Fat Reality Show Star Becomes Personal Trainer! (My Big Fat Fabulous Life)

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[Music] well let's see what we're going to be offended about today a fat chick wants to be a trainer you see the trippy unfitted up in my car in the kitty I secure the bag I get the bugs okay hey guys this video is sponsored by me and my 12 week program if you would like more info on how to join the program and support group stick around until the end of the video also today the donuts in my small business are now restocked at 10 a.m. PST so if you would like a protein donut the link for that is below as well hello youtube welcome back to the channel my name is michelle mcdaniel I'm a personal trainer Oh proud mother of it yo she's not in her normal spot but a proud mother of a pub a paps theatre nerd got a grown up cosplayer it was out of costume today looking relatively normal for the most part right now we'll see if the last to stay on today I'm sure if they don't you guys will tell me in the comment section you always do and this is my channel my thoughts or eyelashes we'll probably a fin at least one person that's what happens when you share your opinion about anything so if there is anything if any today let us know in the comments section tell the world what is offending you this is the place to do it and while you're down there going through internet raids of whatever is offending you you might as well click that subscribe button so you can tell us what is offending you on a regular basis because I posed 2 to 3 times a week so you guys have been slipping and sliding into my DMS about my big fat fabulous life star Whitney Way thore and how she announced that she is going to be a personal trainer Michele did you see what Whitney Way thore said she wants to be a personal trainer let me repeat that a personal trainer what do you think about that before you answer if you haven't noticed she's fat so before I give those people my opinion who wanted it so badly because I got a ton of messages about this and people I feel like they just want me to rip to shreds like that girl whose goal is to be a personal trainer let's react to a few clips from her show from a few seasons ago so let's first meet Whitney's past trainer in a clip titled Whitney breaks down well my back is not good ok what's the diagnosis well the chiropractor said he took new x-rays and stuff he said it's the same problem that I had and that is it's not like slipped discs or anything like that but he said I hope she knows these things now and what to do in this situation if one of her clients come to her with any type of issue now that she's a trainer and she just doesn't make this face he said something on this side is wrong here his face is my face when I have a client that is just full of excuses their whole body it's full of just 100% excuse and they're telling me oh I can't do this my back hurts and I'm like where and they're like right here this [ __ ] and then later that day I go ultra spy mode and look at their Instagram but in a cool way like in a really cool spy outfit and they're at the club hop in their back more than it deadlift ever could the thing about will is that ever since I gained the weight back I feel like he doesn't trust me so Whitney has a history of gaining weight back how's the nutrition been the most important part well it's I'd say largely well it's not great whenever I work with the client like this I like to compare it to school because most of my clients have children so I say what if your client was having a hard time hi guys editing Michelle here oh my gosh this is so embarrassing I just had clients god I am such an idiot I met child knots clients I meant child okay please don't make fun of me I'm so sensitive I can't take any criticism okay bye in school he was not studying and you told them you have to study so that you can have a better result when it comes to your test so after about a few weeks you asked them hey miss patty called and she told me that you guys have a test in a week and you guys have been prepping for about a month for the for the test and I just want to know how's your uh how's your studying going and they go [Music] well not great you would be like you had a whole month to study why didn't you prepare just like most clients get weight every week or every month you had a whole month to prepare orthey scale and then when your trainer asks you how's your nutrition going you go not good oh I hadn't and what would you give yourself oh that's an S so she did fail that's not even a D that's absolutely no effort I thought maybe you know like not so great was like okay a few things here and there I can do like way better because a lot of my clients will give themselves an F and then I'll look at their food journal and I'm just like this is an F work you just you know you had his laughs you little slip-ups it's gonna happen what she should have said when he asked how her diet was instead of making that face she could have just been completely clear and say you see sir my diet is completely and utterly I have literally done nothing to better myself except hurt my back and not work out and then silly trashy with less activity five what do you think are our chances of actually accomplishing that goal that we set this is my face when my client family member friends anybody some of you in the comments section wit to have replied to say I can't lose weight I've done everything but they refuse to count calories to make sure they're at that very important calorie deficit but then they also say they will do anything to lose weight listen if you are someone who s up on your diet as a trainer we know that you are going to mess up occasionally if I had a client that just went from point A to point B their goal in just a straight Swift line I will need my tinfoil hats because I would think that they were an alien trying to do something with my brain but we know it's not going to be easy but what we want is when you mess up for you to be proactive and start game planning so when you mess up again it's not that bad and you learn from your mistakes to give you an example I was a huge binge eater those ten thousand calorie videos that people are so proud of nothing I could probably do 30,000 30,000 really isn't that much when you're eating a very calorie dense junk food especially me I grew up eating sugar fused by the handful get on my level if binging is what you're so proud of I have to sit down and think because my goal was to change which is also Whitney's goal okay why did I just binge and I noticed that whenever I would binge I was a very emotional venture too but I started noticing that I would let myself get extremely hungry even if I was emotional because if I was emotional then I would you know cry about something for hours and then I would let myself get to that hungry state and then my emotional mist would take over me therefore I would binge because I was maybe happier sadness and didn't really matter if I was happy I would eat if I was sad out and because I was so hungry and because I could put so much food away I would then binge so I had to ask myself what can I do to help avoid that I would always try to eat before I would get that angry crazy hunger and I'm the backup I would keep healthy snacks in my kitchen so that I would also have not have an excuse to because I went to my parents at the time to pick up the pop-tarts that are very you know very quick and easy to open I would have cut up some fruit and already half the calories already like measured out for myself so if I eat it it's already in my food journal done I would keep you in like cold protein and chopped up lettuce and boiled eggs so then I mean that's fast food I can just go get it put it in a bowl put some salad dressing eat it done I noticed my hands like to grab things quite naughty so I kind of learned that for myself from my mistake and then I got better as I went and that's not to say that I didn't screw up but it really really helped to know that I just need to make sure to eat before I get hungry and then I have my backup of healthy food in the fridge this is becoming less important to you than it was when we sat down and talked in the beginning about starting back and trying to reach some goals my back has been hurt for three weeks that has nothing to do with the food that's what I'm trying to get okay so that is how a lot of interactions went with Whitney and her trainer she would have an excuse back is not good he even makes this face while she complains trainer then responds it has nothing to do with the food and then she makes this face and then the cycle would continue until Whitney's trainer breaks up with her as a client are you okay yeah you sure no I'm just frustrated for the opening scene I can't remember exactly I saw the whole episode of long time ago and they only had the clips on the YouTube channel but I'm pretty sure she had gained weight or she had another excuse or something happened I'm pretty sure it was her gaining weight and she left the scene and ran out into her car to go crying and then her trainer who runs outside to go see if she is okay it's just a lot to take on what is this this this is I think what this is this is what I'm talking about what happened to the healthy bars that I told you you could keep in your car in case you away from your food that was key for me I've actually eaten them all this stuff takes you further away from you go yep let's repeat that takes you further away from you go this man is speaking the gospel truth back when the world was a new all right dizzy okay I'm done please don't what do you monetize this video Yoshi's gotta eat for me you look at this and you think how bad it is and I look at this just I completely get what she's saying but from a personal trainers perspective when you have a client who needs to learn how to be healthier and you're teaching her how to make better choices you don't want them to grab a big cookie that's right a big cookie a whole big cookie and for one of those you could have had an actual meal that would keep you full as a trainer we want our clients to make better choices not get this big cookie and then try to keep it in their car and make a good decision when they most likely bones you don't want them to put themselves in that situation and in the video shoot not losing weight so she's clearly not making the best decision you should leave a buy this I shouldn't have made the decision like everything you know it spills onto everything else and then I'm in the middle of the day and I'm starving so I go and I make a choice that is not a great choice but I try to make it better make the choices during the planning stage yes bring this brother returns laying it out you don't wait until your yes yes yes this is a huge tip people people who struggle with food this is a huge tip like I said don't wait until your only option is something that's going to get you farther away from your goals the planning stage is so important and a lot of people don't plan I don't know how many times I've been out with a friend who says they can't lose weight and someone will hand them a certain type of Street and they just snapped it and throw it in their mouth and I'm like huh let's look at this nutrition list and there's four servings in this tiny little package which equals over a thousand calories and you just ate it in about 0.5 second but ok you can't lose weight it's too late then Whitney you're not that strong don't leave it to willpower it is so important for people starting out like when the beginning I didn't have any willpower none of my friends ate healthy whenever we got together it was always food and just just sitting and just more food and more food and more food though I had to kind of cut myself out of those situations for a while because I didn't have the willpower to stop and I get a lot of comments saying Michele I want to lose weight so bad I have trouble with food I have a food addiction but all my friends eat really unhealthy but I'll do anything to lose weight but I still want to go out with my friends on a regular basis if you really want to lose weight and you don't have the willpower to play yourself in those situations to say no then you gotta cut it out until you get enough willpower and that's the tsys so then he fires her and personally I think that was a good move okay you know I've had to fire clients before and I'm sorry but we're at that point and I'm just gonna have to let you go in most trainers careers at least once or twice you have to let a client go it sucks but when it happened to me two times the first time I felt like crap she made me feel extremely horrible but at the same time I felt worse continuously taking her money for someone that just wasn't sitting - the program wasn't doing anything to better herself just kind of going through the motions with me and oh she was pissed but years later she thanked me and just like Whitney they will always guilt-trip use where we are right now I'm shocked and it sucks because to feel like someone who you really want to care about you can just give up on you they will cry they will say you don't care but I think he's letting her go because he does care it sucks but I'm not going to Train someone who wants to lose weight and hasn't lost anything in fact gain weight and continues to have excuse after excuse it's time to bring Keyshia Cole's words into yo life and let it go so those videos were three years ago and now Whitney Way thore wants to be a personal trainer herself Whitney aims to become a personal trainer to break stigma around plus-sized woman Whitney has been putting her all in workouts and she is making sure that within a few months time she can become a personal trainer Whitney Way thore has been shifting her focus onto things that are challenging and one of the things on her to-do list is to become a personal trainer the bigger picture in Whitney's mind is to make sure that she gets into personal training Whitney believes it will be a big change because people do not usually expect someone her size to be a personal trainer she feels she would be a good example for every plus-sized person who wants to turn their life around and turn towards fitness she wants to motivate people and send the message that shape and size does not matter one thing that keeps her motivated is the fact that she wants to prove a plus-size woman can do anything doesn't click no on fat people can do anything that anyone else can do and just on the personal trainers side anyone can become a personal trainer you read the textbook you make sure to memorize all the important information and you take all the information and put it on the test you pass the chest and congratulations you're certified you'll want a job the easiest place to get into is LA Fitness they take anyone skinny fat old muscular anyone can be a personal trainer it takes a special person to be able to live the healthy lifestyle and be able to motivate others cater to different types of people be truthful and continue to educate themselves not everyone can do that so should a personal trainer be fat I mean they can be what I want a personal trainer that is obese no but I want a super skinny personal trainer also no so calm down for the people in the back and upset about nothing I want someone that has worked toward a similar goal that I would have and that's to be muscular and athletic looking just like I get tons of people who struggle with binging and sugar addiction they see that I have a handle on it now so they also want someone that is similar and who has done it Whitney to me is still on a journey she's still very close to what she was before and she has a lot of weight to lose but she has lost weight which is great and with that being said this might be good for some people a personal trainer that is going through a same struggle as then going through the journey with them it's not something that I would want personally but I know there's people out there that would want it my only problem is I still think Winnie is still very early in her journey and she has a long way to go and probably a lot to learn about the game and herself you learn a lot about yourself when you're losing weight I kind of line it up with two people who are battling drugs there's one person that's but this is just doing a lot better they've brought they've been away from it for like four or five months and then there's someone else that's coming along I don't know if the best thing that this person guides them throughout their whole journey it's good that they can probably motivate each other but to have this person that's still very fresh into their journey of getting clean to guide other people if I was battling with drugs I don't think I would want that but I think this could be a very positive thing and she just has to deal with probably a lot of people saying why is there a fat personal trainer gear fat which I completely understand is a rude yes but I do understand most personal trainers you usually visualize someone that is athletic looking and I you are an obese person who wants to be a personal trainer you need to be prepared for those comments and be like yep but I'm going through this journey with my client we're gonna do this together and I hope that you are working hard not just banking on this very very trendy thing called fitness and cashing in on very vulnerable people like that first video that I made about the fat personal trainer that gives her client hostess Donuts and charges three times as much for a session than I do okay I linked it below so you might know my opinion now it's your turn to tell me your opinion I love reading in the comments so please tell me your opinion your thoughts I want to hear it and now a word from our sponsor hey you guys if you have been wondering about my program as well it's your lucky day because I'm gonna tell you I've recently taken all the cheaper programs off my website because of the high success rate I'm having with my 12-week program plus support group I'm working on updating all my cheaper programs to try and make it as close to my 12-week program as I can but in the meantime if you are interested this program comes with a 12-week workout routine but the best part and the part that I think is the reason for the success rate is the support group which you get lifetime access to in the group I'm very active I and members post recipes I post free workouts I answer all questions and the people in it are extremely sweet we just had a member purchase a bunch of at-home workout equipment for someone who couldn't get to the gym another number one a Skype session with me for I giveaway but she noticed a fellow member was having a hard time and she gave her at the session instead so that maybe she can get some extra help the members are extremely sweet super nice supportive and it seems that people are learning a lot and able to stick to a program more when they have a community so if a very positive fitness group is something you're interested where you get to stay in forever I linked it below well that is all for me next time I see you I will probably be dressed as a witch doctor shout out to my 90-day fiance freaks out there know exactly who are talking about next bye guys you [Music] you know break free go go go go go go say there's no no no no go high go low low low like spit it in a sinful faux catch money like fiber for bar like ad to phone no sleep pick it up pick it up pick it up pick it up you see the
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 477,049
Rating: 4.8756547 out of 5
Keywords: my big fat fabulous life, my big fat fabulous life full episodes, my big fat fabulous life season 7, whitney way thore, whitney way thore dancing, whitney way thore workout video, tlc, reaction, commentary, comedy, reality tv series, reality television, body image, fat positive, diet excuses, sticking to a diet, michelle mcdaniel, my thoughts, my thoughts will probably offend you, responding to fat chicks
Id: 9HEiihHmdsI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 22sec (1222 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 18 2020
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