Fat People Can't RUN!!! Karen is Now an Offensive Term (Jesus take the Wheel)

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oh what's that Michelle promised you a different clown that idiot Ronald McDonald well too bad you get your charming psychotic strong joshing and of course gorgeous well-respected clown captain buggy oh you like that suckers oh it's a million times better than that weirdo that these burgers to people but no not him Jesus Christ apparently that idiot you guys have been waiting for did not plan accordingly and the outfit that he wants to wear on camera didn't arrive from Amazon yet so I was called to give you guys the much entertainment you needed that that guy can't supply without red and white tights Jesus Christ let's get this over with so I can set cell and finally fulfill my revenge on monkey deal Luffy you see the chippy I'm sitting in my car in the Kitty Hawk do you secure the bag I get to my you know this video is sponsored by me and my lifetime support group where you get to stay in our very positive and nerdy groups for life you also receive a 12 week gym program along with the home workout routine also in the group we do live zoom sessions on most Saturdays where my clients look at me like this through the screen if interested hit the link below for more information we would love to have you hello you guys welcome back to my channel my name is Michelle McDaniel I am a personal trainer me proud mother of a pug a past theater owner gone a grown up cosplayer and this is my channel my thoughts will probably offend you where I share my thoughts that will probably offend at least one person and so if there's anything offending you today let us know in the comment section this is the place suggest say what's offending you and while you're down there you might as well hit that subscribe button because I post one to two times a week sometimes three and sometimes dressed and cosplay because I am a grown up child but Ronald McDonald alpha isn't here for the finale of clown week so today we're talking about a whole bunch of different topics and we're gonna see if they are clown worthy or not yes people is another episode of does that offend you so basically I like to do is listen to the topic get a little background information from your amazing captain and buggy and then you tell me if it's offensive or what your thoughts are very simple game crew right yes it is so let's get started before we get into this one we must define what a Karen is according to urban dictionary Karen gives reasons to kids on Halloween drives an SUV to carpool her kiss to soccer practice better hope the ruff doesn't make a wrong call because she will sue love to use snappa graham to post her workout selfies after a long day of talking to managers and driving her kids around she sits down with her mom friends at book clubs and drinks along lots of wine forty-four mother-of-three blonde owns a Volvo annoying as hell whereas acrylics 24/7 currently at your workplace speaking to your manager typically never a name given to a baby but somehow Karen always turns up asking to see the manager say bird or adjectives to describe how annoying something or someone is I just read a few definitions of what a Karen is and nowhere in there did it talk about race even though I know many people who imagine a white short-haired woman when they hear the name Karen take this from a black clown woman there are black Karen's and it's frightening but the side of annoying I hope they all stay away from me but according to someone named Julie which is funny because it's actually a name that is a form of Karen says that B term is sexist classist and racist she made a slew of tweets saying white men call women Karen and that's not good shame on you white men you we white men always just being white completely weird thing is though I hear so many different women women of color tell other women hearing so I'm guessing it's just you know white men aren't allowed to say Karen but I use it my boyfriend uses it my black girlfriend uses it my Asian girlfriends use it I heard the Indian guy down the street call his wife Karen when she was freaking out about something and she laughed but of course in this tweet she has to rope in black people into this so she can attempt to increase her supporters for her forcing herself to be offended by something so she has content for her Twitter it is often used by white men including towards women of color yes because women of color can definitely be a Karen anyway it didn't help that a Twitter account called Friends of journalism compared the term Karen to the n-word and black Twitter was not happy with that until people start saying no I'm not hiring you Karen or no you can't live here Karen or my favorite I'm gonna burn your house down with you and your Karen kids and nobody's gonna do because I'm the sheriff Karen I don't want to hear your comparison as a carrion can I officially set the record straight Karen is not a slur and if you don't agree I need to speak to your manager I like this Karen a lot also a certain group of women who are offended by the term Karen to prove how not Karen they are they got not Karen spray paint it into their very Karen hairstyles which is the most caring thing to ever do hashtag don't call me Karen let's check out some of these comments because I'm sure everyone's like wow what a great thing to do we'll stop okay Shannon imagine being this much of a Karen we have found another spongebob ologist we love you Oh what you gonna cry no no go ahead let me see you you gotta call the manager then get a [ __ ] different haircut wait till they realize it's a term for a personality type not a hairdo which is what I always thought it's someone that is just very entitled to getting what they want personally think it's hilarious what I'm having a moment when I am just being a lot I'm just complaining about something that is really not that much of an inconvenience and my boyfriend yells from downstairs oh you're gonna talk to the manager Karen I could understand if there was some kind of historical background people getting killed over this word that's just not happening so to relate it to the n-word is very odd and to say that it is racist is just reaching and this person seems like they are bored and needs content for their Twitter palm down but what is your opinion is caring offensive or not yes if you're offended by the term crotch Goblin I'm not sure you've been around enough kids because I was definitely a little cross Goblin as a child and I've met many and if I have kids they will definitely be my little crotch Goblin offensive little minions with the recent pandemic people are at home with their families whether it's with their human minions animal minions both or even none this recents at home order has gotten people very bored bored enough to fight about who made the best personal choice people with kids or people with them not to brag or anything but what a time to be childless a tsunami full of outraged parents and three two one my children are godsend every minute every breath with them is a joy beyond word description anyone without kids making terrible comments make a selfless move already your children are testicle sent calm down how does them provide a new joy make you selfless I wouldn't give up my kids for all the money in the world they'd give me happiness and they keep me busy with this extra time at home you're a loss if you don't have kids you sit on a throne so who's cooking and cleaning for you who brings you beers from the fridge my damn self what who passed you the remote after you get all comfy and realize it's on the other side of the room how are you living like this all the parents commenting how much they love their kids if it's so great why do you feel the need to state that like this is erected toward you plus add that child three folks are missing out y'all are a lot more concerned about our lifestyle than we are about yours I have five adult sons they're all grown and gone with families of their own thank you Jesus it's my time now I can do whatever I want I cherish this freedom oh and the peace and quiet is done fine lol as you sit alone in isolation and I make a blanket pour it with my two-year-old okay and please keep it that way please don't breathe you're hard to look at as he says all he doesn't have a profile picture so is this the meme offensive and what's better to have kids or to not have kids during quarantine so I have been getting messages about this girl for a a while probably a few years and I'm finding on making a full video about her and I don't want to get into too much of detail with her but the woman who runs the account is a glitter and lasers who has a medical condition called lipedema a lipedema is a disorder characterized by symmetric enlargement of the legs due to deposits of fat beneath the skin it is a common condition occurring almost exclusively in women affecting up to 11 percent of women because of lipoedema is unknown however there is evidence of hormonal and hereditary influences from the little bit that I've read so far is the only way to get rid of it is liposuction and of course each person who has it is different as there is very light cases to severe cases where the lipo damia spreads all over the body but like I said I want to read more about it a little bit more research hopefully talk to some doctors and they don't make a full video about it because it's right up this channels alley we suddenly she posted a video of her running with the caption I'm happier when I am regularly active I always manage to forget this and then when I restart my routine I get a bigger reminder I think it's because movement is so stigmatized no matter what your body type I wish we heard more stories about how movement built character improved mental health and allowed people to experience the world differently it's about so much more than weight we cheat a lot of people out of amazing experiences by convincing them moving as a punishment orator in reality it is again personally I completely agree with that statement but that's not what you guys had an issue with with the post many of you guys who messaged me things that she just posted this to prove how fit she is since she posts frequently of how active her days are and a way to prove people that make fun of her wait how active she really is and many people highly doubt that she actually does that work out on a regular basis do you think this video is fake there's no way she can run at that speed for a sustained period of time and since I don't look at her content or follow her content I'm not going to comment on that because I don't know if she constantly tries to show people that oh I am fit many of you guys also said that it can't be healthy for someone that size to do such explosive type exercises according to the people who messaged me her content say that she is spreading harmful content and someone of her size will see this and think it's okay to have all of that weight on their joints and end up hurting themselves just because an has to prove to the world that she's fit so I want to read a little segment of what happens when you are actually walking especially if you are heavy when you rock across level ground the force on your knees is the equivalent of one and a half times your body weight that means a 200-pound man will put 300 pounds of pressure on his knees with each set at an incline and the pressure is even greater the force on each knee is two to three times your body weight when you go up and down the stairs and four to five times your body weight when you squat to tie a shoelace or pick up an item you dropped losing a few pounds can go a long way towards reducing the pressure on your knees and protecting them for example research has proven that sustained 10 to 15 pound weight loss and obese young people can translate to a much lower risk osteoarthritis later in life many obese or morbidly obese people have or at risk of having osteoarthritis but I don't know about you but arthritis plus running doesn't sound like a good time so with all of that being sentence I didn't do a lot of research on her yet I'm saving it for that initial longer video that I want to do on her I'm just gonna speak from personal experiences I am a 5 foot 2 Hobbit woman when I put on weight whether it's muscle or fat I feel it in my knees I feel it walking up the stairs I feel it when I run I feel out when I walk I feel it when I squat and a few months ago I was just filling my knees more than I normally did ima pass you know I did a lot of track it is a lot of running so I know you're gonna get some wear and tear there but I was just filling my knees a lot more than I normally do and it felt a lot like when I was heavier and I definitely put on some weight and it's easy for me and other people to say oh well it's just muscle because he lifts heavy and it doesn't matter what it is whether it's fat or muscle I will still fill it my knees are fragile the shorter you are the less weight that you can handle on your knees and it goes for taller people too but being short it's gonna be more drastic so the only thing I did was lower my calories and I lost weight by the way I know many people are gonna say you are already thin you look fine or even you look the same because I don't have a good or you know a lot of cellulite it doesn't matter all I know is my knees feel better and I want to keep dropping weight until they feel completely better but you guys when I see this just looking at it my knees hurt so I personally just can't imagine how I would feel being the equivalent of her side with my height walking much less doing all of this so personally my opinion is that it's great that she's working out it's great that she's active it's great that she's posting certain things and maybe it will help motivate people her size to get up and move but at the same time if I had a client that was morbidly obese like her I wouldn't force them to run I was talking to my old physical therapist and he said depending on the weight short bursts are fine like 10 15 basic jump squats or mountain climbers but running for a long amount of time would be a no for my knees for sure but maybe her doctor said it was okay I really don't know it is nice to see her working out I think that's great now keep in mind I have clients that just begged me they just want to go do it and they they go Ryan they're fine but all the class that I've had so far that do that are in their teens 20s mid 30 so only time will tell but for now you can tell me thoughts on this don't forget Ronald McDonald will be here sometime next week for the finale of clown week you guys have been asking me to cover another topic for a long time and Ronald McDonald is finally here to talk about it remember you don't have to be a size 2 having big biceps is great to have to scare away all the boys but not needed to be healthy and I want my crew to be as healthy as possible thank you guys so much for watching this video it's time for me to now set sail and catch monkey D Luffy you see the chip in my car the kitty you see the trippy I'm fitting it up in my car and kitty I secure the bike yeah I get the bugs from I ain't never scared like bone crunch [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 365,038
Rating: 4.9381647 out of 5
Keywords: Obesity, glitterandlazers, anne o br, lipedema, lipedema legs, haes, health at every size, karen, karen song, karen story, karen complications, child free, child free life, childless by choice, childless millennials, childless couples, my thoughts will probably offend you, michelle mcdaniel, does this offend you, jesus take the wheel
Id: YzDAgRCm7cg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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