Are Men Really Trash?

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Why is this sensationalist cringe here?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/razz_77 📅︎︎ Oct 19 2019 🗫︎ replies
I so pale welcome to my channel if you're new here what's up how's it going and if you're coming back what's up how's it going it's so good to see you again dude I hope you're doing well you see what happens when you subscribe to my channel you get an extra greeting at the beginning of every single video so press that sweet little subscribe button for an extra greeting folks we've got a big boy today a big big stinky boy so on my channel I've I've called out roasted poked fun at a lot of different types of boys okay boys soft boys country boys acapella boys and many many more and there's a reason why it's so easy to make fun of so many different types of guys and you know why it's cuz guys [ __ ] suck and I think a lot of people would agree with me on that there's like meme after meme about men being trash and I wholeheartedly agree with that okay and I know some guys get pissed off when they seem in our trash because they're the ones who are trash but obviously that doesn't mean every single guy okay obviously it means every single guy accepts Brendan Fraser and Alex Trebek love you boys so today I thought we would take a close look at some prime examples of men just being the [ __ ] worst and we can finally answer the age-old question our men really trash even though we already know the answer which is yes so I got most of if not all of these screenshots from the Twitter account at XI rates dogs so shout out to them the submissions that they get from people it's it's it's [ __ ] so yeah go check them out follow them because this video would not exist without without them all right let's go hey how you been no response yesterday 11:41 p.m. hey hey I have a boyfriend I didn't even mean to text you okay this is like the exact same thing as like in like middle school when you tell your crush that you like them and then they say that they don't like you so you're like oh that was that was my cousin they'd said that I didn't say that it was my cousin who said that yes they're so funny how they say that I mean I would know that's but the the didn't mean to text you is a very creative excuse I'll say that no no I did trust me I didn't mean to text you I was I was walking down these stairs and I dropped my phone and I guess when the phone was falling it hit each step and each step that it hit it typed an age and then an e and then a Y and then it assented I mean it was out of my hands yeah foolproof any time you do something wrong just say you didn't mean to and then you're seen you get off scot-free dude no Scots are gonna be with you you're scot-free Scott expensive I don't know what I'm saying Sam p33 entrepreneur at engineer getting manly beard ready for winter if you're into losers go ahead and swipe on a loser if that's what you're into you won't find that here perhaps you can find yourself an uber driver or a McDonald's worker you will literally ruin your life by not talking to me I'm okay there's no there's a lot to unpack here oh my god being an uber driver or a McDonald's worker is probably way more difficult than being a entrepreneur at engineer which is hey not a job those are just two separate jobs an entrepreneur is a job and an engineer is a job you can't be one job at another job right so what do you do for a living well actually I'm an astronaut at garbage man what you heard me astronaut at garbage man okay I'm gonna I think I'm gonna I think I'm just gonna go but I'm getting my manly beard ready for the wintertime what the what's okay okay why don't you just go swipe on a loser than yeah okay she's gone Sam P I'll fall for you if you come to my baseball game so when I do something cool I can point to the stands and you point back and touch my peepee so let me get this straight he's gonna do something cool on the baseball field he's gonna point to the stands and does this girl is supposed to point back and touch his peepee you gotta have some long ass fingers dude asked fingers and they gotta be long no you gotta have some long fingers if you're gonna touch a baseball players peepee from the stand that's what this means on second thought maybe this is where the this were the real like first base second base third base analogy came to be right yo dude I [ __ ] hung out with Tiffany last name bro oh dude that's awesome what happened yeah dude we went all the way no way yup she's touched my peepee all the way from the stands yes Luke 20 I will buy you drinks until I look good so basically I won't be buying any drinks chances are I'll pay more attention to my car than I will to you if you think you can excite me more than my car let me know and then his car is like a [ __ ] hatchback did homeboys driving like a [ __ ] Toyota Yaris and treating it like it's a Tesla dude but dude even if it was a Tesla that's still an insane thing to say and to put in your tinder bio dude dude even if you had a car that made you like paninis fact that's the coolest thing I can think of a car that makes paninis alright you know what I'm saying though right because the thing about cars is their cars and they just make you go from one place to another place quickly I think this guy is just [ __ ] his car I think that's what's going on here good luck keeping me as satisfied as my car does dude what what's the what's the mileage you got huh none that's what I thought dude dude I love my car so much I sleep in it yeah I don't have a house cuz I love my car so much in addition to sleeping in my car guess what I sleep with my car yeah dude if you don't got four wheels in a in a back that is a hatch [ __ ] off you know for a hatch bag Beach so next up we got a really fascinating text conversation that is very one-sided and it's very uncomfortable so wake up I'm not sleeping let's [ __ ] come on over no okay sorry I'm going home right now thought maybe you'd want to come no I'm with my friends okay sorry would have loved to see you yeah sorry I bothered you that's okay I just wanted it so bad but I guess I [ __ ] up there no if that's okay I'll leave you alone sorry I'm heading downtown if you need a ride sorry I'll go [ __ ] myself I'm downtown if you need a ride wanna hang or no 1240 babe come on come over I'm horny you coming or no just got home I'm sorry no sorry and then Sunday at 12:03 a.m. come hang no answer one-fifty want to come over no answer 7:00 a.m. offers on the table ayyy this is a perfect example of just taking no for an answer it's so easy someone says no to be like okay alright moving on holy [ __ ] man I counted how many times he like invites her over or like invites himself she says no and then he asks thirteen more times fellas I know you probably know this I really hope you do but if you're talking to someone and they say no to your advances that's your answer dude there's no there's no convincing no matter how many times you say let's [ __ ] or come over as as charming as that is it's not gonna work this is Gabe 21 don't swipe right unless you read the bio and agree to it as well yes I'm serious so stop asking please my uncle is an executive for Sephora and has a share in forever 21 so give me your snap and I'll get you whatever you want from these stores but only if you're a girl that isn't afraid to fart because I actually think it's hot so to send vids of you farting on snap and I'll spoil you and yes I have money too from scholarships digital marketing major 2020 my anthem fancy Drake and Swizz Beatz and TI okay just oh my god I don't want a kink shame or anything but maybe maybe just casually work up to that don't just come out swinging like hey send me videos of you ripping ass that will give you makeup also dude your anthem is the song fancy oh my god are you gassy honey are you gassy huh big fart small front everyday first big big big part small part everything part oh you guess see huh okay yeah that's fire us also if he's bragging about his uncle being an executive and like having shares in these companies then why brag about the money that you have as well so that you can that shows that you can afford it right that makes me think the whole uncle thing is a lie because also what uncle would go along with that it's good to see you Gabe what can I do for you hi yeah I just I just need some more stuff I need you to order me some more stuff from Sephora and forever 21 come on I just got a bunch of stuff for you yesterday I can't I can't keep doing this okay I have a real job I'm on but I need this stuff trust me I I made a lot of promises okay just please this is last time okay and that's okay fine what do you need okay thank you hey sorry sir just wanted to remind you about that meeting you have in 20 minutes I almost forgot thank you I'm just doing my job oh sorry about that carry on sorry but my assistant she she has she was really bad guys yeah for you okay okay so we got someone in a hospital bed and this guy says what the [ __ ] happened yo and a girl says a car t-boned us [ __ ] when can I do you though no don't get in a car accident you're so sexy dude also deboned Oh doesn't that what you do to like fish when you're about to cook them you gotta be a whole different kind of [ __ ] up to see someone's snapchat story of them in a hospital bed and then you're like yeah now this is my opportunity this is the perfect time whoever sent this whoever he may be he's got to be the the king of bad timing this is probably what he does at his place of work you know hey you just [ __ ] on the floor yeah hey do you think I could get a raise now I can't confirm if that actually happened or not but there is a good chance I think okay so next I think this is a tinder conversation or a bumble conversation what do you do for work and nothing pre-gaming and then headed to the bar in a bit that's fun I'm a dog groomer and a bartender / server oh nice send nudes I guess that's the only good thing about these terrible guys like if they are so impatient that you know how shitty they are like right off the bat you know that's the only good thing I think like I would just hate to see like an extremely patient douche bag I think that's an that's a nightmare that's the scariest thing that could ever exist hey listen we've we've been together for for so long as long as I can remember and when I think about my future all I see is you and I just can't wait for all the memories that we're gonna make and how cool our kids are gonna be and we're gonna grow old together and I I just can't wait so I think it's finally time send nudes wait what send nudes hold on what I thought I thought you were proposing oh you oh oh no no no no no no no no no you thought no no no I oh no I'm just hey listen babe you can't tie me down I'm just in it for the nudes okay I can't be tied down can't be tied what are you what are you even talking about we've been together for like years we live together you've met my parents you we've said we've had sex before you've seen me naked well well you still you still haven't sent me nudes that's not true I've sent you nudes before ah okay okay you want to just get married then no oh come on please don't get sad now no we're not getting married fine you're ugly anyway I'll just get nudes from my car little did he know that I was a car this whole time all right in conclusion did we answer the age-old question our men really trash yes yes we did we even though we knew the answer at the beginning yes it is very clear to see yes they are and do this video could have been 2 hours long easily it could be 10 hours long there's there's so many that I could have gone through those are only the ones that are submitted to this Twitter account and the one that the Twitter account posts you know like the amount of times that this happens in everyday life to people it's [ __ ] it's crazy here here's a good way to describe it I think you know hurricanes right you know a hurricane well they've been causing mayhem and destruction for like you know hundreds of years so I think the general consensus is hurricanes are bad so with that logic seeing that men have also been causing discomfort destruction mayhem for hundreds of years yeah I think it's safe to say that men are also bad right I think men are trash is a fair conclusion to come to and if you're a guy watching this video right now please don't be like the dudes that I made fun of in this video I can believe it or not women aren't just things you like if Chase to have sex with their like real human beings with feelings and emotions obviously so don't be a [ __ ] crazy douchebag right cuz I'll tell you I'll tell you this for free dude we don't we don't stand for that here in Curtis town okay so if you're one of those guys that behaves like this and you're watching this please change please change who you are and what you do and if you're not going to please please leave unsubscribe go away please thank you all right now that they're all gone let's hear a word from today's sponsor hello fresh if you've been watching my videos for the last little bit you already know what hellofresh is all about but if you haven't given it a try yet now is the perfect time with hellofresh you can get easy seasonal recipes and pre measured ingredients delivered right to your door all you have to do is cook it enjoy baby hello fresh makes cooking delicious meals at home a reality regardless of your comfort in the kitchen even an idiot like me can make awesome recipes without any stress at all I think it's easy to get stuck making the same few things over and over but hellofresh really helped me break out of my dinner rut with over 20 seasonal chef curated recipes to choose from each week my favorite thing about hello fresh is how flexible it is it can do the splits what I mean is if you want to skip a week or change your delivery day or food preference it only takes a few seconds to do all of that on their app and on top of all these incredible things hello fresh is now from 566 per serving 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and as soon as you press the subscribe button you become a citizen of Curtis town it's the best place to live in the world and I'm the mayor so you have to be nice to me check the description for links to my social media my Instagram my Twitter links to my weekly podcast called they're really good if you enjoy my videos you'll enjoy the podcast as well so you know give it a listen I also drop new merch check out the merch down there and the description and all the other good stuff too and also I have a monthly show starting in October in New York City at the people's Improv Theater I'm [ __ ] super excited it's gonna be a good place we're gonna bring a bunch of comics and we can try new material and old material and just have make a have a great comedy show for you guys so details for that if you're in the New York area [ __ ] come out to one of the shows it's gonna be sick alright that's it thank you so much for watching I gotta go make sweet sweet passionate love to my Toyota Corolla see ya hey guys thank you so much for watching this video I hope you enjoyed it you want to see more from me just click on that screen dude and don't forget to press the subscribe button alright see you next week peace okay
Channel: Kurtis Conner
Views: 4,469,897
Rating: 4.9446077 out of 5
Keywords: kurtis conner, kurtis connor, commentary, men are trash, are men trash, reaction, tinder messages, cringe, cringey, tinder bio, bad tinder bio, bad tinder message, text messages, memes, funny, bad pickup lines, cringey tinder messages
Id: DIkqcdeWr-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 30sec (1110 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 18 2019
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