'NichLMAO': The Cringiest Pick-Up Artist on Instagram

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Hey guys, welcome back to my channel if you're new here. Hello, what's up, and if you're coming back? Hello. What's up? It's good to see you again. You see what happens when you subscribe you get an extra greeting at the beginning of every video That's so awesome. So press the subscribe button for an extra greeting. That's right. Steve buscemi 2.0 is back thank you so much for all of your comments and Pictures that you've made Wow, I love them so much and they made me feel so great about myself Thanks But I've embraced it. Okay, Steve Buscemi - that's me. Steve - shimmy Okay enough of that before we get into the nitty-gritty of this video I want to give a quick but huge shout out to Skillshare for sponsoring today's video They're out here sharing skills and also sharing amazing deals with the members of Kurtis town So stick around for those details or if you can't wait click the link in the description, dude We've got a great video for you today. Well, the person we're talking about isn't great But this video is gonna be great Some of you may know I've done several videos about certain questionable Instagram accounts in the past Miami, like all right, whatever plane takes off plane lands, but the well hasn't run dry yet Apparently. And I don't think it ever will. Jesus, fuck. Someone sent me. This guy's account the other day and Right after watching just five seconds of one of his videos I wanted to fold my phone in half and literally throw it as far away as I could. How much you want to bet I could throw my phone over them Mountains? This guy's name is Nich lmao I don't know if lmao is his legal last name or not But let's pretend it is so this Nich lmao guy he only has 21 posts and a hundred thousand followers and that's especially impressive considering all 21 posts of his are just Pure garbage. His first post was on September 23rd 2018 so I'm catching him pretty early in his career. And I think that's good. You know, it's like catching it early It's like it's like cancer in a way, you know, it's better to catch it early and the same as serial killers You know, once they start doing weird stuff when they're kids you're like, oh, okay Let's let's see what we can do right now before it gets a lot worse Okay, and I'm not saying this person is a serial killer, but they sure make me want to die. Okay? To show you who we're dealing with today. Let's let's watch one of this guy's videos. Let's watch this one titled Pointing to the right emoji comment your fav line cry face emoji a tag Someone who has no game follow Nich lmao for more, tongue cry face. Follow Nich lmao for more, cool kiss. Oh wow Let's see what this guy is all about. Shall we? Is that a mirror in your pants? Cuz I can see myself in there later If a fat man puts you in a bag at night, don't worry, it's just cuz I told father Christmas I want you Did it hurt when you fell from the vending machine? Cuz you a snack So this is what this guy has decided to do with his time pretty much just walk up to Strangers with his phone in his hand and basically just say like hey, I want to have I want to have intercourse with you so Check it out. Is that I Got my phone in my hand, you know, which is just Textbook sexual harassment. It;s literally like he woke up one day and was like - what? I want to be famous on Instagram What could I do? And then he googled sexual harassment. Found - read the definition was like Okay. Yeah, that seems like it'll be a good thing to do You'll realize like these videos are just so uncomfortable to watch like they're not funny It's just like none of these girls want this to happen, obviously you don't want some fucking kid walking up to you being like if you If I could rearrange the alphabet, I put you and I together dude So So so like no now what? like you can just see how uncomfortable these girls are for good reason You know like I would I'd love to know who watches this and it's just like haha, dude This guy's it. This guy's got so much game. Dude. Is this thing is this? Is this the rapper the game? Let's talk about this guy's thumbnails for a second first off if you're making Instagram videos and you make a separate thumbnail That's not in the video it's automatically bad when people draw lines around their fucking messy lines at that like this looks like a literally like a three-year-old trace that you know why they do that right is because nothing in the video is actually Entertaining enough to make people want to like touch it and watch it so they have to add all these fucking effects to it in colors and red circles and big huge fonts Well, look at look at his last six uploads pick up pick up pick up pick up pick up pick up Are you trying to get someone to answer their phone or are you making Instagram thumbnails pick up? Come on, pick up pick up pick up That's the only time you should be saying pick up that many times and here's a great example like this fucking thumbnail here Oh, dude, I couldn't tell where to look Oh, thank god. They they put a red circle there think. Oh, thank god now now I know where to direct my eyeballs Let's let's watch Oh God man how they both like awkwardly laughs after the thing about like pickup artists like some of them are so Insanely narcissistic that like they're not awkward. When that when they do that. They're just like yeah you and me. We're gonna do that I obviously don't know what pickup artists say, but you and me we're gonna do stuff like pic I'm gonna pick you up but this guy like he's just you can tell deep down He doesn't want to be doing this, but he's like I'll know it'll get me views I just gotta go do it so he does he's awkward laughs after he's like, sorry This guy's a top notch content creator, dude Sometimes when he doesn't get the reaction that he wants everyone that isn't crazy or funny or hilarious He'll just put a random ass meme after it because his his followers will be like, oh I've seen that somewhere else before haha Nice like okay So let me explain his next video he um, he'll go to people and go kiss or punch shit This may sound familiar because it is this is when I realize that This guy is friends or roommates or something acquaintances with the one and only I'm box boy I made a video about that guy a few months ago And like I'm like there's like this weird group of Instagram stars that just go around doing the Dumbest cringe iasts it that's so unfunny and uncreative and just rude and disrespectful And then shitty fucking accounts, like worldstar would be like dude these these guys are savage dude. How savage are these guys? Yes You touch my tralala Okay, so I'm editing right now and I don't know why I didn't comment on this when I was filming but this is like the Saddest thing I've ever seen and if you're not agreeing with me, I'm gonna play some sad music and you'll see for yourself Okay, they ask you how are you just to say that you're fine? You're not really fine, but you just can't get into it because they would never understand Hollow form or guys you want more guys? Follow Nikola, mal. Hey Nick. It's called a comma Okay, this next one is just the fucking worse. Let's let's let's play it I want to kiss you in the rain so I can get you wet twice so I can get you wet twice so I can Get you wet twice Put the fuck back so Obviously, he's getting fake reactions now to make his videos more entertaining and crazy and salvage No one acts like that in real life what the fuck bro the Academy Award goes to that guy and how they both like look at the camera after like Whoa, this is so crazy and real even though I'm looking right at the fucking camera. Are you a doctor? No? Cuz you just cured my erectile dysfunction That is not how someone would react are you a doctor no why because you just gave me a boner This guy and they say chivalry is dead It's very sad, you making pick-up line content, but when you're making fake pick-up line content That's a new low That's the lowest I've seen anyone go this Nick fella would be so good at limbo because he goes so low you know bars know if the the underlying Misogyny isn't jumping out at you. Let's watch this video and you'll you'll really see it See that chick over there in the fucking broom dress with her dad about to get married. I dare you to pick her up I see that chick over there that fucking chick and the groom dress with art with her dad I dare you to pick her up pick up that chick dude. Yo, you see that prop for our video over there You see that person who is not a human being trying to enjoy one of the most memorable days of her life You should go fucking fuck it up you know cuz we're making a video for a dumb fucking Instagram like how Brain-dead. Do you have to be to fucking even think of that that pisses me off so much ma'am? I'm Nikki near McDonald's. I'm doing it and you're loving it Okay, guys, I'm about to get married not me. Hey, fuck these guys. Okay, like before I was like, yeah, it's cringy Whatever, but after seeing this I'm like literally fuck you guys. That's so disrespectful I don't even have I don't even have a joke for that. You know, I can't even make that funny. It's so Like you have to be so dumb to even think about doing that and the girls like great cool fucking thanks for doing that I dare you to pick up that chick I dare to pick up that chick the red one Which is a girl wearing a red shirt pick up that chick you had the red one that one I want that yeah. Yes I want that one. I pick that one the red one. Okay, Gooch What does their fucking day look like they wake up at probably like 1:00 p.m And they're like, ah, all right, let's walk around and make girls uncomfortable. Can't wait considering how Inherently awkward these types of videos are like putting up holding a phone and with another person being like hey, I'm Mikey You're McDonald's. I'm doing it and you're loving it No matter how narcissistic or outgoing you are Awkward as shit, no matter what we thought Well, this is like clever pickup lines to kind of mask what he's actually saying it's like hey Do you have a mirror in your pants? Cuz I see myself in Your pants I'm gonna sex with you later I think and if you were to just say that like putting all this shit aside if you're to walk up to someone and be Like I'm gonna have sex with you later, Hey You're gonna go to jail, you know You can't do that the fact that there's a camera there and you're holding it in like a laughing and shit it like Makes it okay No, it doesn't it's so awkward and it's so unfunny. The only positive thing about niccola mouths page are the comments I think we're at a turning point on Instagram. I think people are finally coming to terms and realizing that this shit is so bad and cringy and just Dangerous for people to see for example the top comment on this one video is this is harassment which it is This guy's a douche She's putting people and really uncomfortable situations just for fun even Part of the people who told him to fuck off even if this wasn't real You're a fucking creep and you're not even funny Please stop making these you're picking the wrong timings to say the jokes I could have just said that I didn't have to make this entire video They summed it up, you know, just so sick of this blatantly fucking misogynistic Sexist lazy unfunny cringy shit. That's all over Instagram And then these huge accounts with millions of followers repost them because they don't give a fuck Let's get a reaction out of people and we'll just post it wherever and then young people will follow it Think it's real thing. This is okay and go out and do this and you know have to register as sex offenders I honestly I can't really take more of this guy's account. I can literally feel my brain cells Deteriorating and that's a very scary feeling in conclusion this doing this is not okay Like it's extremely predatory objectifying unfunny cringy pretty much any negative adjective you can think of If I can cover all the bases good job, Nicola mal fuck and I'm putting this guy's name in the title for a reason Okay, considering how often this guy looks at himself in the camera when he's filming his videos You can tell he's extremely vain So Nick the next time you search your own name on Google Instagram YouTube River the fuck you do it I want this video to show up and I hope you see it, honestly. I hope you do I hope you realize like what you're doing is extremely unfunny and Nolan is really on board for it and it's also just wrong I know you probably won't realize that you'll still probably wake up and be like Ah, who can I fucking harass today instead of doing these videos? Why don't you invest your time into learning something that will benefit society, you know like a skill and the best way to learn something new is Obviously with skills share skill share is an online learning community with thousands of classes but video production photography design pretty much any topic you can think of Skill share is actually more affordable than most learning platforms out there and annual subscription is less than $10 a month But if you want an even better deal the first 500 people who sign up using the link in my description Will get their first two months free Free that's like eight weeks of free knowledge baby, Nick I hope you're one of the people who use my link to learn something new and if Nick uses it There's still 199 people that would get two months free. So click the link in my description You'll be helping out me and my channel and you'll also be helping out you and your super smart brains suite Thanks again Skillshare. Click that dang link my guys Olivia for the video. Thank you very much for watching If you enjoyed it, please press the like button. Let me know your best pick up line down in the comments, dude. Just kidding Don't do that. Just leave a comment Let me know what you thought and obviously it press the subscribe button because you'll get an extra greeting at the beginning of every video Yea, that's free too one click you got an extra greeting forever check the description for all my social medias my My podcast my patreon for my podcast you can get the episodes a week early and there's also bonus monthly video episodes Whoa, so crazy and good. Thank you very much for tuning it up and Curtis Connor if you we're in the alphabet, I put B Y and E together Bye Hey guys. Thank you so much for watching the video if you enjoyed it and want to watch more for me There's some more videos right here on the screen and don't forget to press the subscribe button. Alright, I'll see you next time. Peace out
Channel: Kurtis Conner
Views: 2,294,189
Rating: 4.9808555 out of 5
Keywords: nichlmao, instagram, instagram comedy, instagram comedians, instagram cringe, pick up lines, pick up artist, cringy, cringiest, kurtis conner, reaction, commentary, commentary video, imboxboy, boxboy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 10 2018
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