The Hype House: TikTok's Team 10

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- Hey guys! Really quick, before we start this video, I got some shows on the West Coast coming up. So if you want to come see me, dude, I'm going to be in Spokane, Tacoma, Vancouver, Canada and then I'm going to be in Salt Lake City and Phoenix, Arizona, Irvine, California, Ontario, California, and San Francisco, California. So if you want to, if you live near those cities, you want to come see me do some standup? Have a good laugh? Meet me, if you want? Tickets in the description, available now! Come! Come see me! Please! Please, oh please! See you there! Enjoy the video. See ya. - Hey there! Welcome back to my channel. If you're new here, what's up? How's it going? And if you're coming back, what's up? How's it going? It's so good to see you again! I hope you're doing well. You see what happens when you subscribe to my channel? You get an extra greeting at the beginning of every single one of my videos! So press the subscribe button for an extra greeting! Folks! (loud clap) New year, same intro. I'm not changing for shit. So I've talked a lot about TikTok on my channel, okay? I've Tik Talked a lot about TikTok on my channel, okay? I've also made that pun way too many times and I'm not gonna stop. Seriously though, I've made a lot. I've made a lot of videos about TikTok and every time I make one, I'm like, okay, this is it. That's the last one. This is it. That's the nail in the coffin. And I don't know why I keep lying to myself? I know it's not gonna be the last one. The app is full of shit! Filled to the brim, okay? It's overflowing with poo poo (fart noise) and I can't not make videos about it, okay? I'm gonna be making videos about TikTok until I'm... Dead, basically. I'm gonna come back as a ghost and still make videos about TikTok, dude. I can't escape it! But before we watch stupid TikTok videos, a little- a quick history lesson, an internet history lesson. (children cheering) So we all remember Team 10, right? How could you forget? They're the Internet's favorite rascals, the "Little YouTube Rascals!" (spring boinging) You know, you got Chad, the Martinez twins, the Dobre Brothers at one point, Tristin, Anthony, And of course the creator, Jake Paul. The videos were good. They were nice! It just, everybody loved them so much. I'm kidding, obviously! Everybody fucking hated Team 10! Team 1 out of 10 is what they should have been called. But to recap everything, there were like a group of YouTubers who lived in a house. Jake Paul like took percentages of all the creators, and they just all like collaborated and made videos together. But they were in the news for just like being really disruptive to their neighbors... - ...say that he's been filming dangerous stunts and he's putting people in danger. - Jake Paul jumped on top of like a news van - (News reporter) Jake, I wouldn't do that! - And then a bunch of people like left Team 10 and it's like hardly anyone in it now. I don't even know. I looked it up and like, it's very vague. I don't know. But after that whole debacle, you would think that people would be like, Oh! Okay, that was a bad move. Maybe putting a bunch of young internet stars in the house with each other is a bad idea. There's ego and, you know, jealousy, and all that. But we never learn anything. So obviously it's happening again. Just like how they made Magcon 2 with the Lights Out Tour. (terrifying music) They're making a Team 10 2. Ten... Team 12? Team 102? I don't- A Team 10 2. They're making a- a sequel, another Team 10 called The Hype House. 'Cause nothing says hype like a fucking 15 year mortgage, dude. Eh! Yo dude, I fucking, I paid my property taxes last week! Shit was fire. (loud sirens going off) Heh! Check out those new shingles. They're lit, huh? So the Hype House is basically TikTok's Team 10. Alliteration? Wow. It's a big, big house where all of TikTok's most talented creators can... (dial-up internet beeping) dance with each other and grow their followings together. And that's great, you know, on paper, that seems like a great idea. But in practice, when you see it, it's so weird! So the way they announced this whole like Hype House thing was happening was on the official Hype House TikTok. Well, let's just watch it. I'm going to show you guys how they introduced the Hype House to the world. (childish, mocking noises) Okay! Uh. A few things. One. It's such a cult! Whoa. Dude, if I walked into a room and I saw that? Like a bunch of fucking random people in like... and wearing the same outfit, same white shirt and blue jeans and like... (creepy techno sounds) Hey man, I'm running the opposite way. And I'm calling the cops while I run away, okay? So if you're, if you're ever at the Hype House? If you ever find yourself at the Hype House, don't... don't drink the Kool-Aid. Or the fucking Bang Energy. Don't! Don't drink the Bang Energy, okay? When you're at the Hype House. And also, two. Would it... kill you? To get at least one person of color in there? Just like, chill, like just one. That's like, you couldn't even just do one? Really, guys? Like I can't, I honestly can't tell if this is the Hype House TikTok page, or... an avalanche on a ski hill. I cannot tell the difference, okay? It's so white. I just realized this video reminds me of that fucking sorority video with all the girls and the hands. - (in unison) We've been waiting for you all summer and we're so glad you're finally here! (girls screaming excitedly) Okay, so if you're not in a TikTok world, you must... you're probably thinking who are these people? What's, uh, let's figure 'em out! What are they, what do they do? Well, here you go. Here are all the members. We got white boy in middle part, white boy with beanie, white boy with middle part, white boy with glasses, white boy with the middle part, white boy and sweater. And then, white girl who dances, white girl who dances, white girl who dances, white girl who dances. And let's not forget everyone's favorite: white girl who dances. Names don't matter. Trust me. They're all the same. So this is very weird, obviously. And it's gonna to pain me to say this but, dude, I think Team 10 was better than this. (crowd booing) I know Team 10's content was very bad. Just terrible. Some of the worst content ever, but at least they were trying and like, this isn't like... Teem 10 wasn't like the only other one, there were so many. There were so many other collab houses or creator houses- I don't know what the fuck they're called. But there was like the O2L Mansion, back in the day, all the Viners at 1600 Vine, the Clout House, you know the Brand Deal Bungalow, Cool Guy Condo. And obviously, the yummy yummy "I Got Me Some Followers" Townhouse. Those last two were made up, but you know what I mean? There was a bunch of them, okay? And I'm sure that's fine for some people, you know? Some people may watch those videos and be like, "That's so cool! All the creators I like are living in the same house! That's great!" But... (loud clap) Like, for example when I would watch all the Vines that they made at like 1600 Vine in those like fucking bland, gray apartment buildings like there was a part of it that was just so like disingenuous to me, you know? Like in their mind they were like, "if I got- if I want to be successful I got to make more videos with fucking Peaks and Jerry Purpdrank and Hannah Stocking, you know? Like it kinda just felt like some weird shitty content factory where it's just quantity over quality. And I feel like it's mostly the case for these types of houses. And don't get me wrong, dude. Like, I understand the... I'm not gonna fucking sit here and act like I've never made videos with other people. Right? Like, I understand the idea of collaborating, obviously. And I understand like putting like, you know, popular people together, right? Like for example, I saw- when I saw that John Mulaney was on a segment of Patriot Act with Hassan Minhaj, I was fucking stoked, dude! 'Cause those are two comedians who I like, really really like! And I was like, Oh, great! They're together? You know, like two comedians like joking and riffing with each other. It was really cool to see. And this is the same as like musicians, right? Like, you know if they collaborate and they make a song together. People get excited about that. And that's how it's supposed to be. But two TikTok stars? Like, just making a video together? Just like, them standing together and not even fucking doing anything? They're just like, yep, this- Well look, it's- Hey I know you guys know me 'cause you're following me, but look at that other person who you also follow! They're there, too! Yeah. And we're there and we're both here. So if you just like the video that'd be great! Okay, bye. Fuck you! It's just weird, right? Like, that would not be allowed in any other, like any other field, right? Like picture like two musicians collaborating and they just didn't fucking make anything. People would be pissed off. Yo, I've been waiting for this Frank Ocean song featuring Enrique Iglesias for so long, dude! I've been waiting on this collab. Finally! - (Enrique) Hey Frank, it's me, Enrique! - (Frank) Enrique! - (Enrique) Good to see you. - (Frank) Wow! So good to see you, man. So glad we finally got to meet up. - (Enrique) Me too. - (Kurtis) The fuck? - (Frank) Oh my God. Hey, is that popcorn almost ready? I'm starving. - (Enrique) You're starving? Yeah, me too. - (Kurtis) Wait, is this audio of them making popcorn? I don't... - (over the phone) I think the popcorn's done! (microwave beeping) - (over the phone) Yum, nice! I love popcorn. - (Kurtis) It is! - (over the phone) This is gonna be some good popcorn! - (Kurtis) What the fuck! - (Enrique) Man, whoever thought we were making a song together is a fucking dumb ass. - (Frank) Dumb ass, yeah! - (Kurtis) Aw, dang it! Let's watch another one. (Upbeat music) Oh, that's it! Oh! Oh, dude! (distorted voice) That's it? Oh, man! And how many likes did that one get? Hey guys! Too much. For what? For why? For why? Am I bitter? Yeah, absolutely I am! I have to work so hard at what I do. These fucking people just got to do a calf raise and they get a million likes! Not even a farmer, dude. Those are the real calf raisers. (laughing) Because, like, a calf? You raise it. To become a cow. (yelling) TikTok, it's just little dances. It's all it is. I've accepted it. That's fine. Whatever. But you know what? (in unison) I'm about to say it. Most of these fucking people aren't even good at dancing! And listen, I'm no groove connoisseur, okay? But I know a good dance when I see it. I've seen "Step Up 2: The Streets." I know enough. But a lot of these dances, like, aren't even real dances, right? Because like, the phone- they got to put the phone, they got to like prop it up portrait mode and it's like static. So most of the dances they can do are just like, they don't move their feet. They're just like moving their arms a bit. If, straight up, like all TikTok dances, like look like you're like stuck in quicksand. And you got to like dance your way out of it. You can't move your fucking leg because they're sinking. But just like, imagine like if those dances replaced like other dances, it'd be weird, right? Just imagine I'm not going to give you any examples. Just kidding, I will. Here you go. (intense intro music) - Hey judges! Kind of nervous, sorry. Um, I've been a dancer for a while now, and I'd love to show you what I can do. (audience applauding) (upbeat music) (crowd booing) (buzzers beeping) Oh, this is so not hype! All right, everybody make some noise for the bride and the groom! Finally gonna share their first dance together. (awkward electronic music) - (Kurtis) What the fuck? What are they doing? (awkward electronic music) Yeah, this is wrong. This is wrong, you guys are divorced now! - (in unison) Oh, not hype! Let's watch a few more of these videos. - (TikTok sound) Who are you? Who are we? We are that bitch. Do that. - Okay. Who are you? Who are we? We are that bitch. (judgemental groan) (giggling) (laughing that turns into an alarm) You listen. I know, I know you guys might not get it, but it's funny 'cause like that's not their voice, - (TikTok sound) Who are you? - (Kurtis) and their lips, and they're moving their lips to make you think that it is. (audience laughter) And they smile and laugh at the end. So that's what we do. And that's a million likes, bro! I don't get it! All the videos, man, all the videos are just people doing the exact same dances of the same songs. But they're just like swapping people out. Like, doesn't it get old? I don't get it, man. Am I just? Maybe I'm getting old. Okay. Maybe that's it. I feel like that's for sure it, dude. Another thing I noticed, (laughing) they have like no furniture and I think that's really fucking funny! Bro, when you think about it, when you actually sit down and think about it, bro, these kids, kids these days, too focused on getting clout. (whispering) Clout! When they should be focused on getting couch. Dude, it's just so weird to have a mansion, a literal mansion! With no furniture, dude! You're doing it all wrong. Man, just like a picture of fucking TikToker on cribs, dude. (sexy introduction music) - What's up MTV? It's me. Welcome to my fucking pad! Come check it out. (groovy transitional music) Alright, so as you can see, we've got the living room here. It's pretty fucking fire, bro. We got the... the carpet. (music abruptly stops) (groovy music starts again) So right here is the laundry room. We don't have a washer and dryer. (music abruptly stops) (groovy music starts again) This is the bathroom. As you can see, we don't have a toilet 'cause we don't fuck with that. We kind of just head out into our garden in our backyard. We just kind of crouch down, pinch loaves out there. It's actually working out kind of well. Alright, so guys this is the backyard. It's pretty nice. - Sorry. Can we cut? I'm sorry. - Huh? - (camera man) This backyard smells like shit, dude. - Yeah, no! What did I just tell you? We all shit out here. - Yeah, why though? (gagging) (groovy transitional music) All right, thank you MTV for checking out my fucking crib. It was hype. (snickering) - What are you doing? - You guys can fucking leave now. - Okay, fine (gagging) Hey guys, I'm editing right now. When I filmed that thing, it was like a joke saying that they don't have a washer and dryer. But then I watched a vlog of theirs where they say they don't have a washer or dryer, dude. - And then there's our laundry room, but we don't have washers or dryers yet. So we're going to figure it out. - It's too perfect. Okay. When I was going through these Hype House TikToks, I got to thinking, you know, how did this all come to be? How did this happen? Who orchestrated this whole thing? So I decided to do a little research. (school bell ringing) (dramatic music) So, none of that actually helped me. So I had to watch some vlogs from TikTokers, and that's what I found out. Also, that was the worst research I've ever had to do. Dude, I had to watch a vlog from a guy named Hootie (mocking laughter) and his brother, fucking, Blowfish, I'm sure. I know it's not his fault that that's his name. So it's the parents, dude! If, dude, if I was named Hootie Conner? Well, I'm gone. I would not talk to my parents anymore, dude. Like, 'kay, fuck you guys. Ruined my life. I'm gone. Oh my God, imagine introducing yourself as Hootie! - Oh, hey man, what's your name? - Oh, hi! My name is Hootie! (running away sound) - Ah, he's running away. Fuck, man. Every time! But I didn't actually learn that much from Hootie's vlog so I had to watch another vlog from the Lopez brothers? Who were like these two dancing brothers who are moving into the Hype House. Sound familiar? (ominous music) Dancing brothers? Just like Team 10? I just blew this case wide open! But in their vlog, they're talking to some guy and he starts talking about the house. So this is the guy who founded the house. So let's, let's cut to that clip. - It took me 13 days to make this house possible. - 13? 13 days? - Yeah, from the idea, to calling places, touring places and making it happen. - That's gas! - That's gas indeed. So this guy, Thomas Petrou... (mispronouncing) Petrou? Petrou! Petrou! So I guess one day he was like, Alright! I'm going to get a mansion, fill it with famous white kids, and they're going to dance. Genius, right? Not weird at all. Just to be like, Hey everyone! I'm 21. Do you kids want to come live in my house? So I did some more research on this guy, and guys! He used to work for Team 10! (dramatic bang) I thought I blew the case wide open before, but now it's... I can't, the case can never be closed! He made a video like last May talking about how he's working at Team 10 and what he does there. - Currently, at the Team 10 house about to get in for work. - He says he produces and edits videos, like for the people in Team 10. - I help others create and develop content. And then I help edit content and I'm going to be producing content. - And that video was sponsored by none other than Bang Energy, dude! (clapping) How perfect is that! I don't even have to make a callback joke. He did it for me! (distorted voice) Thank you, Tommy! - One of the greatest drinks ever. (intense auto tuned slurping) - So, a few months go by and he makes another video in August, three months later, saying that he got fired from Team 10. And that video was also sponsored by Bang Energy! Which is very funny, to have a fucking "I Was Fired!" video, a really heartfelt video, be sponsored by a fucking Piña Colada energy drink! - Sipping on one of their delicious Piña Coladas! (intense auto tuned slurping) - I need all the energy I can get for all the résumés I have to hand out now. And that's where Bang comes in. - As of yesterday, I was fired for no reason. - So, I guess after that happened, after he got fired from Team 10, he was like, "I'll make my own house! Yeah, I'll film, I'll get a house and I'll fill it with a bunch of white people! And I'll find my own pair of dancing brothers. You'll be sorry, Jake. You'll be sorry! You'll rue the day you ever rung, Tommy" Man, this Thomas Guy is like Syndrome from the Incredibles. You know, he was wronged by Mr. Incredible, Jake Paul in this situation. So he's setting off to, you know, to create his own thing and get back and destroy Jake Paul. Damn. So if a story breaks with a bunch of big robots destroying Jake Paul's house, I think we know who did it. But, I mean, I read an article about this whole thing, about the Hype House, someone wrote an article about it. And apparently, this Thomas Guy isn't taking a percentage from any of these TikTokers, which is good. I admire that. I think that's a good idea. You know, once you get money involved people start, you know, getting greedy and stuff and think they deserve it more and everything, you know? And that's, I think that's why a lot of people left Team 10. I don't know, man. It's working for them. People seem to like it. The fucking Hype House TikTok has 4 million followers already, which is frustrating. Because there's so many really funny TikTokers I've found in the last few months, and I wish they would all have a house together and make funny content and good content. I don't know what else, I'll put it on the screen right here of like, TikTokers that I really like, who I think are funny who you should give your attention to! Who you should hype them up! Instead of these people who do calf raises. Unless the people in the Hype House actually make a TikTok of them, raising a calf to be a cow. Then, then I'll be happy. I don't know. Maybe one day I'll start the fucking KurtisTown Kottage, and the floor will be quicksand, and there'll be no water, there'll no running water. It'd be like in Mr. Deeds when the water fountains shoots out Hawaiian punch? It will be like that. - That's Hawaiian punch! - But also in the shower heads, it'll just be Bang Energy everywhere. (funky upbeat music) (sparkle noise) - KurtisTown Kottage! (flowing water) - That's Bang Energy. (intense auto tuned slurping) - Alright, that's going to do it for this video. I hope you enjoyed me complaining about TikTok again. If you did enjoy the video, please press the like button because one like equals one little baby calf to be raised by a TikToker. (loud mooing) Also, leave a comment. Let me know what you think about this whole Hype House shit. Let me know your predictions, how long it's going to last, what's going to happen, who knows? So yeah! Leave a comment and let me know. Also, don't forget to press that subscribe button! Because I make a video every week, mostly. And they are a lot of fun. And as soon as you press that subscribe button, you become a valued member of KurtisTown. If you don't know what KurtisTown is, it's the best place to live in the world and I'm the mayor. So you have to be nice to me. It's the law. If you want to check out the other stuff I do, you can check the description. You like my Instagram, my Twitter. My weekly podcast called "Very Really Good." If you enjoy my videos, you'll enjoy the podcast as well. And also I got some shows coming up on the West Coast. So yeah, come on out to those. It's going to be a fucking good time. Merch down there too, all that good shit. Check it out. Alright! That's it. Hope you enjoyed it. See you later. I've been Kurtis. I got to go, though. I got to go... Fucking throw out all my furniture so I can be a famous TikTokie! Bye! (soft music) (abrupt sneezing)
Channel: Kurtis Conner
Views: 4,087,624
Rating: 4.9692755 out of 5
Keywords: kurtis conner, kurtis connor, tiktok, kurtis conner tiktok, the hype house, team 10, hype, commentary, tiktok cringe, hype house tiktok, hype house
Id: 7muOCBOqVmQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 24sec (1344 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2020
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