Gabbie Hanna Spends 18,000 on beauty but still UGLY (on the inside)

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oh I love these thank you for tuning in I'm having a hard time right now so I wanted to do a little mock bang so make me feel better eat away my feeling I just don't know who I am right now I feel like a chicken nugget I feel up my soul I'm black I'm pretty sure I'm a burrito I'm just confused I don't know what are yet but I do know that Gabi Hannah is a little she is officially canceled you see the jumping unfitted up in my car in the kitty I feel secure buddy I get to hey guys before we start I wanted a shout out I see cute who made this cute drawing of me and my baby girl Yoshi thank you so much if you want art featured in my video all you have to do is draw and tag me on Instagram or Twitter so that I can see it thanks for all the adorable artwork hello youtube it of you're new here welcome my name is Michele McDaniel I am a personal trainer a proud mother of a smart adorable precious hug and pops theater nerd turn grown-up cosplayer and for my little cosplaying soul this month we are doing influencer month which might trickle down into December and today we are cosplaying as the infamous always on the floor crying Trisha Paytas I got the sparkles on my face I got this shirt from Amazon it was very cheap so I was very happy about that Thank You Trisha we're all about the cheap on this channel no as you see from this hello we aren't talking so much about sheep today we are talking about someone that I have never talked about before her constant never really interested me but I've seen a lot of youtubers talking about it there's all this drama going on with the YouTube community that I'm not in because I am NOT a big youtuber I'm a youtuber that Shops at Ross but because I watched about two videos about the controversy I got recommended one of her videos so we are going to talk about Gabby Hanna so I don't want to get super super deep into like the story about Gabby Hanna but basically what's going on is that Trisha Paytas the girl that I'm cosplaying today once I know and recorded a video on her kitchen Florida is calling a Gabby Hannah out her name is Gabby Hannah and look here's the thing first and foremost yes she's a freakin drama queen I'm in for Kanchana Peeta and saying that basically cancel wing at Gabby Hannah and just for the record and I'm not gonna marry well some of us a lot of people don't like her Loki behind the scenes a lot of people who like her makes you the bad friend she's a very scary person oh my gosh she is so what is up wow this is crazy this is weird this actually gives me like really creepy bad vibe it was very very adamant about saying that she's a scary person this actually gives me a really creepy bad bad bad vibe in the sense that it's like kind of scary bad person a person only cares only cares about herself and then what did the internet do naturally when they saw such a PETA is seeing all of this on her kitchen floor they said girl you're lying you're looking for attention you're crazy here on the floor get up off the floor Trisha but nobody really believed her because that's what sure she does that she is she likes to be a lot but she wants to be very extra you swab my vagina and then when everyone was calling Trisha a liar the headman's just blurted open and a girl called Jessi smiles came out with a video title Gabi Hannah needs to be stopped where she had a story where she had receipts she basically cancelled Gabi Hannah in a single video without blatantly saying I canceled Gabi Hannah she just told her sorry and the internet decided that Gabi is now cancelled so if you aren't really into that drama then you can go check out the video I made sure to link it below there is a ton of videos out there about it but basically Gabi is just supposedly as is I don't know her but according to these youtubers that Gabi is just not the best person something really horrible happened to Jesse at a party the r-word can't say it on YouTube Gabi was basically really good friends with Jessie the girl I came out with that canceled video and and Jesse you know told Gaby what happened with this other guy while she was asleep and Gabby basically just said she's a liar and decided go hang out with a guy that did something to Jesse while she was asleep once again if you need the whole story it is so because I watched a whopping two count'em two videos I got recommended my $18,000 beauty routine not clickbait by Gabby Hanna now I don't like to judge people and like I said I'm not one of those popular youtubers I'm not in LA ever I think I can count how many times I go to LA I don't feel they need to go to LA I hear so much drama because I have friends that love that community and love being in LA and just they want that lifestyle so they're constantly trying to you know be friends people who have the popularity like a Gabby Hannah so I do hear a lot of things from my close friends not at me Hannah specifically but the amount of money that these people put down to just make themselves perfect is astonishing and my little five foot to stuff that's offset Roz is just baffled by the amount of money people put into their outer appearance and that's not to say like I don't like to look a certain way I like to spend time like in the gym and eating healthy to make sure that I have you know the health and the look that I want but I'm talking just dropping almost $20,000 in a day or two on things like facials is that not extreme or am I just am I just an alien so I just thought it was very interesting that at this moment there are so many people on YouTube making videos about how horrible Gabby Hanna is on the inside how much of just a horrible person she is in here and this sugar just live in her life doing her thing and not even caring didn't even address any of the allegations and decides to just try to fix that everything that she can out here so I got very interested I wanted to step into a rich person's life and see all these amazing magical treatments that they get to make them look so much better than us I'm not saying she's ugly but I expect if you're dropping $18,000 I'm expecting you to look like a snapchat filters so that is what I'm expecting from this and we are going to wash it together so sit back relax and let's step into the world of a rich youtuber welcome back hi guys this is Jade hi Jade okay just right from the beginning we are going to cut through a lot of the crap because it just feels like a lot of forced laughter a lot of hobbling because she hurt her foot so she really wants to like make sure everybody knows that her foot or ankle is her - I don't think I can bend my knee literally at all yeah some pimple touching going on I'm not into looking at other people's pimple and you know how to work around the pimple mm-hmm it's huge though dr. pimple popper is not on my playlist when I watch shows more deaths no less pimple popping so let's get into the treatments she got the first treatment was lip fillers so $600 does anybody else get sick looking at needles go into the skin I don't know why I'm so squeamish with needles but I am sensitive minute oh you guys think I'm so like tough because I got muscles you know little bugs but every single time I go to the doctor to get blood work I literally tell them look I have an issue with needles like I will hyperventilate I can even black out if I really like don't control myself and they look at me because I'm muscular and because I'm just very um alpha they they're like oh you'll be fine and then I have a freakout movement they look at me like I'm an idiot like I told you I told you on the baby I'm gonna get me like I'm dumb I feel like I could just never voluntarily put a needle in my mouth like I said it's so normal over here in California I'm not sure in other places I feel like it's just like a normal thing now but especially I've noticed just in California and LA I think almost every single person I know gets lip injections regularly and then there's my app I can't even look at it it just makes me so sick aren't there duckie mm-hmm clock so then she gets a non-surgical nose job for $2,000 I've never heard of this but I guess it's when they injects fillers or whatever they do the lips I just inject it in the nose to change the shape of it in my face mmm yeah this numbing cream is incredible there's not a ton in my glitches are a little bit so how many of you would get that done so then she gets chin fillers $700 chin is the worst I mean so bad for you lord I would die on this you're the chin is so loud oh my god sorry ah then she even says that it hurts so that just makes my chin of her without me even getting anything done just watching it makes my chin like my Chin's burning right now is anyone else's changes like on fire that's cute God that makes me so sick next procedure Botox in the forehead for a $300 thank you people say they get Botox for migraines you guys have to tell me in the comment section any of these things that you would get or have fun and tell me your real experience just in case I ever changed my mind or ever get over my fear of needles oh I brought those bags around my eyes on their genetic a lot of people my family have them ever since I was little and the doctor said the only thing that I can do to get rid of it is to get some type of in I don't know like the exact term I just I can't I have absolutely no attention going in as I age I'm just gonna age that's what's gonna happen most likely so there's you want to get her teeth clean for 140 teeth cleaned first I'm a little insecure Lynette because I couldn't find my floss this morning and I just want to let you know that purse that I'm not always disgusting she then had to get x-rays done for 360 and then she had a brac throughout a lot of the video about not ever having copies and then it ends up that she has company so that cost her a big whopping five thousands of 164 dollars 10 a tooth Jim that she was not too happy about and she wanted to get it removed to the suture line by Gemma getting her chipped tooth fix was six hundred the only thing I've going for me is my smile and then to top it all off even though the interest said that her enamel is very weak she wanted to get her teeth whitened and so she ended that visit with $450 teeth whitening is anybody else thinking man I could just buy the whole store of Ross was just the ditches visit but she's not done yet we've got laser hair removal which I'm also scared of I will just shave until I die it gets her late baggy pics and booty hold laser six thousand five hundred eighty eight dollars I definitely know we can buy everything in Ross for that price next is a hydro facial I'm gonna get a hydro facial which I literally have no idea what that means the hydro facial treatment starts with a cleansing by removing the dead skin cells and excess sebum from the skin then the hyzer pill tip is used to essentially vacuum out blackheads dirt oil and impurities while hydrating plumping and nourishing Stern's are stimuli applied to the skin okay so let's speed this up a little bit so she could in the walk she wanted to make sure once again that everybody knew that she was having trouble walking okay I just can't crutch walk anymore did she hurt her ankle so she had this guy carry her kilos thrilled and then when she got to the appointment she talked so much I'm not sure if it's just me but I've had a few facials and I supposed to talk about never talks that much and a lot of the procedures that she was getting done she was moving so much like when she was getting her butthole like lasered she was moving when you open up the lip I personally don't want to move in those situations because what if one wrong move like ruins my butthole so then she shows us what's in her face do you see this are these chunks from my face and that was great and then it's time for micro blading which is $1,000 you're supposed to keep up with them every like six months to a year but it's me so it's been two years there's a little bit left but not really so we're getting a little touch-up while I can't work out because you know we have just such a fit that's Queen and she also keeps showing everyone the epic a big video of her falling epically oh wait I'd read it it would show you what happened we have to show her you guys think this is what happened are you ready I'm scared you should be let me tell you running at full speed in pugs socks as you run away from Yoshi and then slapping your whole body especially you're talking to the fridge is maybe not epic but that is definitely me and everybody laughs see pucks off okay so one more thing I don't need to be over critical but I do have misophonia and that is the heat strip of like sound and my sound is eating loudly I haven't think against people who eat like Neanderthals so I am actually very judgmental when it comes to food in people's mouths and the way that they are eating and she's an open mouth eater so I'm just having a hard time it says a lot when you eat with your mouth open what do you think Jade perfect isn't it crazy stunning doesn't it look like there's legit nothing on my brows all right so we got through all of that I mean technically I got through all of that because I cut out a significant amount of the video for your guys's sake but at the end of the video she had to make sure to show her audience the epic fall again so this is a week and a half after my little fall but let me show you some of the things that I had to sit through during this 26 minutes along a video watch like an appropriate amount look firm orgies let me see you give me a little strut great these yeah these I was looking in the camera and not at you do you feel that yeah I can actually your tongue feels a little all right so let's break up my thoughts and opinions on this the treatments so I mean the brows looks great I think the brow was a good one and I think that looks amazing I'm a little so I can't get any of that done I don't like pain the only pain that I can handle is from the gym and at my period because I'm forced to have that pain but that's about it that's all I can handle everything else I mean if I'm spending eighteen thousand dollars on a treatment I need to be perfect I need to look like an angel mixed with that heart snapchat filter and a dash of soda shop I just expect a lot if I'm spending almost twenty thousand dollars I just think it's so wild that people have that much money and will spend that much money on a treatment when this chick over here won't even spend over 20 bucks on a shirt and if I do I have to think hard because I would rather spend my money on food my opinion on Gabby's channel I wouldn't watch this I'm gonna be real it was very hard to watch my boyfriend left the room and he was eating we usually eat downstairs he just left he literally wants the dining room and ate in the corner away from away from Gabi um let me see give me a little strut I'm just very confused how someone can have over six million subscribers with content like this because I don't find entertaining maybe I'm just old I don't know what's in I personally just don't want to watch people go through their normal routine unless they're very entertaining and I was not entertained I mean would you guys like to watch Gabi go through her daily routine and squeal when she gets her vagina lasered not my thing but no hates anyone if it is your thing my opinion on Gabi so we are gonna base this basically on what I saw in this video because like I really don't want to watch any more of her videos I'm really just not a huge fan of her personality it seems like a Jake Paul situation faking a personality in front of a camera she's trying to be like oh I'm this quirky awkward girl I'm so weird I'm quirky I fall sometimes yo you look hot right now yeah I love what I'm watching youtuber and I get that feeling like oh this is like a genuine personality like this is their personality I understand that when you're on camera you kind of like beef it up because we are here to entertain you but at the same time I just don't feel like this is her and I didn't get that genuine feeling when I was watching it I felt like I was watching just someone try to be something because they want to be relatable or quirky my flying squirrel arm because I've been able to work out look how jiggly is work though like have your opinions on Trisha Paytas but I feel like anything that's her that's her on camera I mean her videos are like 30 minutes long can you bake it for that long I know I can't about Gabi I mean who who watches this six point six million people saw content like this insane i'ma subscribe this good yeah I don't get it I hated it all the way through so that's my opinion on Gabby Hanna since one of her videos got recommended to me even though I would never ever watch a video like that but I did and I added to her paycheck to be able to spend eighteen thousand dollars on procedures at like lasering her booty hole aren't you guys proud do you guys want my thoughts or opinions on another topic youtuber situation reality show anything let me know in the comment section this is what this channel is about you asked my thoughts and I give them to you usually in cosplay or some type of weird outfit so don't be shy this is a safe zone but really leave a comment if you enjoyed this channel make sure to hit that subscribe button and a thumbs up the video so you don't miss my future ones we've got quite a bit of content coming your way and don't forget to check me out on Instagram and Twitter I mentioned only everything in the description box below for your convenience thank you so much for watching I'll see you guys next time you see the jumpy unfitted up in my carnage kitty do you secure the bag I get the bucket pick it up pick it you see the trippy I'm fitting it up in my car and kitty I secure the bike yeah I get the bug I'm gonna flexor stretch [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 662,565
Rating: 4.9426641 out of 5
Keywords: gabbie hanna the monster, gabbie hanna what if im the monster, gabbie hanna subscriber count, MY 18000 BEAUTY ROUTINE NOT CLICK BAIT, LASER HAIR REMOVAL, NOSE JOB, non surgical nose job, GABBIE HANNA NEEDS TO BE, gabbie hanna needs to be stopped, gabbie hanna needs to be stopped summary, gabbie hanna needs to be stopped trisha, JESSI SMILES, GABBIE HANNA CANT STOP LYING, why i dont trust gabbie hanna, why i dont trust gabbie hanna reaction, why i dont trust gabbie hanna summary
Id: DiV-rycNccM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 2sec (1082 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 25 2019
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