comedy it's gonna be a lot of fun other than that check out my description for links to my Twitter my Instagram link to my weekly podcast called very really good it's a lot of fun if you enjoy my videos you'll enjoy my podcast as well it's pretty much the same thing just longer and just my voice also links to Curtis Town merch is down there you can grab your merch and you can wear and you can show people that you're proud to be a citizen dude alright that's everything thank you so much for watching I gotta go scrub my little eyeballs with a big bar of soap goodbye hey guys thank you so much for watching this video if you enjoyed it and you want to see more from me you can click on the screen and don't forget to press the subscribe button All Right see ya you want a hug come on I'll rub your back
Channel: Kurtis Conner
Views: 5,623,194
Rating: 4.8998442 out of 5
Keywords: kurtis conner, eboy, eboy invasion, e boy, kurtis conner e boy, eboys, tiktok, lights out tour, lights out, tik tok, cringe, eboy cringe, eye roll, lilhuddy, kylerlovesjesus, commentary
Id: ia3TPYZfedc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 58sec (1498 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 16 2019
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