Feminist Gym Rules For MEN!

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I used to welcome back to the channel and if you're new a welcome my name's Michelle McDaniel I am a personal trainer a very proud mother of a pug past theater nerd gone cosplayer and this is my page my thoughts will probably offend you or you my audience asks me my thoughts on certain topics celebrities influencers anything and I tell you my opinion via video usually dressed in Cosway sometimes dress normally where three things are bound to happen in the comments section people either agree feel pretty neutral or strongly disagree and they have two internet rage in the comment section and if you're gonna rage anywhere you might as well do it here on this channel and since you're already here you might as well hit that subscribe button so I came across a pretty interesting article in a fitness Facebook group hosted by a woman that was titled six things women put up with in the gym and why they shouldn't have to and in the comment section there was just a bunch of angry men saying this is it true these situations never happen this article is so fake what types of gym are you going to and what are you wearing you women are always complaining about everything really a man talking to you at the gym for Christ's sake what feminist wrote this yeah a man actually wrote this article this man actually Evan Porter by the way anyone in the comment section who's going to be like man can be feminist too yeah we know we got it but all the men in the comment section kind of had the impression that a woman feminist wrote this but feel free to nitpick in that comment section like people always do so I was reading all the comments during my cardio and I plan on going back after my weights during my cooldown so that I could screenshot everything and I went back and it was all deleted and you guys know how I just loved to read the comment but since we have to skip that part we're just gonna move right along and go to the article and what's going to happen is I'm going to read these things off and you're going to tell me if these ever happen to you and I'll tell you if these things ever happen to me and we're going to see if this order was complete bogus like all the men were saying in the comment section or is it a pretty reasonable article that has accumulated a few things six things to be exact that many men have been known to do a beach in that women have consistently complained about in forums post blogs videos or just to their friend well we're gonna find out right now you guys know the rules tell me if any of these things have happened to you or men if you've done any of these things be truthful this is a safe place it's not I just like to say that to make you feel like like it's a safe place but don't believe me you see the trippy I'm sitting in my car in the kiddie I do you secure the bike hey guys quick reminder before we start only five more days on my 12-week weight loss or muscle gaining routine is on sale on my website where you get a 12-week program along with lifetime access to the Facebook group where I am very active in link is below six things women put up with in the gym and why they shouldn't have to finding the motivation to go to the gym isn't easy for anyone but it can be much harder for women for reasons that had nothing to do with actually working out about 40% of women say they're intimidated by the possibility of men leering or judging them while they work out according to research done cosmopolitan body in 2014 the problem gets even worse in the weight section which is typically overrun with men the survey discovered almost half of all women found the area intimidating because of the people who use it men anecdotal evidence backs that up reddit and fitness discussion forums are rife with women asking for advice on dealing with men at the gym who gawk flirt interrupt or even harass them the common and quite depressing responses develop a resting [ __ ] learn to be super rude get better at ignoring people or report these men to gym management ok so right there in the beginning I see kind of what the men were talking about at least for just that first paragraph not even getting to the lists of 6 things that men do in the gym that they shouldn't do but it just seems like the writer is making it seem that I like every single guy in the gym is scary and they stare and they're always harassing and sexually harassing the poor defenseless woman and it's the man's fault that I can't go to the gym because he's gonna stare at me it's your fault that I'm not working out my fault has nothing to do with my insecurities it's yours men so I can see what they're saying well let's get to their lists women can tell when you're staring at them and it's not flattering as you think making a woman feel on display by leering when she's just trying to get a workout in is sure fire way to make her feel uncomfortable or even scared and no tight pants and sports cross arms an invitation faint a lingering glance here and there isn't a big deal upworthy reader meredith central says many of the women she knows actually drives to gain a burr heads to work out so they won't be gawk done totally unnecessary if guys can learn to keep our eyes to ourselves so okay I mean I have a lot of different opinions about this I agree and I disagree with some parts as you can see I am a woman no matter the amount of comments that I get saying that I'm a man because I have muscle but being a woman in the gym you do get those weird men that just are like even if you look at them you know normal people if you make eye contact they look away there are men in the gym and out the gym because they they don't live there they leave the gym that just yes there are people not just men just people in general it's just creepier when guys do it especially at the gym when you're doing certain types of movements that don't know how to look away for some reason and yes that is very creepy if anyone does it when my dog does it while I'm eating no no that's actually really cute but humans I think it's just common courtesy to not stare I was always told that as a little Michelle now at the same time women I'm looking at you and this is someone that wears really shorts to the gym if you are wearing booty shorts and you are having booty spillage or you are wearing a very revealing top and you are having the booby spilling people are going to stare are you some of my friends who they just love their boobs to spill out it I love a good rap and sometimes my face is just like boobs look really good but if I say that it's fine usually because I'm a woman I understand if a guy is like you it's weird but also understand that you're going to get attention when you wear certain things women go to the gym to workout like everyone else not speed-date between sex it's not that you can't meet that special someone at the gym but there's a time and a place flirting with the woman at the gym when she's in the middle of lifting weights or grinding out miles on the treadmill isn't either the time or place this is true in my case I don't know why men and I'm saying man because a lot of women don't approach me I think I've been approached twice by a woman who was kind of hitting on me usually it's dude so yes I am singling you guys out because I am a straight woman and women just don't find me attractive so I'm singling you guys out deal with it I don't understand why what would possess you to think that a woman would want to talk to you that anyone honestly would want to talk to you but we're gonna say women in this situation would want to talk to you in the middle of their set when they are on the treadmill when they are on the Stairmaster I don't want to talk to anyone the men that absolutely make my whole body wanna burst into flame and deem them to the underworld are the men that come up to me overstay their welcome while I pull on ignore them and they stick around and then they forcefully get in my line of vision so that I have to look at them and I do this cuz it earphones in my ear trying to work out sir please move along and then they do the wonderful notion of take your earphones out until this day 100% of the time when a guy is doing this whatever comes out of their mouth next I could have got a happy fulfilled life without hearing and they actually say in the article a good rule of thumb when someone's wearing headphones it usually means they don't want to talk to anyone even you handsome when women let's heavyweights guides around them get insecure and lash out so basically in the article he talks about a woman who was lifting 500 pounds on the lake press and some guy had to chime in and say boy you're doing it wrong so I have heard guys getting kind of awkward it comes to girls lifting heavier than and they have to say something rude that's never happened to me and I don't really see it often either but the only time that I've ever have it I'd like notice something is when I was lifting super heavy I got to about 500 pounds on the leg press I was chest pressing a lot I was squatting a lot and whenever I would do something heavier than a guy next to me I would see him kind of like look count count my plates and then you know walk over get more plates and frankly you know where his up to make sure that he's doing more than a 5 foot 2 Hobbit me so that he can feel better for himself unsolicited advice isn't helpful it's insulting when people once help they'll ask or they'll hire a personal trainer in the meantime worry about your own form and I've actually seen this happen quite a bit in the gym it's only happened to me one time I was doing a prone leg curl and this guy was staring at me completely I was 16 years old first of all this man had to be mid 40 and I have great peripheral vision so I knew this man was watching me he constantly would watch me all the time and right when I got that on the prom' lake curl prone that means your butt's you know kind of up he comes over and says oh can I show you how to do that correctly I'm a personal trainer now I was doing it just fine but stupid 16 year old me says oh yeah sure because I thought I was doing it wrong and a lot of these older guys that go for like those younger girls like to because they know that they're insecure one and they know that they don't have a lot of knowledge on this stuff I didn't know a lot of about working out so he helped me and all of a sudden I feel some hands on the back of my thigh on my hamstring I Flitz cuz I'm the wrong to be touching he never talked to me again but he told the front desk that he was trying to help me I personally as a trainer do not need to touch your hamstring to show you how to do a prone leg curl if I was a 40-something year old man hoping a 16 year old girl or any woman in the gym I would keep my crusty hands to myself now I do understand that some guys really actually want to help in some people are like they're going to hurt themselves but it's just kind of if he's sometimes because there's just there is a lot of men in there that try to take advantage of women by helping well that's kind of an iffy situation and it depends on the person if I was a dude I'm not helping anybody unless they ask me some guys just don't know when to go away others are straight-up bullies being overly friendly with questionable motivations is one thing but some women find men at the gym can be downright nasty purposely intimidating them or boxing them out so they'll leave also be aware of unconscious behaviors like manspreading taking up more room than you need or stealing someone's weights before they're done so I have never experienced this very much at the gym I'm thinking because I'm muscular I don't get a lot of that I have heard a lot of stories I saw it one time happened someone that I would talk to you at the gym and he was always so nice to me so sweet but people were saying that he's very abrasive he will demand you to move out the way because he's a real lifter anyone that calls himself but you know says I'm a real lifter as in like they're better than other people gross and one day one of my girlfriends she was a little chunkier was on the seated cable row and she was doing her own staying earphones and and I see him stump over there did in her face literally leaned down to halt lean down who don't lean down to me but you leans down pulled out her earphones and tells her that he's going to use this machine now I had never seen that in my life I got so upset I went up to him and told him off the next thing I know he I didn't see him at the gym anymore I was a staff member so imagine if a staff member didn't see that or no one saw that it would be her word against him and most likely the staff would be like well just you know try to avoid him so I'm sure it happened that was the only time that I've ever seen anything like that these behaviors aren't just annoying they can be extremely intimidating at a certain point these behaviors cross the line from rude and inappropriate to downright scary Ashley LeBeau writes that a man once came up to her asking her to remove her headphones which is just ugh agree and said wow I wish I had beautiful pale skin like yours stared for a moment then walked off okay so a lot of men in that comment section was very pissed off and about this comment and saying men don't do that this never happens you're lying you guys remember my gym storytime the whole comment from that older marine guy that said I hope you'll wear those pink shorts you're wearing Monday I don't cuss a lot on camera but [ __ ] I've had some awkward things said to me and this sounds like something that those awkward weird men at the gym would completely say because they don't know how to compliment anything so that was the end of the article I thought it was very interesting that whenever there's something that is title men shouldn't do this to women because women are sensitive creatures and men a lot of guys get upset may feel called out when I don't think the articles saying all men do this I mean they're kind of giving that tone but they're not I don't think that the person thinks that every single man does this just like every single woman is insecure about the gym because I'm not insecure out of the gym if there's an article calling out Fitness women I'd be like oh I'll either do it or I don't I can decide to change or not the ones getting upset in the comment section writing paragraph after paragraph trying it felt like they were just justifying how they were and the original poster deleted it because of all the men like kind of yelling at her through the comment section and then she apologized which I would never do I'm not saying sorry for that article I didn't seem as bad as I thought it was going to be when I was reading the comment section it definitely had like a feminist tone to it the majority of the content at least the list part were things that have happened to me so let me know have any of these things happen to you are you a guy did you do any of these things let us know in the comment section remember this is not a safe chant we just act like it because we want to read your comments thanks so much for watching guys I really appreciate it make sure to hit that subscribe button if you want to see the space again if you don't don't want you here if you didn't enjoy the content go find something that you like but if you do want more of me you can find me on Instagram and I don't see you guys next time bye guys you see the GP I'm sitting up in my car in the Kitty idea secure the bag I get up you see this [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 252,189
Rating: 4.8701596 out of 5
Keywords: working out, feminist rules, gym mistakes for beginners, gym mistakes funny, gym mistakes to avoid, gym etiquette 101 [for the newbs/new year resolutioners], gym etiquette, health, fitness, unwritten rules of the gym, bodybuilding, comedy, Michelle McDaniel, michelle mcdaniel workout, feminist Fitness Rules, feminist cringe, feminist vs logic, new year resolution
Id: b_1Cyulu1Kg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 27 2019
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