Healthy Is a BAD Word Now..According to Tess Holliday (Lord I SWEAR)

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it's another fat trick video oh i'm gonna get a few comments of those people who get mad and say why are you so obsessed with fat people how did you know how did you know that i love you how did you know need you and love everything about fat people how the hell did you know but since my obsession is exposed and it's just so uncanny that a personal trainer would talk about obesity and it's definitely not the fact that 95 of my clients want to lose weight and enjoy these type of videos not that i am definitely just obsessed with all of that thickness hello welcome back to the channel but if you're new hey well you already know that i'm weird but hello my name is michelle mcdaniel i'm a personal trainer a proud mother of a pug and a chihuahua a past theater nerd on grown up cosplayer and this is my channel my thoughts will probably offend you where i share my thoughts that will probably offend at least one person because you know when you share your opinion about anything on the internet they're gonna be someone that takes it personal and has to tell you that they're offended so will you be the lucky person today let us know in the comment section and become part of the cult i'm here one to three times a week and very active on my instagram with lots of dog pics food pics and memes breaking news healthy is now a negative word according to test holiday so there was just a very interesting exchange in test holidays comment section that you guys had to just send me and i was like oh we can make a video about this this offensive thing according to test holiday was very different and news to me and it really just proves that holy [ __ ] i can never be in these groups because it would just be walking on eggshells 100 of the time you've been looking healthier than ever lately skin clear and glowy eyes bright hair silky looking rested energy for days smiling and laughing more i hope you feel as good as you look girl very positive it would just be like a comment that you would see be like oh thanks that's fairly nice of you to say not to test holiday this is not an appropriate way to compliment anyone let's learn why i definitely appreciate your kind words and i'm sending you all the love back i would just ask that next time we not put the word healthy in there because that's such a loaded word with negative connotations attached to it also again thank you imagine complimenting someone's hair their skin that they're smiling and their eyes are bright saying it looks very healthy and they say please don't ever call those things healthy ever it was just a very nitpicky response it was like i don't know it just felt very odd most of the comments in response to that were pretty similar to mine like what when did healthy become a bad word whatever chess holiday decides is okay is what goes plastic surgery equals body positive other people posting workout selfies equal toxic but if tess does it it's fine healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy it's a good word tess which i agree test holiday does everything else to make her look you know more appealing to everyone else except for the whole lose weight part to be real she's really not that body positive she's just anti working out anti watching calories anti losing weight she's positively using injections makeup hair photoshop filters expensive clothes and looks like a very accepted look the only thing that's not accepted about her is obesity but with that being said she does seem to like nitpick i remember before posting workout things were very you know like triggering to people but now she posts workout things and it's okay because she does it you know her whole brand f your beauty standards but she does every single beauty standard except for being thin most likely because she can't she doesn't have the dedication to that but makeup and fillers and whatnot are very simple all you need is the money if you want to lose weight honey you need the dedication you need the consistency you need a lot more than money and this is the thing i'm shocked that she's unhappy about this word it doesn't mean that the other lady was saying she was previously unhealthy it was reassuring use of the word it is test that has the perception of the word this has gone so far does that mean if my doctor says my young son's routine checkup and he is a healthy boy should a person be upset i see it as very good news what about healthy food i was shocked as well the original commenter literally specified what she meant by healthy radiating positive energy that's what i got from the comment as well just seemed like she was staying healthy as in wow she looks so positive she looks so happy watch chess podcast and youtube in the comments opinions are so heavily filtered there as well since wind itself loved morphing to entitled ego coddling also if healthy is such a loaded word what about beautiful given that we are still attaching unrealistic shallow connotations to it so i'm guessing because what i've learned from like the body pause like the heavy like super deep body positivity community like the test holiday people is that you're not supposed to compliment on people's looks you're supposed to say things like oh you look strong and saying that someone looks healthy means that they lost weight that's just my guess but it's just very interesting that she pinpointed healthy but all throughout her comment section are people saying that she looks hot and she's pretty commenting on her look but i've seen comments on her profile saying that she looks curvy so they are blatantly commenting on her body but for some reason saying that you look healthy not even that you look healthy that you just seem that you're just happier glowing you know it's healthy overall is damaging or in her words a loaded word with negative connotation and this comment kind of said similar to what i just said a bit of a conversation i didn't say i was mad i was asking if i should be mad but i don't want to be like you people you people make words have connotations i agree they start saying what is fact to how they take things if someone told me that you look really healthy michelle you're smiling your eyes are bright your skin looks great i'd be like oh thank you but because tess is so insecure she took it as negative as in she took it as this lady saying that she looks smaller she used to be super fat that's my perception of chess can we still use pretty hot sexy go to tess holiday's comment section when she's posing something like this with her foot all up on the counter tons of people saying you're hot sexy wow look at this and she's just eating it all up but saying you look healthy that's just going too far but because i'm such a very curious 5 foot 2 goblin i looked it up and the word healthy is not very body positive stop complimenting someone's appearance or body in the medical world healthy means free of disease but online healthy has more shallow connotations it often refers to skinny or fit or looking skinnier and fitter what did i tell you she took it as wow you think i look thinner no my brand is obesity my brand is fat f your beauty standard i can't have you and anyone else thinking that i look slim fit even though i'm doing something fit right now and people probably would think that's the compliment i want no i don't want that compliment i need you to tell me i look hot and my ass is fat and i'm curvy and strong but nothing about help that is crossing the line so now you're probably asking well what is the appropriate way to compliment someone in the body positive realm they gave us some pointers on that if you are unsure if your comment is objectifying ask yourself if your compliment still holds if the body isn't involved comment on their sense of style or their smile as long as you're not telling them to smile more but make sure whatever you say you're being sincere and that's the issue you don't know if people are gonna are really being sincere over the internet and the original commenter didn't say anything about tessa's body that's the problem she did everything right and yet somehow still did everything wrong it's never enough for these people and that's why i cannot be in these groups or maybe just like the photo and keep scrolling the group is very very funny because they want people to notice how beautiful they are how beautiful different bodies are then someone makes a compliment on their body and they're like don't do that you can't do that when their whole existence on social media is all about their body that's how test holiday got her start because she is a fat model with a gorgeous face you think the fat people i see up in walmart are gonna get the modeling contracts that says holiday god don't you freaking lie to me go to walmart and tell me what you see i'm there all the time these people are just so confusing because they say no one say anything about my body except your whole existence is about your body and you're constantly talking about your body what do you want people to talk about with you that's the only thing you talk about all right i'm pulling this picture back up let's read the caption this is your reminder that bodies like mine are beautiful strong capable and valid i know society tells you otherwise it [ __ ] sucks i get it i know that regardless of the progress that's been made as a collective it's not enough and we are still existing in a world that doesn't respect us it's tough let them underestimate us we're gonna keep our thick ass no thigh gap hat and legs on their necks until things change okay i love you i love us hang in there okay this is all about your body how do you body positive people think that people won't compliment or make comments about your body when you are constantly screaming about your body and your fans and just nice people in general want to make sure that you know that they think your body is pretty then they tell you and then they're wrong mixed signals and in the commenter's case she didn't say anything about tessa's body and she still got upset mix signals it's confusing and then there are numerous booty pictures all over tess holliday's instagram that i can't show you unedited but for example this one which is telling people to vote and most of the comments are not about voting and they're all about her body and she never steps in and tells those people to not comment on her body what the freak girl mixed signal it's like me when i used to do competitions and i walk on stage and then the judges are like uh your waist needs to be smaller and your shoulders need to be a lot wider uh it's just not working for us and i'm like how [ __ ] dare you how [ __ ] dare you judge my body at a body competition f you i just always when i see these people because i'm nosy when people follow me oh yeah sometimes i check out your profile and i'll see like someone will stick out and i'm like ooh they're part of this like uh accept everything body positive that's okay uh type group and i'm like ooh i don't know why you follow me because you're gonna get your feelings hurt pretty quickly i'm gonna say something doesn't follow in line with your guys's little group and they do they get mad and they unsubscribe i'm like yeah that was probably for the best eventually you're gonna get upset about something so if you are an avid test holiday follower i do not recommend following me me and her are not the same i will never accept obesity i love talking hell and if i see my friends family losing a healthy amount of weight and eating healthier i will make sure to tell them that girl you are looking healthy if i see you walking you got a fat i'm gonna be like ooh girl look at that get your fat over here okay that might be a little too invasive for you but i'll tell you that you've got some nice curves i'm a very complimentary person and define that complimenting someone and just complimenting their skin and saying that it looks healthy is not body positive well hell i am never gonna be in that group would you walking on eggshells guys thank you so much for watching this video and joining me for a little bit i posted a very detailed updated video about binging you should check it out i linked it below and it will be at the end of this video remember you do not have to be a size 2. having big biceps to scare away all the boys is great to have but not needed to be healthy but health is very important and on this channel we use the word health and healthy and if that offends you you're probably not going to make it too far in life without being constantly offended bye guys pick it up pick it up pick it up pick it up [Music] neighborhood
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 214,429
Rating: 4.9778662 out of 5
Keywords: Healthy Is a BAD Word Now, tess holliday, tess holliday cringe, tess holliday workout, tess holliday toxic, michelle mcdaniel, my thoughts, My thoughts will probably offend you
Id: 18n3o0IFbOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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