Tammy Gained 50lbs in 30 Days | GIRL Get Your Life TOGETHER! 🙄

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i got my eating pants on for this video it only seemed natural [Music] this video is sponsored by me and my lifetime support group the lifetime support group that comes with a 12 week gym program two home workout programs and a lifetime facebook support group that's right getting healthier is a lifestyle so of course you need a support group that will always be open where i'm very active daily if you're interested the link is below also we have a cosplay and crime video coming up followed up with scamming fitness model turned modest christian a pretty dawn tale please hit the subscribe button and the notification button so you don't miss it hello youtube welcome back to the channel my name is michelle mcdaniel i'm a personal trainer a proud mother of a pug and a chihuahua i passed theater nerd gone grown-up cosplayer and this is my channel my thoughts will probably offend you where i share my thoughts that will probably offend at least one person if that's you let us know in the comments section in fact tell the world what is offending you today and while you're down there you might as well hit the subscribe button look at that i put it right by the girl because i know you guys are looking i would be too no hate they are part of the package so become part of the pug cult okay so remember tlc in this show one thousand pound sisters yeah there's some big mama we have dabbled in the 1 000 pound sister realm a bit on this channel and spoke about them quite a few times well last video that we did the doctor told tammy she got about five years to live and she has to lose weight in order to increase that lifespan and we were all surprised with the five years not that it was short we were more surprised that it seemed very long i personally feel like she is one nothing but bundt cake away i'm just collapsing on the ground like to me looking at her her health is just non-existent but he gave her that information and we were hoping that we were going to come back when we did another video on the 1000 pound sisters that tammy was actually sticking to the program you know i was supposed to just bring in the good news and serve it to you so that it could set you up for a very positive and happy healthy day well people today is not that day it's so far from that day because i saw this tammy gains 50 pounds in 30 days 60 pounds in 30 days that's more than a pound a day the doctor gave tammy five years to live and homegirl said nah nah nah dog you challenging me boy let's make my life span about a month so tammy's just been eating and she girl tammy girl you need to get your life together ah it's in the title i know you guys like that ah we're just we just love that fun on this channel okay let's check this out so you're on insulin right now yes i heard five shots a day okay okay so for those of you who do not know this is tammy and amy's brother and apparently according to your guys's comments i haven't looked it up research team i know you're watching let me know but from what i've seen i've seen another sibling in another video they all obese yeah i'm not to use correct grammar for that sentence they all obese are some big people they put my family who are very large people like circular to shade that's sad you don't want to beat that we don't want all of this battled against the obeses that's what i feel like is going on in this world today who can get just the fattest so that you can snag a show on tlc any other medical problems you take medicine for asthma high blood pressure high cholesterol you know i got the whole list yes he does holy crap someone call the health at every size warriors out there this guy is spreading the stigma that obesity puts you at risk of a list of different health issues asthma high blood pressure high cholesterol you know i got the whole list how dare he spread misinformation or whatever bull y'all say i mean at least he's a good sport about it i think i might like him like he doesn't sound super sensitive like he can laugh at his pretty deadly conditions god i like those people sometimes i make jokes about myself or like my endometriosis and pcos and i'll get a comment saying that's not funny you shouldn't joke about that so first of all you're telling me how to deal with what issues i have in seconds do y'all ever just laugh or do you have to be serious about every single thing because you would not survive in my family i have people in my family on their death beds cracking jokes about being on their deathbed it's quite sad but sometimes so comedic relief is very much needed but here's what i'll tell you the the medical problems that you've told me about the majority of those you have roughly about 80 to 85 chance of resolving those oh he better not say it he better not suggest weight loss surgery if you have weight loss surgery and anyway um i was listening to someone that was in the fat positive movement who believes in fat positivity and they were talking about how doctors are very fat phobic and i can actually understand what she was saying i don't agree with everything that she was saying obviously i think about 95 of what i was hearing was very idiotic but that five percent i did agree with she was saying how when a lot of fat people go to the doctor no matter what like if they have a broken femur and they're hobbling in there they're full of pain and the doctor looks at them they're like well did you ever think about losing weight that that'll probably help or weight loss surgery according to the person that i was listening to they always suggest weight loss when you are obese which weight loss will probably benefit someone who is obese in a lot of different ways but it's not always the solution to every single issue that you're having so that part i can understand but anyway i can imagine that a lot of people from that movement think that this guy watching this clip if you have weight loss surgery and you're compliant with eating the way that we want you to afterwards is now fat phobic because he said that this obese man who wants um weight loss surgery should get weight loss surgery [ __ ] you doctor you fat phobic piece of [ __ ] god it's so easy being fat positive you just cuss everybody out so from that standpoint you're an excellent candidate so chris how much do you think you weigh right now not too long ago i waited and it was right at 4 20. first of all we got a little boomhauer lingo right there not too long ago i waited and it was right here i've been thinking about y'all and y'all dang ol bottom and all what's gonna get moving again i think and second the full 20. i'm sure my weed heads are out there making comments in the comments section but anyway 420 wow holy crap why is this show only about 1 000 pound sisters they could have been like the five thousand pound family put them all on the show they all need to be covered you want to see what you weigh yeah all right let's do it oh i hope you lost weight i hope he did because he it's needed come on man we already know tammy's ass is gaining weight don't let us down shoot don't let yourself down 397 and a half three nine to seven point five [ __ ] you've been sticking to the program good for you in like eight years since i've been under 400 pounds tammy smiling though she knows she gained weight or do you get so large because she is a very large woman i think she's over 600 pounds now or something like that but you get like so large that like when you gain weight you just don't even notice like an average person like if i put on 50 pounds y'all would be like uh michelle maybe reduce the hot cheeto consumption but someone her size who doesn't move she barely looks at her body she's doing a lot of sitting she's just sits in her house all day does she really notice how much weight she puts on at that size i feel like when you get to a certain size it's just like put on another 50 pounds okay chris lost 20 pounds in a month and i'm happy for him i mean she might be happy for him usually when i'm happy for people i smile but i think she's just got at least just a little bit of jealousy going on what i don't think the scale's accurate because i don't believe i'm under 400 pounds isn't that a nice feeling though i love getting clients and they finally get on the damn routine of just counting calories staying at that slight calorie deficit getting at least like 30 minutes of activity in a day and then they do the key thing that you have to do stay consistent and then we step on the scale and they're just like but i've tried everything how did i lose weight they didn't try everything they didn't try staying consistent and they just don't believe it i love seeing that very sweet moment here look how happy he is he's so proud of himself and we are so proud of him too i'm gonna tell you this it's been like eight years since i've been under 400 pounds yes this is a very big moment i really hope he's a good person i feel like whenever i make videos someone has to come and be like well this person did that and they're a horrible person they've already been exposed you guys did that when i did the first video on amy and tammy so once again my researchers out there let me know is he a good person has they been canceled what's the sich people let mama michelle know but in general seeing people just lose weight and get healthier and then be happy about those results just the feels so tammy do you have any idea what you're weighing right now tammy she looking real shifty she might not know what she weighs but she knows she hasn't been sticking to the plan that face just looks like she's saying oh here it goes uh sorry doc i've actually started redoing my chubby bunny challenges is the five year thing still a thing or is it lower let us know now i know from dr proctor's records i think we were right around 5.95 on the last visit is that correct okay well i mean good news for us i thought she was over 600 pounds she's not she's a 595 which is still very sad and very heavy and you can clearly see she's not a very happy person it's just a very sad situation i always say i feel bad for her but it's like how long tammy can i feel bad for you i don't watch this show regularly but it seems like they're regular um watchers from reading the comments are just tired of tammy and her excuses and her blaming other people so for me this is fairly new but for other people who have been watching the show consistently they seem like they've been dealing with her full of excuse ass for years and they tired so you want to see what this weight is no she don't if i have to see she don't want to get on there i wouldn't if i knew i was doing chubby bunny challenges and eating whatever else she's been eating she knows what's up she knows she has not been doing what she's supposed to be doing so that she can have a positive result on that scale 50 pounds i could understand maybe like a pound or two maybe that's weight fluctuation but 50. yeah we got to get it done we got to start somewhere okay all right oh my goodness imagine you're tammy you're about 600 pounds and you're on this show that tlc put together and when you do anything like getting up they play the most dramatic ass music y'all just let me get my big old booty on the scale without your dramatic ass anyway okay let's watch i am nervous getting on the scale all i can think about is i hope the number don't go up see tammy you wouldn't have to worry about that if you were actually sticking to the program but you know that you haven't been and unfortunately that scale's about to go way up like half of a hundred pounds [Music] all right i hate to just nitpick at people's bodies but this is all about tammy's body but this is extreme full-on morbid obesity her stomach is damn near her knee honestly is this her knee or is this her knee either way this is sad because we can't even locate her knee and i am just still flabbergasted that there are people out here walking among us they could be your neighbor who say that obesity is great obesity is fine and there is no scientific evidence that being obese causes an array of health issues high blood pressure high cholesterol there are people out there like that that say that i'm a horrible person when i say that obesity is not something you want to be guys that's our world congrats world here's your trophy you're gross take your time [Music] y'all goodness such a small step is hard for her just stand right there in the middle and you can use those rails [Music] so we're at 6 44 and a half right now damn look at that sad face though this is horrible like i said you want to feel bad for that little you you okay by now we know she's fat you want to feel bad for that face but it's also like girl get your [ __ ] together like a lot of the fans of the show are saying we can only feel bad for so long and a lot of the fans don't feel bad for her anymore [Music] okay so you know when you're like what 12 and you have like a little sibling or like just a sibling in general and you guys are coming home from school and you've got your good old report card and you're like oh i didn't do too well and i gotta show my mom whoops and for some reason your siblings start sprinting ahead of you and they for some reason show your mom their report card first and theirs is just great actually better than gray the teacher even put a little star on their report card and then you gotta hand over your freshly farted stanky sad excuse of a report card to your mom and her face looks like this and your siblings look like this and you you look like tammy i didn't even think that was humanly possible you know gaining 50 pounds in 30 days you almost have to exert yourself and overeat on purpose to gain that kind of weight agree but i can honestly believe that someone can put on 50 pounds in a month but the way that she's eaten the way that i've seen my family eat shoot the way that i used to binge how many calories i could put down in just one sitting and then wait a couple hours and eat some more that's very realistic only thing that helps slow my weight gain not stop it because remember you can't outwork out a bad diet so cheesy but so true i tried didn't work so now imagine tammy someone who just does not move ever [ __ ] she's gonna be putting on weight rapidly if she's just binging and binging and sitting and sitting and binging and binging that's her whole day yeah does anyone think that she's just eating to gain weight on purpose she could be but i personally think that she's just given up on life and she's just gonna write out her days eating whatever the hell she wants feel like food is her only source of happiness at this point which now arose a question that i thought of who is giving her all of this food these people always seem to have an enabler i guess now she could order from ubereats or whatever y'all do but she can't leave her house it's hard for her to even get into a car let alone get up and walk and get to the car i mean remember in the last video she couldn't even walk to the front of her house into the mailbox they had to get the chair for her so who's getting her all of this food someone has to be enabling her which isn't their fault but they are somewhat responsible because if my loved one had an issue shoot you can't move you you can't drive guess who's about to be the fittest one in the family yo ass i'm about to say a very fat phobic statement watch out just trigger warned you so your issue if you stay but no one's allowed to be fat who lives with me i won't let that happen my boyfriend just said he gained weight due to lack of exercise staying inside more and just not being as observant from what he's eating guess what i did the very next day bill prepped everything like i said no one's gonna be fat who lives with me and if you have a goal i'm going to make sure that you get there i will not enable people to make bad choices if i live with tammy guess who's not getting what you probably want and you're going to be mad but that's okay let me just close the door you can't move anyway you'll be fine cause that's well that's a pound of the third a day girl your brother is also disappointed in you we are disappointed in you the doctor's disappointed in you but are you disappointed in yourself enough to actually change i just don't believe that she is tammy's been doing nothing but eating yup that's it it's sad tammy's out here acting like the doctor didn't give her five years to live acting like she got time to spare so as you can see since the last video tammy's life is really just going downhill she gains 50 pounds in a month apparently her sister is moving out now well the baby's coming soon and we have no room in that house we're thinking about getting a bigger place i don't know why you're trying to make a big deal about this because it's a legitimate concern they want to leave let them couldn't care less just gonna say it she cares a lot she got very just it felt like she got very defensive right there plus she got the same look she had when her brother lost weight irritated oh but look here she's smiling tammy's boyfriend comes home to visit and this is him a very thin black guy my name is jerry and i'm 45 years old and i'm from north carolina winston-salem pointing out his color because i know i'm gonna get comments from other people that are black about a very thin black guy going for a very morbidly obese woman i'm not sure about other communities but i know in the black community there's just this stereotype that very thin black men love oversized women honestly it's a thing that we make fun of in our family but like i said it's all over the place it's not just the black community it is a full-on this word that i can't say or i get demonetized which is feederism futurism or fat is defined as the feeding of an overweight or obese partner or encouraging the partner to eat large quantities of food i want to do a video on it but i feel like it's going to get demonetized and then whenever i get demonetized nobody sees it which sucks because i put a lot of work in my videos thanks youtube ass anyway he's married no not to tammy he flew into where tammy is located to see tammy and is cheating on his wife with tammy we can dig deeper into this very obviously loving relationship in the future it took you so damn long to get here whatever man beautiful out here well the best part about it is me yeah yeah definitely another video pick it up pick it up pick it up pick it up you see the dripping i'm fitting up in my car in the video [Music] pick it up
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 210,965
Rating: 4.970108 out of 5
Keywords: Tammy Gained 50lbs in 30 Days, 1000 lb sisters, tammy slaton, tammy slaton boyfriend jerry, tammy slaton weight loss
Id: Eg3P0zTdlo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 6sec (1146 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 24 2021
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